President Donald Trump Addresses United Nations [VIDEO]...

Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.[/MEDIA]

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

Good people?
They are occupying a country have been killing kids for as long as I can remember, they didn't obey any UN resolution...they have been called on their crimes by every single humanitarian group, they spied on the US, stole US technologies, they lobbied to have the US fight their wars, they killed US soldiers, they take billions of our hard earned money with no questions asked....and the list goes on.

It's their land. The Palestinians have waged unending war on Israel for close to 70 years now. Wars have consequences. Next you're going to cry that Germany should get it's land back lost to its neighbors after the second world war. Your claim about Israel killing kids is laughable.
Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.[/MEDIA]

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

I do not want WWIII
Ans insane Trump provokes it.
That's all.

Let's see, did Trump provoke the nuclear bomb testing? Did Trump provoke the missile launched over Japan? Did Trump provoke the war talk of the leader of NK? Or is Trump responding to the mad man in NK in a way very different from the limp wristed leader we had for 8 years. Yeah coddle a mad man like Kim and see where it gets us. You don't have to wait, we see what 8 years of Obama got us.
It would be better for us to deal with the matter before they reach that capability.

Um, no. Not really.

The problem is, we've seen this movie. It's the one where we invaded Iraq over weapons that didn't exist and plunged the whole region into chaos.

Here's the thing. LEt's say Kim gets a nuke that can hit the US.

So what? besides the fact we've spent all this money on anti-balistic technology that is far in advance to anything he has, we have huge numbers of nukes that can take him off the map.

The bigger danger, of course, is that we could only remove his nukes with a nuclear strike, which would probably render Japan and South Korea uninhabitable.

So North Korea has a nuke? Big deal. The fact that Pakistan, where they overthrow the government once a decade in military coups, also has nukes, and they are a lot more unstable than a country that has been run by the same family for the last 70 years.
Lies of Zionists have already cost millions of life innocent victims in Iraq and Near East

Today zionist Trump lies about NK and wants to open the war against NK, Russia and China

Due to zionist lies we all will perish and humanity ceases out to exist.

I thought Clinton fixed all this damn NK nuclear crap. WTF?

We need to cut trade to China and Russia unless they actually do something. OR we just ignore NK and threaten them with total and complete destruction, as Trump has done, if they do anything stupid. We won't send our troops to die but death will rain down on them. It is time to put up or shut up. The US has always supported China, I am not sure why they are giving the US the finger today.
The Imperial Cheeto is a walking, talking clusterphukk in his own right, from any of a hundred different angles.

Nevertheless, it's time that an American shook-up the New York International Old Ladies Debating Society... a.k.a., the United Nations.

"The Imperial Cheeto" ... :lmao:
It's great to have a pro American President again

Yeah, so refreshing. No 'Apology Tour' for this President. :thup:
That's because the AH NEVER apologizes ,,,for any of his lies or screwing people

Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute


Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech
Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.[/MEDIA]

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

I do not want WWIII
Ans insane Trump provokes it.
That's all.

Let's see, did Trump provoke the nuclear bomb testing? Did Trump provoke the missile launched over Japan? Did Trump provoke the war talk of the leader of NK? Or is Trump responding to the mad man in NK in a way very different from the limp wristed leader we had for 8 years. Yeah coddle a mad man like Kim and see where it gets us. You don't have to wait, we see what 8 years of Obama got us.

USA prohibits Russia to have its interests directly at Russian/Ukrainian border, but itself snooping many thousands miles away.
NK has no threat to USA, the true reasons are zionist Trump wants to place nukes in SK against Russia.
The thread title does not match the post in the OP.

But that is a far left drone for you, making assertions not connected to reality based on debunked far left religious dogma.

If anything watching Pelosi get called a liar by the far left was quite refreshing!
A blunt, fearful rant: Trump's UN speech left presidential norms in the dust

Donald Trump’s maiden address to the UN general assembly was unlike any ever delivered in the chamber by a US president.

There are precedents for such fulminations, but not from US leaders. In tone, the speech was more reminiscent of Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro or Hugo Chávez.

It did echo George W Bush’s 2002 “axis of evil” speech. That was delivered to a domestic audience, and there was little doubt that in his mind Trump was looking beyond the stony foreign faces looking up at him from the hall – where his customary pauses for applause were filled with uneasy silence – to the cheering crowds of supporters that carried to him to his stunning electoral victory, and to the centre of the world stage.

"Presidential norms" that's a hootenanny of pathetic coming from a liberal rag with absolutely zero credibility... :lmao:
I would not call it spectacular, but it was different from the previous administration that would politicize the problems in the US on the UN platform.
What is about 'spectacular' Zar Bombe from NK to USA or a nuke to Yellowstone?

Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.
LOL! I love watching you leftist marxists cry!

I'm neither left nor Marxist, but I do not desire to burn in WWIII.
Therefore it is vital that this madman does not obtain a nuclear arsenal. By all means necessary I would surmise.

He has already a hydrogen bomb!!!
It is insane to provoke an idiot. Do you know exactly how many Zar Bombs the baby faced moron has?
One, two or probably 100 ?
Three hydrogen bombs and USA ceases out to exist: Yellowstone, SF and NYC.
Do not forget Russia and China will attack USA too after dumb Trump begin to bomb NK.
NK interests nobody, Zionist Trump wants to place nukes in South Korea against Russia, therefore he attacks NK

Actually China said that if NK started it they would /not/ defend Kimmy.

Why the fuck would Russia defend Kimmy if he attacked the US? Putin doesn't want a war with us...
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.



Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech
Would the OP share with us how much he gets paid from the DNC to post incomprehensibly insane threads?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


The orange charlatan is STILL campaigning to his dwindling base.....even at the freaking U.N.
Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

I do not want WWIII
Ans insane Trump provokes it.
That's all.

Let's see, did Trump provoke the nuclear bomb testing? Did Trump provoke the missile launched over Japan? Did Trump provoke the war talk of the leader of NK? Or is Trump responding to the mad man in NK in a way very different from the limp wristed leader we had for 8 years. Yeah coddle a mad man like Kim and see where it gets us. You don't have to wait, we see what 8 years of Obama got us.

USA prohibits Russia to have its interests directly at Russian/Ukrainian border, but itself snooping many thousands miles away.
NK has no threat to USA, the true reasons are zionist Trump wants to place nukes in SK against Russia.

And nukes couldn't be put in SK? Why in the hell would a country with ballistic submarines and an ally in SK and Japan needs NK to locate nuclear missiles? That doesn't make sense.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


View attachment 150256

View attachment 150257

View attachment 150258

He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


The orange charlatan is STILL campaigning to his dwindling base.....even at the freaking U.N.

He's trying to draw attention away from the Mueller investigation. But it doesn't do him any good, the noose just keeps getting tighter and tighter.


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