President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Heads up folks.

Lin Wood? That guy is 100% cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs...oh wait I can see why you like him.


Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
A pity you still can't prove that. :(
And a bigger pity that you can not prove that biden got 81 million votes

Does not say 81 million anywhere

I don't know that I've ever encountered anyone as crazy and delusional as you. :cuckoo:

It literally reads .... Total: 81,268,924, yet here you are, denying it shows that.

At first, it seems like presenting facts to a trump supporter is the right thing to do, but you soon realize facts just confuse them, and causes nervousness in the herd.

Facts to a Democrat are what you get when you scream racist, racist, racist at anything that fights back until it stops moving
Now that's an interesting remark, since you have called me racist at least once in each of your last 6 or 8 posts, and I haven't said that about you at all. Would you explain about shouting racist, racist, racist again?

All Libtards are racist. You are no exception. Using the goddamn Negroes as your core voting block by keeping them on welfare is very racist.

After Bulldog sitting there screaming racist racist racist in a party that screams racist, racist racist and has done that for decades to get all butt hurt about being called a racist is pretty funny.

This is a potentially learning moment for him. He can quietly without admitting anything simply think to himself, wow, I've been acting like a dick.

We both know that isn't going to happen, he will learn nothing from it even though he fully did EXACTLY what I wanted him to do to demonstrate my point
this is why

Typical Democrat. Two claims, they are both lies.

Here's the funny thing. When you say Trump said things he didn't, that makes YOU the liar, not him. Funny how that works, huh?
Sensitivity test.
View attachment 509702View attachment 509701

That TDS is just still burning, huh?

Have you considered special Preparation H for massive butt hurt?
View attachment 510008

Wow. It must take amazing TDS to be able to find and compile a set of photos like that! I've never seen such displays!

Oh wait. Yeah. More specifically, I've yet to see one truck, one ship, one boat, one plane, one store or fan carrying or displaying ANY kind of pro-Biddum flags, pictures or gear!

Even VP Harris isn't a Biddum supporter! She is just a Biddum putter-upper, while Dr. Jill is a Biddum cleaner-upper. :71:

What you find at Joe Dufus rallies are Hammer and Sickle and Queer flags. Sometimes Mexico flags.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
That's cultism for ya.
Faun There is always a FIRST time for everything....corrupt pols should get the boot. Fraudulent elections don't count...

FRaud should mean automatic decertification................and a firing squad for all of those involved in this treason.
You forgot to mention that you would need evidence for any of that to happen.
Absolute hard, irrefutable, undeniable forensic EVIDENCE. The military HAS IT ALL. They captured every bit of it in real time as it was happening. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: They don't need the AZ audit to act. As I said earlier, this election was the biggest sting operation in history.
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Faun There is always a FIRST time for everything....corrupt pols should get the boot. Fraudulent elections don't count...

FRaud should mean automatic decertification................and a firing squad for all of those involved in this treason.
You forgot to mention that you would need evidence for any of that to happen.
Absolute hard, irrefutable, undeniable forensic EVIDENCE. The military HAS IT ALL. They captured every bit of it in real time as it was happening. :auiqs.jpg:

And you believe that. Wow.
Faun There is always a FIRST time for everything....corrupt pols should get the boot. Fraudulent elections don't count...

FRaud should mean automatic decertification................and a firing squad for all of those involved in this treason.
You forgot to mention that you would need evidence for any of that to happen.
Absolute hard, irrefutable, undeniable forensic EVIDENCE. The military HAS IT ALL. They captured every bit of it in real time as it was happening. :auiqs.jpg:

And you believe that. Wow.

You can send some people to school and all they do is eat the books. :cul2:
Faun There is always a FIRST time for everything....corrupt pols should get the boot. Fraudulent elections don't count...

FRaud should mean automatic decertification................and a firing squad for all of those involved in this treason.
You forgot to mention that you would need evidence for any of that to happen.
Absolute hard, irrefutable, undeniable forensic EVIDENCE. The military HAS IT ALL. They captured every bit of it in real time as it was happening. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: They don't need the AZ audit to act. As I said earlier, this election was the biggest sting operation in history.

Lots of charts, but who compiled that data, and how?
Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
Lol..If you really believe that you are insane.
You don't hear anything about the audit on the Trump hating what does that tell you?....
The so-called audit is a farce. It is a kangaroo audit all for the benefit of the Trumpist sheep to keep them angry and distracted.

Funny,you didnt say that about the russian collusion farce that cost tax payers millions.
The Mueller Investigation resulted 34 indictments and 8 guilty pleas.

Hiw many indictments and convictions have come from Trump’s election fraud lie? How many states have found voter fraud?

Oh, I know:
View attachment 508453
well, at least rudy fuckhead got suspended from playing a lawyer.
He lied to the court and now must pay for it. Rudy was especially stupid as he did it apparently without collecting a dime from Trump. What a moron.
Rudy did nothing wrong...his license revocation is being criticized by attorneys all over the nation....its nothing more than a slap in Trump's and his voters face....better watch out for the swing back....
Rudy threw away his law license, his reputation and his dignity for Trump. As I said, what a moron.
And apparently, Trump is refusing to pay him.
Faun There is always a FIRST time for everything....corrupt pols should get the boot. Fraudulent elections don't count...

FRaud should mean automatic decertification................and a firing squad for all of those involved in this treason.
You forgot to mention that you would need evidence for any of that to happen.
Absolute hard, irrefutable, undeniable forensic EVIDENCE. The military HAS IT ALL. They captured every bit of it in real time as it was happening. :auiqs.jpg:

And you believe that. Wow.

You can send some people to school and all they do is eat the books. :cul2:


Dumbfuck, you were saying this same shit back in March about the military arresting Biden.

How many times do you need to be blistering wrong before you realize you're a fucking retard?
How has racism involved? You've got some mental issues.

That's my POINT you stupid fuck. Racism is you moron leftists answer to everything. It has been for 40 years now which is as long as I remember politics. I don't know when it started before that.

Racist!, racist!,racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist! ...

Then when you get it back, you fucking morons are like whoa, were did that come from?

I've never seen you ONCE say this to a leftist who derailed a conversation with

Racist!, racist!,racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist!, racist! ...

You haven't, have you, racist?

BTW, thanks. This is the response I want from leftists.

Sadly you still don't get it and won't change, will you?

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
A pity you still can't prove that. :(
And a bigger pity that you can not prove that biden got 81 million votes

Does not say 81 million anywhere

I don't know that I've ever encountered anyone as crazy and delusional as you. :cuckoo:

It literally reads .... Total: 81,268,924, yet here you are, denying it shows that.

At first, it seems like presenting facts to a trump supporter is the right thing to do, but you soon realize facts just confuse them, and causes nervousness in the herd.

Facts to a Democrat are what you get when you scream racist, racist, racist at anything that fights back until it stops moving
Now that's an interesting remark, since you have called me racist at least once in each of your last 6 or 8 posts, and I haven't said that about you at all. Would you explain about shouting racist, racist, racist again?

All Libtards are racist. You are no exception. Using the goddamn Negroes as your core voting block by keeping them on welfare is very racist.

After Bulldog sitting there screaming racist racist racist in a party that screams racist, racist racist and has done that for decades to get all butt hurt about being called a racist is pretty funny.

This is a potentially learning moment for him. He can quietly without admitting anything simply think to himself, wow, I've been acting like a dick.

We both know that isn't going to happen, he will learn nothing from it even though he fully did EXACTLY what I wanted him to do to demonstrate my point
this is why

Typical Democrat. Two claims, they are both lies.

Here's the funny thing. When you say Trump said things he didn't, that makes YOU the liar, not him. Funny how that works, huh?
Sensitivity test.
View attachment 509702View attachment 509701

That TDS is just still burning, huh?

Have you considered special Preparation H for massive butt hurt?
View attachment 510008

Wow. It must take amazing TDS to be able to find and compile a set of photos like that! I've never seen such displays!

Oh wait. Yeah. More specifically, I've yet to see one truck, one ship, one boat, one plane, one store or fan carrying or displaying ANY kind of pro-Biddum flags, pictures or gear!

Even VP Harris isn't a Biddum supporter! She is just a Biddum putter-upper, while Dr. Jill is a Biddum cleaner-upper. :71:

What you find at Joe Dufus rallies are Hammer and Sickle and Queer flags. Sometimes Mexico flags.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.

Get over yourself. You're a fucking moron. And learn to think for yourself instead of parroting Democrat nonsense talking points

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
A pity you still can't prove that. :(
And a bigger pity that you can not prove that biden got 81 million votes

Does not say 81 million anywhere

I don't know that I've ever encountered anyone as crazy and delusional as you. :cuckoo:

It literally reads .... Total: 81,268,924, yet here you are, denying it shows that.

At first, it seems like presenting facts to a trump supporter is the right thing to do, but you soon realize facts just confuse them, and causes nervousness in the herd.

Facts to a Democrat are what you get when you scream racist, racist, racist at anything that fights back until it stops moving
Now that's an interesting remark, since you have called me racist at least once in each of your last 6 or 8 posts, and I haven't said that about you at all. Would you explain about shouting racist, racist, racist again?

All Libtards are racist. You are no exception. Using the goddamn Negroes as your core voting block by keeping them on welfare is very racist.

After Bulldog sitting there screaming racist racist racist in a party that screams racist, racist racist and has done that for decades to get all butt hurt about being called a racist is pretty funny.

This is a potentially learning moment for him. He can quietly without admitting anything simply think to himself, wow, I've been acting like a dick.

We both know that isn't going to happen, he will learn nothing from it even though he fully did EXACTLY what I wanted him to do to demonstrate my point
this is why

Typical Democrat. Two claims, they are both lies.

Here's the funny thing. When you say Trump said things he didn't, that makes YOU the liar, not him. Funny how that works, huh?
Sensitivity test.
View attachment 509702View attachment 509701

That TDS is just still burning, huh?

Have you considered special Preparation H for massive butt hurt?
View attachment 510008

Wow. It must take amazing TDS to be able to find and compile a set of photos like that! I've never seen such displays!

Oh wait. Yeah. More specifically, I've yet to see one truck, one ship, one boat, one plane, one store or fan carrying or displaying ANY kind of pro-Biddum flags, pictures or gear!

Even VP Harris isn't a Biddum supporter! She is just a Biddum putter-upper, while Dr. Jill is a Biddum cleaner-upper. :71:

What you find at Joe Dufus rallies are Hammer and Sickle and Queer flags. Sometimes Mexico flags.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.
Trump is suing on behalf of every republican. You would sue if you were no longer allowed to loot the Walmart

When I first heard Trump was suing, I was skeptical. But now that I heard the basic case, he's actually got a pretty good one.

Democrats have clearly intimidated private companies into punishing Trump. That is clearly true and Unconstitutional. Threatening punish our rival political party or we'll punish you is a blatant abuse of government power. Democrats are fascists

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.
Trump is suing on behalf of every republican. You would sue if you were no longer allowed to loot the Walmart
Wow. That was pretty goofy.

If Republicans were intimidating private companies into silencing Democrats you'd be going all Linda Blair on it

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.
Trump is suing on behalf of every republican. You would sue if you were no longer allowed to loot the Walmart
What the fuck are you blathering about?

Here's what you do.

Imagine Republicans threatened Twitter into banning a Democrat. You'd lose your fucking mind. That's what the fuck he's blathering about

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.
Trump is suing on behalf of every republican. You would sue if you were no longer allowed to loot the Walmart
Wow. That was pretty goofy.
Goofy is the democraps saying that the republicans are defunding the police. You and all of your friends are wacked out of your minds
Don't worry. You can get all that straight after August 15, can't you?.

So after Trump's inauguration on August 15, you girls are going to get together, keep saying Q and poke each other then all fall down giggling, huh?

That TDS is just still burning, huh?

Have you considered special Preparation H for massive butt hurt?
View attachment 510008

Wow. It must take amazing TDS to be able to find and compile a set of photos like that! I've never seen such displays!

Oh wait. Yeah. More specifically, I've yet to see one truck, one ship, one boat, one plane, one store or fan carrying or displaying ANY kind of pro-Biddum flags, pictures or gear!

Even VP Harris isn't a Biddum supporter! She is just a Biddum putter-upper, while Dr. Jill is a Biddum cleaner-upper. :71:

What you find at Joe Dufus rallies are Hammer and Sickle and Queer flags. Sometimes Mexico flags.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.
Trump is suing on behalf of every republican. You would sue if you were no longer allowed to loot the Walmart
Wow. That was pretty goofy.
Goofy is the democraps saying that the republicans are defunding the police. You and all of your friends are wacked out of your minds
it wasnt "democraps", it was Chris Wallace

Um ... Chris Wallace is a Democrat, moron

Joe Biddum got 81 million ballots counted in his favor that no one can verify, all the traceability on most of them was discarded, and a great many of them at that violated state laws and should not have been counted.
Nope never happened, that biden got 81 million votes is a collective mass delusion
A pity you still can't prove that. :(
And a bigger pity that you can not prove that biden got 81 million votes

Does not say 81 million anywhere

I don't know that I've ever encountered anyone as crazy and delusional as you. :cuckoo:

It literally reads .... Total: 81,268,924, yet here you are, denying it shows that.

At first, it seems like presenting facts to a trump supporter is the right thing to do, but you soon realize facts just confuse them, and causes nervousness in the herd.

Facts to a Democrat are what you get when you scream racist, racist, racist at anything that fights back until it stops moving
Now that's an interesting remark, since you have called me racist at least once in each of your last 6 or 8 posts, and I haven't said that about you at all. Would you explain about shouting racist, racist, racist again?

All Libtards are racist. You are no exception. Using the goddamn Negroes as your core voting block by keeping them on welfare is very racist.

After Bulldog sitting there screaming racist racist racist in a party that screams racist, racist racist and has done that for decades to get all butt hurt about being called a racist is pretty funny.

This is a potentially learning moment for him. He can quietly without admitting anything simply think to himself, wow, I've been acting like a dick.

We both know that isn't going to happen, he will learn nothing from it even though he fully did EXACTLY what I wanted him to do to demonstrate my point
this is why

Typical Democrat. Two claims, they are both lies.

Here's the funny thing. When you say Trump said things he didn't, that makes YOU the liar, not him. Funny how that works, huh?
Sensitivity test.
View attachment 509702View attachment 509701

That TDS is just still burning, huh?

Have you considered special Preparation H for massive butt hurt?
View attachment 510008

Wow. It must take amazing TDS to be able to find and compile a set of photos like that! I've never seen such displays!

Oh wait. Yeah. More specifically, I've yet to see one truck, one ship, one boat, one plane, one store or fan carrying or displaying ANY kind of pro-Biddum flags, pictures or gear!

Even VP Harris isn't a Biddum supporter! She is just a Biddum putter-upper, while Dr. Jill is a Biddum cleaner-upper. :71:

What you find at Joe Dufus rallies are Hammer and Sickle and Queer flags. Sometimes Mexico flags.

I just did a search for Trump gear and got nearly 22 million hits.

View attachment 510012

I just tried doing a similar search for Biddum gear and my browser came back:


So I expanded my search to include all Biddum and Harris gear and got back three manufactures of bevel and helical gears! :smoke:
Yep. Trump never passes up a chance to scam his supporters. His latest fund raising scam is suing social networks that banned him. No chance for him to win, but he'll make a fortune from new donations.

Get over yourself. You're a fucking moron. And learn to think for yourself instead of parroting Democrat nonsense talking points

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