President Trump comes out swinging!


LOVE IT! Sessions the spineless weakling is GONE! Make Kobach AG! Game on Anti Americans!

God I Love Trump!!!!!
Dems dont know whether to shit or go blind when they face someone that will stand up to their bullshit!!!
All dogs are beautiful it's why ugly humans have them around.

You could just not be around leftists you know.

I am sure that they are already in the process of breeding a leftist dog breed that looks as ugly as the owner.
You don't write with your leftist?

I use both hands to write.

Leftism is such a sorry as ideology, their women look less attractive than a right winged MALES. Indeed I would take one of the right winged males rather than a leftist.


Eh, they all end up the same....Out the door..

The left winged ones take half your stuff. Which in your case is probably nothing but...
I swore of dem bitches off years ago and kept my money for myself..
Trump was taught by Roy Cohn to counterpunch when caught doing something illegal.

So I guess Trump is admitting he has much to fear.

The only thing Trump is swinging is his ginormous gut back and forth as he waddles around.
Indeed you are right. You should be afraid, very afraid.

LOVE IT! Sessions the spineless weakling is GONE! Make Kobach AG! Game on Anti Americans!

Matthew Whitaker:

Matthew Whitaker, Trump's replacement for Sessions, once argued the Mueller probe goes too far - CNNPolitics
It does because Rosenstein let Mueller do whatever he wanted instead of STRICT parameters.

That RINO Maine Senator is Bedwetting that the Witch Hunt must continue, well in January her and the RINO Alaska Senator will not be of any concern to The Donald as the Republicans should be getting a 55-45 Senate, so those two can just be ignored already or just go and join the Democrats or whatever.
YEP! We won Indiana,Missouri,North Dakota and Florida outright lost Nevada so that's 54 right there and POSSIBLE keeping Arizona not sure yet. I thought we had Montana I hate that piece of shit Tester....with a passion. I am REALLY hoping Manchin from West Va will make me proud and come on over to the GOP...the whole state is GOP and he is a good senator but he is a conservative democrat.

Well even if Arizona goes to the Democrats the Senate will be 54 Republicans and 46 Democrats, so The Donald can still ignore the RINO Maine woman and the RINO Alaska woman, they were only able to hold the Republicans hostage because the seats were at 51 seats, so they cannot do that now if the seats are at 54 and if Arizona is called for the Republicans of course then 55 seats, but 54 seats is a good thing.

The Donald could entice that Manchin, strip RINO Maine and RINO Alaska of ALL Committee assignments and whatever else those two get and give some of those things to Manchin and offer up some extra spending to be given to West Virginia etc in return Manchin crosses the floor and joins the Republicans OR they could do a trade RINO Maine for Manchin or RINO Alaska for Manchin, either way The Donald to take the gloves off with those two women and let them know there is now Zero Tolerance for their behaviour.

LOVE IT! Sessions the spineless weakling is GONE! Make Kobach AG! Game on Anti Americans!

Matthew Whitaker:

Matthew Whitaker, Trump's replacement for Sessions, once argued the Mueller probe goes too far - CNNPolitics
It does because Rosenstein let Mueller do whatever he wanted instead of STRICT parameters.

That RINO Maine Senator is Bedwetting that the Witch Hunt must continue, well in January her and the RINO Alaska Senator will not be of any concern to The Donald as the Republicans should be getting a 55-45 Senate, so those two can just be ignored already or just go and join the Democrats or whatever.

It is impossible for the Repubs to get 55 seats. They have 51 with only 3 races yet to call.

math is not really your thing I see.
You could just not be around leftists you know.

I am sure that they are already in the process of breeding a leftist dog breed that looks as ugly as the owner.
You don't write with your leftist?

I use both hands to write.

Leftism is such a sorry as ideology, their women look less attractive than a right winged MALES. Indeed I would take one of the right winged males rather than a leftist.


Eh, they all end up the same....Out the door..

The left winged ones take half your stuff. Which in your case is probably nothing but...
I swore of dem bitches off years ago and kept my money for myself..

Good for you...

So now the plan is, extinction?

Same plan as the leftists have for Americans. What a coincidence.
Trump was taught by Roy Cohn to counterpunch when caught doing something illegal.

So I guess Trump is admitting he has much to fear.

The only thing Trump is swinging is his ginormous gut back and forth as he waddles around.

You mean like dems and their tactic of accusing the opposition of the very crimes they are commiting?
This country is so divided. Ridiculous
Indeed,We are at the beginning of a civil war. I can't wait.

Nothing civil about war
True. Especially this one. Its literally Americans against Anti Americans. After that I expect the Americans to turn on each other as well because there are so many different factions.

You think Jews are the enemy. You’re no better than the progressive Leftist morons. I already explained to you why we killed Christ. It was an honest mistake. Let it go.

LOVE IT! Sessions the spineless weakling is GONE! Make Kobach AG! Game on Anti Americans!

Matthew Whitaker:

Matthew Whitaker, Trump's replacement for Sessions, once argued the Mueller probe goes too far - CNNPolitics
It does because Rosenstein let Mueller do whatever he wanted instead of STRICT parameters.

That RINO Maine Senator is Bedwetting that the Witch Hunt must continue, well in January her and the RINO Alaska Senator will not be of any concern to The Donald as the Republicans should be getting a 55-45 Senate, so those two can just be ignored already or just go and join the Democrats or whatever.
YEP! We won Indiana,Missouri,North Dakota and Florida outright lost Nevada so that's 54 right there and POSSIBLE keeping Arizona not sure yet. I thought we had Montana I hate that piece of shit Tester....with a passion. I am REALLY hoping Manchin from West Va will make me proud and come on over to the GOP...the whole state is GOP and he is a good senator but he is a conservative democrat.

The Donald can now be certain of a minimum 51 votes in The Senate on anything and everything, this takes into account a minimum of 54 Republican Senate seats and also adds in RINO Maine, RINO Alaska and the Anti-Trump RINO Mitt Romney voting on many things with the Democrats, Mitt Romney is the new Jeff Flake. So that's the luxury of those extra seats the Republicans won last night, all of those who won are Pro-Trump Loyalists and this makes certain that the Republicans will have at least 51 votes on anything from Confirmations to Legislation. This is The Donald Winning again, this is the Republicans Winning.

The Donald should forget about The House, The Senate is more important, what can the Democrats do? Oh that's right Impeach Trump, but who cares they cannot remove him from office because The Republicans have The Senate and the Republican House Impeached Bill Clinton but he stayed in Office because The Senate voted No to remove him.
“at the house level”….

I like how he considers the Congress a subordinate….

I really like how the supporters of the blob are cosigning that assessment.
It's amusing you think they are.

LOVE IT! Sessions the spineless weakling is GONE! Make Kobach AG! Game on Anti Americans!

Matthew Whitaker:

Matthew Whitaker, Trump's replacement for Sessions, once argued the Mueller probe goes too far - CNNPolitics
It does because Rosenstein let Mueller do whatever he wanted instead of STRICT parameters.

That RINO Maine Senator is Bedwetting that the Witch Hunt must continue, well in January her and the RINO Alaska Senator will not be of any concern to The Donald as the Republicans should be getting a 55-45 Senate, so those two can just be ignored already or just go and join the Democrats or whatever.
YEP! We won Indiana,Missouri,North Dakota and Florida outright lost Nevada so that's 54 right there and POSSIBLE keeping Arizona not sure yet. I thought we had Montana I hate that piece of shit Tester....with a passion. I am REALLY hoping Manchin from West Va will make me proud and come on over to the GOP...the whole state is GOP and he is a good senator but he is a conservative democrat.

The Donald can now be certain of a minimum 51 votes in The Senate on anything and everything, this takes into account a minimum of 54 Republican Senate seats and also adds in RINO Maine, RINO Alaska and the Anti-Trump RINO Mitt Romney voting on many things with the Democrats, Mitt Romney is the new Jeff Flake. So that's the luxury of those extra seats the Republicans won last night, all of those who won are Pro-Trump Loyalists and this makes certain that the Republicans will have at least 51 votes on anything from Confirmations to Legislation. This is The Donald Winning again, this is the Republicans Winning.

The Donald should forget about The House, The Senate is more important, what can the Democrats do? Oh that's right Impeach Trump, but who cares they cannot remove him from office because The Republicans have The Senate and the Republican House Impeached Bill Clinton but he stayed in Office because The Senate voted No to remove him.
Correct. Let them impeach. They will look the fools who won't reach across the aisle after Trump said today he is willing to work with them. Then watch the Senate laugh at them and throw it out.
I love President Trump! :2up::clap2:

The Donald will be reelected in 2020, last night illustrates that he is not as hated as the Propaganda MSM insist and that he is keeping his 2016 Coalition of voters basically intact, The Senate situation last night illustrated this and many of those Democrats in The House that were elected last night IF they don't have some Legislation to show to their Constituents, if they only have to show they have participated 24/7 in all types of insane investigations then they are going to lose their seats and the Republicans will retake The House in 2020 and also keep The Senate again.

LOVE IT! Sessions the spineless weakling is GONE! Make Kobach AG! Game on Anti Americans!

For the 2020 Presidential Election I would advise The Donald not to have Michael Pence on that ticket, instead Kris Kobach. So Trump/Kobach 2020 and for 2024 to have Kris Kobach as the Republican Nominee for President. All those who want that Nikki Haley woman, she will NOT win, she's a full on Neo-Conservative as her time as US Ambassador to the UN totally illustrated, she's a Neo-Conservative War Monger and also it should not be forgot that Nikki Haley was from day one a Never Trumper she actively campaigned against Donald Trump, she does not support or share the Trump Agenda.

LOVE IT! Sessions the spineless weakling is GONE! Make Kobach AG! Game on Anti Americans!

Trump, who requested Sessions' resignation, named Matthew Whitaker to serve as interim attorney general. Whitaker was Sessions' chief of staff and had been considered for a variety of jobs in the Trump administration, including the No. 2 post at Justice or as White House counsel.

And the Senate will quickly confirm him in spite of Dim attempts to roadblock.

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