President Obama Proposes $10 per Barrel Carbon Tax


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
President Obama Proposes $10 per Barrel Carbon Tax

Well the retard in chief thinks that slapping on a ten dollar a barrel tax on oil is a smart thing after congress told him he wont be getting a carbon tax. SO what does the fool do? He goes and make threats to do it by fiat and an EPA mandate..

Why does the green version of “encouragement” always seem to involve beating ordinary people with price hikes until they comply?

Lets deprive the elderly, poor, and middle class of Food, Heat, and Medicines by making them so expensive they can not afford them... Why is he threatening to circumvent congress and do it by executive order? He has no power delegated to him that allows the laying or collecting of taxes or fees..

Why does every single AGW problem require a massive tax increase and threats?

The Megalomaniac in Chief needs a rubber room with bars..
President Obama Proposes $10 per Barrel Carbon Tax

Well the retard in chief thinks that slapping on a ten dollar a barrel tax on oil is a smart thing after congress told him he wont be getting a carbon tax. SO what does the fool do? He goes and make threats to do it by fiat and an EPA mandate..

Why does the green version of “encouragement” always seem to involve beating ordinary people with price hikes until they comply?

Lets deprive the elderly, poor, and middle class of Food, Heat, and Medicines by making them so expensive they can not afford them... Why is he threatening to circumvent congress and do it by executive order? He has no power delegated to him that allows the laying or collecting of taxes or fees..

Why does every single AGW problem require a massive tax increase and threats?

The Megalomaniac in Chief needs a rubber room with bars..

Does that asshole actually think the Executive can impose a tax without Congressional approval? He is virtually indistinguishable from a dictator. he wipes his ass on the Constitution every time he signs something. I can't put into words how much I despise him.
Thank God this idiot is almost out of here..........:rock:

Anybody else planning a "See ya!" party for next January??

Pray to God that we dont get Sanders or Hillary or they will do far worse to us than Obama has done and that is a scary thought. Obama has done so much damage it will take decades to fix the problems these fools created.
Thank God this idiot is almost out of here..........:rock:

Anybody else planning a "See ya!" party for next January??

Pray to God that we dont get Sanders or Hillary or they will do far worse to us than Obama has done and that is a scary thought. Obama has done so much damage it will take decades to fix the problems these fools created.

Sanders is unelectable..........100% certainty. The media is playing it like he has a great shot and the bozo's are tuning in to watch the Reality Manufacturing Company's nonsense. 0% chance of Hill being indicted......more BS from FOX News. Figure on Rubio being the nominee in the end because that's who they want.........then whoever we elect, we get hosed.:coffee:
API against Obama's barrel tax...

American Petroleum Institute: Obama Thinks Americans Don’t Pay Enough for Gas
February 8, 2016 -- President Obama’s proposal to impose a $10 per barrel tax on oil “increases the hostile campaign the administration is waging against the American consumer,” Jack Gerard, president and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute (API), told reporters during a conference call on Monday.
“It’s almost as though the administration doesn’t think the American people pay enough for gasoline,” he said. During a press briefing on Friday, Obama admitted that low gasoline prices “can be a good thing for the economy.”

However, the president went on to say that the estimated $300 billion raised by his proposal is needed to pay for transportation infrastructure and the development of green energy sources. “The basic proposition is that right now, gas is $1.80,” Obama told reporters. “And gas prices are expected to be low for a while, for the foreseeable future. That overall can be a good thing for the economy," the president said. "But what is also important is that we use this period when gas prices are low to accelerate a transition to a cleaner energy economy because we know that’s not gonna last…. “Then 10 years from now, 20 years from now we’re going to be in a much stronger position when oil starts getting tight again and prices start going up again. We will have further weaned our economy off of dirty fuels.”

But Gerard countered that the proposed per-barrel tax would “destroy jobs, reduce revenue, make the U.S. more dependent on outside sources of energy, and prevent America from reaching its potential.” “The energy resurgence has created jobs, cut fuel imports and delivered tangible benefits to American families and businesses – with average savings of $1,200 per year per household.” he told reporters.

Without the “energy renaissance” made possible by high-tech techniques such as fracking, “the economy under this administration…would be in considerably worse shape," he said. “If you are pursuing a true energy policy objective, why would you choke off America’s energy renaissance?” Gerard asked, adding that the president’s ideological “head in the sand” strategy will “drag America back to energy dependency.” “It’s counterproductive,” he said. “This will make us weak. Why would we do that?” “If we want energy security as a nation, we should be doing everything we can to make us competitive, not raise our costs 30 percent,” Gerard said, pointing out that even the administration’s own experts agree that oil and gas will continue to be the major sources of energy in the U.S. until at least 2040.

“I don’t think they thought this through before they rolled it out,” he told reporters. Domestic oil and gas companies have already invested some $90 billion in zero-carbon emission technologies, Gerard continued. Emissions are “at a 20-year low” due to the ability of the industry to extract clean-burning natural gas, he pointed out, noting that it’s “produced right here at home in rich abundance.” API, a national trade association representing more than 650 oil and gas companies, estimates that the proposed $10 per barrel tax would harm consumers by raising the cost of gasoline by 25 cents a gallon and make U.S. energy producers less competitive worldwide.

American Petroleum Institute: Obama Thinks Americans Don’t Pay Enough for Gas
And w/o a time limit...

... it will be impossible to repeal...

... once all the pork barrel spenders...

... start usin' it fer dey's constituents.
President Obama Proposes $10 per Barrel Carbon Tax

Well the retard in chief thinks that slapping on a ten dollar a barrel tax on oil is a smart thing after congress told him he wont be getting a carbon tax. SO what does the fool do? He goes and make threats to do it by fiat and an EPA mandate..

Why does the green version of “encouragement” always seem to involve beating ordinary people with price hikes until they comply?

Lets deprive the elderly, poor, and middle class of Food, Heat, and Medicines by making them so expensive they can not afford them... Why is he threatening to circumvent congress and do it by executive order? He has no power delegated to him that allows the laying or collecting of taxes or fees..

Why does every single AGW problem require a massive tax increase and threats?

The Megalomaniac in Chief needs a rubber room with bars..

SolarCity Plunges After Missing Panel-Installation Forecast
Excluding some items, the fourth-quarter loss of $2.37 a share was less than the $2.58 average of 16 analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Net income was $4.6 million, or 4 cents a share, compared to a loss of $3.6 million, or 4 cents, a year earlier. Sales rose to $115.5 million from $71.8 million a year earlier.

The results come amid a strategic shift for SolarCity, whose chairman and largest shareholder is billionaire Elon Musk. The company has been growing dramatically in recent years, pouring revenue into installing more panels and reporting a string of unprofitable quarters. The company saidin October that it planned to slow down and focus on becoming cash-flow positive by the end of this year.
Only if Obama gets his $10 a barrel tax can Elon Musk borrow billions of dollars more from US taxpayers. In 2009 he got 5 billion of stimulus so he could get his Solar City up and running along with Space X, and Tesla. If the tax on oil doesn't happen then Elon will go bust, America will be out of billions of dollars and no one will go to jail for it. I for one am getting tired of this and am ready to bring the axe upon the heads of the thieves who are stealing food from my family's mouths.
Elon Musk just lost $3.5B on a double whammy
It's been an ugly stock market for most investors. But famed inventor and investor Elon Musk is having an exceptionally bad year - not just on one investment - but on two.

Musk's holdings in electric car maker Tesla (TSLA) and solar panel installer SolarCity (SCTY) are down a staggering $3.5 billion since the end of last year on Dec. 31, 2015. Musk is the largest single owner of both companies, which together have handed all investors total market value losses of $15.7 billion this year.
Speak of the devil and what he has done with OUR money. Of course all he has to do is beg UNCLE SUGAR for more free cash, and he can continue in his liberal(Failed) work.

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