President Obama distanced himself from his hateful base on Wednesday night.


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010

The Wall Street Journal:
President Barack Obama called on the nation to resist the temptation to assign blame for a shooting rampage here that may never fully be explained, but to emerge from the tragedy a more thoughtful, civil nation.
President Obama spoke at the memorial service Wednesday in Tucson
Concluding a memorial service for the victims of Saturday’s violence, Mr. Obama urged: “Rather than pointing fingers or assigning blame, let us use this occasion to expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy.”
…The president’s emotionally charged address capped days of debate about whether the nation’s heated political rhetoric played a role in inciting the violence. Mr. Obama addressed the point, saying incivility did not cause the tragedy of Tucson. But, he added that “only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation.”
“At a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do,” the president said, “it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”
The nationally televised speech, delivered to more than 14,000 in the university arena and almost as many in an overflow area, was an opportunity for the president to connect with a hurting nation…
…While some Americans are debating gun safety laws, the adequacy of mental health services and other possible factors in the incident, Mr. Obama said, “the truth is that none of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack.”
Also Wednesday, Ms. Giffords’s colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives held an extensive session of floor remarks honoring her and other victims, including a member of Ms Giffords’ staff who was killed.
His signature is to let his operatives do all the smearing, while appearing to stay above it.

Just like he did in his campaigns in Chicago.
Who didn't know that Obama was going to throw the left under the bus?

He does so at every opportunity.

No news here.
Good thing they handed out the group T-shirts at the speech

Gotta distance himself from that whole "whose ass to kick", amongst other rather intemperate comments, thingy.

This positively reeks of CYA.
If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies-- but not to harshly because we're toning down our rhetoric at least until this Palin-inspired shooting blows over...
Who didn't know that Obama was going to throw the left under the bus?

He does so at every opportunity.

No news here.

I watched the entire event.
I never heard him mention the left or the right.
I heard him say..and I paraphrase...'stop with the freaking hatred and bs rhetoric and lets get this country moving in the right direction'.

If you want to think he was talking to the left, that is your perogative.

Who didn't know that Obama was going to throw the left under the bus?

He does so at every opportunity.

No news here.

I watched the entire event.
I never heard him mention the left or the right.
I heard him say..and I paraphrase...'stop with the freaking hatred and bs rhetoric and lets get this country moving in the right direction'.

If you want to think he was talking to the left, that is your perogative.


Thank you, I appreciate that.

I was responding to the article, not the speech which I did not watch.

If Obama did not throw the left under the bus as is implied in the article, then I misspoke.

Perhaps I best listen to the speech first :redface:

.. which will be painful because I so do not like Obama.
Who didn't know that Obama was going to throw the left under the bus?

He does so at every opportunity.

No news here.

I watched the entire event.
I never heard him mention the left or the right.
I heard him say..and I paraphrase...'stop with the freaking hatred and bs rhetoric and lets get this country moving in the right direction'.

If you want to think he was talking to the left, that is your perogative.


Thank you, I appreciate that.

I was responding to the article, not the speech which I did not watch.

If Obama did not throw the left under the bus as is implied in the article, then I misspoke.

Perhaps I best listen to the speech first :redface:

.. which will be painful because I so do not like Obama.

As a politician? I have very little interest in Barak Obama. I am not a fan of his ideology and I am not a fan of his political tactics.

As a head of state? What I saw last night is EXACTLY what I want to see in a head of state.

And the irony BlackAsCoal...

You and I do not appreciate Mr. Obama for opposite reasons which shows us how difficult it must be to get a majority of a vote in this country.

And by the way...I also did not want to watch last night. But I believed the fallen deserved my respect.

And I am glad I did. I was quite impressed with Mr. Obamas sincerity.

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