President Donald Trump Addresses United Nations [VIDEO]...

Lies of Zionists have already cost millions of life innocent victims in Iraq and Near East

Today zionist Trump lies about NK and wants to open the war against NK, Russia and China

Due to zionist lies we all will perish and humanity ceases out to exist.


Another anti-Semite. The Jews are the cause of all the world's ills, right dumbass?
Hard to argue with this assessment. After all, this wasn't a MAGA rally.

Overall, several world leaders except for Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu who was full of praise, agreed with Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom who said to the BBC: "It was the wrong speech, at the wrong time, to the wrong audience.”

Do you really think we care what the UK thinks?
I mean really,those dumbfucks sat back and watched while their government flooded their own country with terrorist.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.....


So, what was the worst thing he said, or are you just full of shit?
Lies of Zionists have already cost millions of life innocent victims in Iraq and Near East

Today zionist Trump lies about NK and wants to open the war against NK, Russia and China

Due to zionist lies we all will perish and humanity ceases out to exist.


Another anti-Semite. The Jews are the cause of all the world's ills, right dumbass?

And why we must support Trump's & Zionists wars against the entirely world?
Can you explain it?
99,999% US-citizens do not want to die in a war in name of Israel and against NK, Russia and China.

Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.....


So, what was the worst thing he said, or are you just full of shit?

He hasn't heard the speech. He probably prepared his post before Trump even spoke. LOL!
What threats did he make specifically, that you have a problem with? Just curious.

the one where he threatens to "Destroy" North Korea. It's a meaningless threat because any military action we take China will defend North Korea.

Korea wasn't worth World War III 65 years ago and it's not worth it now.

So Trump makes an empty threat, North Korea keeps firing missiles, and then what?

What makes you so sure his North Korean threat is an 'Empty' one? And don't be surprised if China doesn't come to North Korea's rescue in a conflict.
It's great to have a pro American President again

Yeah, so refreshing. No 'Apology Tour' for this President. :thup:
That's because the AH NEVER apologizes ,,,for any of his lies or screwing people

Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute

View attachment 150276
Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech

Like i said, the UN will do what the US tells it to do. That's the reality. I truly enjoyed the speech. He's putting Americans first again. And after the previous miserable 8yrs of a President putting everyone but Americans first, the man is a truly refreshing miracle. No apology tours for this President. And if the UN doesn't like that, too bleepin bad.
Fuck Europe. The pussies don't pay their fair share to NATO.
It'll be a hoot watching the US try to contain Russia without NATO and Eurpope.

You'll have to remind me......when exactly has the UN,NATO or Europe done jack shit to contain anybody?
Yeah! England and NATO are our enemies! Russia is our friend! Down with the Establishment!

You pseudocons have turned into 1960s hippies.

Are you wearing a tie-dye shirt? Do you have lice?
It's great to have a pro American President again

Yeah, so refreshing. No 'Apology Tour' for this President. :thup:
That's because the AH NEVER apologizes ,,,for any of his lies or screwing people

Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute

View attachment 150276
Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech

Like i said, the UN will do what the US tells it to do. That's the reality. I truly enjoyed the speech. He's putting Americans first again. And after the previous miserable 8yrs of a President putting everyone but Americans first, the man is a truly refreshing miracle. No apology tours for this President. And if the UN doesn't like that, too bleepin bad.
There are tears in my eyes Dschrute because Obama didn't put you first,,,,,He did very well by me Perhaps if you had an education and a real job you wouldn't be complaining so loudly?
Fuck Europe. The pussies don't pay their fair share to NATO.
It'll be a hoot watching the US try to contain Russia without NATO and Eurpope.

You'll have to remind me......when exactly has the UN,NATO or Europe done jack shit to contain anybody?
Yeah! England and NATO are our enemies! Russia is our friend! Down with the Establishment!

You pseudocons have turned into 1960s hippies.

Are you wearing a tie-dye shirt? Do you have lice?

I'm waiting....

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