There are lies, more lies, and then there is the data. Keep telling the hurting middleclass and poor, that they arent really hurting.

Yea but didn’t you hear Tennessee auto workers just joined the uaw? And Alabama auto workers are next.

45% of us are doing better despite inflation. So you are worried about the poorest people in our country? It turns out their employers need to dig a little deeper or else.
Things were 20% better with Trump
First, I never suggested that tax breaks are job creators, or that I support them.
But they are not a subsidy.

So you are subsidized? Because you get a tax break too. So do I. So does everyone.
If I have pay for insurance and you don't, that's a subsidy.
If I go to the grocery store and pay for my groceries, and you don't, that's a subsidy.
Things were 20% better with Trump
Pandemic, Russia, shit happened you know that right?

Christie and Ron would disagree with you if you are blaming Biden

GOP presidential debate: DeSantis says Trump’s spending ‘set the stage for the inflation that we have now’​

20%? For who? For the poor?

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Unions won big last year and are now winning in the south. If these people want to be able to pay rent they need to ask for more money. The companies and CEO's are doing super dooper good.
I just bought a chocolate chip cookie at a walk-up counter place. It was $5, and then the register asked whether I wanted to pay an 18%, 20%, or 22% tip.
Yeah, I just had this happen with Donatos. I don't believe in banning tips. Tips are a brilliant system confined to their proper context.

But this weird push to have tips on everything, is completely unacceptable.

So I ordered a pizza online to my local store, and when the bill came up it was $5 higher than I expected, given it was a pizza that I was going to pick up.

I thought I had accidentally ordered something extra, but when I looked the bill, they charged me a tip. They charged me a tip, to deliver a pizza to myself.

Well that made me a little pissed off. So I called up the store, canceled the order, and then hopped on the Donatos feed back form, and explained that every single time they charged me a tip, when I'm picking up the pizza myself, that I would cancel the order, and send another complaint to corporate. And if that meant I never ordered from Donatos again for the rest of my life, so be it.
If I have pay for insurance and you don't, that's a subsidy.
If I go to the grocery store and pay for my groceries, and you don't, that's a subsidy.
Everyone has to pay for insurance, and everyone has to buy groceries.
What about the people on Medicaid and food stamps?
So the context of the conversation was that I was saying a tax deduction, is not a subsidy. A subsidy is when someone else must be taxed, and have their money taken and given to someone else.

So when a company gets a tax deduction, that is not a subsidy.

Obviously when someone is on food stamps or Medicaid, that is a subsidy. Someone else has to work without benefit, have what they earned stolen from them, and given to someone else.
Trump-era tax cuts poised to expire soon, meaning you could face steeper taxes

The absurd truth about fossil fuel subsidies

View attachment 945162
Generation180 › blog › the-absurd-truth-abo...
May 3, 2023 — 2022 update: According to a recent IMF report, the burning of coal, oil, and gas was subsidized by $5.9 trillion in 2020. This new way of ...
So in your own link, they include paying low income citizens with heating oil subsidies.
That's money given to people like YOU to help pay their heating bills because they are poor.

If Republicans and conservatives like me, pushed for a bill to eliminate all low income heating subsidies (Which I would entirely support), would you, and all the left-wingers on here, and Democrats in Congress support that?
Trump-era tax cuts poised to expire soon, meaning you could face steeper taxes

The absurd truth about fossil fuel subsidies

View attachment 945162
Generation180 › blog › the-absurd-truth-abo...
May 3, 2023 — 2022 update: According to a recent IMF report, the burning of coal, oil, and gas was subsidized by $5.9 trillion in 2020. This new way of ...

Thanks for the link.

US fossil fuel production is subsidized to the tune of $20 billion annually​

OMG! That's awful!

OCI is only counting direct production subsidies. As they acknowledge, that leaves out a great deal.


For one thing, it leaves out the annual $14.5 billion in consumption subsidies — things like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which helps lower-income residents pay their (fuel oil) heating bills. (There are better ways to help poor people, but let’s leave that aside for now.)'re mad that the government helps poor people not freeze to death in the winter and somehow that's a subsidy for fossil fuels? Hilarious!!!

Most significantly, OCI’s analysis leaves out indirect subsidies — things like the money the US military spends to protect oil shipping routes,

Umm....that's not a subsidy for US fossil fuel production.

or the unpaid costs of health and climate impacts from burning fossil fuels.

Oh, so now we're just pulling numbers out of our asses and calling it a subsidy?


1) All corporations get to deduct their expenses.
2) Natural resources all use depletion.
3) MLP holders pay taxes on their earnings.
4) Any corporation can use LIFO accounting
5) Huh?
6) OK
So in your own link, they include paying low income citizens with heating oil subsidies.
That's money given to people like YOU to help pay their heating bills because they are poor.
Through oil company tax breaks.
If Republicans and conservatives like me, pushed for a bill to eliminate all low income heating subsidies (Which I would entirely support),
Of course you would, let people freeze, except Cancun Cruz.
would you, and all the left-wingers on here, and Democrats in Congress support that?
Crisis management

  • Do you drink a lot of tea? - The crisis manager turned to the director.
  • The norm is one bag a week per person. - He replied.
  • A whole bag?!
  • No, of course not! A whole one only for those who fulfill the plan, the rest used.
  • Ah, that's not bad. But let's say electricity! Is it expensive?
  • Not at all. - The director shrugged his shoulders. - The staff pedals to make eletricity.
  • That's good... But what about the cleaning, for example?
  • Those who don't fulfill the plan do it. We don't have a janitor.
  • That's not bad.

The crisis manager moved on through the office. The director smirked. Did the shareholders really think some kid would teach him how to save money?

  • And the office rent? - The crisis-manager suddenly remembered.
  • We're on a barge!
  • I can see that, but the barge isn't yours, is it? You're paying something to the owner.
  • It's not ours. - The director agreed. - We stole it from the gypsies.
  • Not bad! And how do employees get home? Corporate boat?
  • They live in the hold.
  • For free?!
  • No, of course not. They row as a rent.
  • Hmm.

The crisis manager has moved on.

  • Careful, there's a hole in the floor. - The director warned him.
  • Thank you. By the way, how much money does it cost to repair the barge?
  • Not much. We steal a new one when we need it.
  • And what do you do with the old one?!
  • We sell it.
  • Eh. And food for the employees?
  • They catch fish.
  • What do you have here?
-Conference room. Wednesdays. The rest of the time it's a warehouse.

The crisis manager walked into a dark, damp and completely empty room.

  • No furniture.
  • It's good to confer standing up.
  • Yeah. And economical.
It was painful to look at the crisis manager, he couldn't think of anything else to save money on.
  • Is that a flip chart?! Are you buying paper?! - Literally shone, he shone.
  • We buy. - The director nodded calmly.
  • At such a difficult time for the company, you allow yourself....
  • We sell the drawings afterwards. - The director interrupted him. - Under the guise of the work of a schizophrenic trader.
  • And how are they buying? - Disappointedly specified the crisis-manager.
  • Yes. Very much so. Two million followers on Facebook, among other things. We also get money from advertising.

The crisis manager was silent for a while, then asked, by the looks of it, one last question.

  • And how much do you get paid for your work?
  • Well, it depends on the project...
  • No, I mean employees.
  • What do you mean? - The director didn't understand.

A sinister glint appeared in the crisis manager's eyes.
  • Are your employees working for free?! And you call yourself a professional?!
  • I'm not... Just... - The director turned pale.
  • Employees should pay you for the opportunity to work under your banner! For the opportunity to be part of the brand! Let's say twenty dollars a day! You give them the opportunity to earn money, so they should pay for it!!! In addition, it motivates them to fulfill the plan!
  • But...
  • I'll report your incompetence to the shareholders! You can consider yourself fired!

The crisis manager cocked his head and walked away from the warehouse, leaving the director alone with his sadness.

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