President Trump Has Left the Nation to Find Its Own Way

mmm .. they woke up hating Trump, spent all day hating Trump, went to bed hating Trump, dreamed of hating Trump .. for well over 4 years ....

......... :itsok:
What about the hate he stirred up against his political opponents and critics? Justified? There is no denying that had that crowd gotten hold of someone like AOC yesterday they would have torn her limb from limb.

You are one of the blind...he didn't stir up hate, the democrat party is the party of hate, and violence and racism...

Your asshole democrat party voters burned and looted cities for 7 months, non stop.......they beat and murdered Americans, assassinated police officers........and the democrat press protected and hid their crimes......the democrats used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state dept. to spy on and persecute Trump and his people........they also went after the press.......and now they will turn those agencies on their enemies again......

You are one of the idiots who was sitting in Germany in the 1930s thinking...hey, that adolf guy and the nazis are really cool and are going to be real good for Germany....

You are part of the evil that is the democrat party. You are blind and a fool...and your children and grand children will pay in blood and tears for what you support.
Yes, Trump has abandoned the nation, and his supporters, to his own and their own fantasies. He was never interested in governing, just playing at being “King.” We as a nation are getting what we deserve for electing such a carnival barker. really are is like there is a veil in front of your eyes and you can't see the truth......I wonder if it is genetic or self created blindness....
mmm .. they woke up hating Trump, spent all day hating Trump, went to bed hating Trump, dreamed of hating Trump .. for well over 4 years ....

......... :itsok:
What about the hate he stirred up against his political opponents and critics? Justified? There is no denying that had that crowd gotten hold of someone like AOC yesterday they would have torn her limb from limb.
You attacked him relentlessly even before his inauguration. You got everything you wanted.
.Enjoy the China puppet
It's not like we didn't know exactly what he was before he ever ran. He has been a public figure for decades and was the self-appointed leader of the birther bullshit. We also saw who loved him the most. The "deplorables" know an authoritarian when they see one.

Hey....shitstain.....hilary started the birther dumb ass.

obama used the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS and State Dept. as the gestapo for the democrat party.........the Big Tech allies of the democrat party hid damaging information about the democrats, and lied about Trump......and you think Trump is the problem....

You are about to find out, good and hard, how stupid you are...........the nightmare is about to begin...and it is a nightmare you helped bring moron.
This man was too good for the Beast of Washington. He can do no more. Now we must live with the RULERS the Deep State has given us

Oh Trump! Why hast thou forsaken us?
LOL! this guy just threw his supporters under the bus..after sending the Capital. I won't speculate what he intended..or not--but that he sent undeniable, BTW Trump checked out as President weeks ago..I thought you noticed? No?

The rest of us did.

Shit deserve everything the democrats are going to do to you........sadly, your children and grandchildren will suffer blood and tears for what you support today.
Trump exposed our self serving political class despots!
Job accomplished!
We elected him to turn tables over in the Swamp!
Job accomplished!

I expect we are about to take a HARD LEFT for at least 2 years.

I wonder if the Democrats think the American People will LOVE living under their thumb.

I'm betting in the next 2 years They will be cursed by the AMERICAN People

It will be longer than 2 years........the republican party has lost all support among republicans.......normal people see what is going on, how weak they are.... so there won't be a back lash in 2 years...the republicans had the ability to do what they said they would do if they were given the house, senate and the Presidency.....and they refused to give Trump money for the wall...refused to cut taxes the way they said they would.....refused to end obamacare and the destruction of our healthcare system..........and they sat on their hands as the democrat party attacked Trump and his, those same republicans, knowing the election was stolen, refused to do anything about it.......and now the spineles republicans are using the lies of the democrat party press to abandon him

Do you really think 75 million Trump supporters are going to vote for republicans again?

Sadly....I can't see us stopping the evil that is about to happen to this country and the world now that the democrat have the power to steal any election they want......the Chinese will dominate the world, and the democrats will destroy this country....

Anyone who supports the democrats deserves what is about to happen to them.....sadly, their children and grandchildren will suffer in blood and tears for what they have done today...
We now know how deep the Swamp is. I am very thankful that he exposed the blatant corruption from the left. From Obama all the way down to those who count the votes...the left are corrupt scum.

The last honest man in public life..........

Hey tommy......when your country collapses because the U.S. isn't paying your bills...what are you going to do? I don't know whether you should learn Russian or Chinese........depends on which country takes control of your island first, I guess.....
The last honest man in public life..........
And, speechless.

You dipshit...

As if radical Left groups didn’t burn and loot cities all summer, causing dozens of deaths. Then they fail to recall a multi-day siege on the White House that included arson and dozens of injured officers, requiring President Trump to be taken to the bunker. They had no harsh words for their shock troops. Instead, they mocked the president for following the Secret Service’s instructions.

This has been the pattern for decades. However, now, the risks loom larger. With Democrats controlling all three branches of government for the next two years, the violence at the Capitol will be a pretext for limiting everyone’s civil liberties and painting every Republican with the same broad brush as the rioters. Their lapdogs in the corporate media will gleefully help them spin this narrative. We are already seeing dangerous words like “insurrection,” “sedition,” and “treason” being bandied about and applied to the president and other prominent Republicans.

The last honest man in public life..........
And, speechless.

You dipshit...

As if radical Left groups didn’t burn and loot cities all summer, causing dozens of deaths. Then they fail to recall a multi-day siege on the White House that included arson and dozens of injured officers, requiring President Trump to be taken to the bunker. They had no harsh words for their shock troops. Instead, they mocked the president for following the Secret Service’s instructions.

This has been the pattern for decades. However, now, the risks loom larger. With Democrats controlling all three branches of government for the next two years, the violence at the Capitol will be a pretext for limiting everyone’s civil liberties and painting every Republican with the same broad brush as the rioters. Their lapdogs in the corporate media will gleefully help them spin this narrative. We are already seeing dangerous words like “insurrection,” “sedition,” and “treason” being bandied about and applied to the president and other prominent Republicans.

I'm aware of how devoted you are.
Trump exposed our self serving political class despots!
Job accomplished!
We elected him to turn tables over in the Swamp!
Job accomplished!

I expect we are about to take a HARD LEFT for at least 2 years.

I wonder if the Democrats think the American People will LOVE living under their thumb.

I'm betting in the next 2 years They will be cursed by the AMERICAN People

Yup and if Biden institutes that list of his you can bet the American tax payer will be more than glad to see the end of the Biden/Harris shit show. I've seen that list and its a doozey.
Trump exposed our self serving political class despots!
Job accomplished!
We elected him to turn tables over in the Swamp!
Job accomplished!

I expect we are about to take a HARD LEFT for at least 2 years.

I wonder if the Democrats think the American People will LOVE living under their thumb.

I'm betting in the next 2 years They will be cursed by the AMERICAN People

It will be longer than 2 years........the republican party has lost all support among republicans.......normal people see what is going on, how weak they are.... so there won't be a back lash in 2 years...the republicans had the ability to do what they said they would do if they were given the house, senate and the Presidency.....and they refused to give Trump money for the wall...refused to cut taxes the way they said they would.....refused to end obamacare and the destruction of our healthcare system..........and they sat on their hands as the democrat party attacked Trump and his, those same republicans, knowing the election was stolen, refused to do anything about it.......and now the spineles republicans are using the lies of the democrat party press to abandon him

Do you really think 75 million Trump supporters are going to vote for republicans again?

Sadly....I can't see us stopping the evil that is about to happen to this country and the world now that the democrat have the power to steal any election they want......the Chinese will dominate the world, and the democrats will destroy this country....

Anyone who supports the democrats deserves what is about to happen to them.....sadly, their children and grandchildren will suffer in blood and tears for what they have done today...

God, your first 2 paragraphs pretty much echoed exactly what I was telling people yesterday. Well said! Those spineless Republican judases in Congress are going to face their day of reckoning in the next midterm election when the voter turnout for Republicans ends up being the lowest in decades, as voters sit on their hands just like those bsstards did for the last 4 years when Trump and their constituents were counting on them. They really need to step out of the fucking echo chamber and get some perspective if they actually thought backstabbing Trump by parroting the media's contrived faux outrage narrative was going to help them politically. They can all go to hell as far as I, and many many others I've talked to are concerned. Both of my currently seated Republican Senators and House Reps have lost my vote.
It is utterly amazing how you Trump supporters drank his Kool Aid, you haven't got the ability to reason for yourselves and figure out that Trump didn't drain the swamp,he became it. It will take a while for the Republican party to get rid of the stench Trump left on it. There was no massive voter fraud by Democrats, because if their were Susan Collins would have lost along with other Republican senators and the Dems would have won the senate and increased their lead in the house. After the presidential election both Loeffler and Perdue had more votes than Warnock and Ossoff but because on State laws, they didn't reach 50% so a runoff was necessary and they lost because Mental Midget Trump kept harping on how the election was fraudulent which probably caused some Republicans to sit it out and the Democrats won. Trump ran the most corrupt administration and didn't deliver anything except his tax cut for the wealthy and corporations in his first two years. In other postings I have asked you enlightened Trump supporters to name five things he accomplished while he had control of both chambers that made America great again. So far no one has answered me. We have no new great health care system that he promised. He didn't pass an immigration reform bill and Mexico didn't pay for the wall. No new infrastructure proposals. In his last year he showed how inept he really is by downplaying the pandemic, because he had no national strategy and downplayed it because he was affraid that if the economy was effected he would lose the election. If he had shown compassion and empathy while leading the response to the pandemic., He probably would have won re-election but through his own stupidity he lost. Krebs the republican who headed CISA and had the nerve to say that this was the most secure election ever, was immediately fired by the pathological liar, climate denier, vindictive bastard, egotist, and milked the presidency for money through patronage. He is totally ignorant of the constitution and put poor Pence between a rock and a hard place. Maybe enough true believers in Democracy will start demanding the end of the undemocratic electoral college and term limits for all elected officials and appointed judges. Until we get rid of lobbyist and big money running Washington the swamp will remain whether the Democrats or Republicans are in office.
mmm .. they woke up hating Trump, spent all day hating Trump, went to bed hating Trump, dreamed of hating Trump .. for well over 4 years ....

......... :itsok:
What about the hate he stirred up against his political opponents and critics? Justified? There is no denying that had that crowd gotten hold of someone like AOC yesterday they would have torn her limb from limb.
Lol, like the stuff the Democrats made up on Kavanagh? You cannot talk no trash about what Trump say. Heck liberals attack him first, snowflakes don't like an adult scolding them.

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