President Trump and the First lady sends best wishes from Iraq

agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.


Because the troops truly appreciated it. think about them just once..see how it feels.
Show those troops this video, then get back to me, and tell me again how much Trump appreciates the troops; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list

and this is why I hate mindless partisan sheep. They just post shit without reading what was actually written.

I never once said Trump appreciates the troops, I do not think that Trump appreciates anyone but himself.

What I said was that the troops appreciated what Trump did. Sitting over in Iraq not knowing what the next day will bring they do not give a shit about his motivations or his politics. They have real life to worry about.
How about ya'll discussing the subject and laying off the personal insults!
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.


Because the troops truly appreciated it. think about them just once..see how it feels.
Show those troops this video, then get back to me, and tell me again how much Trump appreciates the troops; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list

and this is why I hate mindless partisan sheep. They just post shit without reading what was actually written.

I never once said Trump appreciates the troops, I do not think that Trump appreciates anyone but himself.

What I said was that the troops appreciated what Trump did. Sitting over in Iraq not knowing what the next day will bring they do not give a shit about his motivations or his politics. They have real life to worry about.
Isn't that the whole point? "The real life to worry about"? Can you imagine how insulting that should be for a fraud and a fake to go over there to wish a bunch of troops "well from Iraq", only to use them as a pawn for politics and his own enrichment? They have "their lives to worry about", and he goes over there pursuing "HIS" agenda. How insulting to one's intelligence. He uses what you just reminded us of as a tool to help him. It's totally disgusting.

The troops should not appreciate what Trump did, because, what he did had nothing to do with them. My God man, are you that naive?
Isn't that the whole point? "The real life to worry about"? Can you imagine how insulting that should be for a fraud and a fake to go over there to wish a bunch of troops "well from Iraq", only to use them as a pawn for politics and his own enrichment? They have "their lives to worry about", and he goes over there pursuing "HIS" agenda. How insulting to one's intelligence. He uses what you just reminded us of as a tool to help him. It's totally disgusting.

The troops should not appreciate what Trump did, because what he did had nothing to do with them. My God man, are you that naive?

They do not give a shit. This is what you cannot understand because you never served. Quit talking about things beyond your grasp to comprehend.

You have the freedom to sit in your basement and worry about politics 100% of them time because of those troops, so quit shitting on them.

Let them have their moment, why does that hurt you so much?
Isn't that the whole point? "The real life to worry about"? Can you imagine how insulting that should be for a fraud and a fake to go over there to wish a bunch of troops "well from Iraq", only to use them as a pawn for politics and his own enrichment? They have "their lives to worry about", and he goes over there pursuing "HIS" agenda. How insulting to one's intelligence. He uses what you just reminded us of as a tool to help him. It's totally disgusting.

The troops should not appreciate what Trump did, because what he did had nothing to do with them. My God man, are you that naive?

They do not give a shit. This is what you cannot understand because you never served. Quit talking about things beyond your grasp to comprehend.

You have the freedom to sit in your basement and worry about politics 100% of them time because of those troops, so quit shitting on them.

Let them have their moment, why does that hurt you so much?
If I were in charge, I would have never had them over there in 2003 to fight a war based on lies. That's how I would have treated the troops from the beginning; The Secret History of ISIS

"Their moment" is based on someone telling them lies. It's because of those lies, we lost so many troops, and caused the suffering and death to millions of innocent people. Enough of the lies. Then and only then can all of us "HAVE OUR MOMENT".
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If I were in charge, I would have never had them over there in 2003 to fight a war based on lies. That's how I would have treated the troops from the beginning; Who Was the Founder of ISIS?

"Their moment" is based on someone telling them lies. It's because of those lies, we lost so many troops, and caused the suffering and death to millions of innocent people. Enough of the lies. Then and only then can all of us "HAVE OUR MOMENT".

I agree 100% about the invasion of Iraq, it was a mistake of historical proportions. But it is not the fault of the troops over there now, so cut them some slack.

Let me put this in a different way...

say you are in a car accident and someone comes and pulls you to safety. Turns out this guy did it only because they are an attention seeking hore that only did it so they could be in the papers and on TV.

Are you going to care why they saved you?
IT has too meanings.

First is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Those who have an irrational hate of Trump and cannot see when he does something right or good.

And the other is Trump Defense Syndrome. Those who have an irrational love of Trump and cannot see when he does something wrong or poorly.

Cutting to the chase, Democrats are Lunatics. Yea or Nay?

partisans are lunatics...matters not which sheep pen the reside in


if you're going to blow about partisanship get on Donnie's fat ass.

Obama created ISIS.
Once he stopped arming them they folded like a cheap suit.
Try again. Tony Blair has already taken partial responsibility for creating ISIS when he hooked up with Gomer.

Tony Blair takes blame for Iraq War and admits conflict caused ISIS | Daily Mail Online
Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News
Tony Blair is right: without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State
Tony Blair didn't know Osama bin Obama was arming them.

Why would an American President do such a thing?

Because he is a Muslim.

New Revelation: Previous US Administration Facilitated Christian Genocide in Nigeria
by Raymond Ibrahim
December 23, 2018 at 5:00 am

New Revelation: Previous US Administration Facilitated Christian Genocide in Nigeria

  • "On March 23, 2015, President Obama himself took the unusual step of releasing a video message directly to Nigerians all but telling them how to vote. In that video, Obama urged Nigerians to open the 'next chapter' by their votes." — Goodluck Jonathan, former president of Nigeria, in his new book, My Transition Hours.

  • "Christianity is on the brink of extinction in Nigeria." — Bosun Emmanuel, the secretary of the National Christian Elders Forum, June 23, 2018.

  • "Hundreds of indigenous Numan Christians in Adamawa state were attacked and killed by jihadist Fulani herdsmen. When they tried to defend themselves the Buhari govt. sent in the Airforce to bomb hundreds of them and protect the Fulani aggressors." — Femi Fani-Kayode, Nigerian lawyer, author and former Minister of Aviation, Daily Post, December 6, 2017.

  • In March 2014, after the United States Institute for Peace invited the governors of Nigeria's northern states for a conference in the U.S., the State Department blocked the visa of the region's only Christian governor, Jonah David Jang, an ordained minister.
That the Obama administration may have imposed its will on a foreign country's politics and elections is hardly unprecedented. Recall the administration's partiality for the Muslim Brotherhood during and after 2012 presidential elections in Egypt; or its unsuccessful efforts to oust Israeli prime minister Netanyahu with U.S. taxpayers' money; or its efforts -- with an admittedly unverified "dossier" (here, here and here) -- to prevent then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump from being elected, or by discussing an "insurance policy" in the event that Trump won. Moreover, texts by Peter Strzok revealed that Obama "wants to know everything we're doing."

So in Nigeria, the Obama administration, it seems, sought to right the apparently intolerable wrong of having a duly elected Christian president in a more than 50% Christian nation.​
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Cutting to the chase, Democrats are Lunatics. Yea or Nay?

partisans are lunatics...matters not which sheep pen the reside in


if you're going to blow about partisanship get on Donnie's fat ass.

Obama created ISIS.
Once he stopped arming them they folded like a cheap suit.
Try again. Tony Blair has already taken partial responsibility for creating ISIS when he hooked up with Gomer.

Tony Blair takes blame for Iraq War and admits conflict caused ISIS | Daily Mail Online
Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News
Tony Blair is right: without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State
Tony Blair didn't know Osama bin Obama was arming them.
Does Tony Blair know you`re a babbling idiot? I`ll forward this to him. :) He has plenty of time on his hands since he destroyed his political career by following Gomer into Iraq.
So what do you thinks going to happen with Iraq now that they’re demanding we leave their country?

Will trump apologize?

Will we just leave Iraq?
So what do you thinks going to happen with Iraq now that they’re demanding we leave their country?

Will trump apologize?

Will we just leave Iraq?
Right now we are not leaving..............and if they want help in finishing off ISIS then they will want us to stay............

If the Iraqi Gov't tells us to leave then we may very well leave then..........and if their nuts get caught in the vice after because of it...........well.........I don't think we are going to come back a third time.........

They must choose..........Rather our forces home than be it.
If I were in charge, I would have never had them over there in 2003 to fight a war based on lies. That's how I would have treated the troops from the beginning; Who Was the Founder of ISIS?

"Their moment" is based on someone telling them lies. It's because of those lies, we lost so many troops, and caused the suffering and death to millions of innocent people. Enough of the lies. Then and only then can all of us "HAVE OUR MOMENT".

I agree 100% about the invasion of Iraq, it was a mistake of historical proportions. But it is not the fault of the troops over there now, so cut them some slack.

Let me put this in a different way...

say you are in a car accident and someone comes and pulls you to safety. Turns out this guy did it only because they are an attention seeking hore that only did it so they could be in the papers and on TV.

Are you going to care why they saved you?
That is the whole point. It was not the fault of the troops. We lied to them then, and Trump went over there to lie to them again. And to top it all off, he insulted them with domestic politics.

Let me put it this way, using your logic. Trump went to Iraq to wish them well, but, while wishing them well floated around lies about their pay and that we defeated ISIS . Um, no, there are still 15,000 left who could easily regroup, while Trump is signaling to Turkey that they can invade the Kurds, who are our allies who fought with us. Fast forward to a withdraw, the troops get a call from Trump who said that ISIS has regrouped and has taken over territory. While Trump was pulling the troops out of the car to safety back home, he didn't bother telling them that they may have to drive the car back to Iraq again with possible road side bombs in the way. So, did Trump pull them out of the car to safety? We don't know, and neither does Trump. He's really worried about his own agenda.

But ha, maybe it would be a better idea, that instead of going back for a third time while ISIS regroups, to just finish the job there? Oh that's right, Trump has business with Erdogan, so instead of finishing the job and risking the troops coming back, he decides to pull them out. Did he save the troops. Who knows? Does he care? Hell no. Bottom line, Trump doesn't know or care if he pulled his troops out of a vehicle accident. He was worried about Trump. So, should the troops care if Trump makes a mistake? We certainly hope so.
partisans are lunatics...matters not which sheep pen the reside in


if you're going to blow about partisanship get on Donnie's fat ass.

Obama created ISIS.
Once he stopped arming them they folded like a cheap suit.
Try again. Tony Blair has already taken partial responsibility for creating ISIS when he hooked up with Gomer.

Tony Blair takes blame for Iraq War and admits conflict caused ISIS | Daily Mail Online
Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News
Tony Blair is right: without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State
Tony Blair didn't know Osama bin Obama was arming them.
Does Tony Blair know you`re a babbling idiot? I`ll forward this to him. :) He has plenty of time on his hands since he destroyed his political career by following Gomer into Iraq.
Tony Blair doesn't know me.

He also didn't know what Obama was up to when he made that statement either.
You likely have no idea the lengths the Secret Service has to plan in order to insure the safety of both a President and First Lady in a warzone
Yes we do, because president babyman told us. 3 to 4 weeks. Pay attention, Russian troll!
So Trump managed to turn the troop visit into a campaign rally....complete with the required lying to their faces....he's a goddamn embarrassment....
Then quit leaving piles of shit in it.
I apologize for mentioning a pile of shit. Better? :)

The problem is that you are the pile of shit...
Because I support President Trump?

as i just said,i am giving him two more years,his first term to prove me wrong that he is different than all the warmonger presidents we have had since Reagan,he will have to prove to me he is sincere about caring about America by getting rid of the CIA,the FBI and the fed as our last great president kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it. If he does not,then that says it all about him. well YOU still support him if he does not get rid of those evil organizations?

You give him two more years.
He'll resign before then.
And I will dance in the street.


oh listen to the butthurt flow.:itsok::itsok::iyfyus.jpg: yeah you were also no doubt one of the many thousands eho said he did not have a chance to get elected either.:abgg2q.jpg:
It was a good thing - but Trump is just trying to divert attention to another shiny object and away from all the scandals surrounding him. His motives are self-serving political survival.

No, that would be Scum-Willy firing cruise missiles at a Sudan aspirin factory to scare Monica into believing he was the baddest man on the planet, too scary to testify against.

It is both Trump and Clifton and Bush II and Bush and Reagan and Obama....they are all the same

I am holding out hope he is different. I am giving him two more years to prove he is.the way we will find out IF he is different from those evil warmongers is if he gets rid of the CIA and FED like our last great president Kennedy tried to do. they are the reason the world is in the mess it is and WHY wars always start.If he doesnt get rid of them then we will know he is no different. I just cant see him doing it cause as we all know,Kennedy paid the deadly price for trying to do that.Well Trump ALSO risk paying that price? i just dont see it and I am afraid you are right. Glad to see you are one of the few that understand that Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has all expanded on.
You're waiting to see if Trump is different from his predecessors?

Sleeps with hookers, bribes them, suborns his lawyer and the National Enquirer to violate campaign finance laws, doubles the deficit, spends more of other people's money than any human in history, starts a failing trade war, increases the trade deficit, hires the most corrupt people in the country to run the government...


As usual, g5000, you are spot on.

spot on with his butthurt same as you yeah.:abgg2q.jpg:
Donald Trump and the First Lady pulled a fast one on the media. They spent all night late on Christmas flying in Air Force One to visit troops stationed in Iraq.....right when the media was blasting him for not going.

This is priceless.


Overnight on Christmas and into the morning of December 26, a bevy of news websites published articles pronouncing that Donald Trump was the first President since 2002 not to visit U.S. military troops over the Christmas holiday. Shortly thereafter, on the 26th, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that the President and First Lady had touched down in Iraq, and thus that bevy of news websites frantically began editing their headlines.

NBC broke the "news" on Christmas day with a 4:13 p.m. EST piece entitled, “Trump becomes first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime.” That article inspired a deluge of similar headlines by prominent news outlets such as The Hill, Newsweek, and, all of whom were eager to join in pointing and scoffing at the President’s apparent break with tradition.

Then, at 2:18 p.m. on Wednesday, the White House Press Secretary’s Twitter account published the following tweet:

theres that CIA media hard at work with their propaganda.:abgg2q.jpg:

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