President Trump and the First lady sends best wishes from Iraq

Isn’t it strange that the press did not know that the President and First Lady left on Christmas Eve to go to Iraq?

They were motivated to make Trump look as bad as possible, so they were in a hurry to report he was not going to visit the troops.
He didn't. He visited people to talk domestic policy about a stupid wall, then lie to those people about their pay. And Trump never reminded these people about how we were abandoning the Kurds, who have been fighting with us against a force that is still 15,000 strong. Are you folks so high on drugs that you can't see why this devil went to Iraq?
Isn’t it strange that the press did not know that the President and First Lady left on Christmas Eve to go to Iraq?
Maxine Watters told the little press apparatchiks to get in his face on Christmas no matter what, and the dummies did as ordered. The trouble with digging someone's grave who is not dead, is that you could be digging your own fate. :dig:

carpe diem

carpe diem

Fish of the day?
Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.
Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
Are you out of your mind? Seriously?

First off, we created ISIS back in 2003. After we left Iraq, ISIS came back and literally took back most of Iraq. Do you have that part clear yet? Everyone railed against Obama during that time. So, what did we do? We slowly went back as a training force, and over many years, pushed ISIS back. With the help of the Kurds in return for their protection, we pull out so Turkey can invade the Kurds. And all of this over a telephone conversation. WTF?

This isn't about Trump's motivations. This is about abandoning all the years we fought ISIS, just so we can watch them get stronger again, while Turkey invades our ally of the Kurds.

If we pull out now, why did we ever go back the second time? Trump and his apologists have no idea as to what they want, what they are doing, and don't care. But yet, when it was Obama who pulled out of Iraq the first time, Republicans cared. I mean seriously, what do you people actually stand for? Or do you folks stand for anything other than what feels and looks good for you in your retarded moments?
Last edited:
Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.
Lol! What a friggin shit for brains idiot. "He went there". Lol! "He went there" to do more damage dumb ass.
Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
Are you out of your mind? Seriously?

First off, we created ISIS back in 2003. After we left Iraq, ISIS came back and literally took back most of Iraq. Do you have that part clear yet? Everyone railed against Obama during that time. So, what did we do? We slowly went back as a training force, and over many years, pushed ISIS back. With the help of the Kurds in return for their protection, we pull out so Turkey can invade the Kurds. And all of this over a telephone conversation. WTF?

This isn't about Trump's motivations. This is about abandoning all the years we fought ISIS, just so we can watch them get stronger again, while Turkey invades our ally of the Kurds.

If we pull out now, why did we ever go back the second time? Trump and his apologists have no idea as to what they want, what they are doing, and don't care. But yet, when it was Obama who pulled out of Iraq the first time, Republicans cared. I mean seriously, what do you people actually stand? Or do you folks stand for anything other than what feels and looks good for you in your retarded moments?

Look dumbfuck...I am not a Trump apologists, I am not even a Trump supporters. Most on this forum would tell you I am a Trump hater. So shove that stupid shit back up your ass where you pulled it from.

We have no winning hand in Syria, there is no side that likes us, there is no winning at all for us there.

Russia would be willing to start WWIII to keep Syria their ally, we are not willing to do that, so we should not be throwing away good lives just to make people like you happy.

This thread was about the troops as much as it was about Trump. I doubt you ever had the balls to serve, but I spent 20 years in the Corps and spent more than enough holidays away from my family and I know that having your CIC show up, no matter how the CIC is, means a hell of a lot to the troops.

Can you not put away your stupid, petty politics for just one minute and appreciate our troops?

Is that too much to ask for?
Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.
Lol! What a friggin shit for brains idiot. "He went there". Lol! "He went there" to do more damage dumb ass.
i can easily see you're here to bash trump regardless of what he does which pretty much makes rat droppings capable of a more unbiased conversation than you'll never know.

fuck off - ignore +1.
Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
Are you out of your mind? Seriously?

First off, we created ISIS back in 2003. After we left Iraq, ISIS came back and literally took back most of Iraq. Do you have that part clear yet? Everyone railed against Obama during that time. So, what did we do? We slowly went back as a training force, and over many years, pushed ISIS back. With the help of the Kurds in return for their protection, we pull out so Turkey can invade the Kurds. And all of this over a telephone conversation. WTF?

This isn't about Trump's motivations. This is about abandoning all the years we fought ISIS, just so we can watch them get stronger again, while Turkey invades our ally of the Kurds.

If we pull out now, why did we ever go back the second time? Trump and his apologists have no idea as to what they want, what they are doing, and don't care. But yet, when it was Obama who pulled out of Iraq the first time, Republicans cared. I mean seriously, what do you people actually stand? Or do you folks stand for anything other than what feels and looks good for you in your retarded moments?

Look dumbfuck...I am not a Trump apologists, I am not even a Trump supporters. Most on this forum would tell you I am a Trump hater. So shove that stupid shit back up your ass where you pulled it from.

We have no winning hand in Syria, there is no side that likes us, there is no winning at all for us there.

Russia would be willing to start WWIII to keep Syria their ally, we are not willing to do that, so we should not be throwing away good lives just to make people like you happy.

This thread was about the troops as much as it was about Trump. I doubt you ever had the balls to serve, but I spent 20 years in the Corps and spent more than enough holidays away from my family and I know that having your CIC show up, no matter how the CIC is, means a hell of a lot to the troops.

Can you not put away your stupid, petty politics for just one minute and appreciate our troops?

Is that too much to ask for?
after awhile i get tired of telling rocks they're rocks. they never seem to get it. :)

by now i have have so many idiots on ignore than sometimes there are like 5 threads i can see in the forums cause the idiots are overly active in starting threads. i hit "show ignored content" and see why and refresh to take them away again.
Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.


Because the troops truly appreciated it. think about them just once..see how it feels.
I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.


Because the troops truly appreciated it. think about them just once..see how it feels.

You believe that I don't often think of the troops?

Who do you think cares more about the troops? You or Trump?

Trump showed how much he cares about them by trolling his political opponents and telling lies to their faces.

He did get an awesome campaign video out if it though.

At this point, you'd have to be brain dead to give this president the benefit of the doubt in any situation.

The following are your words. You ought to listen to.yourself:

Trump, first lady in Iraq for surprise visit with troops

Well done Mr Trump. I held no punches about you not going to see the front line troops, and I will applaud you for doing so.

What a very nice Christmas surprise for the troops.

Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
Are you out of your mind? Seriously?

First off, we created ISIS back in 2003. After we left Iraq, ISIS came back and literally took back most of Iraq. Do you have that part clear yet? Everyone railed against Obama during that time. So, what did we do? We slowly went back as a training force, and over many years, pushed ISIS back. With the help of the Kurds in return for their protection, we pull out so Turkey can invade the Kurds. And all of this over a telephone conversation. WTF?

This isn't about Trump's motivations. This is about abandoning all the years we fought ISIS, just so we can watch them get stronger again, while Turkey invades our ally of the Kurds.

If we pull out now, why did we ever go back the second time? Trump and his apologists have no idea as to what they want, what they are doing, and don't care. But yet, when it was Obama who pulled out of Iraq the first time, Republicans cared. I mean seriously, what do you people actually stand? Or do you folks stand for anything other than what feels and looks good for you in your retarded moments?

Look dumbfuck...I am not a Trump apologists, I am not even a Trump supporters. Most on this forum would tell you I am a Trump hater. So shove that stupid shit back up your ass where you pulled it from.

We have no winning hand in Syria, there is no side that likes us, there is no winning at all for us there.

Russia would be willing to start WWIII to keep Syria their ally, we are not willing to do that, so we should not be throwing away good lives just to make people like you happy.

This thread was about the troops as much as it was about Trump. I doubt you ever had the balls to serve, but I spent 20 years in the Corps and spent more than enough holidays away from my family and I know that having your CIC show up, no matter how the CIC is, means a hell of a lot to the troops.

Can you not put away your stupid, petty politics for just one minute and appreciate our troops?

Is that too much to ask for?
after awhile i get tired of telling rocks they're rocks. they never seem to get it. :)

by now i have have so many idiots on ignore than sometimes there are like 5 threads i can see in the forums cause the idiots are overly active in starting threads. i hit "show ignored content" and see why and refresh to take them away again.
Your post is exhibit A as to why we will run out of rocks, before we run out of stupid people.

Secondly,your cheap shot cowardliness by using the "appreciate the troops" card is a real stinker. It just tells us who you are. This isn't about the troops, and Trump didn't go there for them. He went there to play politics with the Democrats, while pedaling lies to the troops.

And the worst part about the trip was this. Trump is beholden to Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Why? Because of his own financial interests, and the fact that he has to pay these countries back. And, here's the best part. Because he has additional business with these countries that extend into the future. Why do you think he got his ass in a jam with these scandals of his? Because of the sanctions. He wanted them lifted. Why? Here's why; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what it's all about, and it is why Trump is pulling out. It explains all the 6000 plus lies from this administration. It's all about the money. And idiots like you want to "appreciate the troops" while this criminal uses the presidency for his own wealth. It's not about the troops dumb ass. Wake the hell up.
Desperation to save his ass!

I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
Are you out of your mind? Seriously?

First off, we created ISIS back in 2003. After we left Iraq, ISIS came back and literally took back most of Iraq. Do you have that part clear yet? Everyone railed against Obama during that time. So, what did we do? We slowly went back as a training force, and over many years, pushed ISIS back. With the help of the Kurds in return for their protection, we pull out so Turkey can invade the Kurds. And all of this over a telephone conversation. WTF?

This isn't about Trump's motivations. This is about abandoning all the years we fought ISIS, just so we can watch them get stronger again, while Turkey invades our ally of the Kurds.

If we pull out now, why did we ever go back the second time? Trump and his apologists have no idea as to what they want, what they are doing, and don't care. But yet, when it was Obama who pulled out of Iraq the first time, Republicans cared. I mean seriously, what do you people actually stand? Or do you folks stand for anything other than what feels and looks good for you in your retarded moments?

Look dumbfuck...I am not a Trump apologists, I am not even a Trump supporters. Most on this forum would tell you I am a Trump hater. So shove that stupid shit back up your ass where you pulled it from.

We have no winning hand in Syria, there is no side that likes us, there is no winning at all for us there.

Russia would be willing to start WWIII to keep Syria their ally, we are not willing to do that, so we should not be throwing away good lives just to make people like you happy.

This thread was about the troops as much as it was about Trump. I doubt you ever had the balls to serve, but I spent 20 years in the Corps and spent more than enough holidays away from my family and I know that having your CIC show up, no matter how the CIC is, means a hell of a lot to the troops.

Can you not put away your stupid, petty politics for just one minute and appreciate our troops?

Is that too much to ask for?
after awhile i get tired of telling rocks they're rocks. they never seem to get it. :)

by now i have have so many idiots on ignore than sometimes there are like 5 threads i can see in the forums cause the idiots are overly active in starting threads. i hit "show ignored content" and see why and refresh to take them away again.
Your post is exhibit A as to why we will run out of rocks, before we run out of stupid people.

Secondly,your cheap shot cowardliness by using the "appreciate the troops" card is a real stinker. It just tells us who you are. This isn't about the troops, and Trump didn't go there for them. He went there to play politics with the Democrats, while pedaling lies to the troops.

And the worst part about the trip was this. Trump is beholden to Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Why? Because of his own financial interests, and the fact that he has to pay these countries back. And, here's the best part. Because he has additional business with these countries that extend into the future. Why do you think he got his ass in a jam with these scandals of his? Because of the sanctions. He wanted them lifted. Why? Here's why; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what it's all about, and it is why Trump is pulling out. It explains all the 6000 plus lies from this administration. It's all about the money. And idiots like you want to "appreciate the troops" while this criminal uses the presidency for his own wealth. It's not about the troops dumb ass. Wake the hell up.

And therein lies the problem, you cannot let it be about the troops as they are less important to you than making a political point on an internet forum. I appreciate the troops because I was one for 20 years, I have spent many a holiday away from my family and when someone like this showed up to be with you nobody gave a flying fuck what his "motivations" were.

But since you clearly have never seen a pair of combat boots, you will never understand.
I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
Are you out of your mind? Seriously?

First off, we created ISIS back in 2003. After we left Iraq, ISIS came back and literally took back most of Iraq. Do you have that part clear yet? Everyone railed against Obama during that time. So, what did we do? We slowly went back as a training force, and over many years, pushed ISIS back. With the help of the Kurds in return for their protection, we pull out so Turkey can invade the Kurds. And all of this over a telephone conversation. WTF?

This isn't about Trump's motivations. This is about abandoning all the years we fought ISIS, just so we can watch them get stronger again, while Turkey invades our ally of the Kurds.

If we pull out now, why did we ever go back the second time? Trump and his apologists have no idea as to what they want, what they are doing, and don't care. But yet, when it was Obama who pulled out of Iraq the first time, Republicans cared. I mean seriously, what do you people actually stand? Or do you folks stand for anything other than what feels and looks good for you in your retarded moments?

Look dumbfuck...I am not a Trump apologists, I am not even a Trump supporters. Most on this forum would tell you I am a Trump hater. So shove that stupid shit back up your ass where you pulled it from.

We have no winning hand in Syria, there is no side that likes us, there is no winning at all for us there.

Russia would be willing to start WWIII to keep Syria their ally, we are not willing to do that, so we should not be throwing away good lives just to make people like you happy.

This thread was about the troops as much as it was about Trump. I doubt you ever had the balls to serve, but I spent 20 years in the Corps and spent more than enough holidays away from my family and I know that having your CIC show up, no matter how the CIC is, means a hell of a lot to the troops.

Can you not put away your stupid, petty politics for just one minute and appreciate our troops?

Is that too much to ask for?
after awhile i get tired of telling rocks they're rocks. they never seem to get it. :)

by now i have have so many idiots on ignore than sometimes there are like 5 threads i can see in the forums cause the idiots are overly active in starting threads. i hit "show ignored content" and see why and refresh to take them away again.
Your post is exhibit A as to why we will run out of rocks, before we run out of stupid people.

Secondly,your cheap shot cowardliness by using the "appreciate the troops" card is a real stinker. It just tells us who you are. This isn't about the troops, and Trump didn't go there for them. He went there to play politics with the Democrats, while pedaling lies to the troops.

And the worst part about the trip was this. Trump is beholden to Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Why? Because of his own financial interests, and the fact that he has to pay these countries back. And, here's the best part. Because he has additional business with these countries that extend into the future. Why do you think he got his ass in a jam with these scandals of his? Because of the sanctions. He wanted them lifted. Why? Here's why; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what it's all about, and it is why Trump is pulling out. It explains all the 6000 plus lies from this administration. It's all about the money. And idiots like you want to "appreciate the troops" while this criminal uses the presidency for his own wealth. It's not about the troops dumb ass. Wake the hell up.

And therein lies the problem, you cannot let it be about the troops as they are less important to you than making a political point on an internet forum. I appreciate the troops because I was one for 20 years, I have spent many a holiday away from my family and when someone like this showed up to be with you nobody gave a flying fuck what his "motivations" were.

But since you clearly have never seen a pair of combat boots, you will never understand.
Again, you confirm my worst predictions. We will run out of rocks before we run out of stupid people. You idiot, wake up.Has nothing to do with the troops. Are you that stupid to think that by going over there playing politics with the troops about a wall, then lying to them about their pay, while simultaneously abandoning the mission, and ignoring my link to understand what this is all really about, you want me to "appreciate the troops"? Please tell me you are not that dumb as to believe this is about the troops?

You remind me of one of those old Jimmy Swaggart telethons back in the eighties where the guy goes and passes out in front of Swaggart, while Swaggart steals his money. We are living in sad times people, when a cultist president has taken control of such a large swath of the population, and turned them into Sheep.
Are you out of your mind? Seriously?

First off, we created ISIS back in 2003. After we left Iraq, ISIS came back and literally took back most of Iraq. Do you have that part clear yet? Everyone railed against Obama during that time. So, what did we do? We slowly went back as a training force, and over many years, pushed ISIS back. With the help of the Kurds in return for their protection, we pull out so Turkey can invade the Kurds. And all of this over a telephone conversation. WTF?

This isn't about Trump's motivations. This is about abandoning all the years we fought ISIS, just so we can watch them get stronger again, while Turkey invades our ally of the Kurds.

If we pull out now, why did we ever go back the second time? Trump and his apologists have no idea as to what they want, what they are doing, and don't care. But yet, when it was Obama who pulled out of Iraq the first time, Republicans cared. I mean seriously, what do you people actually stand? Or do you folks stand for anything other than what feels and looks good for you in your retarded moments?

Look dumbfuck...I am not a Trump apologists, I am not even a Trump supporters. Most on this forum would tell you I am a Trump hater. So shove that stupid shit back up your ass where you pulled it from.

We have no winning hand in Syria, there is no side that likes us, there is no winning at all for us there.

Russia would be willing to start WWIII to keep Syria their ally, we are not willing to do that, so we should not be throwing away good lives just to make people like you happy.

This thread was about the troops as much as it was about Trump. I doubt you ever had the balls to serve, but I spent 20 years in the Corps and spent more than enough holidays away from my family and I know that having your CIC show up, no matter how the CIC is, means a hell of a lot to the troops.

Can you not put away your stupid, petty politics for just one minute and appreciate our troops?

Is that too much to ask for?
after awhile i get tired of telling rocks they're rocks. they never seem to get it. :)

by now i have have so many idiots on ignore than sometimes there are like 5 threads i can see in the forums cause the idiots are overly active in starting threads. i hit "show ignored content" and see why and refresh to take them away again.
Your post is exhibit A as to why we will run out of rocks, before we run out of stupid people.

Secondly,your cheap shot cowardliness by using the "appreciate the troops" card is a real stinker. It just tells us who you are. This isn't about the troops, and Trump didn't go there for them. He went there to play politics with the Democrats, while pedaling lies to the troops.

And the worst part about the trip was this. Trump is beholden to Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Why? Because of his own financial interests, and the fact that he has to pay these countries back. And, here's the best part. Because he has additional business with these countries that extend into the future. Why do you think he got his ass in a jam with these scandals of his? Because of the sanctions. He wanted them lifted. Why? Here's why; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what it's all about, and it is why Trump is pulling out. It explains all the 6000 plus lies from this administration. It's all about the money. And idiots like you want to "appreciate the troops" while this criminal uses the presidency for his own wealth. It's not about the troops dumb ass. Wake the hell up.

And therein lies the problem, you cannot let it be about the troops as they are less important to you than making a political point on an internet forum. I appreciate the troops because I was one for 20 years, I have spent many a holiday away from my family and when someone like this showed up to be with you nobody gave a flying fuck what his "motivations" were.

But since you clearly have never seen a pair of combat boots, you will never understand.
Again, you confirm my worst predictions. We will run out of rocks before we run out of stupid people. You idiot, wake up.Has nothing to do with the troops. Are you that stupid to think that by going over there playing politics with the troops about a wall, then lying to them about their pay, while simultaneously abandoning the mission, and ignoring my link to understand what this is all really about, you want me to "appreciate the troops"? Please tell me you are not that dumb as to believe this is about the troops?

You remind me of one of those old Jimmy Swaggart telethons back in the eighties where the guy goes and passes out in front of Swaggart, while Swaggart steals his money. We are living in sad times people, when a cultist president has taken control of such a large swath of the population, and turned them into Sheep.

As I said, since you never had the balls to serve your country ,you cannot understand what it means to the troops.

you are just another mindless partisan sheep that cannot turn it off for even one second

I actually pity you.
I am not going to fault for for whatever reasons he might have had.

The troops that are far from home truly appreciate this sort of thing, they do not care about his motivations so I will not either.

Why can we not just let a good thing be good thing...just this once.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.


Because the troops truly appreciated it. think about them just once..see how it feels.
Show those troops this video, then get back to me, and tell me again how much Trump appreciates the troops; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list
Look dumbfuck...I am not a Trump apologists, I am not even a Trump supporters. Most on this forum would tell you I am a Trump hater. So shove that stupid shit back up your ass where you pulled it from.

We have no winning hand in Syria, there is no side that likes us, there is no winning at all for us there.

Russia would be willing to start WWIII to keep Syria their ally, we are not willing to do that, so we should not be throwing away good lives just to make people like you happy.

This thread was about the troops as much as it was about Trump. I doubt you ever had the balls to serve, but I spent 20 years in the Corps and spent more than enough holidays away from my family and I know that having your CIC show up, no matter how the CIC is, means a hell of a lot to the troops.

Can you not put away your stupid, petty politics for just one minute and appreciate our troops?

Is that too much to ask for?
after awhile i get tired of telling rocks they're rocks. they never seem to get it. :)

by now i have have so many idiots on ignore than sometimes there are like 5 threads i can see in the forums cause the idiots are overly active in starting threads. i hit "show ignored content" and see why and refresh to take them away again.
Your post is exhibit A as to why we will run out of rocks, before we run out of stupid people.

Secondly,your cheap shot cowardliness by using the "appreciate the troops" card is a real stinker. It just tells us who you are. This isn't about the troops, and Trump didn't go there for them. He went there to play politics with the Democrats, while pedaling lies to the troops.

And the worst part about the trip was this. Trump is beholden to Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Why? Because of his own financial interests, and the fact that he has to pay these countries back. And, here's the best part. Because he has additional business with these countries that extend into the future. Why do you think he got his ass in a jam with these scandals of his? Because of the sanctions. He wanted them lifted. Why? Here's why; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what it's all about, and it is why Trump is pulling out. It explains all the 6000 plus lies from this administration. It's all about the money. And idiots like you want to "appreciate the troops" while this criminal uses the presidency for his own wealth. It's not about the troops dumb ass. Wake the hell up.

And therein lies the problem, you cannot let it be about the troops as they are less important to you than making a political point on an internet forum. I appreciate the troops because I was one for 20 years, I have spent many a holiday away from my family and when someone like this showed up to be with you nobody gave a flying fuck what his "motivations" were.

But since you clearly have never seen a pair of combat boots, you will never understand.
Again, you confirm my worst predictions. We will run out of rocks before we run out of stupid people. You idiot, wake up.Has nothing to do with the troops. Are you that stupid to think that by going over there playing politics with the troops about a wall, then lying to them about their pay, while simultaneously abandoning the mission, and ignoring my link to understand what this is all really about, you want me to "appreciate the troops"? Please tell me you are not that dumb as to believe this is about the troops?

You remind me of one of those old Jimmy Swaggart telethons back in the eighties where the guy goes and passes out in front of Swaggart, while Swaggart steals his money. We are living in sad times people, when a cultist president has taken control of such a large swath of the population, and turned them into Sheep.

As I said, since you never had the balls to serve your country ,you cannot understand what it means to the troops.

you are just another mindless partisan sheep that cannot turn it off for even one second

I actually pity you.
You really are a lost cause. Folks, I tried, but there are just too many stupid people in the world.
agreed 100%.

whoever you're talking to i have on ignore and likely cause they NEVER have anything positive to say. my guess is they're saying he's only doing it for political points so it doesn't count.

it counts a lot to the troops. my "brother" in college served in the air force for a nice long 30 year career. another brother several tours in iraq. seeing the president care enough to come on out - it helps. so thank you trump.
He never went there to visit the troops. He went there to talk about a stupid wall. Did he bother mentioning to the troops that we just abandoned our greatest ally the Kurd's, for whom we supported in our fight against ISIS. Did Trump tell the troops who is coming for the Kurd's? No! Why not? When our troops fight and train alongside the Kurd's to fight ISIS, only to leave the Kurd's, did anyone bother to tell the troops that we just abandoned our comrades in arms? No!
he went there.

shut the fuck up about the rest.


Because the troops truly appreciated it. think about them just once..see how it feels.
Show those troops this video, then get back to me, and tell me again how much Trump appreciates the troops; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list

Send them a video from Comedy Central?

after awhile i get tired of telling rocks they're rocks. they never seem to get it. :)

by now i have have so many idiots on ignore than sometimes there are like 5 threads i can see in the forums cause the idiots are overly active in starting threads. i hit "show ignored content" and see why and refresh to take them away again.
Your post is exhibit A as to why we will run out of rocks, before we run out of stupid people.

Secondly,your cheap shot cowardliness by using the "appreciate the troops" card is a real stinker. It just tells us who you are. This isn't about the troops, and Trump didn't go there for them. He went there to play politics with the Democrats, while pedaling lies to the troops.

And the worst part about the trip was this. Trump is beholden to Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Why? Because of his own financial interests, and the fact that he has to pay these countries back. And, here's the best part. Because he has additional business with these countries that extend into the future. Why do you think he got his ass in a jam with these scandals of his? Because of the sanctions. He wanted them lifted. Why? Here's why; Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what it's all about, and it is why Trump is pulling out. It explains all the 6000 plus lies from this administration. It's all about the money. And idiots like you want to "appreciate the troops" while this criminal uses the presidency for his own wealth. It's not about the troops dumb ass. Wake the hell up.

And therein lies the problem, you cannot let it be about the troops as they are less important to you than making a political point on an internet forum. I appreciate the troops because I was one for 20 years, I have spent many a holiday away from my family and when someone like this showed up to be with you nobody gave a flying fuck what his "motivations" were.

But since you clearly have never seen a pair of combat boots, you will never understand.
Again, you confirm my worst predictions. We will run out of rocks before we run out of stupid people. You idiot, wake up.Has nothing to do with the troops. Are you that stupid to think that by going over there playing politics with the troops about a wall, then lying to them about their pay, while simultaneously abandoning the mission, and ignoring my link to understand what this is all really about, you want me to "appreciate the troops"? Please tell me you are not that dumb as to believe this is about the troops?

You remind me of one of those old Jimmy Swaggart telethons back in the eighties where the guy goes and passes out in front of Swaggart, while Swaggart steals his money. We are living in sad times people, when a cultist president has taken control of such a large swath of the population, and turned them into Sheep.

As I said, since you never had the balls to serve your country ,you cannot understand what it means to the troops.

you are just another mindless partisan sheep that cannot turn it off for even one second

I actually pity you.
You really are a lost cause. Folks, I tried, but there are just too many stupid people in the world.

Including you

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