President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

He misspoke. and it may cause problems with Poland-US relations. Ultimately, I think it can be rectified without much difficulties.

And for those who dont see the problem, I think those who are upset over it are concerned that the ignorant among us may interpret his statements to mean that the Polish people were the ones setting up the death camps rather than the victims. I know most of us think that it's obvious that it would be Nazi's but there are alot of ignorant people out there who have no freakin idea what Nazi's, death camps, or Hitler were. Totally messed up.
Apparently, one of them is President.
Hey no big deal to you or to other Americans. To the Poles, well it's a different matter isn't it now?

But why would Democrats care? Polish Americans aren't a large enough voting block to worry about this year.



I'm Polish-Jewish. About a third of my extended family died in Auschwitz and Treblinka - the ones that didn't emigrate here in the 20s.

No one in my family is "outraged" about this. Who exactly do you think you're speaking for?
Who do you think you're speaking for? Poland?

Doesn't look like.

I speak for no one but myself, and my family.
Perhaps it's an urban legend, who knows. I heard that Pat Buchanan's father died in a Nazi death camp. The story goes he fell out of the guard tower.
Ahhh, yes, one of Dickless' favorite tactics:

Make up a lie, then lie about having heard it from someone.

Of course, only people as stupid as Dickless fall for it. You know -- leftists.
So many Deniers...So little time...

[ame=]Video of Gas Ovens at Auschwitz, germany, post wwii - in spanish.flv - YouTube[/ame]


Obama's handlers should KNOW better...

He botched this.

These weren't 'Polish Camps'...but NAZI camps...GERMAN.
At the time of the Bitburg visit, the Poles were under the crushing oppression of Soviet Communism, remember? The Poles still thank Reagan for liberating from the USSR.

The Democratic Congress funded the defeat of the USSR, remember?

BEcause the Dems overwhelmingly supported Reagan, right?

If the Cold War was won by outspending the Soviets, and Congress controls the purse strings,

well, you do the math.
What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Just because you have your head up Obama's ass doesn't men the Poles do.

“The White House will apologize for this outrageous error,” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski tweeted. Sikorski said that Polish Prime Minister Donald “Tusk will make a statement in the morning. It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence.”…
“A Polish death camp” — Sikorski also tonight tweeted a link to an Economist story noting that “few things annoy Poles more than being blamed for the crimes committed by the Nazi occupiers of their homeland. For many years, Polish media, diplomats and politicians have tried to persuade outsiders to stop using the phrase ‘Polish death camps’ as a shorthand description of Auschwitz and other exemplars of Nazi brutality and mass murder. Unfortunately this seems to have escaped BaracK Obama’s staff seem not to have noticed this.”…
Alex Storozynski, the President of the Kosciuszko Foundation, lauded the president earlier in the day for recognizing Karski, but now says “Karski would have cringed if he heard this….So far, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press and others have changed their stylebooks to ban the use of this phrase. Now, the Obama White House must do the same. President Obama’s remarks are already being called ‘scandalous’ by media outlets in Poland. Obama was seen reading this phrase off a teleprompter. The President must acknowledge his mistake and apologize for it. He must do it for Karski and the other Poles that risked their lives trying to stop the Holocaust.”

Is it Obama's fault that the Poles were pussies and couldn't defend themselves? First the Nazis and them the Russians.
I guess that means that blacks who were enslaved were pussies.
Oh really? Then please send me to a link that shows that there were no, or hardly any, polish people in the death camps. That really is the only piece of evidence that would negate what I just said, or what Obama said.

The issue is not who was imprisoned at death camps, but who ran them.

To some "Polish death camps" sounds like "death camps run by Polish people", rather than death camps in Poland where Polish people were the victims.

Are they trying to be purposefully obtuse?
Anything to defend Obama.
Of course there were Poles in the death camps. For crying out loud that's not the point.
The point is that there wasn't just bloody Poles in the camps.

That's the only way you could turn them into Polish death camps.

They were Nazi death camps. President fucked up. I don't care. But the Polish Prime Minister and the Ambassador and others care.

One more time so it sinks in. There weren't just Polish people in the death camp. They were Nazi death camps.

So there are only Americans in "American" prisons?

Apples and oranges.

Nazi death camps cannot under any circumstances be compared to in any way shape or form any country's penal system.

Got it? There is absolutely no comparison between a country's legitimate penal system and the Nazi death camps.

None. Nada. Zilch. Zippo.
There is when you're desperate to cover Obama's ass.

Right, Salty?
I'm on the fence on this one. Part of me wants to preserve history, and part of me wants it to rot on the dung heap of stupid things we did in history. What's tally? Should we polish death camps and use it for a rememberence of stupid things the right wing did? Or should we allow it to oxidize, and put that ignorance in the past?
Bzzzzt! Wrong answer. But thanks for playing.
What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Just because you have your head up Obama's ass doesn't men the Poles do.

“The White House will apologize for this outrageous error,” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski tweeted. Sikorski said that Polish Prime Minister Donald “Tusk will make a statement in the morning. It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence.”…
“A Polish death camp” — Sikorski also tonight tweeted a link to an Economist story noting that “few things annoy Poles more than being blamed for the crimes committed by the Nazi occupiers of their homeland. For many years, Polish media, diplomats and politicians have tried to persuade outsiders to stop using the phrase ‘Polish death camps’ as a shorthand description of Auschwitz and other exemplars of Nazi brutality and mass murder. Unfortunately this seems to have escaped BaracK Obama’s staff seem not to have noticed this.”…
Alex Storozynski, the President of the Kosciuszko Foundation, lauded the president earlier in the day for recognizing Karski, but now says “Karski would have cringed if he heard this….So far, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press and others have changed their stylebooks to ban the use of this phrase. Now, the Obama White House must do the same. President Obama’s remarks are already being called ‘scandalous’ by media outlets in Poland. Obama was seen reading this phrase off a teleprompter. The President must acknowledge his mistake and apologize for it. He must do it for Karski and the other Poles that risked their lives trying to stop the Holocaust.”

Is it Obama's fault that the Poles were pussies and couldn't defend themselves? First the Nazis and them the Russians.
it's Obama's FAULT for NOT fact Checking...and just reading shit off a teleprompter he's fucking fed.

It's an INSULT.
Hey no big deal to you or to other Americans. To the Poles, well it's a different matter isn't it now?

But why would Democrats care? Polish Americans aren't a large enough voting block to worry about this year.



I'm Polish-Jewish. About a third of my extended family died in Auschwitz and Treblinka - the ones that didn't emigrate here in the 20s.

No one in my family is "outraged" about this. Who exactly do you think you're speaking for?

and your family speaks for poland?


Did I say that they did?

I make no claims about what "Poland" thinks of the situation.
I'm on the fence on this one. Part of me wants to preserve history, and part of me wants it to rot on the dung heap of stupid things we did in history. What's tally? Should we polish death camps and use it for a rememberence of stupid things the right wing did? Or should we allow it to oxidize, and put that ignorance in the past?
Bzzzzt! Wrong answer. But thanks for playing.

Tick is another IDIOT that doesn't get it.
The death camps were not just for jewish people. Polish people also filled death camps. How is identifying a death camp where there were Polish people as a "polish death camp" insulting to anyone, or factually incorrect?

Because calling a death camp a [insert name] death camp is an indictment of those running the camp, not of those housed in the camp.

Thus, a 'Nazi' death camp indicates the Nazi's were running the camp, in the same manner that calling it a 'Polish' death camp is saying that the Polish were running the death camp... which they obviously were not.

Do you seriously not understand that being even accidentally compared to the Nazi's in regards to running a death camp, might just be a little upsetting, insulting, and factually incorrect???
But...but...but OBAMA said it! It HAS to be true!!

In case of a disagreement between reality and Obama, reality is wrong. /Obamabot
The death camps were not just for jewish people. Polish people also filled death camps. How is identifying a death camp where there were Polish people as a "polish death camp" insulting to anyone, or factually incorrect?

Because calling a death camp a [insert name] death camp is an indictment of those running the camp, not of those housed in the camp.

Thus, a 'Nazi' death camp indicates the Nazi's were running the camp, in the same manner that calling it a 'Polish' death camp is saying that the Polish were running the death camp... which they obviously were not.

Do you seriously not understand that being even accidentally compared to the Nazi's in regards to running a death camp, might just be a little upsetting, insulting, and factually incorrect???

Dead On. Obama's handlers BOTCHED this bigtime with thier IGNOARANCE...and Obama DID for just reading what he was handed.
Because calling a death camp a [insert name] death camp is an indictment of those running the camp, not of those housed in the camp.

Thus, a 'Nazi' death camp indicates the Nazi's were running the camp, in the same manner that calling it a 'Polish' death camp is saying that the Polish were running the death camp... which they obviously were not.

Do you seriously not understand that being even accidentally compared to the Nazi's in regards to running a death camp, might just be a little upsetting, insulting, and factually incorrect???

He's minimalizing Nazi involvement because he approves of what the Nazis did in Poland.. . . Obama approves of what happened in Poland. He's going to do what he can to make such campaigns look normal and good, because that's what he wants here. And to do that, it's important to remove the stigma and make it appear that they willingly participated in it.

I guess I just realized you are evil. No kidding. You are on ignore.
How DARE she insult The One?! :mad:

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