President to use recess appointment for CFPB :-)


So the President should have the power to unilaterally create new agencies and populate them?

Nonsense, what ever happened to the concept of checks and balances.

Wiseacre made a very sensible post. All appointments should have a up or down vote within thirty days of being made. It's not right when either party does it.
Except the Senate isnt on recess. So how exactly do you think a recess appointment is to work?
El Jefe has the Constitutional ability to make a recess appointment.

But the liberoidals were all upset when that parliamentary style "trick" got used AGAINST their wishes.

Now, of course, it's a wonderful thing.

Frankly, I don't give a shit.

The Congress ought to be derailing the consumer financial protection agency in any and all ways it can.

And there is something a bit hasty and unseemly about using the RECESS appointment power when the Congress is NOT actually IN recess.

So, maybe a Court challenge will work?

Good. Anything to disrupt this President's idiotic social agenda is good.
Except the Senate isnt on recess. So how exactly do you think a recess appointment is to work?

Huh uh.

From the OP's link:

Expressly to keep that from happening, Republicans in the Senate have had the Senate running in "pro forma" sessions, meaning open for business in name with no actual business planned. Democrats started the practice when George W. Bush was president to halt him from making recess appointments.

The Senate held such a session on Tuesday and planned another one on Friday. Republicans contend Obama cannot make a recess appointment during a break of less than three days, based on years of precedent.
Except the Senate isnt on recess. So how exactly do you think a recess appointment is to work?

Huh uh.

From the OP's link:

Expressly to keep that from happening, Republicans in the Senate have had the Senate running in "pro forma" sessions, meaning open for business in name with no actual business planned. Democrats started the practice when George W. Bush was president to halt him from making recess appointments.

The Senate held such a session on Tuesday and planned another one on Friday. Republicans contend Obama cannot make a recess appointment during a break of less than three days, based on years of precedent.

In other words -- Congress is NOT in recess.
Can the next president eliminate these agencies?

Yes they can. Through the power of the veto any president can eliminate most of the problems we have today. Most 'issues' we face today are really issues created by dismissal of the constitution and the rule of law. Like all bureaucracy's however survival of the bureaucracy supersedes anything else it does.

Thus a patriot like Ron Paul is defamed, demagogued, marginalized, and belittled until the population seeks normality. Normality that comes in the form of a politician that aligns with the voice of the people, this being the media who drives the defamation, the demagoguery, the marginalization, and the belittling.
The Democrat controlled Senate is against Obama?

Pretty sure it's the Republican abuse of the filibuster that is stalling appointments.

Gee when has that happened before? Oh that's right when Bush was in office and the Democrats Blocked everyone he tried to appoint.

One problem here. Congress is not on recess, this is a clear end around, around the will of the people. who elected Republicans to congress knowing full well they could filibuster.

The people voted for Divided Government, precisely because they wanted Obama's Agenda blocked, and fought. This will not go over well with the Public.
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Were in MASSIVE debt. What's Obamas solution? Create more agencies that will put us deeper in debt.

Do tell us the budget of the CFPB for the next year. I'd be interesting in knowing how the CFPB is what's crushing us.
Nice going Mr. President. :cool: Cordray is > qualified by being a former Attorney General. You also DO have the political capital: | National News | Pensacola News Journal
The president also was expected to announce other recess appointments on Wednesday.

Until now, he has made 28. Bush made more than 170 during his presidency. Bill Clinton made almost 140.

Obama's decision to make a recess appointment is certain to cause an uproar from Capitol Hill to Wall Street. He is essentially declaring the Senate's short off-and-on legislative sessions a sham intended to block his appointments.
The above would be true. Also, makes Wall Street banksters & Senate Repubs mad? :( Must be the right thing to do :2up:

Wow, a lot has changed.... 4 - 5 years ago you guys screamed bloody murder that recess appointments were "shredding the constitution".

My how things have changed.

The Democrat controlled Senate is against Obama?

Pretty sure it's the Republican abuse of the filibuster that is stalling appointments.

Gee when has that happened before? Oh that's right when Bush was in office and the Democrats Blocked everyone he tried to appoint.

One problem here. Congress is not on recess, this is a clear end around, around the will of the people. who elected Republicans to congress knowing full well they could filibuster.

The people voted for Divided Government, precisely because they wanted Obama's Agenda blocked, and fought. This will not go over well with the Public.

I don't think you've been paying much attention this past year if you really think that.
In other words -- Congress is NOT in recess.

The Republicans in Congress who are pulling this stunt are acting like children. The senate is clearly in recess but the Democrats and now the Republicans are abusing a loophole so on paper they're not. This thread is a perfect example of everything wrong with those who defend their respective party. Like Wiseacre proposed, every recess appointment should have an up or down vote within thirty days of being proposed with Congress in session.
Were in MASSIVE debt. What's Obamas solution? Create more agencies that will put us deeper in debt.

Do tell us the budget of the CFPB for the next year. I'd be interesting in knowing how the CFPB is what's crushing us.

Soda at a gas station will send a family to bankruptcy 1.49 at a time if you have to many of them for to long. It doesnt matter what it costs. We cant afford it.
Soda at a gas station will send a family to bankruptcy 1.49 at a time if you have to many of them for to long. It doesnt matter what it costs. We cant afford it.

That doesn't answer my question. All you provided me was rhetoric.
Were in MASSIVE debt. What's Obamas solution? Create more agencies that will put us deeper in debt.

Do tell us the budget of the CFPB for the next year. I'd be interesting in knowing how the CFPB is what's crushing us.

100% of their budget is both crushing and completely unnecessary. We've survived 200 years without all these power grabbing institutions. Now suddenly Obama thinks we need rescued. He is so fucking stupid.


He works on everything except the shit that actually needs addressed. Oh gee, now ill save 3 bucks a month on my credit card bill. Thanks Obama! Jackass

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