President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

Whoa geeze the Polish Prime Minister is really pissed off. From the Daily Mail.

President Obama made a factually inaccurate and offensive gaffe Tuesday when he referred to 'Polish death camps' while praising a World War II hero.

Even though he issued an apology shortly after the statement, the Polish prime minister said Wednesday that he wasn't completely satisfied with a White House explanation that the President simply misspoke, saying he wants a 'stronger, more pointed' response.

The phrasing is considered hugely offensive in Poland, where Nazi Germany murdered Poles, Jews and others in death camps it built during World War II on Polish and German territory.

Poles have responded with outrage, maintaining Mr Obama should have called it a 'German death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland,' to distinguish the perpetrators from the location.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said he was accepting a White House explanation that Mr Obama misspoke but was still waiting for a 'stronger, more pointed reaction' that could eliminate the phrasing 'once and for all.'
We always react in the same way when ignorance, lack of knowledge, bad intentions lead to such a distortion of history, so painful for us here in Poland, in a country which suffered like no other in Europe during World War II,' Mr Tusk said in his statement.

'We cannot accept such words even if they are spoken by the leader of a friendly power -- or perhaps especially in such situations -- since we expect diligence, care and respect from our friend on issues of such importance as World War II remembrance.'

rest at link:

Read more: Obama makes Holocaust gaffe by referring to 'Polish death camps' without blaming Nazis | Mail Online

Time for the Polish Prime Minister to accept the apology for an honest mistake and get over it.
It is not OK if it is a liberal making the mistake.

oh yeah sure..we know what this board would like like if it had BEEN BUSH..
but it's the poor dear obama..waa

You have a lot of nerve criticizing Obama's mistakes when Bush embarrassed America for 8 years. And I am willing to bet that you voted for him, twice.

Remind me how he embarassed America. I think he embarassed liberal noobs like you because he actually stood for something and his leadership didnt come off a teleprompter written by George Soros.
Barry dissed the polish by selling their missile shield program out to Putin. So why wouldn't he be blaming the the Polish for the atrocities committed by the Nazi's. Gee, someone has to protect the Naiz Socialists and the Russian Marxists. Obama has chosen to do it.
The biggest guffaw I got was when he claimed his uncle freed the slaves from Aushwitz. Guess it was his uncle Joe and he was in the Red Army.

Pay Attention...THIS poster has it correct.
Over 200,000 Americans died liberating Europe from the Nazis.

How do you say 'You're welcome' in Polish?
Did you hear about the 12 Polish guys raping the German woman? She yelled "nein! Nein!" and three of them left.

Why did they stop making ice cubes in Poland?
The old lady with the recipe died.

What happened to the Polish terrorist who tried to blow up a bus?
He burned his lips on the exhaust pipe.

Did you hear about the Polish heroin addicts sharing a needle?
They thought they couldn't get AIDS because they were all wearing condoms.

What did the Polish guy do before going to a cockfight?
He greased his zipper.

The three latest Polish technological discoveries:
1.) Solar powered flashlights
2.) Inflatable dart boards
3.) Helicopter ejection seats

Careful ... that's racist territory.

Careful? :lol:
Over 200,000 Americans died liberating Europe from the Nazis.

How do you say 'You're welcome' in Polish?

Glad you guys finally did get around to joining the war :lol: Many died from many countries freeing Europe from Nazi rule.

Come on. Can't we just say this was a diplomatic faux pas that shouldn't have happened?

It's a screw up. Plain and simple.
man oh man


Poles and Polish-Americans expressed outrage today at President Obama’s reference earlier to “a Polish death camp” — as opposed to a Nazi death camp in German-occupied Poland.

The perils of letting Biden write your speeches...
Did the Poles throw a fit when Reagan put a wreath on the S. S. graveyard in Bitburg?

He was there, for all of 8 minutes, did not speak.

Reagan Joins Kohl in Brief Memorial at Bitburg Graves -
President Reagan presided over a wreath-laying today at the base of a brick cemetery tower looming over the graves of nearly 2,000 German soldiers, including 49 SS troops.

Alluding to the controversy aroused by his visit to the cemetery, Mr. Reagan voiced regret in remarks at an American air base afterward that ''old wounds have been reopened.''

Accompanied by Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Mr. Reagan walked slowly through the narrow, hilltop cemetery, ablaze with tulips and marigolds. Mr. Reagan did not glance at the graves during his eight-minute visit. Mr. Kohl brushed tears from his eyes. Neither made a speech at the cemetery.

Mr. Reagan's visit to Bergen-Belsen, in addition to the Kolmeshohe Cemetery at Bitburg, was designed to merge past and present - to pay homage to the millions of victims of Nazi Germany and to honor West Germany's emergence as a powerful democracy and ally of the United States.

''We who were enemies are now friends,'' Mr. Reagan told about 5,000 American military personnel, their families and local German residents at the Bitburg Air Base, less than one mile from the military cemetery.

''We who were bitter adversaries are now the strongest of allies,'' Mr. Reagan said. ''In the place of fear we have sown trust, and out of the ruins of war has blossomed an enduring peace.''
yeah, how dare he, right? :rolleyes:
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The poles are mad that they were pussies?

They fought harder than other countries against the invasion. I think you are thinking of France.

Obama made a stupid comment and needs to own up to it. Why rush in to defend him and blame the Polish for being insulted?

Perhaps they are taking it negatively because of Obama's past decision. It's not always what is said, but the mindset of the person saying it.

Sept. 17 is not an auspicious date for Poland. In 1939 the Red Army marched into Poland from the east on September 17 and Hitler and Stalin divided the country between themselves. Up to today, Moscow still hasn't issued a clear apology for the attack. Exactly 70 years after the invasion, Poland is being forced to accept another defeat: US President Barack Obama has shelved his plans to build a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Poles React: Warsaw Fears Washington Losing Interest in Eastern Allies - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Over 200,000 Americans died liberating Europe from the Nazis.

How do you say 'You're welcome' in Polish?

Glad you guys finally did get around to joining the war :lol: Many died from many countries freeing Europe from Nazi rule.

Come on. Can't we just say this was a diplomatic faux pas that shouldn't have happened?

It's a screw up. Plain and simple.

Ah so..after centuries of trying to rid themselves of Jews..they were "suddenly" upset that the Nazis took up the cause?

The poles are mad that they were pussies?

They fought harder than other countries against the invasion. I think you are thinking of France.

Obama made a stupid comment and needs to own up to it. Why rush in to defend him and blame the Polish for being insulted?

Perhaps they are taking it negatively because of Obama's past decision. It's not always what is said, but the mindset of the person saying it.

Sept. 17 is not an auspicious date for Poland. In 1939 the Red Army marched into Poland from the east on September 17 and Hitler and Stalin divided the country between themselves. Up to today, Moscow still hasn't issued a clear apology for the attack. Exactly 70 years after the invasion, Poland is being forced to accept another defeat: US President Barack Obama has shelved his plans to build a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Poles React: Warsaw Fears Washington Losing Interest in Eastern Allies - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Thanks for the link to the der Spiegel article.
Over 200,000 Americans died liberating Europe from the Nazis.

How do you say 'You're welcome' in Polish?

Glad you guys finally did get around to joining the war :lol: Many died from many countries freeing Europe from Nazi rule.

Come on. Can't we just say this was a diplomatic faux pas that shouldn't have happened?

It's a screw up. Plain and simple.

I don't think anyone is arguing that it's not a faux pas - but it's not anything more than that.

It's a minor faux pas. In an overall sense, it's meaningless.
Over 200,000 Americans died liberating Europe from the Nazis.

How do you say 'You're welcome' in Polish?

Glad you guys finally did get around to joining the war :lol: Many died from many countries freeing Europe from Nazi rule.

Come on. Can't we just say this was a diplomatic faux pas that shouldn't have happened?

It's a screw up. Plain and simple.

Ah so..after centuries of trying to rid themselves of Jews..they were "suddenly" upset that the Nazis took up the cause?


*YOU* don't know what you're talking about in Reference to 'Auschwitz', DO YOU?:evil:

And Yes jews have been persecuted since biblical times...but THAt isn't the fucking subject, is it asswipe?:evil::eusa_hand:
Over 200,000 Americans died liberating Europe from the Nazis.

How do you say 'You're welcome' in Polish?

Glad you guys finally did get around to joining the war :lol: Many died from many countries freeing Europe from Nazi rule.

Come on. Can't we just say this was a diplomatic faux pas that shouldn't have happened?

It's a screw up. Plain and simple.
It's MORE than a screw-up. It's total IGNORING of history by Obama's handlers.
What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Here's a link for you. Just because we haven't heard about this till now, doesn't mean the Poles aren't freaking.

Bad diplomatic faux pas calling them Polish death camps. Big big whoopsies.,cf.osb&fp=afee8b0baff9ca33&biw=964&bih=522

I see a bunch of right wing Obama haters telling us how much everyone is outraged. Would you be happy if he called them Nazi vampire baby brain and soul eating death camps?
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