President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

Same here...and apparently our OP doesn't know that most of the Nazi death camps were set up in Poland....a Poland conquered by the Nazis, grant you, but in Poland nonetheless.

Why don't you go find a history book that talks about Polish death camps and come back and show it to us.

Alternatively, you could actually admit that The One is not perfect.

You should do the same.

Many people populating and running the camps..were Poles.

While you are at it..look up Polish Jewish Pogroms.

Do you have a point buried somewhere in your attempt to defend a statement that Obama has issued an apology for?
[ame=]Obama's uncle liberated Auschwitz? - YouTube[/ame]

I'm Polish-Jewish. About a third of my extended family died in Auschwitz and Treblinka - the ones that didn't emigrate here in the 20s.

No one in my family is "outraged" about this. Who exactly do you think you're speaking for?

and your family speaks for poland?


Did I say that they did?

I make no claims about what "Poland" thinks of the situation.

Except when you do.

What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Here's a link for you. Just because we haven't heard about this till now, doesn't mean the Poles aren't freaking.

Bad diplomatic faux pas calling them Polish death camps. Big big whoopsies.,cf.osb&fp=afee8b0baff9ca33&biw=964&bih=522

Faux pas? Sure.

Big deal? Not at all.

Any lasting consequences? Nope.
Obama is the Black Archie Bunker, he thinks all Pollarks are just plain dumb, and wouldnt be smart enough to figure out what Polish death camps meant.
The fingernail on my pinky shows more signs of crictical thinking than the drivel you post...

Can you say "Baaaa"....

Son? When YOU get off that Island that is New Zealand and join the real world?

Let us know? WE Saved your Country from turning Japanese.

*Shut UP*

YOU didn't lift a finger to save my country from Jack.

That aside, you epitomise why a lot of people hate your country. You are arrogant, xenophobic, narcisstic, but most importantly (and unfortunately) ignorant of the world around you..

This is why you get loser whackjobs flying planes into buildings and we don't. You just don't get it. Not because these concepts are hard to grasp, but because you don't have the mental capacity to see the bigger picture.

I honestly believe in evolution because the likes of you prove that it must exist. There is no way the likes of you and yours have the same mental capacity as us normal folk.

You are the Neanderthal to my homosapien...:cool:

Oh, and I live in Australia...

Actually? Memebrs of my family that trained and fought in that theatre DID...

You may SHUT UP.

*Thank ME*
Well the White House apologized for the comment. So obviously you are full of shit.

Well duh, the White House under any presidency apologizes when people get offended.

“He was referring to Nazi death camps in German-occupied Poland,” Vietor said. “We regret this misstatement, which should not detract from the clear intention to honor Mr. Karski and those brave Polish citizens who stood on the side of human dignity in the face of tyranny.”

So the whole problem is people in Poland, who don't speak english, are being told Obama said something akin to "Polish run death camps."

No intelligent person would think "Polish death camps" meant anything other than what he meant - which was death camps IN Poland that were full of POLISH people.

Especially considering he was at an event HONORING a Polish person for his acts of bravery against the Nazi's in WWII.

All presidents who are monitored 24/7 will make slip ups. This one seems ridiculously harmless to me (and I have Jewish ancestry so the death camps are rather relavent to my history). Bush was a hell of a lot worse. Who cares? Focus on issues and not bad syntax.

To use the term "Polish death camp" has been a controversy for decades and has been denounced since 1989 by every Polish government.

It has nothing to do with intelligence whatsoever. It is an appalling and factually incorrect term.
Well the White House apologized for the comment. So obviously you are full of shit.

Well duh, the White House under any presidency apologizes when people get offended.

“He was referring to Nazi death camps in German-occupied Poland,” Vietor said. “We regret this misstatement, which should not detract from the clear intention to honor Mr. Karski and those brave Polish citizens who stood on the side of human dignity in the face of tyranny.”

So the whole problem is people in Poland, who don't speak english, are being told Obama said something akin to "Polish run death camps."

No intelligent person would think "Polish death camps" meant anything other than what he meant - which was death camps IN Poland that were full of POLISH people.

Especially considering he was at an event HONORING a Polish person for his acts of bravery against the Nazi's in WWII.

All presidents who are monitored 24/7 will make slip ups. This one seems ridiculously harmless to me (and I have Jewish ancestry so the death camps are rather relavent to my history). Bush was a hell of a lot worse. Who cares? Focus on issues and not bad syntax.

Are you saying Poles are stupid?
This is why you get loser whackjobs flying planes into buildings and we don't. ...

No, that's because your country is irrelevant. It's the same reason why the kid bagging groceries at the corner store doesn't need Secret Service protection. Your country is the kid bagging groceries.

So shut the fuck up and bag our groceries, bitch.
Son? When YOU get off that Island that is New Zealand and join the real world?

Let us know? WE Saved your Country from turning Japanese.

*Shut UP*

YOU didn't lift a finger to save my country from Jack.

That aside, you epitomise why a lot of people hate your country. You are arrogant, xenophobic, narcisstic, but most importantly (and unfortunately) ignorant of the world around you..

This is why you get loser whackjobs flying planes into buildings and we don't. You just don't get it. Not because these concepts are hard to grasp, but because you don't have the mental capacity to see the bigger picture.

I honestly believe in evolution because the likes of you prove that it must exist. There is no way the likes of you and yours have the same mental capacity as us normal folk.

You are the Neanderthal to my homosapien...:cool:

Oh, and I live in Australia...

Actually? Memebrs of my family that trained and fought in that theatre DID...

You may SHUT UP.

*Thank ME*

And members of my family helped in Europe and the Pacific too. But they don't ask for thanks or people to kiss their feet or tell people to shut up. No, they got on with their lives because they knew it was something that needed doing and don't expect anything from it.

And I won't ask you to thank me because I had nothing to do with it. My grandfathers and great uncles and aunts did. I'm not into taking credit for their actions. I'm not surprised you do for yours, though....
This is why you get loser whackjobs flying planes into buildings and we don't. ...

No, that's because your country is irrelevant. It's the same reason why the kid bagging groceries at the corner store doesn't need Secret Service protection. Your country is the kid bagging groceries.

So shut the fuck up and bag our groceries, bitch.

Ah, a citizen from the land of the free and home of the brave speaks....
I had two uncles who released concentration camp prisoners.

I had one uncle who was on the bataan death march.
I had two uncles who released concentration camp prisoners.

I had one uncle who was on the batan death march.

I am sure you are withme as to be incensed by Obama's Comments...or rather LACK of comments as he blindly accepted the historical inaccuracy and spewed it?

*I* Side with the Polish people that have had a rough life for well over 100 years.
This is why you get loser whackjobs flying planes into buildings and we don't. ...

No, that's because your country is irrelevant. It's the same reason why the kid bagging groceries at the corner store doesn't need Secret Service protection. Your country is the kid bagging groceries.

So shut the fuck up and bag our groceries, bitch.

Ah, a citizen from the land of the free and home of the brave speaks....

NO, you don't put the eggs on the bottom, idiot. Can't you do anything right? Take the rest of the day off and go put some shrimp on the barbie or whatever the hell you people do.
I'm waiting for the Soetoro Administration to blame this on... You guessed it!!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!
No, that's because your country is irrelevant. It's the same reason why the kid bagging groceries at the corner store doesn't need Secret Service protection. Your country is the kid bagging groceries.

So shut the fuck up and bag our groceries, bitch.

Ah, a citizen from the land of the free and home of the brave speaks....

NO, you don't put the eggs on the bottom, idiot. Can't you do anything right? Take the rest of the day off and go put some shrimp on the barbie or whatever the hell you people do.

Whaddya do for an encore, tape breadcrumbs to a window and watch birds batter themselves to death?
and your family speaks for poland?


Did I say that they did?

I make no claims about what "Poland" thinks of the situation.

Except when you do.

Here's a link for you. Just because we haven't heard about this till now, doesn't mean the Poles aren't freaking.

Bad diplomatic faux pas calling them Polish death camps. Big big whoopsies.,cf.osb&fp=afee8b0baff9ca33&biw=964&bih=522

Faux pas? Sure.

Big deal? Not at all.

Any lasting consequences? Nope.

That would be my opinion, not "Poland's".
[ame=]Obama Recalls the "bomb" that fell on Pearl Harbor - YouTube[/ame]

No, that's because your country is irrelevant. It's the same reason why the kid bagging groceries at the corner store doesn't need Secret Service protection. Your country is the kid bagging groceries.

So shut the fuck up and bag our groceries, bitch.

Ah, a citizen from the land of the free and home of the brave speaks....

NO, you don't put the eggs on the bottom, idiot. Can't you do anything right? Take the rest of the day off and go put some shrimp on the barbie or whatever the hell you people do.

He likes miolesting sheep with Beer. Avatar is dead giveaway ;)

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