President Donald Trump is a Leader. Thank God for Him

IF YOU WILL NOTE, the date of that announcement is Feb. 20, 2020.

February 7, 2020
Where do you get your misinformation?

Point is, we gave supplies to China and trump and his admin left Americans unprotected because, I don't know, trump thought it would be contained in China and wasn't EVER going to be a threat here.
So therefore, no need to replenish those supplies for the USA in the neat future.

We can play this game forever. The fact is that we have the best man in the world to lead us in this time of crisis.

The United States has ALWAYS been the first to respond to tragedy, tidal waves, tsunamis, fires, hurricanes, whatever, anywhere in the world. Maybe you want that to change, I do not.

Have you ever lived in a hurricane-prone area? I have, almost all my life. Today we can identify them if they even form off Africa and travel West across the Atlantic.

The weather reports will tell us about it and tell us that it just an area for us to watch. We go on about our daily business. A week later the storm will be mid-Atlantic and, depending on where you live, I live on the Emerald Coast (Florida Panhandle) so we have about ten days to two weeks. A week later, we'll get a notice that it is coming up toward Cuba and may pass into the Gulf. Some of us who have been here for decades, will check out hurricane supplies, batteries, canned food, fresh gas if we have a generator, stored water etc. When it is about a week out, newbies start buying stores out of batteries, flashlights, bottled water (I have no clue why). Folks on the coast will start to put up shutters etc., etc.

As you know, and are simply desperate to hate President Trump, is that we do things very differently a week before a storm than we do three weeks before a storm.

You and your ilk are trying desperately to twist what we are doing into something evil. A great job is being done about easily a once in a lifetime Pandemic around the world.
I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President

I think it's wrong for our President to be a rediculous assclown who thought Coronovirus is a Democrat ploy against him. But he is and here we are.
This is the kind of stupid bullshit I'm talking about. He is OUR President and we are fighting this problem together.
Sorry if I love America more than partisan opinion.
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Well, that was a rambling load of shit. Good job.

Our great president is telling us that he's not responsible, that a hundred thousand deaths is a success and that our docs and nurses are stealing PPE. What a leader!
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Well, that was a rambling load of shit. Good job.

Our great president is telling us that he's not responsible, that a hundred thousand deaths is a success and that our docs and nurses are stealing PPE. What a leader!

You're a complete prick and if you live in this country, and our a citizen of this country, which I doubt you are, you would understand something. First, and foremost, we drop our political differences when it comes to being Americans. We don't cross that line ever. Second, under our Constitutional system of government this man is the leader of our country. Period. His call goes. Period. I think he has done a fine job under extraordinary circumstances. Would you want to trade places with him right now? Would you want to walk a mile in his shoes right now? Yeah. That's what I thought big mouth liberal.
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Well, that was a rambling load of shit. Good job.

Our great president is telling us that he's not responsible, that a hundred thousand deaths is a success and that our docs and nurses are stealing PPE. What a leader!

You're a complete prick and if you live in this country, and our a citizen of this country, which I doubt you are, you would understand something. First, and foremost, we drop our political differences when it comes to being Americans. We don't cross that line ever. Second, under our Constitutional system of government this man is the leader of our country. Period. His call goes. Period. I think he has done a fine job under extraordinary circumstances. Would you want to trade places with him right now? Would you want to walk a mile in his shoes right now? Yeah. That's what I thought big mouth liberal.

Trump is in charge, but he is no leader. He lacks any leadership traits.
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Well, that was a rambling load of shit. Good job.

Our great president is telling us that he's not responsible, that a hundred thousand deaths is a success and that our docs and nurses are stealing PPE. What a leader!

You're a complete prick and if you live in this country, and our a citizen of this country, which I doubt you are, you would understand something. First, and foremost, we drop our political differences when it comes to being Americans. We don't cross that line ever. Second, under our Constitutional system of government this man is the leader of our country. Period. His call goes. Period. I think he has done a fine job under extraordinary circumstances. Would you want to trade places with him right now? Would you want to walk a mile in his shoes right now? Yeah. That's what I thought big mouth liberal.

He’s doing a shit job.
IF YOU WILL NOTE, the date of that announcement is Feb. 20, 2020.

February 7, 2020
Where do you get your misinformation?

Point is, we gave supplies to China and trump and his admin left Americans unprotected because, I don't know, trump thought it would be contained in China and wasn't EVER going to be a threat here.
So therefore, no need to replenish those supplies for the USA in the neat future.

We can play this game forever. The fact is that we have the best man in the world to lead us in this time of crisis. ...

Since Trump is president of the USA I wonder about the totally stupid nonsense Donald Trump said and did do day by day by day by day by day ... and now you say he's "the best man"? How for heavens sake is such a stark incorrect assessment possible? I guess if you had been raffling his job among all US-Americans the winner had done in very most cases a better job.

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IF YOU WILL NOTE, the date of that announcement is Feb. 20, 2020.

We can play this game forever. The fact is that we have the best man in the world to lead us in this time of crisis.
That so-called "fact" isn't even close to being a fact. It's a very partisan subjective opinion highly influenced by Trump produced propaganda laced with lies and misinformation As far as games go, you demanded a link showing Trump had given China 18 tons of PPE and ventilators. When the link was provided you responded by either lying or mistaking the date of when the supplies were given to China. Obviously, no amount of facts and proof will change your Trump brainwashed mind.
Our great president is telling us that he's not responsible, that a hundred thousand deaths is a success and that our docs and nurses are stealing PPE. What a leader!

IF YOU WILL NOTE, the date of that announcement is Feb. 20, 2020.

We can play this game forever. The fact is that we have the best man in the world to lead us in this time of crisis.
That so-called "fact" isn't even close to being a fact. It's a very partisan subjective opinion highly influenced by Trump produced propaganda laced with lies and misinformation As far as games go, you demanded a link showing Trump had given China 18 tons of PPE and ventilators. When the link was provided you responded by either lying or mistaking the date of when the supplies were given to China. Obviously, no amount of facts and proof will change your Trump brainwashed mind.

Thank you for your kind response.

Specifically what do you claim I lied about? I cited the date from the article you provided. Is your article lying?
So, if you think Trump is a terrible leader, should you blame God for it? Just curious how this works.
Donald Trump is doing a good job.

Lakyhota is a troll.
oh yea, great job.

He was wrong then and lied later, yet that is all you remember, while his many contributions are better than any leader on earth, America will be the FIRST nation with over a MILLION tested and growing rapidly of late to reach that goal. He sometimes speeds up drug approvals that are seen to be working outside of America, while he never prevents testing them the usual way Dr. Fauci, he has it being done both ways.

What is really dumb is democrats only look for the negative, ignore the positives he brings to the table. They seem to say he is ALWAYS wrong, no matter what, that is blatant partisanship, stupid too.
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So, if you think Trump is a terrible leader, should you blame God for it? Just curious how this works.

Why do you believe that a passive-aggressive attack on people of faith is an intelligent thing to do?

As a person of faith, I would not attack you simply because you are a heathen.
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

"Amen" to your thread title. Thanks for the post.

It just gets more juvenile.
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

"Amen" to your thread title. Thanks for the post.

It just gets more juvenile.
What is really dumb is democrats only look for the negative, ignore the positives he brings to the table. They seem to say he is ALWAYS wrong, no matter what, that is blatant partisanship, stupid too.
Tellin ya.

Trump : "Here we have a machinne that in 5 minutes can tell you if you have COVID19, and it will recommend your optimal life saving drug mixture..."

CNN: "What do you say to the millions of Americans who are pissing their pants in their closets, terrified of going outside their home?"

Trump (grimacing) : "That is a very strange question given the device I am telling you about and...."

MSDNC: "Mr Trump, Can you explain why we lag behind in testing to the rest of the nations around the globe on a per capita basis?"

Trump (angry): "We are not lagging behind anyone, we lead the world..."

NBC: "Why did your staff refer to you three months ago as the Great Orange Racoon Man?"

Trump: "Fuck you all, I'm out of here."

ABC/NBC/CNN/CBS/MSDNC/NPR: "The President fled reporters today, unable to answer simple questions about his incompetent response to the COVID19 pandemic that is going to kill tens of millions of Americans this weekend."
What is really dumb is democrats only look for the negative, ignore the positives he brings to the table. They seem to say he is ALWAYS wrong, no matter what, that is blatant partisanship, stupid too.
Tellin ya.

Trump : "Here we have a machinne that in 5 minutes can tell you if you have COVID19, and it will recommend your optimal life saving drug mixture..."

CNN: "What do you say to the millions of Americans who are pissing their pants in their closets, terrified of going outside their home?"

Trump (grimacing) : "That is a very strange question given the device I am telling you about and...."

MSDNC: "Mr Trump, Can you explain why we lag behind in testing to the rest of the nations around the globe on a per capita basis?"

Trump (angry): "We are not lagging behind anyone, we lead the world..."

NBC: "Why did your staff refer to you three months ago as the Great Orange Racoon Man?"

Trump: "Fuck you all, I'm out of here."

ABC/NBC/CNN/CBS/MSDNC/NPR: "The President fled reporters today, unable to answer simple questions about his incompetent response to the COVID19 pandemic that is going to kill tens of millions of Americans this weekend."

Once again, Trump was right and the media were wrong

The media’s war on President Trump has escalated with coronavirus

CNN Cuts Away From My Pillow CEO as He Announces Mask Production, Praises God for Trump


The media are full of shit

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