President Biden's Epic Arrogant Speech!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Slick Joe was working in the White House today, President Joeseph Biden is one of those politicians that has a side to him that will be dishonest to save his reputation from harm and man o man was it on display during his remarks today on Afghanistan! His gall is shocking, he broke the most fundamental oath Americans expect from their government that it will never leave them behind leave them in the hands of an American enemy, by attacking those left Americans he says well we contacted them nineteen times and they didn't want to leave. Well Joe don't you consider they might have been mislead by the U.S. President who said things like it was highly unlikely that the Taliban were going to overrun the country a President who receives briefs from the U.S. Generals that trained and advised the Afghanistan Army and a U.S. President who says he ultimately believed what the country of Afghanistan would look like is that the Afghan government would control a portion of it and the Taliban would control a portion of it. President Biden in his speech tries to paint these Americans that should have been evacuated as "not really sure they wanted to leave" how much surer can you be Mr. President when they risked their life traveling to the Kabul airport with their U.S. passport in hand. He tries to paint his administration's leaving these Americans behind as not so bad because these left Americans are dual citizens both American and Afghanistan citizens; interesting Mr. President I didn't realize there was two classes of U.S. citizens those with sole and those with dual citizenship and those with dual they don't count as much if providing for their security becomes real difficult the U.S. government gets to say to them we're sorry but you get short changed, dual citizens just do not rate!

President Biden's effort to escape blame for the American military's departure from Afghanistan on August 31st when there was still people that needed to be evacuated is ridiculous. He says my top advisors, the military, the state department they all said that was the right plan there was no dissent. Mr. President what planet do you think the American people are from it cannot be from planet earth; of course they are going to one hundred percent back your plan they all work for you, the Generals from their first day at boot camp they are trained to follow orders, the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor they took jobs in your administration where of there is an implied condition you're coming on board my administration to carry our "my" agenda. Mr. President you made it crystal clear, your agenda and your orders, you are ending America's involvement in the Afghanistan War August 31st and you don't want any more American sons and daughters dying in Afghanistan. Mr. President you did not give them any lead way to dissent with these concrete policy goals, it has no value in defending your actions referencing that they did not dissent! Mr. President if you really were a person of the highest character if you were really a transparent President in your speech you would have acknowledged that your administration made a colossal mistake in vacating Bagram air base so early that is the last location in Afghanistan that the American military should have left because that would have given America options to evacuate deserving evacuees, the Kabul airport in the middle of a an extremely built up City like Kabul would have put departing and landing planes at Kabul at extremely high risk of being shot down or bombed after August 31st considering the variety of weapons that the Taliban have access to.

President Biden speech indicates the President really doesn't think the American people are that smart. In his speech he said America's number one priority with respect to Afghanistan was seeing that the country of Afghanistan was not used as a base for terrorist attacks against America, this priority per him was accomplished so it was appropriate for America to leave Afghanistan. The American people know that al qaeda were close allies with the Taliban in the Afghanistan war, that dozens and dozens of al qaeda operatives were released from Afghanistan government prisons when the government fell and that it is only a matter of time before al qaeda reconstitutes its operation in Afghanistan where they conduct terrorist operations against America and our allies, who does he think he is fooling?

This is a little point but Joseph Biden is the President of the United States the greatest country in the world and history has ever known and so I think he should be accurate in his speeches and maybe I am wrong on this point but he said in his speech that in April I decided to leave Afghanistan by August 31st. I could be wrong but my recollection is back then he said the American military will leave Afghanistan by September 11, the anniversary of 9/11, it was only months later that the administration announced an exit date of August 31st. What kind of jaded and "lack of confidence in human beings" perspective does this man we call our President have saying things like no matter how long we stayed in Afghanistan we were never going to succeed in seeing a unified functioning country for thousands of years Afghanistan has been a dysfunctional country, no appreciation for the power of education and the rule of law and other tools a peoples use to build a country. Many many Afghan people have comported themselves as good, talented, high quality people as good as the same of Americans. It is absolutely wrong to say the Afghan people would never had made it, they had extremely bad luck in their first two Presidents, the first was an off the charts bad man, a traitor to the Afghan people and the second was a person that did not care about doing the job, he did not have the extraordinary character needed to do the job; two things Afghanistan changing its constitution making Islam subordinate to human rights in Afghanistan and Afghanistan having an effective school system would have made a world of difference on the issue of whether or not Afghanistan succeeded as a country. President Biden trying to extricate himself from this catastrophe by trying to paint the Taliban as not so bad referencing them making public announcements that Afghans with the proper paperwork can leave Afghanistan is insulting because the American people hear credible media reports that such Afghans are stopped at Taliban checkpoints when trying to leave the country. President Biden trying to paint the fact that the country of Afghanistan failed and thirty-eight million Afghans are left to live under the heel of a bunch of Taliban barbarians isn't so bad because if the genesis of the 9/11 attack came from Yemen America would never had gone to Afghanistan so the country is today where it would have been if we never came to Afghanistan. But Mr. President we did go to Afghanistan and deposed the government who was harboring a terrorist organization that attacked America we could not leave the country of Afghanistan in anarchy once we removed their government we had a moral obligation to help them create a good government and how we then left that country mattered we should have done it responsibly. President Biden it seemed from his speech wanted to have a high-five party because his administration got out one-hundred and ten thousand "at-risk" Afghans, based on refugee numbers from the fall of Cuba in the 1960's and the fall of Vietnam in the 1970's and based on the murderous and oppressive Taliban regime now that reigns in Afghanistan America should have evacuated three times the number gotten out! Mr. President you abandoned our citizens and our allies in Afghanistan and in doing so disgraced America in the world's eyes beyond words!
Biden is the quintessential lying pos. Thing is, the next day he forgets.
80 billion in military hardware left behind and who knows who many people that could be slaughtered.
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Whenever the Trump cult sore-loser bitches get this upset, you know Biden hit it out of the park.

We get it, losers. Biden makes Trump look bad, which makes the Trump bootlickers look even worse. There's a cure for that. Stop licking boots.
I agree, the fact that any moron would support this piece of trash is total nonsense.
The difference has always been regardless how screwed these Democrats act while POTUS they're at least able to sell it to the Lemmings on the left. This amateur can't even do that.
He cannot go off script without lying.
The primary problem here is these people are doing this intentionally.....and Biden is just the spokesperson for their criminal activity.
The difference has always been regardless how screwed these Democrats act while POTUS they're at least able to sell it to the Lemmings on the left. This amateur can't even do that.
He cannot go off script without lying.
The primary problem here is these people are doing this intentionally.....and Biden is just the spokesperson for their criminal activity.
Yes that is very clear.

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