President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!


All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

And the race-card is played yet again, because liberal shit-for-brains like yourself is just too damn stupid to realize just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit Obama really is. :cuckoo:

Hey, this liberal shit-for-brains realizes just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit BUSH and CONSERVATIVES really ARE.

How typical, a liberal whining about Bush, but at least you have admitted what you really are. :laugh:

However, if you want to remain ignorant about how Obama really is and continue to drink the Kool-Aid, then that is your choice. :cuckoo:
If bush had this economy in 2007 John McCain would have won in 2008. Hell you would have put Bush's head on Mount Rushmore had his economy been as good as it is right now

Hell, I would have voted for the fool....preach preach preach!!
Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Yeah right Weirdo. You never heard of double digit inflation and the Misery Index.
Did you forget GW Bush got us in the worst recession since the Great Depression?

They all know shit ain't that bad, they just hate the guy because he's black...they'll never admit it, but the bullshit speaks for itself and bottom line, so will history. What is hillarious, the GOP candidates can't even find a subject to shit on, its either ACA, which ain't going no where, hate on illegals, which they never do a damn thing about but get racists excited or the wars, which the entire country is tired of... save for the JOhn Wayne seniors who want a WWII repeat......other than that...they got nuttin
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
And do you know what it takes to be in the 1%? You have to make over $400,000 a year. That means there's probably not one person on us Mb that's in the 1 percent. But we have at least 50 percent of the people here defending the one percent. We call them house slaves
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
And if the Obama haters didn't get a raise last year then what a bunch of losers they must be huh?
Most of America knows who the slaves are. Most understand that there is security in being a slave, but they still get out and try and better themselves, rather than bitch and complain about it as you two do. Get over your racist rants, all you are doing is perpetuating hatred for yourselves. Ovomit is a traitor to this country of the first water, and not so long ago, he would be hanging in a tree for his crimes. Only a few like you still can't see the damage he has done. But you will.
Meh, I had no respect for him when he was a candidate, and he had done nothing as POTUS to dispel that disrespect.
Saying you're against something and changing your mind is something all politicians do, it's called a flop, not a lie. The stimulus was a program, and Solyndra came from that. Programs either succeed or fail, they aren't lies. Saying you can keep your doctor was a lie, I'll give you that, but that's just one, a long way from besmirching.
Besmirching -- bowing to Muslim Arab leaders. No President ever bowed to a king. That's one that rankles. Announcing a beheading of Americans and 10 minutes later hitting the links. His complete ignorance of Protocol, of Custom and Courtesy. Eating his chitlins and poke salad upstairs while the Prime Minister of our closest ally sits downstairs. I could go on till Christmas but you get the picture.
You dumbfucks just quote the bullshit you hear on Fox news, you're incapable of understanding things that take more than a minute to explain. You look at things President Obama's done but you can't see that other presidents (BUSH) were much, much worse. Perspective goes a long way, something you redneck racists will never have.

Michael Moore is quoted as saying, long as you have a people who are uneducated, unhealthy and live in fear of the unknown, you will forever have a conservative voter to depend on. Fox News exploit these morons like the retards they are. I hate to say it and I'm sorry to offend, but white people are perhaps some of the most pathetic mindless people God has ever created. When I see poor southern whites vote the Anti Gov. GOP ticket, when half if not most are on some type of government just makes my head spin...these people can't be that gotdamn dumb...but they is what it is, sorry!!
Michael Moore? Please.
Hey puddin'?.....If you are going to quote Michael Moore on here I will have to go outside and laugh because people in my house are asleep.....
Let's get something straight, when I tell you in response that your intention to offend was not only willful but steeped in your own self loathing bigotry toward Caucasians.

Correction: Only conservative caucasions...and if your cell mate is sleep, I suggest you follow his lead.
Ahh BULLSHIT.....You are a racist hater....Go to the nearest limited access highway with a speed limit of at least 65 MPH ....Play in traffic.
You souless douche
You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!
We're not debating anything.
Obama's followers have shown they are willing at any time to show him absolute blind loyalty

Big difference here pal, see you white motherfuckers showed absolute blind loyalty to Hitler and took you bthes to the cliff and left you there....LKOLOLOLOLOL.....Obama took us to the promise land and you can't get over the happiness, admit it.
You comparing Obama to Moses?

I'm trying to figure out to what promised land the world was led to? :)

You seem like dumb stupid white bitch, so I'll leave you to your trying to figure out this tongue in cheek response I gave....I mean, you sound stupid!!
Oh one of low intelligence and high emotion......Promised land?.....Have at it.....
Most of America knows who the slaves are. Most understand that there is security in being a slave, but they still get out and try and better themselves, rather than bitch and complain about it as you two do. Get over your racist rants, all you are doing is perpetuating hatred for yourselves. Ovomit is a traitor to this country of the first water, and not so long ago, he would be hanging in a tree for his crimes. Only a few like you still can't see the damage he has done. But you will.
The only way to improve a nation is to complain about what's not going right at the time. Are you suggesting there was ever a time in America where everything was perfect and nobody bitched about anything?
But Republicans have used Obama's blackness to rally the base. The racist base. Same as the southern strategy the GOP used to win the south. The GOP loves using God games guns and racism as wedge issues.

Without them why would any middle class or poor person vote Republican?

Bravo....The GOP has two things going in its favor, because they never ever run on a message, two things....scaring the hell out of white people and promise them everything and deliver nothing and sadly this sick race of people who support the GOP are always always running to Democrats after these spinless war loving bastards leave office, it never ever fails.
Save for you anger fueled racism, you are one empty vessel..
In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.

Browsing through on-demand movie choices yesterday I came upon "W.M.D." about US soldier in Iraq during the war who abduct and torture then President Bush to get him to admit why they're fighting in Iraq in the first place.

Dunno if President Obama is the least respected...:)
This thread has won the Circle Jerk Thread for the month of June. Now let's ask our participants a few of questions.
1, Who came first?
2, Who came the most often?
3, Did anyone have a "whiskey dick"?
4, Did anyone score a facial?
Most of America knows who the slaves are. Most understand that there is security in being a slave, but they still get out and try and better themselves, rather than bitch and complain about it as you two do. Get over your racist rants, all you are doing is perpetuating hatred for yourselves. Ovomit is a traitor to this country of the first water, and not so long ago, he would be hanging in a tree for his crimes. Only a few like you still can't see the damage he has done. But you will.
The only way to improve a nation is to complain about what's not going right at the time. Are you suggesting there was ever a time in America where everything was perfect and nobody bitched about anything?
Point to one where a racist rant like you two been blowing ever helped or made any difference at all.
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

No, I'd disagree.

The economy often has a mind of its own. I say often because Bush messed the economy up with two massively expensive wars plus trying to pump an economy desperate to go into recession.

What Obama has done is what needed to be done for a president. Not much. The economy was going to recover, he hasn't added new wars, or tried to do things too much to cause harm and damage.

Obama will be known as the first black president who did what needed to be done. Nothing spectacular, nothing of a real failure.
Bush W. will go down as a massive failure. I mean he'll be somewhere right near the bottom of any president's list. He caused the second largest recession in US history, he had two wars which were followed by post war mess ups, the second of which caused major instability in the Middle East and even the world. The lack of proper leadership with Hurricane Katrina won't play much of a part in his overall view in half a century's time.
Clinton will go down as another, he did what he had to, and became quite popular because he had women sucking his dick.
Bush snr will probably go down as an unlucky president, a guy who could have had a second term but his popularity deserted him when he needed it.
Reagan will go down for ending the Cold War, even though he didn't end it, and even though the ending of the Cold War left the Republicans at a loss of how to unite their allies, which ended up with Bush and his "War on Terror" which has, to a certain extent united the allies of the UK and EU behind the USA for an acronym disaster of hell, destablising the world.
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

No, I'd disagree.

The economy often has a mind of its own. I say often because Bush messed the economy up with two massively expensive wars plus trying to pump an economy desperate to go into recession.

What Obama has done is what needed to be done for a president. Not much. The economy was going to recover, he hasn't added new wars, or tried to do things too much to cause harm and damage.

Obama will be known as the first black president who did what needed to be done. Nothing spectacular, nothing of a real failure.
Bush W. will go down as a massive failure. I mean he'll be somewhere right near the bottom of any president's list. He caused the second largest recession in US history, he had two wars which were followed by post war mess ups, the second of which caused major instability in the Middle East and even the world. The lack of proper leadership with Hurricane Katrina won't play much of a part in his overall view in half a century's time.
Clinton will go down as another, he did what he had to, and became quite popular because he had women sucking his dick.
Bush snr will probably go down as an unlucky president, a guy who could have had a second term but his popularity deserted him when he needed it.
Reagan will go down for ending the Cold War, even though he didn't end it, and even though the ending of the Cold War left the Republicans at a loss of how to unite their allies, which ended up with Bush and his "War on Terror" which has, to a certain extent united the allies of the UK and EU behind the USA for an acronym disaster of hell, destablising the world.
Clinton was popular long before women were sucking his dick. His charisma is why Bush won didn't get reelected
Clinton was popular long before women were sucking his dick. His charisma is why Bush won didn't get reelected

Of course he was. But then they tired to impeach him, scandal, lying etc etc. And his popularity stayed high.

He beat Bush because Bush had a massive dip in popularity. It happens. Sure, Clinton helped himself by being charismatic, but being president should give anyone a massive advantage over their opponent.
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
And do you know what it takes to be in the 1%? You have to make over $400,000 a year. That means there's probably not one person on us Mb that's in the 1 percent. But we have at least 50 percent of the people here defending the one percent. We call them house slaves

Bernie Sanders was quoted as saying one day that this anger that a lot of conservative whites are feeling, should be directed straight at Wall Street, instead, its taken out on the illegals, blacks, Obama...anybody but Wall Street. Its Wall Street that sold our economy to cheap labor overseas, its Wall Street who's sucking all the life out of mom and pop business's, its Wall Street that's keeping wages low, cutting hours, forcing workers to do the job of 2 people, because they don't want to hire more was Wall Street that took our economy almost to the brink of collapse....and to this day, you have these simple minded fools defending these greedy bastards....which goes to show, nothing is more pathetic than America's Stupid, nothingQQ
Clinton was popular long before women were sucking his dick. His charisma is why Bush won didn't get reelected

Of course he was. But then they tired to impeach him, scandal, lying etc etc. And his popularity stayed high.

He beat Bush because Bush had a massive dip in popularity. It happens. Sure, Clinton helped himself by being charismatic, but being president should give anyone a massive advantage over their opponent.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

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