President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
And do you know what it takes to be in the 1%? You have to make over $400,000 a year. That means there's probably not one person on us Mb that's in the 1 percent. But we have at least 50 percent of the people here defending the one percent. We call them house slaves

Bernie Sanders was quoted as saying one day that this anger that a lot of conservative whites are feeling, should be directed straight at Wall Street, instead, its taken out on the illegals, blacks, Obama...anybody but Wall Street. Its Wall Street that sold our economy to cheap labor overseas, its Wall Street who's sucking all the life out of mom and pop business's, its Wall Street that's keeping wages low, cutting hours, forcing workers to do the job of 2 people, because they don't want to hire more was Wall Street that took our economy almost to the brink of collapse....and to this day, you have these simple minded fools defending these greedy bastards....which goes to show, nothing is more pathetic than America's Stupid, nothingQQ
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......

You have two choices. Suck up to big money, or lose.

So, the president is ALWAYS bought by big money. Great system huh?
Of course they shower the president with money and of course he takes it dummy. But notice who they endorse when he's running for reelection they endorse Republicans dummy
Of course they shower the president with money and of course he takes it dummy. But notice who they endorse when he's running for reelection they endorse Republicans dummy
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......

You have two choices. Suck up to big money, or lose.

So, the president is ALWAYS bought by big money. Great system huh?
Another example of them holding Obama to a higher standard
Of course they shower the president with money and of course he takes it dummy. But notice who they endorse when he's running for reelection they endorse Republicans dummy
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......

You have two choices. Suck up to big money, or lose.

So, the president is ALWAYS bought by big money. Great system huh?
Another example of them holding Obama to a higher standard

I think you need some punctuation. I don't really understand what you're writing.
Of course they shower the president with money and of course he takes it dummy. But notice who they endorse when he's running for reelection they endorse Republicans dummy
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......

You have two choices. Suck up to big money, or lose.

So, the president is ALWAYS bought by big money. Great system huh?
Another example of them holding Obama to a higher standard

Good news for the 99 ...absolutely killer news for the 1 - Jun. 29 2015

The 99% finally saw their incomes grow in 2014, according to a new analysis by UC Berkeley. Family income rose 3.3% after inflation, the first meaningful gain in 15 years.

That's because the unemployment rate fell substantially last year, Saez said. More than 2.95 million jobs were created, and the jobless rate fell to 5.6%.

But though the 99% saw their incomes rise, the Top 1% did even better. They saw their income jump 10.8% last year, and they captured 58% of the income growth for the year.

Because of that, income inequality continued to rise last year too.

The average family income for the Bottom 99% was $47,200 last year. The Top 1%, meanwhile, had an average income of $1.3 million. It took $423,000 just to get into the Top 1%.
Of course they shower the president with money and of course he takes it dummy. But notice who they endorse when he's running for reelection they endorse Republicans dummy
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......

You have two choices. Suck up to big money, or lose.

So, the president is ALWAYS bought by big money. Great system huh?
Another example of them holding Obama to a higher standard

I think you need some punctuation. I don't really understand what you're writing.

And you will cry that poor people or liberal policies are ruining America? You will completely ignore the growing gap of income inequality and all the problems that come with it. You will cry for the rich and the rich are laughing at you. You don't make $400K a year fool. How's that?
Blaming Obama for the racist mf's in this country is like the Klan blaming nigga's cause white women prefer dark meat.
The Obamas have been under a microscope for all this time and they haven't done one thing wrong they've been perfect First Lady and president. I wouldn't work with the GOP either. If it's their way or no way then its no way he has the veto pen f*** them

they haven't done one thing wrong they've been perfect First Lady and president.


So says the delusional sheep who drank the Kool-Aid and is in denial about what's really going on. :cuckoo:

Why the fuck should I waste my time in trying to explain something to a Kool-Aid drinking shit-for-brains liberal like yourself? You like so many other stupid liberals will just automatically deny anything that makes Obama look bad. :cuckoo:

Things are fine? Really?

That's because you cork soakers have looked so bad trying to make him look bad that we can't even take you seriously anymore
Still in denial? :cuckoo: :lol:
Obama has done well enough that Hilary will benefit from it and when 2016. But I believe in four years after that she will lose just like HW Bush was a one term president so will Hillary. And by then we will have nominated a liberal Supreme Court justice to replace one of them retiring or conservatives that have bound to leave in the next few years. And then maybe by then we'll have Congress or the house back

Hillary is not, I repeat is not going to win.....if we don't get a really viable candidate to run against her, the GOP will win....The Clintons are toooooo damned messy....I won't vote for her at all, don't like her or her husband, never did, never will!
But she will be the first woman president bet. Blacks turned out for Obama and women will turn out for Hillary. They want to see the first woman president. Who cares what you think you never liked the clintons you just admitted that

They want to see the first woman president. Who cares what you think you never liked the Clintons
And apparently libtards like yourself don't seem to care how dishonest and corrupt Hillary Clinton really is. You just want her in the WH regardless. :cuckoo:
Wrong. Because GWB's head belongs no more on Mount Rushmore then Obama's head does.
Then you don't realize how bad the economy was Bush was leaving office or what would have happened if Romney would have won. First of all there would be no big 3 Auto Union and wages would be way down

Then you don't realize how bad the economy was Bush was leaving office

Yes the economy was bad when Bush left office, but what you and so many other liberals are denial about is that Obama has made things worse.

How the fuck has Obama made things worse? Dude, so help me, you have got to be the most insane creature on the fuckin planet, that or your a fuckin retard trying to make a point. Job growth is good, the economy is good, gas prices for a long time have been good, housing starts are coming back, Wall Street has been booming under Obama, stocks are for the country, things are fine. Now if we can get you fuckin racist rednecks off the would be grand!!

How the fuck has Obama made things worse?
Why the fuck should I waste my time in trying to explain something to a Kool-Aid drinking shit-for-brains liberal like yourself? You like so many other stupid liberals will just automatically deny anything that makes Obama look bad. :cuckoo:

Job growth is good, the economy is good, gas prices for a long time have been good, housing starts are coming back, Wall Street has been booming under Obama, stocks are for the country, things are fine.
Things are fine? Really?

That's because you cork soakers have looked so bad trying to make him look bad that we can't even take you seriously anymore

Actually Obama has been making himself look bad without any help at all. :laugh:
Great, another partisan, slag off the other side thread. Just what this board needs......





Bush W.




Bush senior



The two presidents who ended their terms with massive drops were both Bushes.

Obama has been quite steady, seeing a decline as most president have seen near the end of their second term (if they had one).

Bush W seems to be the president to end his presidency on the lowest score in a long time. Even Jimmy Carter was higher than Dubya.
Did you see wages are up for the 99% 3.3 percent from last year. The top one percent their wages are up 11 percent from last year. That is the most significant pay increase Americans have seen in 15 years. I'd say Obama is doing a great job

Dear, where have you been all my life....I love love love your take on FACTS!!! something these racist morons melt over!!
And do you know what it takes to be in the 1%? You have to make over $400,000 a year. That means there's probably not one person on us Mb that's in the 1 percent. But we have at least 50 percent of the people here defending the one percent. We call them house slaves

Bernie Sanders was quoted as saying one day that this anger that a lot of conservative whites are feeling, should be directed straight at Wall Street, instead, its taken out on the illegals, blacks, Obama...anybody but Wall Street. Its Wall Street that sold our economy to cheap labor overseas, its Wall Street who's sucking all the life out of mom and pop business's, its Wall Street that's keeping wages low, cutting hours, forcing workers to do the job of 2 people, because they don't want to hire more was Wall Street that took our economy almost to the brink of collapse....and to this day, you have these simple minded fools defending these greedy bastards....which goes to show, nothing is more pathetic than America's Stupid, nothingQQ
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......

Does that dismiss the fact of what I said about Wall Street? Just because all of Wall Street owns the white house, owns our politicians, own us, does that again dismiss the FACTS of what I said? Please keep things in prospective...this shit you linked to isn't anything new, so stop with the finger pointing and pay attention to the damn message.
That's because you cork soakers have looked so bad trying to make him look bad that we can't even take you seriously anymore
Still in denial? :cuckoo: :lol:
Obama has done well enough that Hilary will benefit from it and when 2016. But I believe in four years after that she will lose just like HW Bush was a one term president so will Hillary. And by then we will have nominated a liberal Supreme Court justice to replace one of them retiring or conservatives that have bound to leave in the next few years. And then maybe by then we'll have Congress or the house back

Hillary is not, I repeat is not going to win.....if we don't get a really viable candidate to run against her, the GOP will win....The Clintons are toooooo damned messy....I won't vote for her at all, don't like her or her husband, never did, never will!
But she will be the first woman president bet. Blacks turned out for Obama and women will turn out for Hillary. They want to see the first woman president. Who cares what you think you never liked the clintons you just admitted that

They want to see the first woman president. Who cares what you think you never liked the Clintons
And apparently libtards like yourself don't seem to care how dishonest and corrupt Hillary Clinton really is. You just want her in the WH regardless. :cuckoo:

One thing I absolutely loathe about the people here, you morons pay no attention to what people say, you just stay on this mandated hate fest and ignore what people more time, idiot, I'm not a Hillary fan, never said one good thing about the btch, ever. So miss me on this support bs, I could give two fucks about this white btch, let alone her bid for the white house...u dig?
Hey, this liberal shit-for-brains realizes just how much of a corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and a piece-of-shit BUSH and CONSERVATIVES really ARE.

How typical, a liberal whining about Bush, but at least you have admitted what you really are. :laugh:

However, if you want to remain ignorant about how Obama really is and continue to drink the Kool-Aid, then that is your choice. :cuckoo:
If bush had this economy in 2007 John McCain would have won in 2008. Hell you would have put Bush's head on Mount Rushmore had his economy been as good as it is right now

Hell you would have put Bush's head on Mount Rushmore

Wrong. Because GWB's head belongs no more on Mount Rushmore then Obama's head does.
Then you don't realize how bad the economy was Bush was leaving office or what would have happened if Romney would have won. First of all there would be no big 3 Auto Union and wages would be way down

Then you don't realize how bad the economy was Bush was leaving office

Yes the economy was bad when Bush left office, but what you and so many other liberals are denial about is that Obama has made things worse.

Get the fuck outta here, jobs are everywhere, people are doing relatively okay. Everyone except you stupid white motherfuckers who's waiting on a race war and the fuckin sky to fall, this lot, is just too far gone to give a fuck about.
And why did Bush let bin Laden go when he had him cornered in the tora bora mountains? I think he wanted the boogie man loose so he could use him to scare the American people.

You dishonest Republicans cry about Obama's Muslim Kenyan dad and rev. Wright but completely ignore the ties between the bin Laden and Bush family

You can not ration with people who are hell bent on hatred. Rational reasonable people understand the difference btwn Obama and Bush, yet because their blinded by their racism, they can't see beyond Obama's color and they use these insignificant events in Obama's presidency to justify their so called political views. Nothing this president will ever do will ever satisfy those hell bent on their racist bias and if I were you, I'd give up on this lot, they're not worth the time of day.

yet because their blinded by their racism, they can't see beyond Obama's color


Because as the shit-for-brains liberal you are, you just can't seem to think of any other reason why he's disrespected. :cuckoo: :lmao:
He has handled your disrespect perfectly for 6 going on 7 years. Obama has been money and you guys still trash him which tells me he could do nothing to make you happy. Don't like Obama I just say f*** you
he could do nothing to make you happy.
He could have been honest from the start about anything, but I guess that's just too much to ask for, huh. :eusa_liar:

If you like Obama I just laugh. :lmao:

What the fuck is up with you and this honesty bullshit? Thats all we ever here from you nuts. Obama is a politicians, like all you white motherfuckers on the hill, everybody lies, everybody say what they want people to here....take that group of nuts you dumb fucks voted into congress, name one gotdamned thing these morons promised to get elected that they've accomplished...and these btches got the fuckin just one fuckin thing, you simple minded shit for brains pink fuck???????? I'll tell you, NADA....nada gotdamn thing!!
Wall Street......Obama's largest financial benefactor.
Obama Fits Fundraisers Into New York Trip - Washington Wire - WSJ
What 40 000 gets you in presidential fundraising - Yahoo Finance
A Top Fundraiser for Obama Turns From Wall Street to Drones - Bloomberg Politics
And to show for how long Obama has been sucking up to Wall Street for donations while using Wall Street as his favorite class envy whipping post:Obama Top Fundraiser on Wall Street
So tigger....what are we talking here?......

You have two choices. Suck up to big money, or lose.

So, the president is ALWAYS bought by big money. Great system huh?

When you have billionaires pulling the strings of GOP-ig candidates, ie the Koch brothers...what the hell do the others do for money? We're a bought and paid for country and that is just the way the cookie crumbles, why anyone is surprised or what to hold OBama as the scape goat, need to rethink their brain waves and get over it.
The Conservatives didn't show up for HW Bush because he said no new taxes and then taxed them. He was right for taxing them and had no other choice but do you think they cared?

You annoy your core voters, you will suffer.

Bush Dubya gave them what they wanted, war, war, hatred of someone they could get behind, and a recession, they loved the guy.

They don't love the guy, they just HATE the guy that took his place. This country overwhelmingly elected a black man in 08 because they were fed up to the core with GW and the fucked up way he governed while in office...View attachment 43600....Anything white at this point will surfice the Obama haters, even electing another group of do nothing hicks to congress, when congress has had the lowest approval ratings in our nations history. People in this country always vote against its own best interest because they're led by feelings, vs what is best for them. Both parties are guilty of this....contrary to popular beliefs, I vote for any party that will help me, my county, my neighbors, and I don't care what party it is, however, the GOP has never given me a reason to vote for them....I love the federal gov. and I think its a good thing for this country.....I HAVE TO ADD, I WORK FOR A LIVING, I JUST LIKE THE WAY THE FEDS ARE HELPING THIS COUNTRY STAY AFLOAT
Republicans don't just say government is evil they prove it

Prove it how? By taking their government subsidized pay? By using their government subsidized healthcare? By taking advantage of their government subsidized perks? By realizing half of congress and the senate all got most of their wealth from gov. sub. programs, like farm subsidies, gov. military contracts and a stock market the gov, helped save??? The only time these warped bastards want to shit on the gov. is when it comes to tax payers that feed the motherfuckers!!!!

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