President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

"We are on the losing side of almost all trade deals. Our friends and enemies have taken advantage of the U.S. for many years. Our Steel and Aluminum industries are dead. Sorry, it’s time for a change! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

We have large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada. NAFTA, which is under renegotiation right now, has been a bad deal for U.S.A. Massive relocation of companies & jobs. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum will only come off if new & fair NAFTA agreement is signed. Also, Canada must treat our farmers much better. Highly restrictive. Mexico must do much more on stopping drugs from pouring into the U.S. They have not done what needs to be done. Millions of people addicted and dying." - President Trump

We have large trade deficits because consumers want to buy. NAFTA has been a good thing for the US as it has stopped companies from going to China.. Auto companies build their higher profit vehicles in the US and lower margin cars in Mexico. Many of these parts come from the US. You are aware of the fact we subsidize our farmers as well. The reason there is drugs is because Americans want it. If there was no demand for drugs, there would be no drugs in Mexico. What is Trump going to do about treating drug users in the US?
Explain what has changed in the world that means that letting other countries take our jobs is not a problem and does not hurt our citizens.

Especially as we can see how it has hurt our citizens.
The world is getting smaller and menial jobs will go to the cheapest place. We need to take advantage of our workers education and Tech ability, once the GOP allows cheaper training like Germany and other smart countries

Germany's behavior, revealed in the WTO airbus ruling, shows that they don't believe that their workers are better, they think they need to subsidize their manufacturers to take American jobs.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”


"smaller", "Menial", these are just meaningless buzzwords. Airplane and car manufacturing is not menial, nor low paying.

These nations desperately want these jobs. Why do you think that is?
Their workers are better, that's why they have more manufacturing jobs and we have 3 to 6 million techie manufacturing jobs going begging. The GOP makes us stupid in order to protect their precious greedy idiot mega-rich a-holes. Try staying on subject.

1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.

You evidently that US workers are rated most productive only because they work more hours, right?
Of course not because you're an idiot.

I live in Republican territory & our school districts are run by REPUBLICANS. Look at that map you Trumpettes keep parading & look at all those red states. You brag about how many State legislatures Republicas control & how masny Republican governors there are. So reaklly, how rthe fuck can you make such an stupid ignorant comment?

Don't blame your failure in school on Democrats. Democrats want to properly fund schools & Republicans want to prioperly fund corporations.

1. THe link I posted ranked the nations by gdp PER HOUR WORKED, and we were number 5, Germany number 8, so who's the idiot now, asshole?

So, to keep track, your stated reason for US not having twice the level of manufacturing employment, like Germany, was just proved wrong, with hard numbers.

2. I point to the whole industry, the people that do the actual teaching, the ones that implement polices, the ones that come up with policies, and you point to politicians, as though liberals follow orders they don't like.
We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.
Burbon from McConnells state of Kentucky Harleys from ah Ryans home state of Wisconsin going down

Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

I know we could also learn about gun control from Japan. Average of just ten gun deaths per year. Ten! If you extrapolate out for population diff it's about Thirty.

At another time I would be happy to discuss what we could learn from Japan or Germany with regard to gun control.

This thread the issue is trade policy.

Why do you want to distract from my previous point? You hit the reply button, but absolutely NOTHING in your post addressed anything in my post that you "replied to".

Think about that. You felt a need to distract from my point, not to challenge it.

The obvious conclusion is that you know that I am right, and you are too deeply invested emotionally in your position to admit that.
We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.
Burbon from McConnells state of Kentucky Harleys from ah Ryans home state of Wisconsin going down

Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

These countries have much higher savings rates than the US. They have consumers but consumption is not as strong in these countries as in the US.

You seem to be assuming that if they consumed MORE that they would choose to consume imported goods and services.

What do you base that on?
Actually there are schools with positive returns MIT being the most famous
Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys

Because of the grand larceny of corporate patents, the smartest graduates get the lowest percentage of what they produce. The Low-IQs MBA thugs who bully them want them to only consider that they make more than other graduates, but anyone with pride would realize that a realistic slogan replacing "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?" would be "If you're so smart, why haven't you made the rich richer?" Geeks are gutless pushovers.
We bought up the rest of the world. That’s why there’s a trade imbalance. They’ve been our bitch for decades.

I live in the Rust Belt. We have not bought up the rest of the world.

THey have fucked US.

Or, your dependence on manufacturing jobs has fucked you.

Manufacturing is a part of any healthy, large economy.

Our trade "partners" have fucked up our manufacturing sector.

Trade is supposed to be mutually beneficial. If it is not, why do it?

Manufacturing is a part of any healthy, large economy.

Sure, just not in the historic way you're imagining. People are increasingly less needed for production.

It's time to stop being dependent on the local plant for your well being and time for individuals to be flexible and self sufficient.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we have.

Is it because they use antiquated manual labor production techniques?
Greatest Graveyard Generation

Yet we beat them and Japan in World War II, mostly because of our superior economy. The only independent conclusion that can be made is that in the war, they lost their worst while we lost our best.
Burbon from McConnells state of Kentucky Harleys from ah Ryans home state of Wisconsin going down

Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

I know we could also learn about gun control from Japan. Average of just ten gun deaths per year. Ten! If you extrapolate out for population diff it's about Thirty.

At another time I would be happy to discuss what we could learn from Japan or Germany with regard to gun control.

This thread the issue is trade policy.

Why do you want to distract from my previous point? You hit the reply button, but absolutely NOTHING in your post addressed anything in my post that you "replied to".

Think about that. You felt a need to distract from my point, not to challenge it.

The obvious conclusion is that you know that I am right, and you are too deeply invested emotionally in your position to admit that.
Burbon from McConnells state of Kentucky Harleys from ah Ryans home state of Wisconsin going down

Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

I know we could also learn about gun control from Japan. Average of just ten gun deaths per year. Ten! If you extrapolate out for population diff it's about Thirty.

At another time I would be happy to discuss what we could learn from Japan or Germany with regard to gun control.

This thread the issue is trade policy.

Why do you want to distract from my previous point? You hit the reply button, but absolutely NOTHING in your post addressed anything in my post that you "replied to".

Think about that. You felt a need to distract from my point, not to challenge it.

The obvious conclusion is that you know that I am right, and you are too deeply invested emotionally in your position to admit that.

Think of it as a public service announcement.
Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

I know we could also learn about gun control from Japan. Average of just ten gun deaths per year. Ten! If you extrapolate out for population diff it's about Thirty.

At another time I would be happy to discuss what we could learn from Japan or Germany with regard to gun control.

This thread the issue is trade policy.

Why do you want to distract from my previous point? You hit the reply button, but absolutely NOTHING in your post addressed anything in my post that you "replied to".

Think about that. You felt a need to distract from my point, not to challenge it.

The obvious conclusion is that you know that I am right, and you are too deeply invested emotionally in your position to admit that.
Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

I know we could also learn about gun control from Japan. Average of just ten gun deaths per year. Ten! If you extrapolate out for population diff it's about Thirty.

At another time I would be happy to discuss what we could learn from Japan or Germany with regard to gun control.

This thread the issue is trade policy.

Why do you want to distract from my previous point? You hit the reply button, but absolutely NOTHING in your post addressed anything in my post that you "replied to".

Think about that. You felt a need to distract from my point, not to challenge it.

The obvious conclusion is that you know that I am right, and you are too deeply invested emotionally in your position to admit that.

Think of it as a public service announcement.

Thanks. My point on the topic still stands.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.
"Trump's tariff threat may be timed for Pennsylvania U.S. House special election" - Reuters
Trump is slapping tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.

There is a lot more to this than meets the eye.
  1. Illegal aliens have been sabotaging our domestic steel, aluminum and other manufacturing facilities and general capabilities.
  2. Germany and the European Union, who are supposed to be U.S. "allies" are once again engaging in the German trifecta of domestic industrialism, trade protectionism, and mercantilism, running a pernicious trade surplus at the expense of the U.S., Greece, Spain, Ukraine, and other so-called "profligate nations" -- I actually heard Jean-Claude Juncker use that phrase on international television.
  3. The U.S. press has been subtly mocking the recently formed 21st-century German//EU//Canadian Axis as "the nations."
The economy in the U.S. has been in horrible shape since 2008 -- a Second Great Depression is no exaggeration -- and all reports of improvement in the economy so far appear to be lies.

No. Tariffs do not improve the economy. They are punitive and, on the part of the U.S., retaliatory against Europe, Canada, and the rest of the German Axis for the harshly imposed VAT and other tariffs already long since placed on goods exported from the U.S.

This is serious business. Punitive tariffs are the point where a trade war tends to escalate to military conflict. World War Three. Except that the Germans already have nukes this time around.

Russia? Russia's economy is not well enough to run any significant trade surplus against the U.S., and in fact Russia is pretty much in the same boat as the U.S. on this one, caught between the "thieves in law" and the refusal of the European Union to conduct trade.
In Alaska you wouldn't know that wage push inflation and faster compounding of house value than during the last bubble is already here where I live.
Trump is slapping tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.

There is a lot more to this than meets the eye.
  1. Illegal aliens have been sabotaging our domestic steel, aluminum and other manufacturing facilities and general capabilities.
  2. Germany and the European Union, who are supposed to be U.S. "allies" are once again engaging in the German trifecta of domestic industrialism, trade protectionism, and mercantilism, running a pernicious trade surplus at the expense of the U.S., Greece, Spain, Ukraine, and other so-called "profligate nations" -- I actually heard Jean-Claude Juncker use that phrase on international television.
  3. The U.S. press has been subtly mocking the recently formed 21st-century German//EU//Canadian Axis as "the nations."
The economy in the U.S. has been in horrible shape since 2008 -- a Second Great Depression is no exaggeration -- and all reports of improvement in the economy so far appear to be lies.

No. Tariffs do not improve the economy. They are punitive and, on the part of the U.S., retaliatory against Europe, Canada, and the rest of the German Axis for the harshly imposed VAT and other tariffs already long since placed on goods exported from the U.S.

This is serious business. Punitive tariffs are the point where a trade war tends to escalate to military conflict. World War Three. Except that the Germans already have nukes this time around.

Russia? Russia's economy is not well enough to run any significant trade surplus against the U.S., and in fact Russia is pretty much in the same boat as the U.S. on this one, caught between the "thieves in law" and the refusal of the European Union to conduct trade.

Okay, so what has Germany done in regards to steel that justifies the US putting tariffs on steel from the EU?

You didn't source anything. You're just saying stuff.
I just love how the isolationist always being up Lincoln when talking about tariffs. Because the world has not changed at all since the days of Lincoln. When Lincoln was president it took longer to get across the country than it does for a ship to go from China to the US.

You people need to quit living in the past, the world has passed you by.

Explain what has changed in the world that means that letting other countries take our jobs is not a problem and does not hurt our citizens.

Especially as we can see how it has hurt our citizens.
The world is getting smaller and menial jobs will go to the cheapest place. We need to take advantage of our workers education and Tech ability, once the GOP allows cheaper training like Germany and other smart countries

Germany's behavior, revealed in the WTO airbus ruling, shows that they don't believe that their workers are better, they think they need to subsidize their manufacturers to take American jobs.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”


"smaller", "Menial", these are just meaningless buzzwords. Airplane and car manufacturing is not menial, nor low paying.

These nations desperately want these jobs. Why do you think that is?
Their workers are better, that's why they have more manufacturing jobs and we have 3 to 6 million techie manufacturing jobs going begging. The GOP makes us stupid in order to protect their precious greedy idiot mega-rich a-holes. Try staying on subject.

1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.
We still have 3 2 six million technical jobs going begging because the GOP blocks spending money on training and education for workers, unlike Germany, and we also don't have other government support for industry, like subsidies, all to save the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP from paying their fair share in taxes, dupe. 35 years of slowly ruining the middle class and the country. Great job GOP.
We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.
Burbon from McConnells state of Kentucky Harleys from ah Ryans home state of Wisconsin going down

Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

These countries have much higher savings rates than the US. They have consumers but consumption is not as strong in these countries as in the US.
They have a living wage and higher pay in general so they're not living hand-to-mouth like our poor Schmucks in our Pander to the Pandora to the rich GOP country.
Burbon from McConnells state of Kentucky Harleys from ah Ryans home state of Wisconsin going down

Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

These countries have much higher savings rates than the US. They have consumers but consumption is not as strong in these countries as in the US.
They have a living wage and higher pay in general so they're not living hand-to-mouth like our poor Schmucks in our Pander to the Pandora to the rich GOP country.
After 20 years of GOP BS we had negative saving rates in the middle class under w. Great job!
Burbon from McConnells state of Kentucky Harleys from ah Ryans home state of Wisconsin going down

Which in no way challenges my point.

We are never going to be able to fix our trade balance, if the rest of the world is able to just take advantage of US with no push back.

Their national governments would be remiss in their own responsibility to their own citizens, if they did NOT take advantage of a fool with his money, ie US.

Maybe we should become like Mexico. Too poor to afford anything. Consumers are the reason we have trade imbalances. If they stop consuming our economy collapses.

I think Germany or Japan would be better models to learn from. They have consumers, trade surpluses, and lots of good paying manufacturing jobs.

These countries have much higher savings rates than the US. They have consumers but consumption is not as strong in these countries as in the US.
They have a living wage and higher pay in general so they're not living hand-to-mouth like our poor Schmucks in our Pander to the Pandora to the rich GOP country.

The GOP The party of the mantra. Repeat something loud and often and all the sheep will bleat back in acceptance. Mushroom Cloud! WMDs! Support the Troops! Make America Great Again! by electing a moron. etc etc.
Explain what has changed in the world that means that letting other countries take our jobs is not a problem and does not hurt our citizens.

Especially as we can see how it has hurt our citizens.
The world is getting smaller and menial jobs will go to the cheapest place. We need to take advantage of our workers education and Tech ability, once the GOP allows cheaper training like Germany and other smart countries

Germany's behavior, revealed in the WTO airbus ruling, shows that they don't believe that their workers are better, they think they need to subsidize their manufacturers to take American jobs.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”


"smaller", "Menial", these are just meaningless buzzwords. Airplane and car manufacturing is not menial, nor low paying.

These nations desperately want these jobs. Why do you think that is?
Their workers are better, that's why they have more manufacturing jobs and we have 3 to 6 million techie manufacturing jobs going begging. The GOP makes us stupid in order to protect their precious greedy idiot mega-rich a-holes. Try staying on subject.

1. Their government obviously disagree, or they would not feel they needed to cheat in order to win.

2. Productivity of US workers is better than German. These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World

3. Which party dominates the Education Industry from kindergarten to post grad? HInt: It's not the republicans.

4. My post was completely on topic. Drop the stop rhetorical games.

You evidently that US workers are rated most productive only because they work more hours, right?
Of course not because you're an idiot.

I live in Republican territory & our school districts are run by REPUBLICANS. Look at that map you Trumpettes keep parading & look at all those red states. You brag about how many State legislatures Republicas control & how masny Republican governors there are. So reaklly, how rthe fuck can you make such an stupid ignorant comment?

Don't blame your failure in school on Democrats. Democrats want to properly fund schools & Republicans want to prioperly fund corporations.
Seems to me the teachers are Democrats at least the good ones LOL and the administrators are Republicans and gym teachers...

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