President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

In the Data Table (2019) (Sorted) every state is run by Republicans.
Take a close look at this image. The states with the lightest color depict under-performing states is run by Republicans.

Please note: Every one of the under-performing states are run by Republicans, every single one!
88 people shot, 14 dead in Democrat controlled high Black population Chicago over the weekend. One of the areas where Joe Dufus won (stolen) by a big margin.

When are the dumbass Moon Bats going to pull their heads out of their asses?

Cherry picking.

Here's some more facts.

June 20WildwoodFlorida11011A woman was killed and ten others injured at an annual community Fathers Day celebration. The shooter was shortly arrested.[56]
June 17Glendale,
Arizona11213One person was killed and twelve others injured in eight drive-by shootings in the West Valley area. A male suspect was taken into custody. Of the injuries, three were wounded by gunfire, while nine others sustained indirect injuries, such as shrapnel from broken glass due to a car crash.[

November 28AikenSouth Carolina11415A man was killed and fourteen other people were injured shortly after midnight at a nightclub. At least three men fled in a vehicle and continued to fire from the vehicle.
November 29GrenadaMississippi01111Eleven people were shot at a motorcycle club. The injured were treated at nearby hospitals and no arrests have been made.[43]
October 24GreenwoodMississippi2810A gunman walked into a family's front yard and opened fire on a family gathering shortly before midnight. The family had gathered for a funeral and two were killed and eight wounded.[104]
July 5Greenville (SC)South Carolina2810At least two people are killed and eight injured, four critically, at a nightclub. No suspects have been arrested.[346]
July 5Atlanta (6)Georgia21214A large group of people were watching fireworks, when a fight broke out after a car hit a pedestrian. Fourteen people were wounded, of which two were declared dead at the hospital.[351]

Texas Firearm Deaths
  • There were 3,683 gun-related deaths in Texas in 2019.
  • In 2018, 64% of all Texas suicides were by firearm.
  • In 2018, nearly 73% of veteran suicides in Texas were by firearm according to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • In 2018, 174 women in Texas were killed by a male intimate partner—59% of those murders were by firearm.
  • Women in Texas are 24% more likely to be murdered with a gun than women in other states.
  • In 2019, at least 32 Texan children ages 0-17 died in unintentional shootings.

How do you like them cherries?

Data Table (2019) (Sorted)
LocationDeath Rate (Click for Rankings)Deaths (Click for Rankings)
New Mexico22.3471
South Carolina19.91,012
West Virginia16.6300

Every day, every year.

MonthMass shootingsTotal number killed
(including the shooters)
Total number wounded
(including the shooters)
Occurred at a school or universityOccurred at a place of worship

Oh, a record cold temperature in the winter in Fargo.... Surprise surprise.... The most fatal car accidents on July 4th.... Surprise surprise. Shootings in Chicago on the 4th of July... Surprise surprise.....

Duh, gun control.
Gee, I wonder why Dems support gun control legislation.

The House voted 227 to 203 to approve the expansion of background checks, and 219 to 210 to give federal law enforcement more time to vet gun buyers
Gee, wonder who voted against background checks?

Gee, who opposes gun control legislation?

After the 2018 mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, the House passed two gun control measures: one extending background checks to private sales and the other extending the time limit to conduct background checks on gun purchasers. Both measures stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate, where then-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell never brought them up for a vote.

What exactly is your point?

It is not cherry picking Moon Bat when it happens every single day in these Democrat controlled shitholes. There is hardly a weekend when at least 50 of these Negroes don't get shot by other Negroes. Chicago leads the pack but there are numerous shootings in the other Democrat controlled big city shitholes like Baltimore, Memphis, Detriot, LA etc.
88 people shot, 14 dead in Democrat controlled high Black population Chicago over the weekend. One of the areas where Joe Dufus won (stolen) by a big margin.

When are the dumbass Moon Bats going to pull their heads out of their asses?

Cherry picking.

Here's some more facts.

June 20WildwoodFlorida11011A woman was killed and ten others injured at an annual community Fathers Day celebration. The shooter was shortly arrested.[56]
June 17Glendale,
Arizona11213One person was killed and twelve others injured in eight drive-by shootings in the West Valley area. A male suspect was taken into custody. Of the injuries, three were wounded by gunfire, while nine others sustained indirect injuries, such as shrapnel from broken glass due to a car crash.[

November 28AikenSouth Carolina11415A man was killed and fourteen other people were injured shortly after midnight at a nightclub. At least three men fled in a vehicle and continued to fire from the vehicle.
November 29GrenadaMississippi01111Eleven people were shot at a motorcycle club. The injured were treated at nearby hospitals and no arrests have been made.[43]
October 24GreenwoodMississippi2810A gunman walked into a family's front yard and opened fire on a family gathering shortly before midnight. The family had gathered for a funeral and two were killed and eight wounded.[104]
July 5Greenville (SC)South Carolina2810At least two people are killed and eight injured, four critically, at a nightclub. No suspects have been arrested.[346]
July 5Atlanta (6)Georgia21214A large group of people were watching fireworks, when a fight broke out after a car hit a pedestrian. Fourteen people were wounded, of which two were declared dead at the hospital.[351]

Texas Firearm Deaths
  • There were 3,683 gun-related deaths in Texas in 2019.
  • In 2018, 64% of all Texas suicides were by firearm.
  • In 2018, nearly 73% of veteran suicides in Texas were by firearm according to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • In 2018, 174 women in Texas were killed by a male intimate partner—59% of those murders were by firearm.
  • Women in Texas are 24% more likely to be murdered with a gun than women in other states.
  • In 2019, at least 32 Texan children ages 0-17 died in unintentional shootings.

How do you like them cherries?

Data Table (2019) (Sorted)
LocationDeath Rate (Click for Rankings)Deaths (Click for Rankings)
New Mexico22.3471
South Carolina19.91,012
West Virginia16.6300

Every day, every year.

MonthMass shootingsTotal number killed
(including the shooters)
Total number wounded
(including the shooters)
Occurred at a school or universityOccurred at a place of worship

Oh, a record cold temperature in the winter in Fargo.... Surprise surprise.... The most fatal car accidents on July 4th.... Surprise surprise. Shootings in Chicago on the 4th of July... Surprise surprise.....

Duh, gun control.
Gee, I wonder why Dems support gun control legislation.

The House voted 227 to 203 to approve the expansion of background checks, and 219 to 210 to give federal law enforcement more time to vet gun buyers
Gee, wonder who voted against background checks?

Gee, who opposes gun control legislation?

After the 2018 mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, the House passed two gun control measures: one extending background checks to private sales and the other extending the time limit to conduct background checks on gun purchasers. Both measures stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate, where then-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell never brought them up for a vote.

What exactly is your point?
Media fed faggotry.
In the Data Table (2019) (Sorted) every state is run by Republicans.
Take a close look at this image. The states with the lightest color depict under-performing states is run by Republicans.

Please note: Every one of the under-performing states are run by Republicans, every single one!

Who gives a shit?

It is called Freedom, Moon Bat.

Some people don't want to get vaccinated like the younger people that have a 99.8% of it being a no never mind sickness. Both my sons and both my daughter in laws had the China virus and neither one of them were very sick.

By the way, I think ABC is lying or else those are old figures. Here in Florida it is hard to find anybody that isn't vaccinated. Especially the ones that are higher risk.
In line waiting to hear the legitimate President Of the United states.....while Joe takes the weekend off again....
Braindead fucks don't even have enough brains not to stand in the middle of the road with their gut hanging out. Typical.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

Speaking? Sounded more like a deranged rant from a madman.
In line waiting to hear the legitimate President Of the United states.....while Joe takes the weekend off again....
Braindead fucks don't even have enough brains not to stand in the middle of the road with their gut hanging out. Typical.

Being an illigitmate President trying to make the US a Socialist shithole is hard work on Joe Dufus. He needs his rest time.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
Actually, it's been mentioned countless times, Trump touchole.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.
ALWAYS a glorious sight to see. What a beautiful and unique event in the nation much less the world: all these peaceful, happy, freedom-loving people, thousands and tens of thousands of them, calm, orderly, the place always immaculate with not a piece of trash in sight, folks respectful of other's property, kind, supportive, loyal.

Not a black hood within sight, no umbrellas, no megaphones espousing hate speech, no racism, no blocked traffic or jumping on the hoods of cars, no Molotov cocktails, bricks flying, broken store windows and looting, no fights, no police needed, just love, flags and symbols of America everywhere you look and love for one's country as well as their candidate.

No wonder leftards are confused: they didn't recognize this as being what the USA really looks like outside their dark, sick and twisted, perverted influence.
Beer guts, sun dresses, flip flops, MAGA hats, redneck tans, dirty t-shirts. Typical attire of a Trumptard when they head out from the trailer park for a Trump hootenanny.
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.
He lied to the court and now must pay for it. Rudy was especially stupid as he did it apparently without collecting a dime from Trump. What a moron.
Rudy did nothing wrong...his license revocation is being criticized by attorneys all over the nation....its nothing more than a slap in Trump's and his voters face....better watch out for the swing back....
Rudy threw away his law license, his reputation and his dignity for Trump. As I said, what a moron.
Rudy will come out of this vindicated, smelling like a rose, proven right and looking better than ever!
A guy who married his own cousin & was caught fondling himself on screen can only go up, I suppose. A real winner.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

ConserveGuy, I see you are new here, a rookie.

You will find that this forum is nothing but a liberal cess-pool. Get ready to have 60 or 70 of them in your ignore list like I do. Nothing on here but brain-dead socialist / communist / Marxist retards.

We are in a war between good and evil right now. Democrats all support the dark cabal (EVIL). The war is already won, and WE WON. The election was out and out FRAUD. Arizona is fixing to PROVE IT and several, soon to be be many, other states are following in their foot steps. Trump is still our Constitutional President, he has never conceded to the fraud, he still holds the nuclear football, Biden is the "president" of NOTHING because he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March ... Biden is not allowed to set foot at the Pentagon and he receives ZERO military intelligence. The blathering idiot recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes and tanks, but he DOES NOT HAVE ANY NUKES, TANKS, GUNS, AMMO OR SOLDIERS. He is an empty suit. The whole world is laughing at the senile ass hole ... and laughing at us for putting up with him. When that fraud is proven, all of those responsible or who knowingly supported it will be tried for TREASON. Including Biden and Harris. And Treason carries the death penalty. Just bide your time and wait patiently. It is coming.

Trump will be back. And when he is, he will be taking names and kicking ass.

Only another month or so before El Presidente Trump is reinstated, right Ace?
"Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud...."
So, poster Rancid......are you suggesting then that both William Barr AND Joe Biden will be executed on August 2nd?
And...I realize my next question is perhaps a bit macabre, but.....but how do you think it will be done? Lethal injection down at Terre Haute? Firing squad at some military base? Hung?

"It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM..."
Oh merde'!!
Not only do we have the New World Order to fret about, we now have the new New Math!
'Rancid' Math.
That's gonna be a challenge for any number of us old folks who learned arithmetic on the school chalkboard.
You see in Rancid Math......... Don Trump's 74,111,419 votes ....combined with.......Joe Biden's 81,009,468 votes does NOT total 155,120,887 votes.
Noper. In Rancid Math they total ---at minimum ---- 350,000,000 votes.

Yeah, I know.
Me too.


"NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage."

Well, as mentioned in the response just above, if the poster is alluding to the need to learn the new Rancid Math, OK, we get it.
He is probably right. Arithmetic is hard, even real arithmetic. But Rancid Math takes difficulty to a whole new level.

True that?
I didn't say anything about Biden being executed on August 2nd. Get your quotes right. And it is not surprising that you can't add and subtract. It is a fact that Trump got at least 75 million votes. It is also a fact that there are not 350 million registered voters in the entire country. For Biden to win, he HAD to have claimed MORE than 75 million votes. And, if you are not too stupid to be able to add, that means Biden HAD to have claimed UNREGISTERED voters which is FRAUD.
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

ConserveGuy, I see you are new here, a rookie.

You will find that this forum is nothing but a liberal cess-pool. Get ready to have 60 or 70 of them in your ignore list like I do. Nothing on here but brain-dead socialist / communist / Marxist retards.

We are in a war between good and evil right now. Democrats all support the dark cabal (EVIL). The war is already won, and WE WON. The election was out and out FRAUD. Arizona is fixing to PROVE IT and several, soon to be be many, other states are following in their foot steps. Trump is still our Constitutional President, he has never conceded to the fraud, he still holds the nuclear football, Biden is the "president" of NOTHING because he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March ... Biden is not allowed to set foot at the Pentagon and he receives ZERO military intelligence. The blathering idiot recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes and tanks, but he DOES NOT HAVE ANY NUKES, TANKS, GUNS, AMMO OR SOLDIERS. He is an empty suit. The whole world is laughing at the senile ass hole ... and laughing at us for putting up with him. When that fraud is proven, all of those responsible or who knowingly supported it will be tried for TREASON. Including Biden and Harris. And Treason carries the death penalty. Just bide your time and wait patiently. It is coming.

Trump will be back. And when he is, he will be taking names and kicking ass.

Only another month or so before El Presidente Trump is reinstated, right Ace?

He will be back before this coming winter (before fall is over). COUNT ON IT. And El Stupido pendeho Biden will be out on his face and damned lucky if he doesn't end up shitting his pants in front of a military firing squad and Horizonal Harris right along with him.

NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. NOTHING. AND IT IS GOING TO BE BIBLICAL. Liberals gloat in their election fraud and think they won, but all they did was piss in their own bed. The military and Trump's people KNEW they would commit such massive fraud and long before the election the military built tools to capture ALL computer data going to and from those Dominion computers. THEY HAVE IT ALL. Mike Lindell shows some of it in his Absolute Proof video. That is indisputable, rock-hard, unchallengeable data. THAT FRAUD AND FOREIGN INTERVENTION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO STAND! At some point the military is going to do mass arrests and ram it all right up the liberal establishment's ass. They do not need the AZ audit to do so, they ALREADY KNOW what that audit will prove. Biden is being ALLOWED to continue his happy horse shit just to SHOW the American people what an ass-hole he is and how destructive to the country the liberal agenda really is. In effect, the 2020 election was the largest sting operation in history.
lil mouse.gif

So take that ... Ac
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Don't ever leave us, poster Rancid.
You ARE our entertainment. know that old Bible says a whole lot of stuff, so not exactly sure of your reference.
Are you talking about another ginormous flood? (Genesis 6:11)
Or are you talking about the neighbors stoning to death a randy daughter on the steps of her Pop's house? (Deuteronomy 22:21)

Help us out from the good Scriptures, woodja?
Don't ever leave us, poster Rancid.
You ARE our entertainment. know that old Bible says a whole lot of stuff, so not exactly sure of your reference.
Are you talking about another ginormous flood? (Genesis 6:11)
Or are you talking about the neighbors stoning to death a randy daughter on the steps of her Pop's house? (Deuteronomy 22:21)

Help us out from the good Scriptures, woodja?
Better READ that Bible!
I hope all you dumb-assed liberals run right out and get your Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine". I hope all of you do. Do just as your lord and savior Biden wants you to do ... and be dead within three years because Biden is a moron being used by the dark cabal. I know why Trump pushed for the "vaccine" to be released quickly. He knew the election would be rigged, that Biden would win, and that Biden would push for all his little liberal stooges to run right out and get the jab ... and kill off most of the fucking liberals.
laughing 7.gif
"Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud...."
So, poster Rancid......are you suggesting then that both William Barr AND Joe Biden will be executed on August 2nd?
And...I realize my next question is perhaps a bit macabre, but.....but how do you think it will be done? Lethal injection down at Terre Haute? Firing squad at some military base? Hung?

"It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM..."
Oh merde'!!
Not only do we have the New World Order to fret about, we now have the new New Math!
'Rancid' Math.
That's gonna be a challenge for any number of us old folks who learned arithmetic on the school chalkboard.
You see in Rancid Math......... Don Trump's 74,111,419 votes ....combined with.......Joe Biden's 81,009,468 votes does NOT total 155,120,887 votes.
Noper. In Rancid Math they total ---at minimum ---- 350,000,000 votes.

Yeah, I know.
Me too.


"NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage."

Well, as mentioned in the response just above, if the poster is alluding to the need to learn the new Rancid Math, OK, we get it.
He is probably right. Arithmetic is hard, even real arithmetic. But Rancid Math takes difficulty to a whole new level.

True that?
I didn't say anything about Biden being executed on August 2nd. Get your quotes right. And it is not surprising that you can't add and subtract. It is a fact that Trump got at least 75 million votes. It is also a fact that there are not 350 million registered voters in the entire country. For Biden to win, he HAD to have claimed MORE than 75 million votes. And, if you are not too stupid to be able to add, that means Biden HAD to have claimed UNREGISTERED voters which is FRAUD.

There are about 213 million registered voters in US and only about 65% of those voted in 2020 election.

You seriously need go do something else, you are just making a total idiot of yourself here.
You Trumpites are sounding scarily like the Nazi's circa 1932-35...
It's not us who are stamping out free speech, censoring everything except the Democrat narrative, refusing to publish or air anything that even questions the election's integrity, forcing people to get deadly vaccinations, threatening to nuke any dissenters, labeling all opposition as terrorists, trying to disarm the populace. SIG HEIL BIDEN!

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