President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

The election is over and since you can't prove your nonsense, instead you spew silly comments praising the pillow guy
Is there an argument to be made that the good poster, "Rancid", is the proto-typical Trumpster? The type copy that proves the replicability of the pattern?

Or, is the good poster "Rancid"......merely the bell-cow for Trumpsterism? Where he goes with his logic and assertions there go all (most?) Trumpers?

Is Rancid the leader?
Or is he ---as the good poster EMH might suggest ---- merely a 'false flag' Conservative, planted on USMB by Nancy Pelosi to make Trumpsters look bad?
Is Rancid a closet Zionist?
Or, maybe more alarming, an Oathkeeper still-in-the-closet?

Now, I'm not saying I would make those arguments, but......but I can see how some others might.

Is there an argument to be made that the good poster, "Rancid", is the proto-typical Trumpster? The type copy that proves the replicability of the pattern?

Or, is the good poster "Rancid"......merely the bell-cow for Trumpsterism? Where he goes with his logic and assertions there go all (most?) Trumpers?

Is Rancid the leader?
Or is he ---as the good poster EMH might suggest ---- merely a 'false flag' Conservative, planted on USMB by Nancy Pelosi to make Trumpsters look bad?
Is Rancid a closet Zionist?
Or, maybe more alarming, an Oathkeeper still-in-the-closet?

Now, I'm not saying I would make those arguments, but......but I can see how some others might.

Yes. I don't think that he is much of anything, especially a leader. He just parrots the trump agenda.
Your FOS.
If the cop had their gun drawn, pointed at the black man, then the black man charged the officer, then the cop had every right to shoot him.
Just like the dingbat, Babbitt deserved to be shot.
so you didn't watch the video of George Floyd then.
And you are so delusional and brain-washed that you belong in a toilet. Either post something to back up your bullshit or flush yourself.

Trump won. The military knows it. The data that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video is THEIR DATA. The military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March and they do not recognize Biden as President. Trump signed the Insurrection Act of 1807 before he left office and his Executive Order of 2018 is still in effect, both putting complete control in the military's hands. They are allowing Biden to prove what an incompetent ass hole he is, what a complete mess he is making of the country, to get most of America to support them when they do act to prevent civil war. They can act at any time, and they will when THEY deem the time is right. Biden is a complete FRAUD and he is going to end up executed for treason.


Get a fucking grip, Dude !
And you are so delusional and brain-washed that you belong in a toilet. Either post something to back up your bullshit or flush yourself.

Trump won. The military knows it. The data that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video is THEIR DATA. The military formally acknowledged Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March and they do not recognize Biden as President. Trump signed the Insurrection Act of 1807 before he left office and his Executive Order of 2018 is still in effect, both putting complete control in the military's hands. They are allowing Biden to prove what an incompetent ass hole he is, what a complete mess he is making of the country, to get most of America to support them when they do act to prevent civil war. They can act at any time, and they will when THEY deem the time is right. Biden is a complete FRAUD and he is going to end up executed for treason.



Even Trump’s enemies know there is a military operation in play​

Well, at least those who are not too STUPID to see it and acknowledge it ... like most libtards in this thread. Too lazy to watch an hour long video? THEN REMAIN IGNORANT.

Why would anyone waste AN HOUR of their lives watching such retarded bullshit?
honest american right here. Let's audit the ballots. BTW, I saw the beehive got active for AZ.
Why are fks like you opposed to it?
So Trump won in 2016?
You finally there?

You need your bottle?

You need your bottle?
says the Mueller whiner. Can you say Mueller? I knew you could.

Hey, I bet you want to still impeach trump, again, right? master whiner you are. Keep your bottle, it's obvious you've needed it for five years.

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