President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Those wars were voted on in capitol hill. And if you think I'm a republican, think again.

Right..... but then who votes for something isn't necessarily the force behind it.

The Republicans are war mongers. Bush was war monger in chief. So what? He got his little underling war mongers to agree with his war.

That doesn't stop it being his war. We all know it was his war.
Your writing of senseless blather is childish. Re read that jumbled mess, and tell me if you honestly believe that resembles an adult.

It comes off as blah blah blah war war yeah yeah, your side bad, my side good. Get back to me when you develop a frontal lobe.

Maybe you can go to that fake war on women card next.............

So do you have a point to make or did you just want to get the good old high school attacking feeling without it every getting to a physical fight?

You either have something to say or your don't. Right now you don't.
Those wars were voted on in capitol hill. And if you think I'm a republican, think again.

Right..... but then who votes for something isn't necessarily the force behind it.

The Republicans are war mongers. Bush was war monger in chief. So what? He got his little underling war mongers to agree with his war.

That doesn't stop it being his war. We all know it was his war.

Do you stand out in the streets throwing molotav cocktails at your political enemies. You seem a little bit unstable.

Wouldn't shock me, as you support a man who attacked his political enemies using the IRS as his agent.
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Your writing of senseless blather is childish. Re read that jumbled mess, and tell me if you honestly believe that resembles an adult.

It comes off as blah blah blah war war yeah yeah, your side bad, my side good. Get back to me when you develop a frontal lobe.

Maybe you can go to that fake war on women card next.............

So do you have a point to make or did you just want to get the good old high school attacking feeling without it every getting to a physical fight?

You either have something to say or your don't. Right now you don't.

I was responding to your post, do you lose memory that rapidly?
Your writing of senseless blather is childish. Re read that jumbled mess, and tell me if you honestly believe that resembles an adult.

It comes off as blah blah blah war war yeah yeah, your side bad, my side good. Get back to me when you develop a frontal lobe.

Maybe you can go to that fake war on women card next.............

So do you have a point to make or did you just want to get the good old high school attacking feeling without it every getting to a physical fight?

You either have something to say or your don't. Right now you don't.

I was responding to your post, do you lose memory that rapidly?

Dude, this is my last post to you. You're clearly one of those people who gets a kick out of just trying to piss people off.

I've just looked back at some other of your posts. All one liners, most attacking people or making a simplistic point.

There are forums for people like you, this isn't one of them.

Bye. :trolls:
Your writing of senseless blather is childish. Re read that jumbled mess, and tell me if you honestly believe that resembles an adult.

It comes off as blah blah blah war war yeah yeah, your side bad, my side good. Get back to me when you develop a frontal lobe.

Maybe you can go to that fake war on women card next.............

So do you have a point to make or did you just want to get the good old high school attacking feeling without it every getting to a physical fight?

You either have something to say or your don't. Right now you don't.

I was responding to your post, do you lose memory that rapidly?

Dude, this is my last post to you. You're clearly one of those people who gets a kick out of just trying to piss people off.

I've just looked back at some other of your posts. All one liners, most attacking people or making a simplistic point.

There are forums for people like you, this isn't one of them.

Bye. :trolls:

Thats all some of you idiots are any good for. #LowInformationVoters
OOOPS! I suspect the loons will ignore the drop.

In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.[/QUOTE

Were you freaking born yesterday? Didn't you see what Cindy Sheehan's anti-war anarchists did to President Bush? They lynched him in effigy and camped outside his home with obscene signs and demonstrations. The problem with the prog sensitivity is that they see the world through racist profiles and as such a half Black president will always be a victim.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.
The people wealthy enough to be voting Republican loved him. And the people who were not, blamed Clinton Carter Harry Reid Nancy Pelosi anybody but Bush. Some say they don't like or didn't like Bush but then ask them what the difference between Bush and any of the candidates now is and they can't tell you
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.
Can you imagine if Obama had one screw up as big as Bush's 911 w**** Clinton's Monica gate? Obama had to be pretty much perfect to even get this rating. For god sakes the man killed bin Laden. If that was Bush can you imagine?
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT
Republicans don't just say government is evil they prove it
Most of America knows who the slaves are. Most understand that there is security in being a slave, but they still get out and try and better themselves, rather than bitch and complain about it as you two do. Get over your racist rants, all you are doing is perpetuating hatred for yourselves. Ovomit is a traitor to this country of the first water, and not so long ago, he would be hanging in a tree for his crimes. Only a few like you still can't see the damage he has done. But you will.
The only way to improve a nation is to complain about what's not going right at the time. Are you suggesting there was ever a time in America where everything was perfect and nobody bitched about anything?
Point to one where a racist rant like you two been blowing ever helped or made any difference at all.
The American Revolution
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.
Can you imagine if Obama had one screw up as big as Bush's 911 w**** Clinton's Monica gate? Obama had to be pretty much perfect to even get this rating. For god sakes the man killed bin Laden. If that was Bush can you imagine?

Was Bush flying one of those planes? You must be using satire here.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

And the race-card is played yet again, because liberal shit-for-brains like yourself is just too damn stupid to realize just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit Obama really is. :cuckoo:
It's hard for us to see it that way when he's doing such a better job than GW Bush ever did

Of course it's hard for you liberals to see it that way. You all have drinking the Kool-Aid, duh. :cuckoo:

The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.
Can you imagine if Obama had one screw up as big as Bush's 911 w**** Clinton's Monica gate? Obama had to be pretty much perfect to even get this rating. For god sakes the man killed bin Laden. If that was Bush can you imagine?

Was Bush flying one of those planes? You must be using satire here.
He was warned and didn't tell the airlines. Negligent homicide at best. Almost like he wanted it to happen. Used it to lie us into Iraq and haloburton got rich. Didn't Eisenhower warn you Republicans about the great military industrial complex?

And can you imagine if it happened on Obama's watch? Don't you remember you guys used to say that we haven't been hit again since 9/11 praising Bush for keeping us safe. Yet you haven't given Obama any credit for keeping us save his entire time in office. And look at how you cry about Benghazi
And why did Bush let bin Laden go when he had him cornered in the tora bora mountains? I think he wanted the boogie man loose so he could use him to scare the American people.

You dishonest Republicans cry about Obama's Muslim Kenyan dad and rev. Wright but completely ignore the ties between the bin Laden and Bush family

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

And the race-card is played yet again, because liberal shit-for-brains like yourself is just too damn stupid to realize just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit Obama really is. :cuckoo:

Hey, this liberal shit-for-brains realizes just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit BUSH and CONSERVATIVES really ARE.

How typical, a liberal whining about Bush, but at least you have admitted what you really are. :laugh:

However, if you want to remain ignorant about how Obama really is and continue to drink the Kool-Aid, then that is your choice. :cuckoo:
If bush had this economy in 2007 John McCain would have won in 2008. Hell you would have put Bush's head on Mount Rushmore had his economy been as good as it is right now

Hell you would have put Bush's head on Mount Rushmore

Wrong. Because GWB's head belongs no more on Mount Rushmore then Obama's head does.

All you haters will ignore my challenge and continue to wallow in hatred just because.........because he's black!!

And the race-card is played yet again, because liberal shit-for-brains like yourself is just too damn stupid to realize just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit Obama really is. :cuckoo:

Hey, this liberal shit-for-brains realizes just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit BUSH and CONSERVATIVES really ARE.

How typical, a liberal whining about Bush, but at least you have admitted what you really are. :laugh:

However, if you want to remain ignorant about how Obama really is and continue to drink the Kool-Aid, then that is your choice. :cuckoo:
If bush had this economy in 2007 John McCain would have won in 2008. Hell you would have put Bush's head on Mount Rushmore had his economy been as good as it is right now

Hell you would have put Bush's head on Mount Rushmore

Wrong. Because GWB's head belongs no more on Mount Rushmore then Obama's head does.
Then you don't realize how bad the economy was Bush was leaving office or what would have happened if Romney would have won. First of all there would be no big 3 Auto Union and wages would be way down

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