President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass. The 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in history and they fell for it hook, line and sinker and hung themselves. They got their balls caught in a bear trap, but the real pain won't come until they hit the end of the chain.

There is no point in responding to this with ridicule because this is the last time I am even going to log in here until it has all come to pass, and I won't see it anyway. There is no point in trying to tell the ignorant, stupid, mentally retarded, flea-brained, brainwashed, disgusting liberal deep state stooges and dupes on this forum anything, no point in wasting any more of my time.

For the few good conservatives on here, my advice is to likewise leave this libtard cesspool and just let them carry on their mutual masturbation singing to their own choir until their Waterloo has come to pass, then log back in just to rub their noses in their own shit and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

I have over 80 liberal dick-heads in my ignore list. I have to add 5 or 6 more every time I log in to this shit hole. It won't bother me a bit if every liberal in the country takes the Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine" and croaks in the next 3 years. Good riddance. Such stupidity should not be allowed to breed.
Well Trump can sure draw a crowd. Biden couldn't even draw a dozen people to one of his campaign rallies.

Biden should hold one now. I doubt may will show up since he's fucked every American in the ass since his election.

Hope Trump runs in 2024. He'll get my vote and millions of others.
"since he's fucked every American in the ass since his election.
Hope Trump runs in 2024. He'll get my vote and millions of others."

Well, let's have the forum this morning put aside poster Claudette's interest in anal intercourse.
Rather, let's address the 'millions' of votes she is alleging will be for Trump in 2024.
She is probably right. There will be millions.
Like there were last time.

Like last time:
74.1 million for Don Trump.
Around 81 million for Joe Biden.

Arithmetic ain't exactly the poster's strong suit. Not with her other "interests". We suppose.
Who said anything about election fraud?? It did happen and there is more than enough proof. Wasn't mentioned here though. You brought it up so you prove it didn't happen.

You think Biden got more votes than Obama? A Biden who never campaigned got 81 million votes?? In a pigs ass.

You and the other lefty loons on this board sure like to believe that lie. LOL
Who said anything about election fraud?? It did happen and there is more than enough proof.

You think Biden got more votes than Obama? A Biden who never campaigned got 81 million votes?? In a pigs ass.

You and the other lefty loons on this board sure like to believe that lie. LOL

Who said anything about election fraud?? You did, ya moron. You're claiming Biden didn't really get 81 million legit votes. The only way that's true is if wide spread election fraud was committed.

So prove it....

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No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.
  • Funny
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NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! Biden is toast and so is the Demoncrat party, the deep state, the dark cabal, and everything they stand for. Ditto for the corrupt MSM and social media platforms. All are toast. The war is already won, past the point of no return for all of them. Trump will be back in the saddle and when he is he will be taking names and kicking ass. The 2020 election was the biggest sting operation in history and they fell for it hook, line and sinker and hung themselves. They got their balls caught in a bear trap, but the real pain won't come until they hit the end of the chain.

There is no point in responding to this with ridicule because this is the last time I am even going to log in here until it has all come to pass, and I won't see it anyway. There is no point in trying to tell the ignorant, stupid, mentally retarded, flea-brained, brainwashed, disgusting liberal deep state stooges and dupes on this forum anything, no point in wasting any more of my time.

For the few good conservatives on here, my advice is to likewise leave this libtard cesspool and just let them carry on their mutual masturbation singing to their own choir until their Waterloo has come to pass, then log back in just to rub their noses in their own shit and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

I have over 80 liberal dick-heads in my ignore list. I have to add 5 or 6 more every time I log in to this shit hole. It won't bother me a bit if every liberal in the country takes the Covid-19 depopulation "vaccine" and croaks in the next 3 years. Good riddance. Such stupidity should not be allowed to breed.
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Enough with the selfies already
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.
Please be respectful as Faun is developmentally disabled

I didn't realize how badly I struck a nerve with you last time. I'll go easy on ya from now on. I'll type with one hand behind my back.
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.
Please be respectful as Faun is developmentally disabled

I didn't realize how badly I struck a nerve with you last time. I'll go easy on ya from now on. I'll type with one hand behind my back.
Nah GOOGL is up .32 percent in the premarket, after being up 2.3 percent Friday
Glad to see you finally admitted it. LOL

Though I said nothing about it. I was referring to the huge crowds Trump draws. Biden couldn't draw a fifth of what Trump does.

Oh and you can't honestly believe Biden got 81 million votes. That would beat Obama. Biden isn't that good and you know it.
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Then it should be easy for you to prove fraud. Trump couldn't prove it ... let's see you try...
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Then it should be easy for you to prove fraud. Trump couldn't prove it ... let's see you try...
Easy as Biden did not get 81 million votes. You appear to be developmentally disabled, now can you prove that Xiden got 81 million votes? No you can not
Glad to see you finally admitted it. LOL

Though I said nothing about it. I was referring to the huge crowds Trump draws. Biden couldn't draw a fifth of what Trump does.

Oh and you can't honestly believe Biden got 81 million votes. That would beat Obama. Biden isn't that good and you know it.
So you can't prove massive fraud occurred. Got it. Thanks for proving yet again you're insane.
No you did dumbass. I was merely stating the Trump could draw a crowd. You started in with election fraud. You sure are a dumbass.

Moron, you said Biden did not really get 81 million votes. How is that true unless massive election fraud occurred?
Biden did not really get 81 million votes. Just a fact
Then it should be easy for you to prove fraud. Trump couldn't prove it ... let's see you try...
Easy as Biden did not get 81 million votes. You appear to be developmentally disabled
You saying he didn't really get 81 million votes is not actually proof he didn't get 81 million votes.

So? Can you prove it? Or are you just posting from a white padded cell next to Claudette?

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