President plans to unveil new 20% 'minimum tax' on 700 super-rich Americans that would levy ALL forms of income for families worth more than $100M

It's fairly common knowledge, but here is a CEA and OMB study:

We estimate the average Federal individual income tax rate paid by America’s 400 wealthiest families, using a relatively comprehensive measure of their income that includes income from unsold stock. We do so using publicly available statistics from the IRS Statistics of Income Division, the Survey of Consumer Finances, and Forbes magazine. In our primary analysis, we estimate an average Federal individual income tax rate of 8.2 percent for the period 2010-2018. We also present sensitivity analyses that yield estimates in the 6-12 percent range. The President’s proposals mitigate two key contributors to the low estimated rate: preferential tax rates on capital gains and dividend income, and wealthy families’ ability to avoid paying income tax on capital gains through a provision known as stepped-up basis.

Warren Buffet famously pays lower tax rate than his secretary.

In a 2007 interview, Buffett explained that he took a survey of his employees and compared their tax rates to his. All told, he found that while he paid a total tax rate of 17.7%, the average tax rate for people in his office was 32.9%.

What was Buffet's idea to rectify this disparity? MINIMUM TAX RATE for the very wealthiest income earners who have so many options to evade fair taxation.
There's no such thing as income from unsold stock, moron.
It's fairly common knowledge, but here is a CEA and OMB study:

We estimate the average Federal individual income tax rate paid by America’s 400 wealthiest families, using a relatively comprehensive measure of their income that includes income from unsold stock. We do so using publicly available statistics from the IRS Statistics of Income Division, the Survey of Consumer Finances, and Forbes magazine. In our primary analysis, we estimate an average Federal individual income tax rate of 8.2 percent for the period 2010-2018. We also present sensitivity analyses that yield estimates in the 6-12 percent range. The President’s proposals mitigate two key contributors to the low estimated rate: preferential tax rates on capital gains and dividend income, and wealthy families’ ability to avoid paying income tax on capital gains through a provision known as stepped-up basis.

Warren Buffet famously pays lower tax rate than his secretary.

In a 2007 interview, Buffett explained that he took a survey of his employees and compared their tax rates to his. All told, he found that while he paid a total tax rate of 17.7%, the average tax rate for people in his office was 32.9%.

What was Buffet's idea to rectify this disparity? MINIMUM TAX RATE for the very wealthiest income earners who have so many options to evade fair taxation.

using a relatively comprehensive measure of their income that includes income from unsold stock..... we estimate an average Federal individual income tax rate of 8.2 percent for the period 2010-2018.

They pay less than 20%....when you include something that isn't income. Thanks!

Warren Buffet famously pays lower tax rate than his secretary.

He famously lied.
Which in turn would take down value of the stocks, which would collapse the companies, and all the little people who have investments in those companies (through pension plans, 401k plans, etc.) would lose everything, not to mention the little people who work for those companies, who would lose their jobs.
They don't care, dem's see corporations and rich people as evils to be punished.

They want to grow the middle class by eliminating the top end. Republicans grow the middle class from the bottom up allowing everyone to rise.

Socialism purports to be the "fairest" system for the middle class but what it actually does is eliminate it so you end up with a handful of ridiculously rich individuals at the top who rule the groveling masses always begging for more.
I have to ask. For all those for this kind of tax. What do you gain from that? What would you stand to lose? What is the beneficial trade off other than short term revenge?
I have to ask. For all those for this kind of tax. What do you gain from that? What would you stand to lose? What is the beneficial trade off other than short term revenge?

They don't need to gain anything but self satisfaction. If government took all the money from wealthy people, these leftists wouldn't see one dime of it. But the left are envious. When they see happy people, their goal is to ruin their happiness so they are just as miserable as leftists.
Biden has reached new heights of idiocy. Does he actually believe any Republican is going to vote for that?

the worlds richest men, including Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, have much of their wealth in the form of stock.
As their stock rises in value, they are able to finance lavish lifestyles by taking out loans secured by their stock holdings. But loans are not taxed as income, and in many cases the interest payments are tax deductible.
The rising value of stock holdings -- known as unrealized gains -- is also not taxed as income. Capital gains taxes are only imposed when the stock is sold.
s a result, some 400 billionaire families paid an average federal tax rate of just over 8 percent of their income between 2010 and 2018, according to an estimate from the White House Office of Management and Budget and Council of Economic Advisers.
However, critics of a 'wealth tax' argue that treating unrealized gains as income is unfair and could lead to unintended consequences.
If billionaires are forced to pay taxes on the rising values of their stocks, even before they sell them at a profit, they could be forced to sell off control of companies that they founded in order to pay their tax bills, critics say.
Under Biden's new plan, billionaires already paying more than 20 percent in federal taxes would not owe additional taxes, according to the Post.
The taxes paid toward the minimum tax would count toward whatever billionaires owe whenever they sell their stock and pay ordinary capital gains taxes.
'The Billionaire Minimum Income Tax will ensure that the very wealthiest Americans pay a tax rate of at least 20 percent on their full income,'
'This minimum tax would make sure that the wealthiest Americans no longer pay a tax rate lower than teachers and firefighters.'
Poor Bti sweating out his tax hike lol at you republican trash

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