President seeks to get rid of all nuclear weapons

“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth"

Well said Mr President!

Naive simpleton at best, a man who wants the US to fall hard at worst!

In a perfect world getting rid of all nuclear weapons would be grand. HOWEVER, in the real world if we don't have nuclear weapons others still can and will develop them. Imagine if we didn't have nuclear weapons but say Cuba had them. They could extort of for what ever they wanted. If could be Florida, Texas oil, women etc? It won't matter they could require it and back up the demand with a sledge hammer and there would be NOTHING we could do to stop them.

He also says this when our nuclear rival (Russia) is invading and starting to take over one of our allies.

No this is not a good thing for him to say. It's just another showing of weakness that EMBOLDENS our enemies!
“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth"

Well said Mr President!

Now that he has reset our relationship with Russia, I'm sure they'll be all nice and peaceful.
And he ended the war in Iraq, so no more trouble in that part of the world.
Yeah, he's making peace break out all over. Great job!
“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth"

Well said Mr President!

Naive simpleton at best, a man who wants the US to fall hard at worst!

In a perfect world getting rid of all nuclear weapons would be grand. HOWEVER, in the real world if we don't have nuclear weapons others still can and will develop them. Imagine if we didn't have nuclear weapons but say Cuba had them. They could extort of for what ever they wanted. If could be Florida, Texas oil, women etc? It won't matter they could require it and back up the demand with a sledge hammer and there would be NOTHING we could do to stop them.

He also says this when our nuclear rival (Russia) is invading and starting to take over one of our allies.

No this is not a good thing for him to say. It's just another showing of weakness that EMBOLDENS our enemies!

you fell into RW's trap. its a Reagan quote. Still naive, but Reagan said it.
I just returned from a visit to russia, the people are not going hungry------------why must you libs lie about everything?
No one is going hungry in Russia, not even the slackers. And it's all done without food stamps!!!
Putin has picked a fight against the US and EU

He will pay the price
More Putin "leadership"

Western Sanctions And Rising Debts Are Already Strangling The Russian Economy - Forbes

Russia scrambles to refinance maturing debt, stabilize the ruble, and battles to halt the collapse of investment in new plant and equipment, Russia will draw down its official reserves and rainy-day funds, capital flight will accelerate, perhaps to unsustainable levels, and economic growth will collapse, perhaps as much as during the financial crisis of 2009. The longer the sanctions stay in place, the worse the consequences.
Two reports summarize how this goes down:
Reuters report of August 7: “Russia’s syndicated debt market, worth $47.2 billion last year, has dried up since hostilities broke out over the Ukraine. Just two corporate loans (for a total of $1.5 billion) have been signed since March.”
Bloomberg report of August 3: “Not a single US dollar, Euro, or Swiss franc was lent to a Russian company in July ….(this is) the first time since the depths of the financial crisis that Russian companies have faced such a credit drought.”
Amazing! The European market for Russian debt is shrinking from nearly $50 billion to $3 billion, despite the best efforts of European banks to keep their Russian business afloat
Putin has picked a fight against the US and EU

He will pay the price
Yeah, he's going to take east Ukraine and Crimea, lol! Unfortunately, Putin has read western leadership correctly. America is cowed by a cowering president.
Putin has picked a fight against the US and EU

He will pay the price
Yeah, he's going to take east Ukraine and Crimea, lol! Unfortunately, Putin has read western leadership correctly. America is cowed by a cowering president.

Putin is learning an important lesson

He is not in the USSR any more

He cannot scoff at foreign investment, he cannot pretend that his economy can flourish on its own. He must deal with a new master.....Russian Capitalists who will look at what they are actually gaining by invading Ukraine vs the economic price they pay
I just returned from a visit to russia, the people are not going hungry------------why must you libs lie about everything?
No one is going hungry in Russia, not even the slackers. And it's all done without food stamps!!!
Do you live there?
No, but a hell of a lot closer than you. They don't have food stamps and they're not starving either.
What does that have to do with nukes??
I just returned from a visit to russia, the people are not going hungry------------why must you libs lie about everything?
No one is going hungry in Russia, not even the slackers. And it's all done without food stamps!!!
Do you live there?
No, but a hell of a lot closer than you. They don't have food stamps and they're not starving either.
What does that have to do with nukes??
You'd have to ask rightwinger who claimed Putin's actions are causing hunger in Russia.
I just returned from a visit to russia, the people are not going hungry------------why must you libs lie about everything?
No one is going hungry in Russia, not even the slackers. And it's all done without food stamps!!!
Do you live there?
No, but a hell of a lot closer than you. They don't have food stamps and they're not starving either.
What does that have to do with nukes??
You'd have to ask rightwinger who claimed Putin's actions are causing hunger in Russia.

You are going to have to look really hard to find where I said Putin's actions are causing starvation

We do not want the Russian people to starve, we want the Russian Capitalists to starve

That is what is happening
Putin has picked a fight against the US and EU

He will pay the price

And what price is that? will obama call him names? will obozo draw a red line? will kerry have a stern talk with them? Don't be so fricken naive. When the US has a weak president the entire world becomes fucked up.
“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth"

Well said Mr President!

Naive simpleton at best, a man who wants the US to fall hard at worst!

In a perfect world getting rid of all nuclear weapons would be grand. HOWEVER, in the real world if we don't have nuclear weapons others still can and will develop them. Imagine if we didn't have nuclear weapons but say Cuba had them. They could extort of for what ever they wanted. If could be Florida, Texas oil, women etc? It won't matter they could require it and back up the demand with a sledge hammer and there would be NOTHING we could do to stop them.

He also says this when our nuclear rival (Russia) is invading and starting to take over one of our allies.

No this is not a good thing for him to say. It's just another showing of weakness that EMBOLDENS our enemies!

Please respect the dead

Reagan was a simpleton, but he was the leader of the conservative movement
I just returned from a visit to russia, the people are not going hungry------------why must you libs lie about everything?
No one is going hungry in Russia, not even the slackers. And it's all done without food stamps!!!
Do you live there?
No, but a hell of a lot closer than you. They don't have food stamps and they're not starving either.
What does that have to do with nukes??
You'd have to ask rightwinger who claimed Putin's actions are causing hunger in Russia.

You are going to have to look really hard to find where I said Putin's actions are causing starvation

We do not want the Russian people to starve, we want the Russian Capitalists to starve

That is what is happening

Oh, right, rid Russia of the evil capitalists who are making the country solvent again.

How can any human being be a stupid as you are?
When did the ultra Hercules called Ronny Reagan ever attack the Ruskies when they did wrong in the world?? never...
Putin has picked a fight against the US and EU

He will pay the price

And what price is that? will obama call him names? will obozo draw a red line? will kerry have a stern talk with them? Don't be so fricken naive. When the US has a weak president the entire world becomes fucked up.

The result of Putin's "Leadership"

Cameron we will permanently damage Russia s economy - Telegraph

David Cameron has vowed to “turn the ratchet” on Vladimir Putin, as he warned Western sanctions would “permanently” damage the Russian economy.
Moscow banks are running short of funding as investors pull capital out the country, while the rouble and the Russian stock market are falling, the Prime Minister said.

The rouble today reached a record low, having lost 12 per cent of its value against the dollar in a year.

More Putin "leadership"

Western Sanctions And Rising Debts Are Already Strangling The Russian Economy - Forbes

Russia scrambles to refinance maturing debt, stabilize the ruble, and battles to halt the collapse of investment in new plant and equipment, Russia will draw down its official reserves and rainy-day funds, capital flight will accelerate, perhaps to unsustainable levels, and economic growth will collapse, perhaps as much as during the financial crisis of 2009. The longer the sanctions stay in place, the worse the consequences.
Two reports summarize how this goes down:
Reuters report of August 7: “Russia’s syndicated debt market, worth $47.2 billion last year, has dried up since hostilities broke out over the Ukraine. Just two corporate loans (for a total of $1.5 billion) have been signed since March.”
Bloomberg report of August 3: “Not a single US dollar, Euro, or Swiss franc was lent to a Russian company in July ….(this is) the first time since the depths of the financial crisis that Russian companies have faced such a credit drought.”
Amazing! The European market for Russian debt is shrinking from nearly $50 billion to $3 billion, despite the best efforts of European banks to keep their Russian business afloat
I just returned from a visit to russia, the people are not going hungry------------why must you libs lie about everything?
No one is going hungry in Russia, not even the slackers. And it's all done without food stamps!!!
Do you live there?
No, but a hell of a lot closer than you. They don't have food stamps and they're not starving either.
What does that have to do with nukes??
You'd have to ask rightwinger who claimed Putin's actions are causing hunger in Russia.

You are going to have to look really hard to find where I said Putin's actions are causing starvation

We do not want the Russian people to starve, we want the Russian Capitalists to starve

That is what is happening

Oh, right, rid Russia of the evil capitalists who are making the country solvent again.

How can any human being be a stupid as you are?

Putin is learning who his true masters are

It is not the Russian people, it is the Russian Capitalists who are losing big time capital

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