President Donald Trump Addresses United Nations [VIDEO]...

Meantime, our allies who want, need and value our help definitely weren't laughing the other day or you weren't watching.
Which allies are they? Haven't you read the papers? Trump is regarded as a buffoon by America's traditional allies. By that I mean the ones who've actually fought alongside the US.
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Haven't you read the papers?

Hey America-Hating Jackass, the "papers" by and large are some of the main sources for the swamp-baiting, Trump-bashing Deep State agenda to get propaganda out to useful simpleton idiots like you. They fool the weak-minded into thinking they are actually getting the inside straight and you fell for it hook, line and sinker like a good little trollbot!
YUGE speech. :clap::clap2:

This is very funny. Only one impressed with his speech was Netanyahu and his followers like you. Actually it's embarrassing.
He lied about the jobs and the companies coming back. Few yes but still companies are moving overseas even Carrier company still moving to Mexico. The number of jobs created same time last year was better than his first 8 months of 2017.
Since when UN give a shit or care about those bulshit?
Military spending. This is a like chimpanzee stomping his chest.
Most leaders or even a Cub Scout leader will express peace. Trump speech wants to go to war and is nothing but empty threats and bullshit doesn't help solve the NK crisis. More like an ignorant leader.

Renowned primatologist Jane Goodall thinks Trump is like an aggressive chimp
Didn't catch the beginning of it, but what I saw was one of great speeches on my life. The cameras panning the faces of the vermin as they were being called out is worthy of posters for my walls. Vile sub-humans make up more than two thirds of that cesspool.

If we want to see just how most of the world values the UN for anything other than embezzling and plundering, just wait and see how many of them run away after being asked to cough up dues and paying their own way in that worthless org. The place will be empty.

Actually the most embarrassing and dumb speech I ever seen.
Attacking his own country then his enemies. So attacking his own nation and countries that he diluted helped anything? More like a thug speech like Dennis Rodman when he is drunk will make that kind of talk.
UN is not a worthless organization. Where do you think Trump is trying to make justification to end NK or sanctions?
The US they know before is not the same they know US today. Around the globe Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and racist dumb. Total embarrassment.

The Iran nuclear deal. Trump is the only one bitchin but the IAEA is not.
It's great to have a pro American President again

Yeah, so refreshing. No 'Apology Tour' for this President. :thup:
That's because the AH NEVER apologizes ,,,for any of his lies or screwing people

Nah, he loves America and is putting Americans first again. It is truly refreshing. Fluck 'Apology Tours.'

This is getting funnier. Name me a president that doesn't put his citizen first.
Are you really this ignorant?

If Trump really love putting America first. Then answer---- why is he hiring foreign workers? His products are made from foreign countries? Instead of helping or trying to stop Russians from meddling with our democracy. Because Russians will not stop. Instead he is fighting his own intelligence. Why not help tying to stop future meddling?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


The speech was great. The author of that drivel he spewed is butthurt, anti-American libtard like you.

Truth hurts you?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


It's impossible for the US to be embarrassed at the UN unless you are part of the minority that capitulates to an international organization that was set up as an apology for America's exceptionalism. Outside of Liberal elite circles here in the US, you are not going to find too many voters that gives a shit what the UN thinks.

Are you trying to prove that Trump supporters are poorly informed as always?

Here is the problem. Trump lied several times in that speech like a chimpanzee stomping his chest. It's an abnormal unfit president. You are all so used to it that you think it's normal.

Not going to find too many voters who give a shit? Remember Trump only garnered anemically 63+ millions votes from 212 millions registered voters. That 63 millions are dwindling fast. Do you honestly believe he is getting more votes from all the rotten beans and lies that he keep promoting?
It seems Democrats only like their Presidents bent over, corrupt, divisive, compulsive lying sacks of shit and whimpy these days.

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So please tell us what part of Trump speech that impressed you because to us it's total embarrassment and a total joke.

Well, you've been swallowed by intolerance and emotional distress so I've decided I'd just be wasting my time and effort on you little blue guy...:itsok:
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


The speech was great. The author of that drivel he spewed is butthurt, anti-American libtard like you.

Truth hurts you?

You mean the "truth" wherein the author confirmed that everything Trump said was true? LOL.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


It's impossible for the US to be embarrassed at the UN unless you are part of the minority that capitulates to an international organization that was set up as an apology for America's exceptionalism. Outside of Liberal elite circles here in the US, you are not going to find too many voters that gives a shit what the UN thinks.

Are you trying to prove that Trump supporters are poorly informed as always?

Here is the problem. Trump lied several times in that speech like a chimpanzee stomping his chest. It's an abnormal unfit president. You are all so used to it that you think it's normal.

Not going to find too many voters who give a shit? Remember Trump only garnered anemically 63+ millions votes from 212 millions registered voters. That 63 millions are dwindling fast. Do you honestly believe he is getting more votes from all the rotten beans and lies that he keep promoting?

What were the horrific LIES that Trump told at the UN?
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


It's impossible for the US to be embarrassed at the UN unless you are part of the minority that capitulates to an international organization that was set up as an apology for America's exceptionalism. Outside of Liberal elite circles here in the US, you are not going to find too many voters that gives a shit what the UN thinks.

Obama was an embarrassment. He was the laughing stock of the world. The whole world knew that Obama was a delusional, libtard and a PUSSY that nobody respected, let alone feared.
He was also pussywhipped by Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice.
Conservatives believe every ounce of bullsh!t uttered by their Big Orange Idiot hero. However, unlike conservatives, the diplomats attending his speech at the U.N. have the ability to read and gather facts, which enables them to understand every word out of Big Orange’s pie hole is a lie.

The speech gave the Big Orange Idiot another opportunity to embarrass this country, and he took full advantage of the usual.

The article, by at the link below, describes, in detail, every misleading statement and outright lie that made the Big Orange Idiot’s speech into a comedy monologue. As expected, the assembled crowd was laughing at the Big Orange Idiot, not with him.

As a nation we must explain to the world population how well we realize he is a liar and an embarrassment, and ask graciously for their patience and understanding.


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View attachment 150258

He's such a liar, everyone but the conservatives are laughing at him.


It's impossible for the US to be embarrassed at the UN unless you are part of the minority that capitulates to an international organization that was set up as an apology for America's exceptionalism. Outside of Liberal elite circles here in the US, you are not going to find too many voters that gives a shit what the UN thinks.

Are you trying to prove that Trump supporters are poorly informed as always?

Here is the problem. Trump lied several times in that speech like a chimpanzee stomping his chest. It's an abnormal unfit president. You are all so used to it that you think it's normal.

Not going to find too many voters who give a shit? Remember Trump only garnered anemically 63+ millions votes from 212 millions registered voters. That 63 millions are dwindling fast. Do you honestly believe he is getting more votes from all the rotten beans and lies that he keep promoting?

I am proving that only a few really cares what the UN thinks of US.
It seems Democrats only like their Presidents bent over, corrupt, divisive, compulsive lying sacks of shit and whimpy these days.

View attachment 150260

So please tell us what part of Trump speech that impressed you because to us it's total embarrassment and a total joke.
I liked the part where he NEVER blamed his pal Putin for his incursion into other countries Seems to me The pos in our WH is scared shitless of Mr Putin
It seems Democrats only like their Presidents bent over, corrupt, divisive, compulsive lying sacks of shit and whimpy these days.

View attachment 150260

So please tell us what part of Trump speech that impressed you because to us it's total embarrassment and a total joke.
I liked the part where he NEVER blamed his pal Putin for his incursion into other countries Seems to me The pos in our WH is scared shitless of Mr Putin

You're referring to the Russian incursions during the Obama years as Trump's fault?

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