President Jimmy Carter in NYT op-ed: US is at risk of "losing our precious democracy"

I'm glad you think so.

Great example. Thanks for posting it.

Every cult has their worship songs...

And their golden idols.

Jack, you need to grow up and learn there is a tragic difference between losing and having your reelection STOLEN.

We find out now that investigators in Georgia are discovering that in Georgia, about 200 people were hired and paid to harvest ballots. There is video of them stuffing the drop boxes between 2AM and 5AM. In case you don't know, that is all 100% ILLEGAL. Apparently one of the people involved has confessed. More to come.

It may take a little while, but little by little, we are discovering what crooks you people really are. None of your crap is gonna fly in 2024 you can bet your life on that.
Full of shit conspiracy theories and wishful thinking that you hope will seep into the minds of the soft and weak the more times you repeat it. Unfortunately, it won't be any more true the next time than it was the last time. Again, everything has been explained and debunked. Honestly, don't you ever grow weary of how desperate you come across as?
Full of shit conspiracy theories and wishful thinking
There are no conspiracies, Jack, only untold truths yet to come out. We edge closer and closer by every day.

will seep into the minds of the soft and weak
If it did, you'd be a genius by now.

Again, everything has been explained and debunked.
Swell, Jack! Now tell us WHO explained and debunked it all! HOW they did it, WHEN they did it, and post a copy of it here for us to read.

PS: don't forget to tell us how you knew this on Nov. 11, 2020 when none of the cases had even gone to court yet! :1peleas:
Jimmy Carter is 100% on the money. Trump will be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever elected. :)
And you will be remembered as one of those misguided souls who supported an utterly corrupt political party that committed the most glaring act of treason against a sitting US president by using fake Russian dossiers, corrupt judges, and illegal FISA warrants to spy on him and create fake criminal charges against him ---- and holding our nation hostage for 18 months over the lies you fed the media! You refused to incriminate a secretary of state who destroyed the illegal server she was secretly doing govt business on after it was subpoenaed by Congress. You supported a buffoon of a president who was up to his chin in clandestine business deals with our enemies China, and beyond. You supported a sick political party that dragged the nation through two ultra bogus impeachments. Oh, I could go on forever, but if the party I am speaking to has no conscience, then my time is wasted again.
There are no conspiracies, Jack, only untold truths yet to come out. We edge closer and closer by every day.

If it did, you'd be a genius by now.

Swell, Jack! Now tell us WHO explained and debunked it all! HOW they did it, WHEN they did it, and post a copy of it here for us to read.

PS: don't forget to tell us how you knew this on Nov. 11, 2020 when none of the cases had even gone to court yet! :1peleas:
Go back and look at my posts, Freaky. I called "The Squeal" the day after the election. There is no evidence of any massive voter fraud that would have swung the election. Compared to your Trump worshiping, lemming ass, I am a genius. Hey, how'd that Cyber NINJA!! audit work out for you??.....crickets??? Yeah, they just shut their doors. Anyone who helped out in that AZ "fraudit" is going to shortly be in a lot of hot water. Couldn't happen to more deserving people. :)
I wish that President Carter had refrained from writing that opinion piece.

First, it was hyperbolic.

Second, he should have found a more objective news source.

Former Presidents should continue the custom of keeping their mouths shut (and that also goes for President Trump).
There is no evidence of any massive voter fraud that would have swung the election.
Okay Jack. We should just ignore the results of the Arizona audit and now the discovery of 200 people in Georgia caught ballot harvesting something like 900k phony ballots for money in the middle of the night! Surely you have heard about that in the news! They have an insider confession AND video! This just might very well end up spreading to audits of ALL 50 states.

Compared to your Trump worshiping, lemming ass, I am a genius.
Jack, I was smarter than you in the 1st grade. If I took out half my brain with a knife right now, what I threw away would be smarter than you.

The waste can is smarter than you. Go try your BS somewhere else.
Okay Jack. We should just ignore the results of the Arizona audit and now the discovery of 200 people in Georgia caught ballot harvesting something like 900k phony ballots for money in the middle of the night! Surely you have heard about that in the news! They have an insider confession AND video! This just might very well end up spreading to audits of ALL 50 states.

Jack, I was smarter than you in the 1st grade. If I took out half my brain with a knife right now, what I threw away would be smarter than you.

The waste can is smarter than you. Go try your BS somewhere else.
The "audit" of Maricopa county was bogus.

Less than 100 questionable ballots out of 2 million.
Okay Jack. We should just ignore the results of the Arizona audit and now the discovery of 200 people in Georgia caught ballot harvesting something like 900k phony ballots for money in the middle of the night! Surely you have heard about that in the news! They have an insider confession AND video! This just might very well end up spreading to audits of ALL 50 states.

Jack, I was smarter than you in the 1st grade. If I took out half my brain with a knife right now, what I threw away would be smarter than you.

The waste can is smarter than you. Go try your BS somewhere else.
All the conspiracy theory laden horseshit you are still slinging has been debunked. Move on. 2022 is 11 months away. Still whining and bitching about non-existent fraud more than a year later. It's embarrassing. You taking out your brain would be an exercise in futility since it has the consistency of the inside of a pumpkin. Mush and seeds.

Nothing will spread to any more states. You've had your six. Now be a good little boy and go play in the street. :)
All the conspiracy theory laden horseshit you are still slinging has been debunked.
YOU KEEP SAYING THAT JACK! Even stuff just discovered and revealed days ago has already been debunked? :shok: Why won't you share your secret insider sources, you stupid shit?!
YOU KEEP SAYING THAT JACK! Why won't you share your secret insider sources, you stupid shit?!
All you have to do is read, Freaky. It's not incumbent upon me to provide you with anything. It's up to you to provide the evidence to the massive voter fraud since you are the one making the accusations..BTW, NO ONE has been able to prove fraud as of yet.

Put up and start your voter fraud thread...or, you could just keep whining about fraud. Guess which one I think you're going to choose? :)
It's up to you to provide the evidence to the massive voter fraud since you are the one making the accusations..

No Jack. YOU made the accusation over and over that fraud HAS BEEN DEBUNKED. That is an event that takes place in time and space. Provide the proof or go away another pussy-whipped stupid liar.

We've been providing the proof of the fraud here for well over a year. I can't help it you don't read.

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