President Joe lands in the UK to tell Johnson to sort himself out

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.
Bwaaaaaaa. Joe Biteme sorting out another president? Too fucking funny...
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.
Bwaaaaaaa. Joe Biteme sorting out another president? Too fucking funny...
We dont have a Pres. Just a little fat ****, our equivalent of trump. Lying, fat and useless.
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.
Bwaaaaaaa. Joe Biteme sorting out another president? Too fucking funny...

You remind me of when trump visited Kim to sort him out. That worked well.
He took on the chinese with tariffs and sent the economy into a slide at home.
You've got a very short memory son.
Tommy has so much hate in his system lmao there's more hatred spewing out of his every pore than there is your average far-righter.

He struts around this forum with his little scatter gun.

Makes a thread about a guy who dresses up in Medieval costumes for plays calling him a nutjob but thinks blokes called Bernie putting on dresses & make up and calling themselves Bernadette or someone self-identifying as a kung-fu Panda are perfectly normal :113:

I'm amazed his designated carer in whatever facility he resides in gives the Wifi code out to him tbh
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.
Bwaaaaaaa. Joe Biteme sorting out another president? Too fucking funny...
Tommy T can't even see the sad irony of his comment. Biden is not only senile and impotent, he isn't even in control. That'd be the Tan Messiah (Obama) and his politburo in DC.
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.

The voice of the addled is more like it. What are the obligations to the US owed by Britain your talking about?
Please explain??
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.
If borris Johnson was an American politician he'd be the poster child for the GOPe
He is here for the G7 but is expected to torpedo the ridiculous brexit agreement. The UK is subject to the GFA which johnson and his goons have cast aside like the colonial barbarians that they are.
Joe will inject the voice of an adult in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK but the real humiliation is having a lying obese piece of shit as our leader. The US have shown us the lead in that respect as well.

God bless President Joe.
China Joe couldn't find his ass with both hands--in the daylight---with a flashlight. I am sure that Johnson will make sure that ol' dementia Joe has fresh Depends to help him get through the day though.
To sort himself out! is that what the Cretin in Chief told Johnson?

OP must be joking, or out of his or the other.

Tommy has so much hate in his system lmao there's more hatred spewing out of his every pore than there is your average far-righter.

He struts around this forum with his little scatter gun.

Makes a thread about a guy who dresses up in Medieval costumes for plays calling him a nutjob but thinks blokes called Bernie putting on dresses & make up and calling themselves Bernadette or someone self-identifying as a kung-fu Panda are perfectly normal :113:

I'm amazed his designated carer in whatever facility he resides in gives the Wifi code out to him tbh

You win the internet for the day.

President Joe lands in the UK to tell Johnson to sort himself out​

President Joe needs to mind his own business and worry about sorting HIMSELF out.

Joe will inject the voice of an adult
Wonder whose voice he will be using.

in this and order the fat twat to meet his obligations.
You clearly need an American to come there to order all you fat twats to meet your obligations.

I suppose it is humiliating for the UK
Yeah but you're used to it by now I'm sure.

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