President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

"Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud...."
So, poster Rancid......are you suggesting then that both William Barr AND Joe Biden will be executed on August 2nd?
And...I realize my next question is perhaps a bit macabre, but.....but how do you think it will be done? Lethal injection down at Terre Haute? Firing squad at some military base? Hung?

"It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM..."
Oh merde'!!
Not only do we have the New World Order to fret about, we now have the new New Math!
'Rancid' Math.
That's gonna be a challenge for any number of us old folks who learned arithmetic on the school chalkboard.
You see in Rancid Math......... Don Trump's 74,111,419 votes ....combined with.......Joe Biden's 81,009,468 votes does NOT total 155,120,887 votes.
Noper. In Rancid Math they total ---at minimum ---- 350,000,000 votes.

Yeah, I know.
Me too.


"NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage."

Well, as mentioned in the response just above, if the poster is alluding to the need to learn the new Rancid Math, OK, we get it.
He is probably right. Arithmetic is hard, even real arithmetic. But Rancid Math takes difficulty to a whole new level.

True that?
I didn't say anything about Biden being executed on August 2nd. Get your quotes right. And it is not surprising that you can't add and subtract. It is a fact that Trump got at least 75 million votes. It is also a fact that there are not 350 million registered voters in the entire country. For Biden to win, he HAD to have claimed MORE than 75 million votes. And, if you are not too stupid to be able to add, that means Biden HAD to have claimed UNREGISTERED voters which is FRAUD.
Get over it!'

The 2020 election season saw record voter turnout across the country. President-elect Joe Biden now holds the record for the most votes received by a presidential candidate, after getting more than 81 million.

Despite losing dozens of lawsuits and the Electoral College's certification of Biden's win, President Donald Trump's campaign and others continue to promote falsehoods about the credibility and security of the election.

The post is correct in its accounting of Trump's vote totals. He received more than 74 million votes. The vote total for Biden, 81 million, also is correct, putting the overall total at more than 155 million votes cast.
"Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud...."
So, poster Rancid......are you suggesting then that both William Barr AND Joe Biden will be executed on August 2nd?
And...I realize my next question is perhaps a bit macabre, but.....but how do you think it will be done? Lethal injection down at Terre Haute? Firing squad at some military base? Hung?

"It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM..."
Oh merde'!!
Not only do we have the New World Order to fret about, we now have the new New Math!
'Rancid' Math.
That's gonna be a challenge for any number of us old folks who learned arithmetic on the school chalkboard.
You see in Rancid Math......... Don Trump's 74,111,419 votes ....combined with.......Joe Biden's 81,009,468 votes does NOT total 155,120,887 votes.
Noper. In Rancid Math they total ---at minimum ---- 350,000,000 votes.

Yeah, I know.
Me too.


"NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage."

Well, as mentioned in the response just above, if the poster is alluding to the need to learn the new Rancid Math, OK, we get it.
He is probably right. Arithmetic is hard, even real arithmetic. But Rancid Math takes difficulty to a whole new level.

True that?
I didn't say anything about Biden being executed on August 2nd. Get your quotes right. And it is not surprising that you can't add and subtract. It is a fact that Trump got at least 75 million votes. It is also a fact that there are not 350 million registered voters in the entire country. For Biden to win, he HAD to have claimed MORE than 75 million votes. And, if you are not too stupid to be able to add, that means Biden HAD to have claimed UNREGISTERED voters which is FRAUD.
So? There's over 200 million registered voters in the U.S..
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

ConserveGuy, I see you are new here, a rookie.

You will find that this forum is nothing but a liberal cess-pool. Get ready to have 60 or 70 of them in your ignore list like I do. Nothing on here but brain-dead socialist / communist / Marxist retards.

We are in a war between good and evil right now. Democrats all support the dark cabal (EVIL). The war is already won, and WE WON. The election was out and out FRAUD. Arizona is fixing to PROVE IT and several, soon to be be many, other states are following in their foot steps. Trump is still our Constitutional President, he has never conceded to the fraud, he still holds the nuclear football, Biden is the "president" of NOTHING because he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March ... Biden is not allowed to set foot at the Pentagon and he receives ZERO military intelligence. The blathering idiot recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes and tanks, but he DOES NOT HAVE ANY NUKES, TANKS, GUNS, AMMO OR SOLDIERS. He is an empty suit. The whole world is laughing at the senile ass hole ... and laughing at us for putting up with him. When that fraud is proven, all of those responsible or who knowingly supported it will be tried for TREASON. Including Biden and Harris. And Treason carries the death penalty. Just bide your time and wait patiently. It is coming.

Trump will be back. And when he is, he will be taking names and kicking ass.

Only another month or so before El Presidente Trump is reinstated, right Ace?

He will be back before this coming winter (before fall is over). COUNT ON IT. And El Stupido pendeho Biden will be out on his face and damned lucky if he doesn't end up shitting his pants in front of a military firing squad and Horizonal Harris right along with him.

NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. NOTHING. AND IT IS GOING TO BE BIBLICAL. Liberals gloat in their election fraud and think they won, but all they did was piss in their own bed. The military and Trump's people KNEW they would commit such massive fraud and long before the election the military built tools to capture ALL computer data going to and from those Dominion computers. THEY HAVE IT ALL. Mike Lindell shows some of it in his Absolute Proof video. That is indisputable, rock-hard, unchallengeable data. THAT FRAUD AND FOREIGN INTERVENTION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO STAND! At some point the military is going to do mass arrests and ram it all right up the liberal establishment's ass. They do not need the AZ audit to do so, they ALREADY KNOW what that audit will prove. Biden is being ALLOWED to continue his happy horse shit just to SHOW the American people what an ass-hole he is and how destructive to the country the liberal agenda really is. In effect, the 2020 election was the largest sting operation in history.
View attachment 509152
So take that ... Ac

Aren't you the idiot who claimed the military was going to arrest Biden last March and install Trump as president??
"Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud...."
So, poster Rancid......are you suggesting then that both William Barr AND Joe Biden will be executed on August 2nd?
And...I realize my next question is perhaps a bit macabre, but.....but how do you think it will be done? Lethal injection down at Terre Haute? Firing squad at some military base? Hung?

"It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM..."
Oh merde'!!
Not only do we have the New World Order to fret about, we now have the new New Math!
'Rancid' Math.
That's gonna be a challenge for any number of us old folks who learned arithmetic on the school chalkboard.
You see in Rancid Math......... Don Trump's 74,111,419 votes ....combined with.......Joe Biden's 81,009,468 votes does NOT total 155,120,887 votes.
Noper. In Rancid Math they total ---at minimum ---- 350,000,000 votes.

Yeah, I know.
Me too.


"NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage."

Well, as mentioned in the response just above, if the poster is alluding to the need to learn the new Rancid Math, OK, we get it.
He is probably right. Arithmetic is hard, even real arithmetic. But Rancid Math takes difficulty to a whole new level.

True that?
I didn't say anything about Biden being executed on August 2nd. Get your quotes right. And it is not surprising that you can't add and subtract. It is a fact that Trump got at least 75 million votes. It is also a fact that there are not 350 million registered voters in the entire country. For Biden to win, he HAD to have claimed MORE than 75 million votes. And, if you are not too stupid to be able to add, that means Biden HAD to have claimed UNREGISTERED voters which is FRAUD.

There are about 213 million registered voters in US and only about 65% of those voted in 2020 election.

You seriously need go do something else, you are just making a total idiot of yourself here.
Not just here.
"And it is not surprising that you can't add and subtract. It is a fact that Trump got at least 75 million votes. ....... For Biden to win, he HAD to have claimed MORE than 75 million votes......if you are not too stupid to be able to add,"

  • "It is a fact that Trump got at least 75 million votes."
Close, poster Rancid. But not quite.
As you know, in arithmetic ...... numbers matter.
Such as 74,111,419.
Which, surprisingly, ain't 75 million.

  • Biden ....had to have MORE than 75 million votes.
Well, I don't know, poster Rancid. Actually, he didn't need even that much. 74.2mm would have done it. See above.
But whaddya know, he claimed even more.
Actually, he achieved 6, 009,468 MORE than your required 75 million.

  • Thanks
Reactions: cnm
President Trump will be live speaking in Sarasota this evening. Already there is a massive crowd of patriots ready to Save America! Please post the live stream of the rally.

ConserveGuy, I see you are new here, a rookie.

You will find that this forum is nothing but a liberal cess-pool. Get ready to have 60 or 70 of them in your ignore list like I do. Nothing on here but brain-dead socialist / communist / Marxist retards.

We are in a war between good and evil right now. Democrats all support the dark cabal (EVIL). The war is already won, and WE WON. The election was out and out FRAUD. Arizona is fixing to PROVE IT and several, soon to be be many, other states are following in their foot steps. Trump is still our Constitutional President, he has never conceded to the fraud, he still holds the nuclear football, Biden is the "president" of NOTHING because he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March ... Biden is not allowed to set foot at the Pentagon and he receives ZERO military intelligence. The blathering idiot recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes and tanks, but he DOES NOT HAVE ANY NUKES, TANKS, GUNS, AMMO OR SOLDIERS. He is an empty suit. The whole world is laughing at the senile ass hole ... and laughing at us for putting up with him. When that fraud is proven, all of those responsible or who knowingly supported it will be tried for TREASON. Including Biden and Harris. And Treason carries the death penalty. Just bide your time and wait patiently. It is coming.

Trump will be back. And when he is, he will be taking names and kicking ass.

Only another month or so before El Presidente Trump is reinstated, right Ace?

He will be back before this coming winter (before fall is over). COUNT ON IT. And El Stupido pendeho Biden will be out on his face and damned lucky if he doesn't end up shitting his pants in front of a military firing squad and Horizonal Harris right along with him.

NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. NOTHING. AND IT IS GOING TO BE BIBLICAL. Liberals gloat in their election fraud and think they won, but all they did was piss in their own bed. The military and Trump's people KNEW they would commit such massive fraud and long before the election the military built tools to capture ALL computer data going to and from those Dominion computers. THEY HAVE IT ALL. Mike Lindell shows some of it in his Absolute Proof video. That is indisputable, rock-hard, unchallengeable data. THAT FRAUD AND FOREIGN INTERVENTION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO STAND! At some point the military is going to do mass arrests and ram it all right up the liberal establishment's ass. They do not need the AZ audit to do so, they ALREADY KNOW what that audit will prove. Biden is being ALLOWED to continue his happy horse shit just to SHOW the American people what an ass-hole he is and how destructive to the country the liberal agenda really is. In effect, the 2020 election was the largest sting operation in history.
View attachment 509152
So take that ... Ac

How long have you been delusional? Biden ain't going nowhere pal. But keep living your fantasy if it makes you feel better. And if you think for one minute that the military is going to help Trump who called them suckers & who is a coward you're out of your mind. Not everone is willing to beray their oath for Trump. So keep dreaming, Ace.
Faun Fraud nullifies any election certification...............The word I think you are looking for is COURT ORDER..
Faun Fraud nullifies any election certification...............The word I think you are looking for is COURT ORDER..
Nope, the votes were certified. By both the states and the Congress. Time to challenge that expired. Didn't you learn anything from Bush v. Gore?
Faun Fraud nullifies any election certification...............The word I think you are looking for is COURT ORDER..
Pence refused to go along with Trump's attempted coup because even he knew that Trump is a liar & a traitor. Pence deserves some credit for doing the right thing. That's more then can be said for the likes of McCarthy, Graham, Cruz & countless other GOP goons who are loyal to Trump & not The Constitution.

This Country is engaged in it's very own cold war between our citizens & that bastard Trump is the root cause of it. Him & Fox News.
NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass. The 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in history and they fell for it hook, line and sinker and hung themselves. They got their balls caught in a bear trap, but the real pain won't come until they hit the end of the chain.

There is no point in responding to this with ridicule because this is the last time I am even going to log in here until it has all come to pass, and I won't see it anyway. There is no point in trying to tell the ignorant, stupid, mentally retarded, flea-brained, brainwashed, disgusting liberal deep state stooges and dupes on this forum anything, no point in wasting any more of my time.

For the few good conservatives on here, my advice is to likewise leave this libtard cesspool and just let them carry on their mutual masturbation singing to their own choir until their Waterloo has come to pass, then log back in just to rub their noses in their own shit and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

I have over 80 liberal dick-heads in my ignore list. I have to add 5 or 6 more every time I log in to this shit hole. It won't bother me a bit if every liberal in the country takes the Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine" and croaks in the next 3 years. Good riddance. Such stupidity should not be allowed to breed.
You Trumpites are sounding scarily like the Nazi's circa 1932-35...
It's not us who are stamping out free speech, censoring everything except the Democrat narrative, refusing to publish or air anything that even questions the election's integrity, forcing people to get deadly vaccinations, threatening to nuke any dissenters, labeling all opposition as terrorists, trying to disarm the populace. SIG HEIL BIDEN!
This board is being censored? Who knew? What deadly vaccinations? Fox News has been shut down? Beck, Hannity and all the other loons are no longer broadcasting? The second amendment has been repealed? Kevin McCarthy is a terrorist? Jaysus, I musta been asleep. When did all these things happen?
NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass.
NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass. The 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in history and they fell for it hook, line and sinker and hung themselves. They got their balls caught in a bear trap, but the real pain won't come until they hit the end of the chain.

There is no point in responding to this with ridicule because this is the last time I am even going to log in here until it has all come to pass, and I won't see it anyway. There is no point in trying to tell the ignorant, stupid, mentally retarded, flea-brained, brainwashed, disgusting liberal deep state stooges and dupes on this forum anything, no point in wasting any more of my time.

For the few good conservatives on here, my advice is to likewise leave this libtard cesspool and just let them carry on their mutual masturbation singing to their own choir until their Waterloo has come to pass, then log back in just to rub their noses in their own shit and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

I have over 80 liberal dick-heads in my ignore list. I have to add 5 or 6 more every time I log in to this shit hole. It won't bother me a bit if every liberal in the country takes the Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine" and croaks in the next 3 years. Good riddance. Such stupidity should not be allowed to breed.

This idiot doesn't even realize that all he, and other crazies likes him, are doing is embarrassing the crap out of conservatism.
Last edited:
NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass. The 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in history and they fell for it hook, line and sinker and hung themselves. They got their balls caught in a bear trap, but the real pain won't come until they hit the end of the chain.

There is no point in responding to this with ridicule because this is the last time I am even going to log in here until it has all come to pass, and I won't see it anyway. There is no point in trying to tell the ignorant, stupid, mentally retarded, flea-brained, brainwashed, disgusting liberal deep state stooges and dupes on this forum anything, no point in wasting any more of my time.

For the few good conservatives on here, my advice is to likewise leave this libtard cesspool and just let them carry on their mutual masturbation singing to their own choir until their Waterloo has come to pass, then log back in just to rub their noses in their own shit and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

I have over 80 liberal dick-heads in my ignore list. I have to add 5 or 6 more every time I log in to this shit hole. It won't bother me a bit if every liberal in the country takes the Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine" and croaks in the next 3 years. Good riddance. Such stupidity should not be allowed to breed.

That's what you said in March. How'd that turn out for ya?


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