President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?
He is right.

He is wrong. You are not telling the truth. Op-Ed: The assault weapons ban didn't work. A new version won't, either
Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?

Fuck that child molester/rapist... May him and his fucking Hildabeast burn in hell...
Child molester? You creeps willinvent anything.

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?
He is right.
Oh, c'mon, Coyote.

There is literally no functional difference between these two:


They know this.....which is where the next phase of gun control is going to come from......they get the AR-15 banned, then state all the other semi auto rifles, pistols and shotguns need to be banned because there is no difference in how they actually function......that is the next step...
Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?

Fuck that child molester/rapist... May him and his fucking Hildabeast burn in hell...
Child molester? You creeps willinvent anything.
They don’t call him slick Willy for nothing....
He is a womanizer and sexual predator just like Trump.

But neither are pedos.

Wrong...that is what epstein was doing and the democrats and clinton were along for the ride...
Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?

Fuck that child molester/rapist... May him and his fucking Hildabeast burn in hell...
Child molester? You creeps willinvent anything.

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
What a pity you can't prove he went to that island multiple times without secret service.

But you do have a very fanciful imagination, so there's that.
Just another illustration of the lunacy surrounding the "need" to reinstate the 1994 AWB and the idea it had some effect on any sort of gun-related crime:

M1A AWB.jpg
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now
Meh he can #GoFuckHimself
Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?

Fuck that child molester/rapist... May him and his fucking Hildabeast burn in hell...
Child molester? You creeps willinvent anything.

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
What a pity you can't prove he went to that island multiple times without secret service.

But you do have a very fanciful imagination, so there's that.

It was proven, dipshit....flight logs.....and he had to sign papers to leave the Secret Service can't just say "hey dudes, wait here while I rape some underage girls...."
Slick Willy can go fuck himself… He should mind his own fucking business
Just another illustration of the lunacy surrounding the "need" to reinstate the 1994 AWB and the idea it had some effect on any sort of gun-related crime:

View attachment 274817

Personally, I like the way that rifle looks over the AR-15....never much liked the design of the AR-15.....
I’m getting several of these in next week just in time for deer and Antelope season... He’s a pretty sharp looking.

Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?

Fuck that child molester/rapist... May him and his fucking Hildabeast burn in hell...
Child molester? You creeps willinvent anything.

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
What a pity you can't prove he went to that island multiple times without secret service.

But you do have a very fanciful imagination, so there's that.

It was proven, dipshit....flight logs.....and he had to sign papers to leave the Secret Service can't just say "hey dudes, wait here while I rape some underage girls...."
Dumbfuck, not one single flight log showed he went to that island. If you didn't make shit up, you'd have nothing at all to post.
He is right. Our worst mass shootings used the very weapons that should have been banned.
You cannot demonstrate how the 1994 AWB, left in effect, would have prevented the LV - or any other - shooting.
The weapons used could not have been bought legally as they were.
Your statement is false (see below) - and even if true, he could have obtained pre-ban weapons.
Thus, the fact remains: You cannot demonstrate how the 1994 AWB, left in effect, would have prevented the LV - or any other - shooting.

View attachment 274644
If you are claiming that ban didn’t go far enough I agree. Weapons for mass killing should not be legally bought.

Moving the goal posts much. Typical commie. LMAO

He is right. Our worst mass shootings used the very weapons that should have been banned.

Except for Virginia Tech....32 killed with 2 pistols...

Luby's cafe...24 killed, 2 pistols....

Russian Polytechnic school shooting..... no rifle.....5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...20 killed 40 injured...

Rental Truck, Nice, France, 86 killed, 435 injured.
The majority and our very worst used semi auto rifles with large capacity magazines. That’s a fact! Bill Clinton was so right.

Clinton's DOJ disagreed.

A pair of DOJ studies on the ban found the ban ineffective precisely because the banned firearms were rarely used in crime. A 1997 DOJ study explained that “At best, the assault weapons ban can have only a limited effect on total gun murders, because the banned weapons and magazines were never involved in more than a modest fraction of all gun murders.” A 2004 DOJ study reiterated this point, noting “AWs [assault weapons] and LCMs [large capacity magazines] were used in only a minority of gun crimes prior to the 1994 federal ban” and that “relatively few attacks involve more than 10 shots fired.” The study went on to determine, “the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”

Bill Clinton Touts Failed Gun Ban With Bogus Info

Always looking to capitalize on a tragedy, WJBC stood on the bodies and bathed in the blood of the innocent people killed in El Paso and Dayton,while he pushed his anti-gun agenda:

But the tragedies do keep happening, while the one thing that we know can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings has not been done: reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high-capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994 to 2004.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban Now

Of course, the 1994 AWB did nothing to remove existing weapons from the "streets" and did nothing to prevent the manufacture and sale of functionally identical weapons.

That said:
- How could the 1994 AWB have the effect he claimed?
- How could the 1994 AWB have prevented any of the mass shootings since its sunset?
- How will the reinstatement of the 1994 AWB have any effect any mass shootings whatsoever?
- Given the inefficacy of the ban, illustrated by the answers to the questions, above, what necessity is there for reinstating said ban?
He is right.
Oh, c'mon, Coyote.

There is literally no functional difference between these two:

Yeah there is, I can't put my bayonet on the bottom one.

Fuck that child molester/rapist... May him and his fucking Hildabeast burn in hell...
Child molester? You creeps willinvent anything.

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
What a pity you can't prove he went to that island multiple times without secret service.

But you do have a very fanciful imagination, so there's that.

It was proven, dipshit....flight logs.....and he had to sign papers to leave the Secret Service can't just say "hey dudes, wait here while I rape some underage girls...."
Dumbfuck, not one single flight log showed he went to that island. If you didn't make shit up, you'd have nothing at all to post.


Flight manifests reveal Bill Clinton traveled with Epstein six times, not the four times he admitted

Former President Bill Clinton claimed that he took four trips, accompanied by the Secret Service, on billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" private airplane, but flight manifests reveal at least six separate journeys, two of which were without Secret Service agents.

The two trips not acknowledged by Clinton were from Miami, Florida, to Westchester, New York, in early February 2002, which appears to be the first time that Clinton joined Epstein, and a trip in Asia.

One May 2002 Asian trip, without Secret Service agents, included stops in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and Brunei.

The other, in November 2003, with Secret Service agents, included stops in Norway, Siberia, Hong Kong, and China.
Another divergence from Clinton's account is that the manifests show no Secret Service agents were present for one of the former president's Africa trips with Epstein.

The discrepancies between Clinton's claims and the flight manifests draw the former president deeper into the Epstein scandal. Epstein has also been associated with Prince Andrew and President Trump, a fellow resident of Palm Beach, Florida. Trump reportedly flew with Epstein and in 2002 described him as a "terrific guy," adding: "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
Child molester? You creeps willinvent anything.

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
What a pity you can't prove he went to that island multiple times without secret service.

But you do have a very fanciful imagination, so there's that.

It was proven, dipshit....flight logs.....and he had to sign papers to leave the Secret Service can't just say "hey dudes, wait here while I rape some underage girls...."
Dumbfuck, not one single flight log showed he went to that island. If you didn't make shit up, you'd have nothing at all to post.


Flight manifests reveal Bill Clinton traveled with Epstein six times, not the four times he admitted

Former President Bill Clinton claimed that he took four trips, accompanied by the Secret Service, on billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" private airplane, but flight manifests reveal at least six separate journeys, two of which were without Secret Service agents.

The two trips not acknowledged by Clinton were from Miami, Florida, to Westchester, New York, in early February 2002, which appears to be the first time that Clinton joined Epstein, and a trip in Asia.

One May 2002 Asian trip, without Secret Service agents, included stops in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and Brunei.

The other, in November 2003, with Secret Service agents, included stops in Norway, Siberia, Hong Kong, and China.
Another divergence from Clinton's account is that the manifests show no Secret Service agents were present for one of the former president's Africa trips with Epstein.

The discrepancies between Clinton's claims and the flight manifests draw the former president deeper into the Epstein scandal. Epstein has also been associated with Prince Andrew and President Trump, a fellow resident of Palm Beach, Florida. Trump reportedly flew with Epstein and in 2002 described him as a "terrific guy," adding: "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
Dumbfuck, thanks for proving me right.


From your own link...

One May 2002 Asian trip, without Secret Service agents, included stops in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and Brunei. The other, in November 2003, with Secret Service agents, included stops in Norway, Siberia, Hong Kong, and China.

... so where did Clinton go on Epstein's plane without his secret service?
  • Africa
  • Brunei
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Norway
  • Thailand
... where didn't Clinton go on Epstein's plane?
  • Epstein's island
... who's the imbecile who thinks Clinton went to that island but then posts a link proving he didn't?

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
[emphasis added to highlight your bullshit]​
He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
What a pity you can't prove he went to that island multiple times without secret service.

But you do have a very fanciful imagination, so there's that.

It was proven, dipshit....flight logs.....and he had to sign papers to leave the Secret Service can't just say "hey dudes, wait here while I rape some underage girls...."
Dumbfuck, not one single flight log showed he went to that island. If you didn't make shit up, you'd have nothing at all to post.


Flight manifests reveal Bill Clinton traveled with Epstein six times, not the four times he admitted

Former President Bill Clinton claimed that he took four trips, accompanied by the Secret Service, on billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" private airplane, but flight manifests reveal at least six separate journeys, two of which were without Secret Service agents.

The two trips not acknowledged by Clinton were from Miami, Florida, to Westchester, New York, in early February 2002, which appears to be the first time that Clinton joined Epstein, and a trip in Asia.

One May 2002 Asian trip, without Secret Service agents, included stops in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and Brunei.

The other, in November 2003, with Secret Service agents, included stops in Norway, Siberia, Hong Kong, and China.
Another divergence from Clinton's account is that the manifests show no Secret Service agents were present for one of the former president's Africa trips with Epstein.

The discrepancies between Clinton's claims and the flight manifests draw the former president deeper into the Epstein scandal. Epstein has also been associated with Prince Andrew and President Trump, a fellow resident of Palm Beach, Florida. Trump reportedly flew with Epstein and in 2002 described him as a "terrific guy," adding: "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
Dumbfuck, thanks for proving me right.


From your own link...

One May 2002 Asian trip, without Secret Service agents, included stops in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and Brunei. The other, in November 2003, with Secret Service agents, included stops in Norway, Siberia, Hong Kong, and China.

... so where did Clinton go on Epstein's plane without his secret service?
  • Africa
  • Brunei
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Norway
  • Thailand
... where didn't Clinton go on Epstein's plane?
  • Epstein's island
... who's the imbecile who thinks Clinton went to that island but then posts a link proving he didn't?

He was good freinds with epstein and visisted his island without his secret service protection numerous wasn't to play golf.
[emphasis added to highlight your bullshit]

Dipshit.........epstein had those girls on his moron.......bill can rape on a plane as easily as he can rape in a hotel room, a limo, or anywhere else......

You said there was no proof he went to the island without Secret Service...I showed you he flew all over the place with epstein without Secret Service..... are you saying he couldn't rape under age girls in these countries?

  • Africa
  • Brunei
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Norway
  • Thailand
Are you really this fucking stupid?

And what part of that story says he didn't also go to the island without Secret Service? Or when he was on the island that he didn't ditch his Secret Service....

Again, are you really this fucking stupid?
He is right. Our worst mass shootings used the very weapons that should have been banned.
That’s the thing, assault weapons aren’t ‘banned.’

As of 2018, there is an estimated 15 million AR platform rifles and carbines in the possession of private citizens – I myself own three, along with two AK platform firearms, an HK 91 clone, and an M1A.

And should a new Federal AWB be enacted, I’ll still retain possession of the above firearms.

That’s one of many reasons why a new AWB is pointless; in addition, such a ban is likely un-Constitutional and would require excessive government overreach and regulation to administer.

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