President Donald Trump Addresses United Nations [VIDEO]... is a liberal propaganda site. If you doubt that, just click on any of the links to the right in that article, they're no different than an MSNBC or CNN web page.

Too bad you can't find where they're wrong.
From the article:

Trump boasted that “unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years.” True, but it is a continuation of a years-long trend that predates his election. SPIN

Trump misleadingly claimed that “we have more people working in the United States today than ever before.” Since the population constantly increases, that’s not unusual. The employment-to-population ratio isn’t higher “than ever before” — it was higher every month between September 1985 and February 2009. SPIN

Trump boasted that “the stock market is at an all-time high” since Election Day. True, but it has reached new heights regularly since March 5, 2013, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped the previous record set in October 2007. SPIN

The president said the United States “continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance.” That’s true by volume, but not as a percentage of gross national income, or GNI, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. As a percentage of GNI, the U.S. ranks 20th out of 28 OECD member countries. SPIN

Trump got ahead of himself when he said “we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense.” The Senate passed a nearly $700 billion defense authorization bill, but it must be reconciled with a House version. And lawmakers still have to pass a separate bill appropriating the money. SPIN. Where is the lie?

As you can see, FactCheck admits most of the comments are true, but they understand that sycophants like you will ASSume they were lies as long as there's a "but" after the word "true".
The spin is Trump's, who's taking credit for the healthy economy Obama handed him.
A blunt, fearful rant: Trump's UN speech left presidential norms in the dust

Donald Trump’s maiden address to the UN general assembly was unlike any ever delivered in the chamber by a US president.

There are precedents for such fulminations, but not from US leaders. In tone, the speech was more reminiscent of Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro or Hugo Chávez.

It did echo George W Bush’s 2002 “axis of evil” speech. That was delivered to a domestic audience, and there was little doubt that in his mind Trump was looking beyond the stony foreign faces looking up at him from the hall – where his customary pauses for applause were filled with uneasy silence – to the cheering crowds of supporters that carried to him to his stunning electoral victory, and to the centre of the world stage.
Is anyone investigating The Guardian for attempting to influence the US 2018 election? is a liberal propaganda site. If you doubt that, just click on any of the links to the right in that article, they're no different than an MSNBC or CNN web page.

Too bad you can't find where they're wrong.
From the article:

Trump boasted that “unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years.” True, but it is a continuation of a years-long trend that predates his election. SPIN

Trump misleadingly claimed that “we have more people working in the United States today than ever before.” Since the population constantly increases, that’s not unusual. The employment-to-population ratio isn’t higher “than ever before” — it was higher every month between September 1985 and February 2009. SPIN

Trump boasted that “the stock market is at an all-time high” since Election Day. True, but it has reached new heights regularly since March 5, 2013, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped the previous record set in October 2007. SPIN

The president said the United States “continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance.” That’s true by volume, but not as a percentage of gross national income, or GNI, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. As a percentage of GNI, the U.S. ranks 20th out of 28 OECD member countries. SPIN

Trump got ahead of himself when he said “we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense.” The Senate passed a nearly $700 billion defense authorization bill, but it must be reconciled with a House version. And lawmakers still have to pass a separate bill appropriating the money. SPIN. Where is the lie?

As you can see, FactCheck admits most of the comments are true, but they understand that sycophants like you will ASSume they were lies as long as there's a "but" after the word "true".
The spin is Trump's, who's taking credit for the healthy economy Obama handed him.

It got healthy the day Obama moved out of the White House! is a liberal propaganda site. If you doubt that, just click on any of the links to the right in that article, they're no different than an MSNBC or CNN web page.

Too bad you can't find where they're wrong.
From the article:

Trump boasted that “unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years.” True, but it is a continuation of a years-long trend that predates his election. SPIN

Trump misleadingly claimed that “we have more people working in the United States today than ever before.” Since the population constantly increases, that’s not unusual. The employment-to-population ratio isn’t higher “than ever before” — it was higher every month between September 1985 and February 2009. SPIN

Trump boasted that “the stock market is at an all-time high” since Election Day. True, but it has reached new heights regularly since March 5, 2013, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped the previous record set in October 2007. SPIN

The president said the United States “continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance.” That’s true by volume, but not as a percentage of gross national income, or GNI, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. As a percentage of GNI, the U.S. ranks 20th out of 28 OECD member countries. SPIN

Trump got ahead of himself when he said “we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense.” The Senate passed a nearly $700 billion defense authorization bill, but it must be reconciled with a House version. And lawmakers still have to pass a separate bill appropriating the money. SPIN. Where is the lie?

As you can see, FactCheck admits most of the comments are true, but they understand that sycophants like you will ASSume they were lies as long as there's a "but" after the word "true".
The spin is Trump's, who's taking credit for the healthy economy Obama handed him.

It got healthy the day Obama moved out of the White House!

Sure, uh-huh. It's like magic.
You can tell Trump's UN speech was a glowing success! Just look at who HATED it:

A). Iran's President Hassan Rouhani
B). Every liberal jackass on the planet.
C). Every enemy of our country.

Proof once again that Leftist democrats and most liberals are NOT friends of the USA, hate America and Americans, and are subversives, who ought to be rounded up and summarily thrown out of the country in the middle of the night in their underwear! Maybe Mexico would take them. Nope. They have their standards.
You can tell Trump's UN speech was a glowing success! Just look at who HATED it:

A). Iran's President Hassan Rouhani
B). Every liberal jackass on the planet.
C). Every enemy of our country.

Proof once again that Leftist democrats and most liberals are NOT friends of the USA, hate America and Americans, and are subversives, who ought to be rounded up and summarily thrown out of the country in the middle of the night in their underwear! Maybe Mexico would take them. Nope. They have their standards.

Proof that fascism in alive a well in the Fatherland.

U vil oh bay das Trumpenfurher!
You can tell Trump's UN speech was a glowing success! Just look at who HATED it:

A). Iran's President Hassan Rouhani
B). Every liberal jackass on the planet.
C). Every enemy of our country.

Proof once again that Leftist democrats and most liberals are NOT friends of the USA, hate America and Americans, and are subversives, who ought to be rounded up and summarily thrown out of the country in the middle of the night in their underwear! Maybe Mexico would take them. Nope. They have their standards.
Have you also noticed that American left-wingers are always on the same side as our enemies?
You can tell Trump's UN speech was a glowing success! Just look at who HATED it:

A). Iran's President Hassan Rouhani
B). Every liberal jackass on the planet.
C). Every enemy of our country.

Proof once again that Leftist democrats and most liberals are NOT friends of the USA, hate America and Americans, and are subversives, who ought to be rounded up and summarily thrown out of the country in the middle of the night in their underwear! Maybe Mexico would take them. Nope. They have their standards.
Have you also noticed that American left-wingers are always on the same side as our enemies?

Right! I meant to spell that out but forgot. I thought it was pretty self-evident to most people! is a liberal propaganda site. If you doubt that, just click on any of the links to the right in that article, they're no different than an MSNBC or CNN web page.

Too bad you can't find where they're wrong.
From the article:

Trump boasted that “unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years.” True, but it is a continuation of a years-long trend that predates his election. SPIN

Trump misleadingly claimed that “we have more people working in the United States today than ever before.” Since the population constantly increases, that’s not unusual. The employment-to-population ratio isn’t higher “than ever before” — it was higher every month between September 1985 and February 2009. SPIN

Trump boasted that “the stock market is at an all-time high” since Election Day. True, but it has reached new heights regularly since March 5, 2013, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped the previous record set in October 2007. SPIN

The president said the United States “continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance.” That’s true by volume, but not as a percentage of gross national income, or GNI, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. As a percentage of GNI, the U.S. ranks 20th out of 28 OECD member countries. SPIN

Trump got ahead of himself when he said “we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense.” The Senate passed a nearly $700 billion defense authorization bill, but it must be reconciled with a House version. And lawmakers still have to pass a separate bill appropriating the money. SPIN. Where is the lie?

As you can see, FactCheck admits most of the comments are true, but they understand that sycophants like you will ASSume they were lies as long as there's a "but" after the word "true".
The spin is Trump's, who's taking credit for the healthy economy Obama handed him.

There's nothing healthy about this smoke and mirror kabuki theatre O left.
Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.[/MEDIA]

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

Good people?
They are occupying a country have been killing kids for as long as I can remember, they didn't obey any UN resolution...they have been called on their crimes by every single humanitarian group, they spied on the US, stole US technologies, they lobbied to have the US fight their wars, they killed US soldiers, they take billions of our hard earned money with no questions asked....and the list goes on.

It's their land. The Palestinians have waged unending war on Israel for close to 70 years now. Wars have consequences. Next you're going to cry that Germany should get it's land back lost to its neighbors after the second world war. Your claim about Israel killing kids is laughable.
Wow you leaving in an alternative world? The whole world condemns Israeli crimes (except the US and we all know why) and you gonna sit here deny It?
Trump's UN speech didn't amount to much. I figure North Koreans will see an edited version utilized to emphasize how much Kim Jong-un is needed to protect them from the big-bad United States. However, if it prompts an overthrow of the dictator, or at least an attempt, I'll be talking out of the other side of my mouth and exclaiming , Great Speech!
Fuck Europe. The pussies don't pay their fair share to NATO.
It'll be a hoot watching the US try to contain Russia without NATO and Eurpope.

You'll have to remind me......when exactly has the UN,NATO or Europe done jack shit to contain anybody?
Yeah! England and NATO are our enemies! Russia is our friend! Down with the Establishment!

You pseudocons have turned into 1960s hippies.

Are you wearing a tie-dye shirt? Do you have lice?
NATO is comprised of socialist states that would run to United States if Vlad invaded them.
Fuck Europe. The pussies don't pay their fair share to NATO.
It'll be a hoot watching the US try to contain Russia without NATO and Eurpope.

You'll have to remind me......when exactly has the UN,NATO or Europe done jack shit to contain anybody?
Yeah! England and NATO are our enemies! Russia is our friend! Down with the Establishment!

You pseudocons have turned into 1960s hippies.

Are you wearing a tie-dye shirt? Do you have lice?
America first...always.
Lies of Zionists have already cost millions of life innocent victims in Iraq and Near East

Today zionist Trump lies about NK and wants to open the war against NK, Russia and China

Due to zionist lies we all will perish and humanity ceases out to exist.


Another anti-Semite. The Jews are the cause of all the world's ills, right dumbass?

And why we must support Trump's & Zionists wars against the entirely world?
Can you explain it?
99,999% US-citizens do not want to die in a war in name of Israel and against NK, Russia and China.

W and O were busy warring it up in the ME. Trump hasn't yet.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.

Hate it when a POTUS doesn't apologize enough in front of the world.
Red State Trump is going to have to explain to the world how China and Russia will support North Korea should Trump rain down Fire and Fury!!!
Lies of Zionists have already cost millions of life innocent victims in Iraq and Near East

Today zionist Trump lies about NK and wants to open the war against NK, Russia and China

Due to zionist lies we all will perish and humanity ceases out to exist.


Another anti-Semite. The Jews are the cause of all the world's ills, right dumbass?

And why we must support Trump's & Zionists wars against the entirely world?
Can you explain it?
99,999% US-citizens do not want to die in a war in name of Israel and against NK, Russia and China.

W and O were busy warring it up in the ME. Trump hasn't yet.

Trump will be warring it up with WW3!!!!!
Fuck Europe. The pussies don't pay their fair share to NATO.
It'll be a hoot watching the US try to contain Russia without NATO and Eurpope.

You'll have to remind me......when exactly has the UN,NATO or Europe done jack shit to contain anybody?
Yeah! England and NATO are our enemies! Russia is our friend! Down with the Establishment!

You pseudocons have turned into 1960s hippies.

Are you wearing a tie-dye shirt? Do you have lice?
America first...always.
Trump will be responsible for starting WW3.....Launch the nukes.
Fuck Europe. The pussies don't pay their fair share to NATO.
It'll be a hoot watching the US try to contain Russia without NATO and Eurpope.

You'll have to remind me......when exactly has the UN,NATO or Europe done jack shit to contain anybody?
Yeah! England and NATO are our enemies! Russia is our friend! Down with the Establishment!

You pseudocons have turned into 1960s hippies.

Are you wearing a tie-dye shirt? Do you have lice?
NATO is comprised of socialist states that would run to United States if Vlad invaded them.
Trump will need the help of NATO when China and Russia joins N. Korea after Trump bombs and invade N. Korea.

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