President Donald Trump ERUPTS: "I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS!"

We see countries around the world like Japan that need younger workers. And let me tell you something, if we don’t get this right, in 20 or 30 years the United states is going to be begging immigrants to come to make a youthful and vibrant workforce. We need them today more than ever before

Liberalism has brought this death sentence... This monster imbalance of young to old

Any person that voted democrat should never be allowed to vote again

And same with the Rino republicans
Mueller is now in a panic

He now knows Barr knows he is guilty of high treason

And Barr may have flipped rosenstein to help bring down mueller and the whole deep state as guilty of high treason for trying to stop the will of the people
Mueller is now in a panic

He now knows Barr knows he is guilty of high treason

And Barr may have flipped rosenstein to help bring down mueller and the whole deep state as guilty of high treason for trying to stop the will of the people

As I said and have said about the Russia thing, it’s a nice dream, but don’t hold your breath. Nothing will happen to anyone. It will all go away after Trump is out of office.
He's right.

Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution itself. Democrats are openly using the power of their positions to give aid and comfort to foreign invaders, and this exactly meets the Constitutional definition of treason.
He's right.

Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution itself. Democrats are openly using the power of their positions to give aid and comfort to foreign invaders, and this exactly meets the Constitutional definition of treason.

Again- Bob belongs to a cult whose leaders raised private Armies and tried to form their own country in Utah in 1857. I have to keep pointing this out.

So, um, yeah, I guess those of us who are protecting undocumented workers from our fascist, unelected government are breaking the law.

So was Harriet Tubman when she smuggled slaves out of the South.

So was Oskar Schindler when he hid Jews from the Nazis.

So were the people who opposed the War in Vietnam by various means.

The problem is, the people have said NO to Trump and his racism twice now, and he's still trying to act like he has a mandate to do so.
He's 100% right.

The Dems don't seem to care that these illegals cost we tax payers billions every year. They also don't give a shit that American's are murdered, raped and robbed by these illegals every year. That would change if one of their loved ones suffered that fate.

Naw, man, you guys don't change your mind about guns when some nut shoots up a school or a theater...

Fact is, undocumented labor is a net plus for the economy. These folks produce more economic activity than they cost.

We have an National Emergency on the border with thousand of illegals and fake asylum seekers at our border.

Then we should have hearings to figure which ones are legitimate.

We need a wall to keep them out. Once up we can them boot those that are here back to Mexico.

Only 50% of undocumented immigrants come from Mexico... but never mind.

I sure wonder how the Dem's don't think we have a National Emergency. We've had one for decades. Glad Trump is trying to do something about it.

If something has been going on for decades, then it isn't an emergency. This isn't complicated.

The reality- the number of undocumented aliens peaked back in 2011 and has been going down since. It's really not a crisis.
He's 100% right.

The Dems don't seem to care that these illegals cost we tax payers billions every year. They also don't give a shit that American's are murdered, raped and robbed by these illegals every year. That would change if one of their loved ones suffered that fate.

Naw, man, you guys don't change your mind about guns when some nut shoots up a school or a theater...

Fact is, undocumented labor is a net plus for the economy. These folks produce more economic activity than they cost.

We have an National Emergency on the border with thousand of illegals and fake asylum seekers at our border.

Then we should have hearings to figure which ones are legitimate.

We need a wall to keep them out. Once up we can them boot those that are here back to Mexico.

Only 50% of undocumented immigrants come from Mexico... but never mind.

I sure wonder how the Dem's don't think we have a National Emergency. We've had one for decades. Glad Trump is trying to do something about it.

If something has been going on for decades, then it isn't an emergency. This isn't complicated.

The reality- the number of undocumented aliens peaked back in 2011 and has been going down since. It's really not a crisis.

You should go to the Border and tell Border patrol all about it. They deal with these assholes every day.

I'm sure they would agree.

Oh and you might want to mention your thoughts to the families of those the illegals have raped, robbed and murdered. I'm sure they will sympathize with your point of view.

Unlike you I'd like to save the billions we tax payers spend on these illegals every year. If they aren't here that billions that can be spent elsewhere.
You should go to the Border and tell Border patrol all about it. They deal with these assholes every day.

Oh, is someone making the Jackboots do their job?

Oh and you might want to mention your thoughts to the families of those the illegals have raped, robbed and murdered. I'm sure they will sympathize with your point of view.

Don't care about them. They were all fine with grinding poverty and easy access to guns, which causes crime. That they are whining that some of them were victimized by people who weren't born here.. not my problem.

Unlike you I'd like to save the billions we tax payers spend on these illegals every year. If they aren't here that billions that can be spent elsewhere.

We could also stop spending billions on planes that can't fly in the rain or Trumpenfuhrer playing Golf every weekend...

Here's the thing... we should have reformed immigration 10 years ago when Bush supported McCain-Kennedy.... we didn't. Because here's a dirty little secret.. The rich people who run the GOP WANT illegal immigration.

They just want to keep stupid people like you mad about it.
Here's the thing... we should have reformed immigration 10 years ago when Bush supported McCain-Kennedy.... we didn't. Because here's a dirty little secret.. The rich people who run the GOP WANT illegal immigration.

They just want to keep stupid people like you mad about it.


thia is exactly why we hear nothing about policy change, and everything about a wall


Another really dumb right-wing post with 'TREASON" all in caps. Another was about Obama being investigated for 'TREASON" during the time that he was president for allegedly "spying" on trump.

Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution reads, in relevant part:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Even if the investigation of trump was somehow flawed or the Democrats have border policies that trump disagrees with, trump was a private citizen and the alleged problems with migrants at the border have nothing to do with aiding any "enemy."

The U.S. Constitution is available in English.
For the second time in two weeks, I find myself agreeing with Drumpf... :20:

What the Democrats are doing with respect to our southern border, Illegal Aliens, and immigration reform, is, indeed, treasonous...

Not "treason" in the strict legalistic sense stipulated in the Constitution...

But "treason" in the sense of traitorous behaviors, acting against the interests of the Republic and its People...

On the one hand, we have LEGAL "treason" - an offense punishable by death...

On theother hand, we have METAPHORICAL "treason" - an offense which, on November 8, 2016, was punishable at the ballot box.

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