President Donald Trump Addresses United Nations [VIDEO]...

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

I do not want WWIII
Ans insane Trump provokes it.
That's all.

Let's see, did Trump provoke the nuclear bomb testing? Did Trump provoke the missile launched over Japan? Did Trump provoke the war talk of the leader of NK? Or is Trump responding to the mad man in NK in a way very different from the limp wristed leader we had for 8 years. Yeah coddle a mad man like Kim and see where it gets us. You don't have to wait, we see what 8 years of Obama got us.

USA prohibits Russia to have its interests directly at Russian/Ukrainian border, but itself snooping many thousands miles away.
NK has no threat to USA, the true reasons are zionist Trump wants to place nukes in SK against Russia.

Pssst --- too late.
What is about 'spectacular' Zar Bombe from NK to USA or a nuke to Yellowstone?

Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.
LOL! I love watching you leftist marxists cry!

I'm neither left nor Marxist, but I do not desire to burn in WWIII.
Therefore it is vital that this madman does not obtain a nuclear arsenal. By all means necessary I would surmise.

He has already a hydrogen bomb!!!
It is insane to provoke an idiot. Do you know exactly how many Zar Bombs the baby faced moron has?
One, two or probably 100 ?
Three hydrogen bombs and USA ceases out to exist: Yellowstone, SF and NYC.
Do not forget Russia and China will attack USA too after dumb Trump begin to bomb NK.
NK interests nobody, Zionist Trump wants to place nukes in South Korea against Russia, therefore he attacks NK
I believe this is the most ignorant post I have ever read.
Yeah, so refreshing. No 'Apology Tour' for this President. :thup:
That's because the AH NEVER apologizes ,,,for any of his lies or screwing people

Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute

View attachment 150276
Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech

Like i said, the UN will do what the US tells it to do. That's the reality. I truly enjoyed the speech. He's putting Americans first again. And after the previous miserable 8yrs of a President putting everyone but Americans first, the man is a truly refreshing miracle. No apology tours for this President. And if the UN doesn't like that, too bleepin bad.
There are tears in my eyes Dschrute because Obama didn't put you first,,,,,He did very well by me Perhaps if you had an education and a real job you wouldn't be complaining so loudly?

Sorry Snowflake, no apology tours for this President. Ain't gonna happen. If you can't deal with that, you can go to hell. And you can take the UN with ya. :)
What is about 'spectacular' Zar Bombe from NK to USA or a nuke to Yellowstone?

Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.
LOL! I love watching you leftist marxists cry!

I'm neither left nor Marxist, but I do not desire to burn in WWIII.
Therefore it is vital that this madman does not obtain a nuclear arsenal. By all means necessary I would surmise.

He has already a hydrogen bomb!!!
It is insane to provoke an idiot. Do you know exactly how many Zar Bombs the baby faced moron has?
One, two or probably 100 ?
Three hydrogen bombs and USA ceases out to exist: Yellowstone, SF and NYC.
Do not forget Russia and China will attack USA too after dumb Trump begin to bomb NK.
NK interests nobody, Zionist Trump wants to place nukes in South Korea against Russia, therefore he attacks NK
I believe this is the most ignorant post I have ever read.
What is about 'spectacular' Zar Bombe from NK to USA or a nuke to Yellowstone?

Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.
LOL! I love watching you leftist marxists cry!

I'm neither left nor Marxist, but I do not desire to burn in WWIII.
Therefore it is vital that this madman does not obtain a nuclear arsenal. By all means necessary I would surmise.

He has already a hydrogen bomb!!!
It is insane to provoke an idiot. Do you know exactly how many Zar Bombs the baby faced moron has?
One, two or probably 100 ?
Three hydrogen bombs and USA ceases out to exist: Yellowstone, SF and NYC.
Do not forget Russia and China will attack USA too after dumb Trump begin to bomb NK.
NK interests nobody, Zionist Trump wants to place nukes in South Korea against Russia, therefore he attacks NK
I believe this is the most ignorant post I have ever read.
Oh no!!! He has several more ignorant than this one.
That's because the AH NEVER apologizes ,,,for any of his lies or screwing people

Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute

View attachment 150276
Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech

Like i said, the UN will do what the US tells it to do. That's the reality. I truly enjoyed the speech. He's putting Americans first again. And after the previous miserable 8yrs of a President putting everyone but Americans first, the man is a truly refreshing miracle. No apology tours for this President. And if the UN doesn't like that, too bleepin bad.
There are tears in my eyes Dschrute because Obama didn't put you first,,,,,He did very well by me Perhaps if you had an education and a real job you wouldn't be complaining so loudly?

Sorry Snowflake, no apology tours for this President. Ain't gonna happen. If you can't deal with that, you can go to hell. And you can take the UN with ya. :)
Yeah who cares if he makes the rest of the world besides his base ,,,vomit? Even Kelly couldn't take the morons speech
Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute

View attachment 150276
Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech

Like i said, the UN will do what the US tells it to do. That's the reality. I truly enjoyed the speech. He's putting Americans first again. And after the previous miserable 8yrs of a President putting everyone but Americans first, the man is a truly refreshing miracle. No apology tours for this President. And if the UN doesn't like that, too bleepin bad.
There are tears in my eyes Dschrute because Obama didn't put you first,,,,,He did very well by me Perhaps if you had an education and a real job you wouldn't be complaining so loudly?

Sorry Snowflake, no apology tours for this President. Ain't gonna happen. If you can't deal with that, you can go to hell. And you can take the UN with ya. :)
Yeah who cares if he makes the rest of the world besides his base ,,,vomit? Even Kelly couldn't take the morons speech

Fantasies, kid. Fantasies. Lay off the Democrat Fake News. :cuckoo: is a liberal propaganda site. If you doubt that, just click on any of the links to the right in that article, they're no different than an MSNBC or CNN web page.

Too bad you can't find where they're wrong.
From the article:

Trump boasted that “unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years.” True, but it is a continuation of a years-long trend that predates his election. SPIN

Trump misleadingly claimed that “we have more people working in the United States today than ever before.” Since the population constantly increases, that’s not unusual. The employment-to-population ratio isn’t higher “than ever before” — it was higher every month between September 1985 and February 2009. SPIN

Trump boasted that “the stock market is at an all-time high” since Election Day. True, but it has reached new heights regularly since March 5, 2013, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped the previous record set in October 2007. SPIN

The president said the United States “continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance.” That’s true by volume, but not as a percentage of gross national income, or GNI, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. As a percentage of GNI, the U.S. ranks 20th out of 28 OECD member countries. SPIN

Trump got ahead of himself when he said “we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense.” The Senate passed a nearly $700 billion defense authorization bill, but it must be reconciled with a House version. And lawmakers still have to pass a separate bill appropriating the money. SPIN. Where is the lie?

As you can see, FactCheck admits most of the comments are true, but they understand that sycophants like you will ASSume they were lies as long as there's a "but" after the word "true".
That's because the AH NEVER apologizes ,,,for any of his lies or screwing people

Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute

View attachment 150276
Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech

Like i said, the UN will do what the US tells it to do. That's the reality. I truly enjoyed the speech. He's putting Americans first again. And after the previous miserable 8yrs of a President putting everyone but Americans first, the man is a truly refreshing miracle. No apology tours for this President. And if the UN doesn't like that, too bleepin bad.
There are tears in my eyes Dschrute because Obama didn't put you first,,,,,He did very well by me Perhaps if you had an education and a real job you wouldn't be complaining so loudly?

Sorry Snowflake, no apology tours for this President. Ain't gonna happen. If you can't deal with that, you can go to hell. And you can take the UN with ya. :)
And BTW The word apology is not in Trumps dictionary He grabs pussy, lies his ass off about Hillary and Obama, screws 100's of working people out of their rightful pay, and never a word of apology A complete ass
I thought it was a fantastic speech. So refreshing having a President who's putting Americans first again. No 'Apology Tours' for this President. Sorry bout that, Globalists. ;)
Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

Here Dschrute

View attachment 150276
Here was John Kelly's reaction during Trump's big UN speech

Like i said, the UN will do what the US tells it to do. That's the reality. I truly enjoyed the speech. He's putting Americans first again. And after the previous miserable 8yrs of a President putting everyone but Americans first, the man is a truly refreshing miracle. No apology tours for this President. And if the UN doesn't like that, too bleepin bad.
There are tears in my eyes Dschrute because Obama didn't put you first,,,,,He did very well by me Perhaps if you had an education and a real job you wouldn't be complaining so loudly?

Sorry Snowflake, no apology tours for this President. Ain't gonna happen. If you can't deal with that, you can go to hell. And you can take the UN with ya. :)
And BTW The word apology is not in Trumps dictionary He grabs pussy, lies his ass off about Hillary and Obama, screws 100's of working people out of their rightful pay, and never a word of apology A complete ass

Snowflakes are offended and intimidated by strong leaders who stand up and defends the United States rather than kisses the UN's ass while cowardly backing down from 'Red Line Bluffs' and paying terrorists / enemies ransoms for hostages.
Snowflakes are offended and intimidated by strong leaders who stand up and defends the United States rather than kisses the UN's ass while cowardly backing down from 'Red Line Bluffs' and paying terrorists / enemies ransoms for hostages.

Globalists despise the idea of a strong US President looking out for his own People. It disturbs their New World Order agenda.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.

EVERYONE but your nanny state lying ass media liked the speech. The other countries in attendance even applauded quite a bit of it.

Go CRY in your pillow ya limpwristed wuss.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


View attachment 150256

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View attachment 150258

He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.

EVERYONE but your nanny state lying ass media liked the speech. The other countries in attendance even applauded quite a bit of it.

Go CRY in your pillow ya limpwristed wuss.

The usual suspect Anti-American Globalists hated it, but most others really enjoyed it. A U.S. President actually putting Americans first again. Imagine that?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


And as proof of your dimwitted allegory you post cartoons? Which UN speech did YOU watch, the one on Nickelodeon?
What is about 'spectacular' Zar Bombe from NK to USA or a nuke to Yellowstone?

Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.
LOL! I love watching you leftist marxists cry!

I'm neither left nor Marxist, but I do not desire to burn in WWIII.
Therefore it is vital that this madman does not obtain a nuclear arsenal. By all means necessary I would surmise.

He has already a hydrogen bomb!!!
It is insane to provoke an idiot. Do you know exactly how many Zar Bombs the baby faced moron has?
One, two or probably 100 ?
Three hydrogen bombs and USA ceases out to exist: Yellowstone, SF and NYC.
Do not forget Russia and China will attack USA too after dumb Trump begin to bomb NK.
NK interests nobody, Zionist Trump wants to place nukes in South Korea against Russia, therefore he attacks NK

THIS is the kind of leader you want to protect?

Female prisoners in North Korean camps raped and executed, their babies fed to dogs, report says

Imprisoned women in the communist nation of North Korea serving time for political crimes are raped, then later executed in a brutal fashion with their babies fed to dogs, according to a new report.

Defectors of North Korea provided graphic testimony to South Korean newspaper Donga Ilbo about what prisoners face during their sentences, UPI reported Tuesday.

The women are victims of sexual assault in prison camps at the hands of security guards who reportedly often trade sexual favors for less work while in camps, according to the report.

One particular allegation from a defector “who grew up in a North Korean prison camp for more than two decades” said that women who become pregnant after being raped by guards are removed from the camp and “secretly killed by guards,” according to UPI.

The defector, 29-year-old Park Ju-yong, said that after childbirth, the mothers are executed and their newborn babies are provided as food to guard dogs.

When you sold your humanity, I hope you got paid well.
Yeah, he sure did ruffle some Anti-American Globalist feathers. And that is awesome. A U.S. President actually putting Americans first. Imagine that? Oh the horror. Great speech, loved it. :clap::clap:
The typical nonsense from people who haven't understood a single thing Trump said other than something about destroying North Korea. And they don't care what he said.

The funny thing is he said "It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict"

Wait, is he talking about the USA here? I mean, the US is trying to imperil the world with nuclear conflict here.

"No nation on Earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles"

Are we still talking about the US here?

Trump then goes off talking about Iran, as if the US doesn't go around bombing and invading at will.

He says that Iran is a corrupt dictatorship under the false guise of a democracy. Isn't that what the US is? It pretends to be democratic, but Trump isn't the Democratically elected leader of the US, is he?

He says that Iran has turned itself into an economical depleted state. No, US sanctions did that.

He says that Iran's chief exports are violence, bloodshed and chaos.

Wait, this is from the country that invaded Iraq, caused ISIS, helped keep the Syrian conflict going for years, invaded Afghanistan, bombed Libya, supported the Arab Spring, bombed Yemen, Pakistan, and many, many more.

He says it's "up to us" to decide whether to lift the world up, or bring it down. Well, in the last 15 years, the US has chosen the latter.

Basically Trump's speech is so full of irony, it's ridiculous. And those partisan hacks don't even know what they've heard.

You really are delusional. I feel sorry for you.

But then nothing I have said isn't true.

You keep on believing, I feel more sorry for you.

You did say one thing that was correct. Our never ending wars over the last 15 years. Trump would be stupid to strike NK unless they strike first. The real wolves are china and russia. They desperately want a reaction to NK since this is their proxy puppet.

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