President Obama: Never Impeached

Funny. I don't recall President Obama being censured or impeached for it.

yup, real shame that.

But Bush was not around when Fast and Furious started.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Some food for thought...

A program similar to Fast and Furious did go forward under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. That program, called Operation Wide Receiver, also attempted to track suspicious weapons. Allowing gun sales to go forward even when the ATF had probable cause to believe the sales were unlawful has come to be known as "gun walking."

The two operations -- Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver -- had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

Obama said?

He was wrong.

read the link I gave you.

Fast and Furious started in 2009

Operation Wide Receiver started in 2006 out of the ATF’s same Phoenix Field Division - under Bush.
Operation Wide Receiver

Yes, and ended in 2007.

Fast and Furious started in 2009, under ???.

President Obama: Never Impeached
yup, real shame that.

But Bush was not around when Fast and Furious started.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Some food for thought...

A program similar to Fast and Furious did go forward under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. That program, called Operation Wide Receiver, also attempted to track suspicious weapons. Allowing gun sales to go forward even when the ATF had probable cause to believe the sales were unlawful has come to be known as "gun walking."

The two operations -- Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver -- had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

Obama said?

He was wrong.

read the link I gave you.

Fast and Furious started in 2009

Operation Wide Receiver started in 2006 out of the ATF’s same Phoenix Field Division - under Bush.
Operation Wide Receiver

Yes, and ended in 2007.

Fast and Furious started in 2009, under ???.

President Obama: Never Impeached

yup, real shame that.

But Bush was not around when Fast and Furious started.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Some food for thought...

A program similar to Fast and Furious did go forward under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. That program, called Operation Wide Receiver, also attempted to track suspicious weapons. Allowing gun sales to go forward even when the ATF had probable cause to believe the sales were unlawful has come to be known as "gun walking."

The two operations -- Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver -- had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

Obama said?

He was wrong.

read the link I gave you.

Fast and Furious started in 2009

Operation Wide Receiver started in 2006 out of the ATF’s same Phoenix Field Division - under Bush.
Operation Wide Receiver

Yes, and ended in 2007.

Fast and Furious started in 2009, under ???.

President Obama: Never Impeached

good parrot.

ready to admit you were wrong about Fast and Furious?
Some food for thought...

A program similar to Fast and Furious did go forward under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. That program, called Operation Wide Receiver, also attempted to track suspicious weapons. Allowing gun sales to go forward even when the ATF had probable cause to believe the sales were unlawful has come to be known as "gun walking."

The two operations -- Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver -- had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

Obama said?

He was wrong.

read the link I gave you.

Fast and Furious started in 2009

Operation Wide Receiver started in 2006 out of the ATF’s same Phoenix Field Division - under Bush.
Operation Wide Receiver

Yes, and ended in 2007.

Fast and Furious started in 2009, under ???.

President Obama: Never Impeached


Oh, you expect that President Obama WILL be impeached? Interesting...
Obama said?

He was wrong.

read the link I gave you.

Fast and Furious started in 2009

Operation Wide Receiver started in 2006 out of the ATF’s same Phoenix Field Division - under Bush.
Operation Wide Receiver

Yes, and ended in 2007.

Fast and Furious started in 2009, under ???.

President Obama: Never Impeached


Oh, you expect that President Obama WILL be impeached? Interesting...

To remove his status as Past President
His retirement pay
His secret service protection and
to prevent him from holding any other government office.
Shitstain obama was the most disreputable, underhanded and criminal creatures to ever disgrace any office. But he's black which means he can do no wrong.

Putin was a huge disappointment when he didn't come here and drag the shitstain around DC chained to a pick up truck.
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

Obama was a traitor.

  • Obama was caught spying on members of congress and members of the media
  • Obama paid billions to our enemy Iran and they're now using it against our allies overseas
  • Obama traded 5 al Qaeda generals for a homosexual traitor
  • Obama was caught selling military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels

Shitstain obama promised the Iranian people help in the Green Revolution. At the last minute when they asked for aid, instead he gave the mullahs the names of the people he promised to help.
Obama said?

He was wrong.

read the link I gave you.

Fast and Furious started in 2009

Operation Wide Receiver started in 2006 out of the ATF’s same Phoenix Field Division - under Bush.
Operation Wide Receiver

Yes, and ended in 2007.

Fast and Furious started in 2009, under ???.

President Obama: Never Impeached


Oh, you expect that President Obama WILL be impeached? Interesting...
He should be impeached, tried and convicted. Strip him of his pension and presidential library. Burn his hideous portraits.
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

I like Obama and do not like Trump very much, but it is not true that Obama did such a good or clean job compared to Trump.
First of all, Trump started no wars, and while I voted for Obama because he claimed he would get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, he did not. And in fact he expanded war to Libya, Egypt, and Syria.
And while ACA may have been a slight improvement, it still is mandatory private health insurance, which is still not very good.
So no, Obama does not come off so much better in accomplishments than Trump.
Obama just comes off as a better speaker.
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

Fast & Furious? Lois Lerner & the IRS? Benghazi? Deaths at the VA? His Secretary of State evading Congressional oversight?

Tan Suit? You wish...
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

Fast & Furious? Lois Lerner & the IRS? Benghazi? Deaths at the VA? His Secretary of State evading Congressional oversight?

Tan Suit? You wish...

President Obama: Never Impeached

President Obama was a saint compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

Fast & Furious? Lois Lerner & the IRS? Benghazi? Deaths at the VA? His Secretary of State evading Congressional oversight?

Tan Suit? You wish...

President Obama: Never Impeached

President Obama was a saint compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

President Obama had two of the most corrupt Attorney Generals in memory, Lakhota! Lorretta Lynch and Eric Holder? Those two wouldn't have investigated Barry no matter what!
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

Fast & Furious? Lois Lerner & the IRS? Benghazi? Deaths at the VA? His Secretary of State evading Congressional oversight?

Tan Suit? You wish...

President Obama: Never Impeached

President Obama was a saint compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

President Obama had two of the most corrupt Attorney Generals in memory, Lakhota! Lorretta Lynch and Eric Holder? Those two wouldn't have investigated Barry no matter what!

Really? You mean like Bill Barr? Not hardly.
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

Fast & Furious? Lois Lerner & the IRS? Benghazi? Deaths at the VA? His Secretary of State evading Congressional oversight?

Tan Suit? You wish...

President Obama: Never Impeached

President Obama was a saint compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

President Obama had two of the most corrupt Attorney Generals in memory, Lakhota! Lorretta Lynch and Eric Holder? Those two wouldn't have investigated Barry no matter what!

Really? You mean like Bill Barr? Not hardly.

Yes, Really....ERIC HOLDER and LORETTA LYNCH did keep Barry out of any legal trouble.
Corruption to the max.
Only took Trump 3 years. So much winning. As I recall, President Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit. President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit

Fast & Furious? Lois Lerner & the IRS? Benghazi? Deaths at the VA? His Secretary of State evading Congressional oversight?

Tan Suit? You wish...

President Obama: Never Impeached

President Obama was a saint compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

President Obama had two of the most corrupt Attorney Generals in memory, Lakhota! Lorretta Lynch and Eric Holder? Those two wouldn't have investigated Barry no matter what!

Really? You mean like Bill Barr? Not hardly.

Lynch and Holder not just looked the other way when the Obama Administration ran roughshod over the law...they helped to make it happen!
President Obama had a clean presidency - especially when compared to Reagan, Bushes, and Trump.

Did any of those three have their AG held in contempt of congress? For concealing documents concerning Fast and Furious if I recall.

yup, real shame that.

But Bush was not around when Fast and Furious started.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Some food for thought...

A program similar to Fast and Furious did go forward under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. That program, called Operation Wide Receiver, also attempted to track suspicious weapons. Allowing gun sales to go forward even when the ATF had probable cause to believe the sales were unlawful has come to be known as "gun walking."

The two operations -- Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver -- had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

Obama said?

He was wrong.

read the link I gave you.

Fast and Furious started in 2009

Operation Wide Receiver started in 2006 out of the ATF’s same Phoenix Field Division - under Bush.
Operation Wide Receiver

Yes, and ended in 2007.

Fast and Furious started in 2009, under ???.

President Obama: Never Impeached

There was no point commie, the commies is the senate would have never removed him. But hey, feel free to impeach Trump and watch him kick your fucking ass in 2020.


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