President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
And do you know what it takes to be in the 1%? You have to make over $400,000 a year. That means there's probably not one person on us Mb that's in the 1 percent. But we have at least 50 percent of the people here defending the one percent. We call them house slaves

Bernie Sanders was quoted as saying one day that this anger that a lot of conservative whites are feeling, should be directed straight at Wall Street, instead, its taken out on the illegals, blacks, Obama...anybody but Wall Street. Its Wall Street that sold our economy to cheap labor overseas, its Wall Street who's sucking all the life out of mom and pop business's, its Wall Street that's keeping wages low, cutting hours, forcing workers to do the job of 2 people, because they don't want to hire more was Wall Street that took our economy almost to the brink of collapse....and to this day, you have these simple minded fools defending these greedy bastards....which goes to show, nothing is more pathetic than America's Stupid, nothingQQ
Remember the 99 percenters are protesting outside of wallstreet in tents and all the Conservatives call them bums lazy slackers mooches? Yet in another part of town they were praising the teabaggers.
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
And do you know what it takes to be in the 1%? You have to make over $400,000 a year. That means there's probably not one person on us Mb that's in the 1 percent. But we have at least 50 percent of the people here defending the one percent. We call them house slaves

Bernie Sanders was quoted as saying one day that this anger that a lot of conservative whites are feeling, should be directed straight at Wall Street, instead, its taken out on the illegals, blacks, Obama...anybody but Wall Street. Its Wall Street that sold our economy to cheap labor overseas, its Wall Street who's sucking all the life out of mom and pop business's, its Wall Street that's keeping wages low, cutting hours, forcing workers to do the job of 2 people, because they don't want to hire more was Wall Street that took our economy almost to the brink of collapse....and to this day, you have these simple minded fools defending these greedy bastards....which goes to show, nothing is more pathetic than America's Stupid, nothingQQ
Remember the 99 percenters are protesting outside of wallstreet in tents and all the Conservatives call them bums lazy slackers mooches? Yet in another part of town they were praising the teabaggers.

One more time, what does one expect from the American Stupid?
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...
....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD,
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

You seriously can't make this shit up!!!! We know he has done a good job? A good job at what exactly?

Lying about transparency, ACA, fake war on women, saying some Americans don't pay their fair share (Everyone pays the same rate)
Attacking those on the other side of the aisle using the IRS.

Putting sand rats (muslim brotherhood) in our DHS, Appointing attorneys to lifelong positions, who have an agenda to help criminal invaders. Now he wants to unload millions of them into our job markets, to take our jobs and send half of it back to Mexico, in effect helping their economy and hurting ours.

Gave OUR money to the muslim brotherhood, which was likely funneled to ISIS. Released money to Iran to appease them in hopes they played nice. Still fucking aroung with that because he's a bozo. In a real insulting move, he brought Caulerone (Mexican Prez) to the senate floor to spew support for us keeping his worst citizens. Yet threw a hissy fit when Ben Netenyaho was invited to speak on the chamber floor.

Pulled troops out of Iraq too early, which GWB warned about years ago. And now we have ISIS, and they all have M-16s now, sage move. They also have about 2,000 rovers now too, if the ignorant assholes know how to drive.

At a time when it is most vital, will not protect the border. It is well known among residents in southern Texas that ISIS is flowing in through the Mexican tunnels.

Officially sent officials to attend the funeral of a strong armed robber (Michael Brown) Yet sent no officials to the funerals of Margerat Thatcher, Chris Kyle (made no mention, yet he mentioned Whitney Houston), Former Polish president Lech Kaczynski, Obama said he would attend, but played golf instead, didn't even attend his Aunts funeral.

Blows smoke up our asses about ISIS not being islamic. And tells Americans to get off their high horses, because we have done a lot of bad stuff in the name of christianity. I'm quite sure he means the crusades, which were done to push back 300 years of islamic terror and rape.

I really could go on all day, but this is already too long, I didn't even have to think long on this stuff.

Did I mention he and his lapdog bitch Eric Holder ignoring black panther intimidation at a Philly polling place. And basically setting race relations back 50 years.

Yeah if you like all that shit, which I have no doubt you do. Than he has done a fan fucking tastic job.:bsflag:
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

Are you even capable of holding an adult conversation? This post makes you sound like you are about 12 years old.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

You seriously can't make this shit up!!!! We know he has done a good job? A good job at what exactly?

Lying about transparency, ACA, fake war on women, saying some Americans don't pay their fair share (Everyone pays the same rate)
Attacking those on the other side of the aisle using the IRS. You have got to find a hobby, this shit has been debated time and time again and if simple minded fucks like you are still harping on this crap about he lied, dude, get some help.

Putting sand rats (muslim brotherhood) in our DHS, Appointing attorneys to lifelong positions, who have an agenda to help criminal invaders. Now he wants to unload millions of them into our job markets, to take our jobs and send half of it back to Mexico, in effect helping their economy and hurting ours.and if this shit is keeping you up at night, again, you need to seek help. NAFTA has taken care of this rant your on, again get help

Gave OUR money to the muslim brotherhood, which was likely funneled to ISIS. Released money to Iran to appease them in hopes they played nice. Still fucking aroung with that because he's a bozo. In a real insulting move, he brought Caulerone (Mexican Prez) to the senate floor to spew support for us keeping his worst citizens. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, here you are stressing over muslims, a few decades ago it was the Japanese, then it was the Asians in Vietnam, oh and lets not forget the Soviet Union...get a life, paleeeezzzzee

Pulled troops out of Iraq too early, which GWB warned about years ago. And now we have ISIS, and they all have M-16s now, sage move. They also have about 2,000 rovers now too, if the ignorant assholes know how to drive. Pulling the troops out was a Bush mandate and regardless if it was a year too early or a decade too early....THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER WIN A WAR AGAINST MUSLIMS.....GET OVER IT AND GET OUR TROOPS HOME, NOW

At a time when it is most vital, will not protect the border. It is well known among residents in southern Texas that ISIS is flowing in through the Mexican tunnels. You want to stop illegal immigration, than stop hiring them...its that simple...but we can't do that, they work for pennies.

Officially sent officials to attend the funeral of a strong armed robber (Michael Brown) Yet sent no officials to the funerals of Margerat Thatcher, Chris Kyle (made no mention, yet he mentioned Whitney Houston), Former Polish president Lech Kaczynski, Obama said he would attend, but played golf instead, didn't even attend his Aunts funeral. ...and that;s keeping yo dumb ass up at night, get a fuckin sleepin pill fool

Blows smoke up our asses about ISIS not being islamic. And tells Americans to get off their high horses, because we have done a lot of bad stuff in the name of christianity. I'm quite sure he means the crusades, which were done to push back 300 years of islamic terror and rape.

I really could go on all day, but this is already too long, I didn't even have to think long on this stuff.

Did I mention he and his lapdog bitch Eric Holder ignoring black panther intimidation at a Philly polling place. And basically setting race relations back 50 years. OBama's approval ratings are at if your unhappy...WHO GIVES A RATS FUCK!!!

Yeah if you like all that shit, which I have no doubt you do. Than he has done a fan fucking tastic job.:bsflag:

Lying about transparency, ACA, fake war on women, saying some Americans don't pay their fair share (Everyone pays the same rate)
Attacking those on the other side of the aisle using the IRS. You have got to find a hobby, this shit has been debated time and time again and if simple minded fucks like you are still harping on this crap about he lied, dude, get some help.

Putting sand rats (muslim brotherhood) in our DHS, Appointing attorneys to lifelong positions, who have an agenda to help criminal invaders. Now he wants to unload millions of them into our job markets, to take our jobs and send half of it back to Mexico, in effect helping their economy and hurting ours.and if this shit is keeping you up at night, again, you need to seek help. NAFTA has taken care of this rant your on, again get help

Gave OUR money to the muslim brotherhood, which was likely funneled to ISIS. Released money to Iran to appease them in hopes they played nice. Still fucking aroung with that because he's a bozo. In a real insulting move, he brought Caulerone (Mexican Prez) to the senate floor to spew support for us keeping his worst citizens. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, here you are stressing over muslims, a few decades ago it was the Japanese, then it was the Asians in Vietnam, oh and lets not forget the Soviet Union...get a life, paleeeezzzzee

Pulled troops out of Iraq too early, which GWB warned about years ago. And now we have ISIS, and they all have M-16s now, sage move. They also have about 2,000 rovers now too, if the ignorant assholes know how to drive. Pulling the troops out was a Bush mandate and regardless if it was a year too early or a decade too early....THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER WIN A WAR AGAINST MUSLIMS.....GET OVER IT AND GET OUR TROOPS HOME, NOW

At a time when it is most vital, will not protect the border. It is well known among residents in southern Texas that ISIS is flowing in through the Mexican tunnels. You want to stop illegal immigration, than stop hiring them...its that simple...but we can't do that, they work for pennies.

Officially sent officials to attend the funeral of a strong armed robber (Michael Brown) Yet sent no officials to the funerals of Margerat Thatcher, Chris Kyle (made no mention, yet he mentioned Whitney Houston), Former Polish president Lech Kaczynski, Obama said he would attend, but played golf instead, didn't even attend his Aunts funeral. ...and that;s keeping yo dumb ass up at night, get a fuckin sleepin pill fool

Blows smoke up our asses about ISIS not being islamic. And tells Americans to get off their high horses, because we have done a lot of bad stuff in the name of christianity. I'm quite sure he means the crusades, which were done to push back 300 years of islamic terror and rape.

I really could go on all day, but this is already too long, I didn't even have to think long on this stuff.

Did I mention he and his lapdog bitch Eric Holder ignoring black panther intimidation at a Philly polling place. And basically setting race relations back 50 years. OBama's approval ratings are at if your unhappy...WHO GIVES A RATS FUCK!!!

The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

You and I can debate till hell freezes over what Obama has and hasn't done for this country......its been repeated and discussed countless times all over the place.....but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the treatment this man has had to endure from people like you and others who clearly showed nothing but contempt and disrespect on all accounts since day one. That; history will record and nothing will change the facts.

There is no way in hell, as you look around the this country, no way you can say that Obama has done a bad job, no way. He may not have changed the hearts and minds of racist in this country, he may not have softened the greed Wall Street still holds over this country, but damit, the man, the president has done good and you and people like you know it....yaw just hate the fact a black man has done a better job than any sitting white president since FDR has done for this country and yaw know it. But hate all you want, when the historians get ahold of his legacy, you all will see what greatness this beautiful black man has given to a country so undeserving of his'll see!!

You seriously can't make this shit up!!!! We know he has done a good job? A good job at what exactly?

Lying about transparency, ACA, fake war on women, saying some Americans don't pay their fair share (Everyone pays the same rate)
Attacking those on the other side of the aisle using the IRS. You have got to find a hobby, this shit has been debated time and time again and if simple minded fucks like you are still harping on this crap about he lied, dude, get some help.

Putting sand rats (muslim brotherhood) in our DHS, Appointing attorneys to lifelong positions, who have an agenda to help criminal invaders. Now he wants to unload millions of them into our job markets, to take our jobs and send half of it back to Mexico, in effect helping their economy and hurting ours.and if this shit is keeping you up at night, again, you need to seek help. NAFTA has taken care of this rant your on, again get help

Gave OUR money to the muslim brotherhood, which was likely funneled to ISIS. Released money to Iran to appease them in hopes they played nice. Still fucking aroung with that because he's a bozo. In a real insulting move, he brought Caulerone (Mexican Prez) to the senate floor to spew support for us keeping his worst citizens. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, here you are stressing over muslims, a few decades ago it was the Japanese, then it was the Asians in Vietnam, oh and lets not forget the Soviet Union...get a life, paleeeezzzzee

Pulled troops out of Iraq too early, which GWB warned about years ago. And now we have ISIS, and they all have M-16s now, sage move. They also have about 2,000 rovers now too, if the ignorant assholes know how to drive. Pulling the troops out was a Bush mandate and regardless if it was a year too early or a decade too early....THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER WIN A WAR AGAINST MUSLIMS.....GET OVER IT AND GET OUR TROOPS HOME, NOW

At a time when it is most vital, will not protect the border. It is well known among residents in southern Texas that ISIS is flowing in through the Mexican tunnels. You want to stop illegal immigration, than stop hiring them...its that simple...but we can't do that, they work for pennies.

Officially sent officials to attend the funeral of a strong armed robber (Michael Brown) Yet sent no officials to the funerals of Margerat Thatcher, Chris Kyle (made no mention, yet he mentioned Whitney Houston), Former Polish president Lech Kaczynski, Obama said he would attend, but played golf instead, didn't even attend his Aunts funeral. ...and that;s keeping yo dumb ass up at night, get a fuckin sleepin pill fool

Blows smoke up our asses about ISIS not being islamic. And tells Americans to get off their high horses, because we have done a lot of bad stuff in the name of christianity. I'm quite sure he means the crusades, which were done to push back 300 years of islamic terror and rape.

I really could go on all day, but this is already too long, I didn't even have to think long on this stuff.

Did I mention he and his lapdog bitch Eric Holder ignoring black panther intimidation at a Philly polling place. And basically setting race relations back 50 years. OBama's approval ratings are at if your unhappy...WHO GIVES A RATS FUCK!!!

Yeah if you like all that shit, which I have no doubt you do. Than he has done a fan fucking tastic job.:bsflag:

Lying about transparency, ACA, fake war on women, saying some Americans don't pay their fair share (Everyone pays the same rate)
Attacking those on the other side of the aisle using the IRS. You have got to find a hobby, this shit has been debated time and time again and if simple minded fucks like you are still harping on this crap about he lied, dude, get some help.

Putting sand rats (muslim brotherhood) in our DHS, Appointing attorneys to lifelong positions, who have an agenda to help criminal invaders. Now he wants to unload millions of them into our job markets, to take our jobs and send half of it back to Mexico, in effect helping their economy and hurting ours.and if this shit is keeping you up at night, again, you need to seek help. NAFTA has taken care of this rant your on, again get help

Gave OUR money to the muslim brotherhood, which was likely funneled to ISIS. Released money to Iran to appease them in hopes they played nice. Still fucking aroung with that because he's a bozo. In a real insulting move, he brought Caulerone (Mexican Prez) to the senate floor to spew support for us keeping his worst citizens. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, here you are stressing over muslims, a few decades ago it was the Japanese, then it was the Asians in Vietnam, oh and lets not forget the Soviet Union...get a life, paleeeezzzzee

Pulled troops out of Iraq too early, which GWB warned about years ago. And now we have ISIS, and they all have M-16s now, sage move. They also have about 2,000 rovers now too, if the ignorant assholes know how to drive. Pulling the troops out was a Bush mandate and regardless if it was a year too early or a decade too early....THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER WIN A WAR AGAINST MUSLIMS.....GET OVER IT AND GET OUR TROOPS HOME, NOW

At a time when it is most vital, will not protect the border. It is well known among residents in southern Texas that ISIS is flowing in through the Mexican tunnels. You want to stop illegal immigration, than stop hiring them...its that simple...but we can't do that, they work for pennies.

Officially sent officials to attend the funeral of a strong armed robber (Michael Brown) Yet sent no officials to the funerals of Margerat Thatcher, Chris Kyle (made no mention, yet he mentioned Whitney Houston), Former Polish president Lech Kaczynski, Obama said he would attend, but played golf instead, didn't even attend his Aunts funeral. ...and that;s keeping yo dumb ass up at night, get a fuckin sleepin pill fool

Blows smoke up our asses about ISIS not being islamic. And tells Americans to get off their high horses, because we have done a lot of bad stuff in the name of christianity. I'm quite sure he means the crusades, which were done to push back 300 years of islamic terror and rape.

I really could go on all day, but this is already too long, I didn't even have to think long on this stuff.

Did I mention he and his lapdog bitch Eric Holder ignoring black panther intimidation at a Philly polling place. And basically setting race relations back 50 years. OBama's approval ratings are at if your unhappy...WHO GIVES A RATS FUCK!!!


You just put it out there in marvelous technicolor for all to see, exactly the special kind of uninformed idiot you are.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.

You have to be a troll, nobody who has the brain power to breathe on their own would say this. Either that or you are reduced to a simple stem.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.

You have to be a troll, nobody who can breathe on their own would say this.

I use to say the same exact shit about white people....damn, you is a troll!!
You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.

You have to be a troll, nobody who can breathe on their own would say this.

I use to say the same exact shit about white people....damn, you is a troll!!

The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.
Yes, he is causing a White racially aware awakening to the dangers of your type people.
They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.

You have to be a troll, nobody who can breathe on their own would say this.

I use to say the same exact shit about white people....damn, you is a troll!!

They wish!
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT

Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.
Yea ok troll

Blacks In Chicago Say Obama The Worst President E…:
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

Are you even capable of holding an adult conversation? This post makes you sound like you are about 12 years old.

Er.... did Bush not give people two wars? Did he not give people a common enemy to get behind? Did he not give a recession?

These are right wing policies. The right loves wars, it loves to be on top, it loves to have the common enemy, the USSR which was pumped by Senator Joe McCarthy, and Bush did a similar thing with al Qaeda, bin Laden and so on.

If this is Childish, then I'd hate to see what you think adult conversation is like.
Look dem peoples just hate him because he be black! You fools give this fucker the largest free pass in history. It wouldn't matter what he did, if we critique him at all, it's only because he's black. Don't be ignorant your whole life.

Stop the hate, get a plate and smash it over your brains...Obama is the best thing ever for this country and you know it.

You have to be a troll, nobody who can breathe on their own would say this.

I use to say the same exact shit about white people....damn, you is a troll!!

They wish!

No they indeed have it. White Privilege is a myth, Black Privilege is completely real.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

Are you even capable of holding an adult conversation? This post makes you sound like you are about 12 years old.

Er.... did Bush not give people two wars? Did he not give people a common enemy to get behind? Did he not give a recession?

These are right wing policies. The right loves wars, it loves to be on top, it loves to have the common enemy, the USSR which was pumped by Senator Joe McCarthy, and Bush did a similar thing with al Qaeda, bin Laden and so on.

If this is Childish, then I'd hate to see what you think adult conversation is like.

Those wars were voted on in capitol hill. And if you think I'm a republican, think again.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

Are you even capable of holding an adult conversation? This post makes you sound like you are about 12 years old.

Er.... did Bush not give people two wars? Did he not give people a common enemy to get behind? Did he not give a recession?

These are right wing policies. The right loves wars, it loves to be on top, it loves to have the common enemy, the USSR which was pumped by Senator Joe McCarthy, and Bush did a similar thing with al Qaeda, bin Laden and so on.

If this is Childish, then I'd hate to see what you think adult conversation is like.

Your writing of senseless blather is childish. Re read that jumbled mess, and tell me if you honestly believe that resembles an adult.

It comes off as blah blah blah war war yeah yeah, your side bad, my side good. Get back to me when you develop a frontal lobe.

Maybe you can go to that fake war on women card next.............

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