President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

Ah, a citizen from the land of the free and home of the brave speaks....

NO, you don't put the eggs on the bottom, idiot. Can't you do anything right? Take the rest of the day off and go put some shrimp on the barbie or whatever the hell you people do.

Whaddya do for an encore, tape breadcrumbs to a window and watch birds batter themselves to death?

I get the feeling that would work on you...
Ah, a citizen from the land of the free and home of the brave speaks....

NO, you don't put the eggs on the bottom, idiot. Can't you do anything right? Take the rest of the day off and go put some shrimp on the barbie or whatever the hell you people do.

He likes miolesting sheep with Beer. Avatar is dead giveaway ;)

You're a racist, homophobe, wife beater. Going by your avatar...
Except when you do.

That would be my opinion, not "Poland's".

Your opinion is that no one, including Poland, is going to care about it.

Got it.

No. I never said that "no one cares about this".

My opinion is exactly what I said it was:

It's a faux pas. A blunder, a misstatement. It happens.
Its not a big deal.
Everyone will have forgotten about this in a few days.
There will be no lasting consequences, either in terms of Obama's approval rating, re-election, or diplomatic relations with Poland.
Obama can't even find poland on a world map. just like that cutey miss teen south america couldnt find Iraq. Obama: I personally believe that one in five pollarks cant find new jersey on a US map because they are all polish and need more maps!
And to round it out:

Some supporters feel that an apology, or even an amended one with stronger language, would not sufficiently deal with the gaffe.

Chicago-based attorney John Pikarski who lead the Polish-Americans for Obama group suggested that the President take obvious action to counteract his words and their symbolism.

'The president really needs to do something significant to heal the wounds ... maybe have a conference at the White House for some prominent Jewish and Polish Americans. No slur was intended. But we have worked so hard to eradicate that term,' he told the Chicago Sun-Times

Read more: Obama makes Holocaust gaffe by referring to 'Polish death camps' without blaming Nazis | Mail Online

But we've been told in this thread that Polish-Americans aren't upset!

Guess the guy who said that is full of shit, huh?
The president make an unfortunate reference. People do that all the time. We can move on.

It is not OK if it is a liberal making the mistake.
Liberals in this thread are falling all over themselves insisting Obama didn't make a mistake.

Your little tin god is not infallible.

And he isn't. Their Porcelin GOD that can do no wrong flubbed a REAL history lesson and now questions WHY Polish people are ANGRY at him?

Let CARNEY stutter his way through the outrage.:mad:
What outrage? This is the first I've heard of it...

Here's a link for you. Just because we haven't heard about this till now, doesn't mean the Poles aren't freaking.

Bad diplomatic faux pas calling them Polish death camps. Big big whoopsies.,cf.osb&fp=afee8b0baff9ca33&biw=964&bih=522

I see a bunch of right wing Obama haters telling us how much everyone is outraged. Would you be happy if he called them Nazi vampire baby brain and soul eating death camps?
Actually, the Polish government, the Polish people, and a group of Polish Americans for Obama are telling us how much they're outraged.

You can't hear them because your head is up Obama's ass.

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