President Says Terrorism Cannot Be Ruled Out

Duuuuh What a marooooon.

Must break his heart to say the word TERRORIST.
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Duuuuh What a marooooon.

Must break his heart to say the word TERRORIST.

If he could only put "Christian, Right Wing, or Tea Party" in there somewhere he'd say it 100 times in a 3 minute speech.

He still won't say Islamic Terrorist.

Could it be work place violence?

The a-hole who shot up Ft Hood was screaming God is since the loving newlyweds were supposedly not shouting this, the violence they committed must be something less than workplace violence....right libs?
CNN, MSNBC, been parsing their words all morning. So'd the officials doing the press conferences. Of course it's terrorism. Of course it's foreign-inspired Islamic terrorism. Do they realize how fucking pathetic they sound spending seconds choosing every word carefully?
President Says Terrorism Cannot Be Ruled Out

Much to his chagrin of course. The bed wetters are grief striken.

Not over the loss of life, but because a couple mooselimbs proved islime is the religion of pieces and that the libturd lies about Christians being a threat are foolish.

Sayed Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Yes #fucktardObama, it is Islamic terrorism.

BTW, Farook is a traditionally Iranian name. Unlikely that he has ties to Syria.
President Says Terrorism Cannot Be Ruled Out

Much to his chagrin of course. The bed wetters are grief striken.

Not over the loss of life, but because a couple mooselimbs proved islime is the religion of pieces and that the libturd lies about Christians being a threat are foolish.

I think he meant it cant be ruled out until we can come up with an excuse that sounds may take awhile.

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