President Trump and the First lady sends best wishes from Iraq

I wonder how our troops in Iraq feel about Trump giving Syria to Putin ?
Too bad Donnie didn’t go to Iraq to tell the troops to get the fuck home NOW!

Imagine how the warmongers like you on the left and right, would take that.
Xmas- Troops

another photo op for Goldilocks, and another distraction from his fuck ups.

an entertainer has got to entertain ...

you are really hateful, mad, jealous/etc.....aren't you?
Trump could give some $$$$ to charity and you would complain

You mean stealing money from his own charity to pay for his illegal bills or Eric trump stealing money from kids who have cancer.
yes, Trump stealing $$$$$$

Yes it's true hahahahaha
you people are a bunch of whiners
Trump visited the troops :206::206::206::206::206::206:
whiners and dumbasses

Trump visited the troops and then puts his foot in his own mouth :th_panties:
Trump has been very good to our military folk, his popularity among them speaks for itself.

There is no reason for us to be in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan…

Trump hasn't been good to the troops where have you've been lol.

1.Mocking John McCain because he was captured

2.Mocking gold star family's

3.Mr bone spur
He is an improvement over Obama in every way when it comes to troops

Actually there's no proof of that nice try lol
Actually there is, military folk don’t vote for progressives

Actually there isn't :290968001256257790-final:
What on God's Green Earth does TDS mean?

IT has too meanings.

First is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Those who have an irrational hate of Trump and cannot see when he does something right or good.

And the other is Trump Defense Syndrome. Those who have an irrational love of Trump and cannot see when he does something wrong or poorly.

Cutting to the chase, Democrats are Lunatics. Yea or Nay?

partisans are lunatics...matters not which sheep pen the reside in


if you're going to blow about partisanship get on Donnie's fat ass.

Obama created ISIS.
Once he stopped arming them they folded like a cheap suit.
you are really hateful, mad, jealous/etc.....aren't you?
Trump could give some $$$$ to charity and you would complain

You mean stealing money from his own charity to pay for his illegal bills or Eric trump stealing money from kids who have cancer.
yes, Trump stealing $$$$$$

Yes it's true hahahahaha
you people are a bunch of whiners
Trump visited the troops :206::206::206::206::206::206:
whiners and dumbasses

Trump visited the troops and then puts his foot in his own mouth :th_panties:
there it is folks
Trump visits the troops and :206::206::206::206::206::206::206:
Trump ties shoe = :206::206::206::206:
Trump urinates to right side = :206::206::206::206::206:
Trump says the word ''there'' instead of ''their'' !!!!!!!!!!:206::206::206:
This is a REALLY BIG THING! tiny trump actually did something supportive of someone else besides himself......*swoon*

Sucks that events like that are so rare from our current president, that when they do happen, it's kinda like seeing a unicorn, and getting all excited.
What on God's Green Earth does TDS mean?

IT has too meanings.

First is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Those who have an irrational hate of Trump and cannot see when he does something right or good.

And the other is Trump Defense Syndrome. Those who have an irrational love of Trump and cannot see when he does something wrong or poorly.

Cutting to the chase, Democrats are Lunatics. Yea or Nay?

partisans are lunatics...matters not which sheep pen the reside in


if you're going to blow about partisanship get on Donnie's fat ass.

Obama created ISIS.
Once he stopped arming them they folded like a cheap suit.
Try again. Tony Blair has already taken partial responsibility for creating ISIS when he hooked up with Gomer.

Tony Blair takes blame for Iraq War and admits conflict caused ISIS | Daily Mail Online
Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News
Tony Blair is right: without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State
That's right all you fucking Trump haters at CNN/MSNBC et al The PRESIDENT!!!!!! left on Christmas eve to fly to Iraq to visit the troops.
Let's long before the fucking LIBs start bitching about the fuel cost and 'climate warming'?????????
Donald and Melania Trump make surprise visit to Iraq | Daily Mail Online

Trump and the First Lady spent about three hours on the ground at Al Asad, which is the main U.S. military base in western Iraq’s Anbar Province -- the birthplace of the Islamic State. During his time at the base, Trump met with troops and senior military commanders and made remarks to troops gathered on site.

"We're no longer the suckers, folks," Trump told the service members, according to the Associated Press. "We're respected again as a nation." That is typical Trump. When an inconvenient fact is a known quantity, such as the loss of respect for our nation and its leaders, Trump will say the very opposite is true.

His comment comes in the wake of his decision to withdraw American troops from Syria, and it surprised Washington, blindsiding lawmakers, members of the administration and American allies across the world and on the ground fighting ISIS in Syria. That also explains why he went to a war zone for the first time in his two years in the Presidency.

Trump continues his retreat. The Trump administration announced today it was planning to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, cutting the current force of 14,000 service members to 7,000. Those troops could return home by the end of spring, an American official told ABC News. In Trump's mind, the U.S. will earn respect from our allies for his withdrawal.

Trump also said that our troops can fight ISIS from Iraq. Spoken like a true military genius, the enemy is in Syria; he is withdrawing our troops from Syria; we can fight the enemy located in Syria from Iraq. Brilliant.

Trump also promised the American people that Turkey will take up slack caused by Trump's surrender. Turkey pledged to take over responsibility for fighting Islamic State from the U.S. days before President Trump announced his decision to withdraw American troops from Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday.

Incredibly, Trump believed him.

What Erdogan really wants to do is eliminate the Kurdish threat in northern Syria. Trump does not know this?

We're respected again as a nation???

Trump lives in a different world all his own.

We know one other person is pleased with Trump's decision making ... Vladimir Putin.
US TROOPS CHEER PRESIDENT TRUMP -- President Signs Red MAGA Hat for Soldier at Al Asad Air Base (VIDEO)


You mean stealing money from his own charity to pay for his illegal bills or Eric trump stealing money from kids who have cancer.
yes, Trump stealing $$$$$$

Yes it's true hahahahaha
you people are a bunch of whiners
Trump visited the troops :206::206::206::206::206::206:
whiners and dumbasses

Trump visited the troops and then puts his foot in his own mouth :th_panties:
there it is folks
Trump visits the troops and :206::206::206::206::206::206::206:
Trump ties shoe = :206::206::206::206:
Trump urinates to right side = :206::206::206::206::206:
Trump says the word ''there'' instead of ''their'' !!!!!!!!!!:206::206::206:

Trump supporters thinks he's god

You mean stealing money from his own charity to pay for his illegal bills or Eric trump stealing money from kids who have cancer.
yes, Trump stealing $$$$$$

Yes it's true hahahahaha
you people are a bunch of whiners
Trump visited the troops :206::206::206::206::206::206:
whiners and dumbasses

Trump visited the troops and then puts his foot in his own mouth :th_panties:
there it is folks
Trump visits the troops and :206::206::206::206::206::206::206:
Trump ties shoe = :206::206::206::206:
Trump urinates to right side = :206::206::206::206::206:
Trump says the word ''there'' instead of ''their'' !!!!!!!!!!:206::206::206:

Trump supporters support a rapist,racist,lier, felon,possible rape of a 13 year old girl,narsscicst,tear gassing kids,trump is a child,bo empathy,golfing,Affiars ect......
Hey look at that, Trump acted like a normal human being. Let's throw a party.

I've noticed that anytime he does something even vaguely presidential, his cult members will clap and cheer and say how presidential he is.

Even if he isn't the other 95 percent of the time.

Biker sailor, give me a break. I rode with Hell's Angels in a title for title motorcycle race and xband won. xband also sang and danced onstage with Al Green. xband shook hands with Harry Truman. Beat that! xband is as white as the pure driven snow and xband has ruffled his feathers more than thrice.
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“I’ve got it! I’m going to go longer than any President ever before visiting the cannon fodder, then swoop in with a “gotcha!””
The U.S. set up two military bases in western Iraq, one 350 kilometers from Syria the other 100 kilometres. Anbar provincial council announced today.
“I’ve got it! I’m going to go longer than any President ever before visiting the cannon fodder, then swoop in with a “gotcha!””

Uh-huh, because you can just “swoop” into Iraq in just a few hours from the states.

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