President seeks to get rid of all nuclear weapons

Obama seriously should not negotiate these matters. We need to wait for a far more competent president, especially when faced with a fox like Putin.

I cannot help but think that even he understands this.
Yes, we have seen that from Republicans on all things Obama

Stop all government functions until Republicans are back in charge

Obama couldn't even negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq. What chance would he have negotiating reducing nudes with Russia or any other nuclear power? No chance is the answer.
Obama seriously should not negotiate these matters. We need to wait for a far more competent president, especially when faced with a fox like Putin.

I cannot help but think that even he understands this.
Yes, we have seen that from Republicans on all things Obama

Stop all government functions until Republicans are back in charge

Obama couldn't even negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq. What chance would he have negotiating reducing nudes with Russia or any other nuclear power? No chance is the answer.
Obama has already signed a START treaty with the Russians to reduce nukes from 7000 down to 1500

It is easier to negotiate with Russians than Republicans
This is too important for petulant argument. Obama is incapable of negotiating this. He has neither the instinct or skills. Even his most die-hard supporters must know that. He'll be gone in a less than a couple of years and even a washed up Hilary would be better suited, if it comes to that.
Another ridiculous republican claim

Only Republicans are capable of keeping us safe
Only a fool would pit Obama against Putin. It is not going to happen.

I said nothing about Republicans and even allowed for Hilary.

Let's look at recent foreign policy history

The party that allowed the 9-11 attacks, trumped up reasons to invade Iraq, botched two wars and engaged in torture should be trusted to deal with Russia

As you recall, it was Obama who declared the Iraq invasion to be a foolish endeavor

for the record, the party that allowed 9/11 was the democrat party under Bubba Clinton.

The Iraq ivasion was a foolish endeavor----------both parties authorized and funded it.
It was not Bill Clinton who was reading "My pet goat" while we were under attack

That is such a pile of steaming bullshit. Yeah, he was working with kids when it happened. He left and took control of the country and brought us together.

and YES, 9/11 happened because of Clinton's mishandling of our intelligence agencies, same reason Benghazi happened under another clinton
It wasn't Clinton's responsibility to protect us against was Bush's

And he failed miserably

Bush was in office less than 8 months when 9/11 happened. The terrorists entered this country, learned to fly planes, and planned the attack under Clinton. It was clinton's intelligence failures that caused 9/11.

your attempt to rewrite history is amusing, and a complete lie.
This is too important for petulant argument. Obama is incapable of negotiating this. He has neither the instinct or skills. Even his most die-hard supporters must know that. He'll be gone in a less than a couple of years and even a washed up Hilary would be better suited, if it comes to that.
Another ridiculous republican claim

Only Republicans are capable of keeping us safe
Only a fool would pit Obama against Putin. It is not going to happen.

I said nothing about Republicans and even allowed for Hilary.

Let's look at recent foreign policy history

The party that allowed the 9-11 attacks, trumped up reasons to invade Iraq, botched two wars and engaged in torture should be trusted to deal with Russia

As you recall, it was Obama who declared the Iraq invasion to be a foolish endeavor
We did talk about importance and petulance, right?

Anyway, wtf does that have to do with Obama's unsuitability to enter negotiations with Putin? For reasons of national security, they must be kept as far away form each other as possible. The State Department and CIA know this all too well, as does just about everyone else. Another 20 months is not going to make a lot of difference anyway

Obama is more than capable of handling Putin. It is Putin that has made his country an international pariah. It is Obama who is pushing the sanctions

Of the two, Obama is way ahead
Please! I understand that you are trying to defend a failed president, but that is going way too far.

Compared to Putin? Putin is destroying his economy and his global standing

Obama just sits back and laughs as Putin struggles

Like him or hate him, Putin is a leader. Obama is not.
This is too important for petulant argument. Obama is incapable of negotiating this. He has neither the instinct or skills. Even his most die-hard supporters must know that. He'll be gone in a less than a couple of years and even a washed up Hilary would be better suited, if it comes to that.
Another ridiculous republican claim

Only Republicans are capable of keeping us safe
Only a fool would pit Obama against Putin. It is not going to happen.

I said nothing about Republicans and even allowed for Hilary.

Let's look at recent foreign policy history

The party that allowed the 9-11 attacks, trumped up reasons to invade Iraq, botched two wars and engaged in torture should be trusted to deal with Russia

As you recall, it was Obama who declared the Iraq invasion to be a foolish endeavor

for the record, the party that allowed 9/11 was the democrat party under Bubba Clinton.

The Iraq ivasion was a foolish endeavor----------both parties authorized and funded it.
And yet, in 1998 Clinton thwarted a potential 9.11 type of attack. In 2001, he was no longer president and unfortunately for the U.S., Bush was and Bush did absolutely nothing to prevent it.

Meanshile, while Clinton was prezident, he warned that terrorists were seeking to attack us here in the U.S. and the right ridiculed him for even suggesting that.
This is too important for petulant argument. Obama is incapable of negotiating this. He has neither the instinct or skills. Even his most die-hard supporters must know that. He'll be gone in a less than a couple of years and even a washed up Hilary would be better suited, if it comes to that.
Another ridiculous republican claim

Only Republicans are capable of keeping us safe
Only a fool would pit Obama against Putin. It is not going to happen.

I said nothing about Republicans and even allowed for Hilary.

Let's look at recent foreign policy history

The party that allowed the 9-11 attacks, trumped up reasons to invade Iraq, botched two wars and engaged in torture should be trusted to deal with Russia

As you recall, it was Obama who declared the Iraq invasion to be a foolish endeavor

for the record, the party that allowed 9/11 was the democrat party under Bubba Clinton.

The Iraq ivasion was a foolish endeavor----------both parties authorized and funded it.
It was not Bill Clinton who was reading "My pet goat" while we were under attack

That is such a pile of steaming bullshit. Yeah, he was working with kids when it happened. He left and took control of the country and brought us together.

and YES, 9/11 happened because of Clinton's mishandling of our intelligence agencies, same reason Benghazi happened under another clinton
It wasn't Clinton's responsibility to protect us against was Bush's

And he failed miserably

Bush was in office less than 8 months when 9/11 happened. The terrorists entered this country, learned to fly planes, and planned the attack under Clinton. It was clinton's intelligence failures that caused 9/11.

your attempt to rewrite history is amusing, and a complete lie.
I would give you some sympathy points if Bush had actually took some initiative in fighting terrorism prior to 9-11

But when FOUR planes were hijacked on his watch and killed 3000 people, Bush was reading My pet Goat. When informed of the worst attack in US history! he went back to reading....My Pet Goat
This is too important for petulant argument. Obama is incapable of negotiating this. He has neither the instinct or skills. Even his most die-hard supporters must know that. He'll be gone in a less than a couple of years and even a washed up Hilary would be better suited, if it comes to that.
Another ridiculous republican claim

Only Republicans are capable of keeping us safe
Only a fool would pit Obama against Putin. It is not going to happen.

I said nothing about Republicans and even allowed for Hilary.

Let's look at recent foreign policy history

The party that allowed the 9-11 attacks, trumped up reasons to invade Iraq, botched two wars and engaged in torture should be trusted to deal with Russia

As you recall, it was Obama who declared the Iraq invasion to be a foolish endeavor
We did talk about importance and petulance, right?

Anyway, wtf does that have to do with Obama's unsuitability to enter negotiations with Putin? For reasons of national security, they must be kept as far away form each other as possible. The State Department and CIA know this all too well, as does just about everyone else. Another 20 months is not going to make a lot of difference anyway

Obama is more than capable of handling Putin. It is Putin that has made his country an international pariah. It is Obama who is pushing the sanctions

Of the two, Obama is way ahead
Please! I understand that you are trying to defend a failed president, but that is going way too far.

Compared to Putin? Putin is destroying his economy and his global standing

Obama just sits back and laughs as Putin struggles

Like him or hate him, Putin is a leader. Obama is not.

Putin has demonstrated what type of leader he inept leader
A leader unable to understand Russia's role in a global community and the impact that community has on his nation

Meanwhile, Obama garners the forces of the free world against Russia and is pressuring them to cease their actions

That is what a leader does
“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth"

Well said Mr President!

Can't agree. While I'm against using them first, I'm not against them being used in retaliation of nuclear attack. Thus how M.A.D. has kept the relative peace for over 60 years.

Everyone who wants them, will aquire them. So long as irresponsible nations like DPRK and Pakistan and India have nukes, I want the US to have them as well.

Would love to see detargetting, and launch on warning policies eliminated and our ICBM arsensal put on a hard safety of some sort. But there's always going to be a need for nuclear deterrent. Plus, some additional for planetary defense isn't a bad idea either. If a big rock is coming at us, nuking it might not be the best solution, but if a major population center is the target, it might be better than letting it hit full force. To say nothing of if aliens ever showed up and were hostile.
Putin has demonstrated what type of leader he inept leader
A leader unable to understand Russia's role in a global community and the impact that community has on his nation

Meanwhile, Obama garners the forces of the free world against Russia and is pressuring them to cease their actions

That is what a leader does
Yeah, and as soon as Russian troops roll into Berlin then he'll really get angry!
Putin has demonstrated what type of leader he inept leader
A leader unable to understand Russia's role in a global community and the impact that community has on his nation

Meanwhile, Obama garners the forces of the free world against Russia and is pressuring them to cease their actions

That is what a leader does
Yeah, and as soon as Russian troops roll into Berlin then he'll really get angry!
Germany would kick his ass

Putin is learning a lesson on leadership. You don't get to play by your own rules in an international environment

Hard to believe Conservatives actually call that leadership
Putin has demonstrated what type of leader he inept leader
A leader unable to understand Russia's role in a global community and the impact that community has on his nation

Meanwhile, Obama garners the forces of the free world against Russia and is pressuring them to cease their actions

That is what a leader does
Yeah, and as soon as Russian troops roll into Berlin then he'll really get angry!
Germany would kick his ass

Putin is learning a lesson on leadership. You don't get to play by your own rules in an international environment

Hard to believe Conservatives actually call that leadership
Don't be silly. Obama is the only person in the world who can check Putin. Instead, Putin is using him as a doormat. It's like asking why dogs lick their balls.

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