President Trump: Hate has no place in our country

Trump loves to hate -

  • Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US.
  • As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. His administration eventually implemented a significantly watered-down version of the policy.
  • When asked at a 2016 Republican debate whether all 1.6 billion Muslims hate the US, Trump said, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.”
  • He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”
  • Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign.
  • He tweeted and later deleted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” The tweet had some very obvious anti-Semitic imagery, but Trump insisted that the star was a sheriff’s badge, and said his campaign shouldn’t have deleted it.
  • Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline.
  • At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging.
  • In a pitch to black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”
  • Trump stereotyped a black reporter at a press conference in February 2017. When April Ryan asked him if he plans to meet and work with the Congressional Black Caucus, he repeatedly asked her to set up the meeting — even as she insisted that she’s “just a reporter.”
  • In the week after white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, Trump repeatedly said that “many sides” and “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that ensued — suggesting that the white supremacist protesters were morally equivalent to counterprotesters that stood against racism. He also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. All of this seemed like a dog whistle to white supremacists — and many of them took it as one, with white nationalist Richard Spencer praising Trump for “defending the truth.”
  • Throughout 2017, Trump repeatedly attacked NFL players who, by kneeling or otherwise silently protesting during the national anthem, demonstrated against systemic racism in America.
  • Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments.
  • Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly black countries are bad.
  • Trump denied making the “shithole” comments, although some senators present at the meeting said they happened. The White House, meanwhile, suggested that the comments, like Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests, will play well to his base. The only connection between Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests and his “shithole” comments is race.
  • Trump mocked Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, again calling her “Pocahontas” in a tweet before adding, “See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” The capitalized “TRAIL” is seemingly a reference to the Trail of Tears — a horrific act of ethnic cleansing in the 19th century in which Native Americans were forcibly relocated, causing thousands of deaths.
  • Trump tweeted that several black and brown members of Congress — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — are “from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to those countries. It’s a common racist trope to say that black and brown people, particularly immigrants, should go back to their countries of origin. Three of four of the members of Congress whom Trump targeted were born in the US.
shit like that ^^^^^^^^^^ gets his collective slobbering, and humping each others leg.
Didn't even get past the first one. Trump didn't call all illegals bad. Quit your lying.

You are full of cow dung..

When you and your snowflakes team mates here brand all these illegals criminals. How many times did I heard that from you and your buddies here?Because you got that from this inept disgusting POTUS.

You call them illegals. Is that because they have committed the CRIME of entering our country illegally?
ME: Well, here we go for the millionth time. Trump condemned white supremacists before, during, and after the election and he has done it a millions times since, and here he is condemning hate again yesterday.
The real question is: When will Democrats condemn THEIR hate, their Antifa, their violence, their people who harass conservatives in restaurants and at their homes: I never see Democrats condemning their hate.
AND GUESS WHAT: The American people notice it too, and that's another reason why the baby-killing Leftists will lose in 2020.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
President Trump speaks to press as he departs Morristown on his way to the White House.

Trump as been steadily cutting funding for law enforcement to investigate white nationalists.
Actions speak louder than words written for him.

The American people are noticing one thing. Trump appealing to far right wing groups. Trump will lose in 2020.

He invited his best friends from right wing media to the WH last month July 10 with red carpet... These are the media that promotes conspiracies and real fake news ( like Qanon or project veritas ) for him.
What the HELL.

Trump’s “Social Media Summit” Is a Far-Right Troll Convention

Trump Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Right-Wing Social Media Trolls

Trump Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Right-Wing Social Media Trolls

Since his election, President Trump has continued to look to his internet supporters as a kind of crowdsourced media consultancy.CreditAnna Moneymaker/The New York Times
By Kevin Roose
July 10, 2019

Trolling on the internet was once a thankless pastime. Make edgy jokes on the right message board, get your sarcastic memes noticed by the right people, and you might score some retweets and Reddit upvotes, but that was about the extent of it.

For today’s right-wing trolls, though, there is a bigger prize on the table: a red-carpet visit to the White House.

On Thursday, President Trump is assembling a group of his most ardent online supporters for a White House “social media summit.” The guest list has not been publicly released, but a motley grab bag of pro-Trump influencers have taken to Twitter to brag about their invitations, including James

O’Keefe, the right-wing founder of Project Veritas; Bill Mitchell, a pro-Trump activist who has promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory; and a pseudonymous Twitter user, “CarpeDonktum,” who is perhaps best known for creating a doctored video of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. that Mr. Trump retweeted.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
until his next rally when he wants his drone collective to get a hard on ..

As usual you are an ignorant lying sack of shit. I have watched entire rallies and never heard a word of hate. They feature people of all races and orientations.

Do the world a favor and shut your ignorant piehole. you asshole.

Crowds chanting ''send them home" is hate speech.

Why don't you shut your ignorant ass asshole.
Trump denounced that.

Trump paused so the crowd could continue the chant. He sort of denounced it the next day and then undenounced the denouncement and defended it. You lose.
Did you hear what your presidential buttplug said?
Trump loves to hate -

  • Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US.
  • As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. His administration eventually implemented a significantly watered-down version of the policy.
  • When asked at a 2016 Republican debate whether all 1.6 billion Muslims hate the US, Trump said, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.”
  • He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”
  • Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign.
  • He tweeted and later deleted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” The tweet had some very obvious anti-Semitic imagery, but Trump insisted that the star was a sheriff’s badge, and said his campaign shouldn’t have deleted it.
  • Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline.
  • At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging.
  • In a pitch to black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”
  • Trump stereotyped a black reporter at a press conference in February 2017. When April Ryan asked him if he plans to meet and work with the Congressional Black Caucus, he repeatedly asked her to set up the meeting — even as she insisted that she’s “just a reporter.”
  • In the week after white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, Trump repeatedly said that “many sides” and “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that ensued — suggesting that the white supremacist protesters were morally equivalent to counterprotesters that stood against racism. He also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. All of this seemed like a dog whistle to white supremacists — and many of them took it as one, with white nationalist Richard Spencer praising Trump for “defending the truth.”
  • Throughout 2017, Trump repeatedly attacked NFL players who, by kneeling or otherwise silently protesting during the national anthem, demonstrated against systemic racism in America.
  • Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments.
  • Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly black countries are bad.
  • Trump denied making the “shithole” comments, although some senators present at the meeting said they happened. The White House, meanwhile, suggested that the comments, like Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests, will play well to his base. The only connection between Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests and his “shithole” comments is race.
  • Trump mocked Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, again calling her “Pocahontas” in a tweet before adding, “See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” The capitalized “TRAIL” is seemingly a reference to the Trail of Tears — a horrific act of ethnic cleansing in the 19th century in which Native Americans were forcibly relocated, causing thousands of deaths.
  • Trump tweeted that several black and brown members of Congress — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — are “from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to those countries. It’s a common racist trope to say that black and brown people, particularly immigrants, should go back to their countries of origin. Three of four of the members of Congress whom Trump targeted were born in the US.
shit like that ^^^^^^^^^^ gets his collective slobbering, and humping each others leg.
Didn't even get past the first one. Trump didn't call all illegals bad. Quit your lying.

You are full of cow dung..

When you and your snowflakes team mates here brand all these illegals criminals. How many times did I heard that from you and your buddies here?Because you got that from this inept disgusting POTUS.
Tell me, where did ms13 come from?
President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
until his next rally when he wants his drone collective to get a hard on ..

As usual you are an ignorant lying sack of shit. I have watched entire rallies and never heard a word of hate. They feature people of all races and orientations.

Do the world a favor and shut your ignorant piehole. you asshole.

Crowds chanting ''send them home" is hate speech.

Why don't you shut your ignorant ass asshole.
Trump denounced that.

Trump paused so the crowd could continue the chant. He sort of denounced it the next day and then undenounced the denouncement and defended it. You lose.
Did you hear what your presidential buttplug said?
Usually he says God only loves Gays and men that have sex with women are all going to hell.
Trump loves to hate -

  • Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US.
  • As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. His administration eventually implemented a significantly watered-down version of the policy.
  • When asked at a 2016 Republican debate whether all 1.6 billion Muslims hate the US, Trump said, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.”
  • He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”
  • Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign.
  • He tweeted and later deleted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” The tweet had some very obvious anti-Semitic imagery, but Trump insisted that the star was a sheriff’s badge, and said his campaign shouldn’t have deleted it.
  • Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline.
  • At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging.
  • In a pitch to black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”
  • Trump stereotyped a black reporter at a press conference in February 2017. When April Ryan asked him if he plans to meet and work with the Congressional Black Caucus, he repeatedly asked her to set up the meeting — even as she insisted that she’s “just a reporter.”
  • In the week after white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, Trump repeatedly said that “many sides” and “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that ensued — suggesting that the white supremacist protesters were morally equivalent to counterprotesters that stood against racism. He also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. All of this seemed like a dog whistle to white supremacists — and many of them took it as one, with white nationalist Richard Spencer praising Trump for “defending the truth.”
  • Throughout 2017, Trump repeatedly attacked NFL players who, by kneeling or otherwise silently protesting during the national anthem, demonstrated against systemic racism in America.
  • Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments.
  • Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly black countries are bad.
  • Trump denied making the “shithole” comments, although some senators present at the meeting said they happened. The White House, meanwhile, suggested that the comments, like Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests, will play well to his base. The only connection between Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests and his “shithole” comments is race.
  • Trump mocked Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, again calling her “Pocahontas” in a tweet before adding, “See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” The capitalized “TRAIL” is seemingly a reference to the Trail of Tears — a horrific act of ethnic cleansing in the 19th century in which Native Americans were forcibly relocated, causing thousands of deaths.
  • Trump tweeted that several black and brown members of Congress — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — are “from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to those countries. It’s a common racist trope to say that black and brown people, particularly immigrants, should go back to their countries of origin. Three of four of the members of Congress whom Trump targeted were born in the US.
shit like that ^^^^^^^^^^ gets his collective slobbering, and humping each others leg.
Didn't even get past the first one. Trump didn't call all illegals bad. Quit your lying.

You are full of cow dung..

When you and your snowflakes team mates here brand all these illegals criminals. How many times did I heard that from you and your buddies here?Because you got that from this inept disgusting POTUS.
Tell me, where did ms13 come from?

It came from El Salvadoran "refugees" getting their asses kicked by mexican gangs in Los Angeles.
ME: Well, here we go for the millionth time. Trump condemned white supremacists before, during, and after the election and he has done it a millions times since, and here he is condemning hate again yesterday.
The real question is: When will Democrats condemn THEIR hate, their Antifa, their violence, their people who harass conservatives in restaurants and at their homes: I never see Democrats condemning their hate.
AND GUESS WHAT: The American people notice it too, and that's another reason why the baby-killing Leftists will lose in 2020.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
President Trump speaks to press as he departs Morristown on his way to the White House.

Go back to where you came from
Sons of bitches
Mexicans are rapists, drug traffickers and SOME ^ are good people.
Nazi side have good people
And so much hate the asshole spits, and you acting dumb?

You left out the "I assume," he doesn't really know if some are good, he just assumes.
ME: Well, here we go for the millionth time. Trump condemned white supremacists before, during, and after the election and he has done it a millions times since, and here he is condemning hate again yesterday.
The real question is: When will Democrats condemn THEIR hate, their Antifa, their violence, their people who harass conservatives in restaurants and at their homes: I never see Democrats condemning their hate.
AND GUESS WHAT: The American people notice it too, and that's another reason why the baby-killing Leftists will lose in 2020.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
President Trump speaks to press as he departs Morristown on his way to the White House.

Enough said.....
Trump loves to hate -

  • Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US.
  • As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. His administration eventually implemented a significantly watered-down version of the policy.
  • When asked at a 2016 Republican debate whether all 1.6 billion Muslims hate the US, Trump said, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.”
  • He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”
  • Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign.
  • He tweeted and later deleted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” The tweet had some very obvious anti-Semitic imagery, but Trump insisted that the star was a sheriff’s badge, and said his campaign shouldn’t have deleted it.
  • Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline.
  • At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging.
  • In a pitch to black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”
  • Trump stereotyped a black reporter at a press conference in February 2017. When April Ryan asked him if he plans to meet and work with the Congressional Black Caucus, he repeatedly asked her to set up the meeting — even as she insisted that she’s “just a reporter.”
  • In the week after white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, Trump repeatedly said that “many sides” and “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that ensued — suggesting that the white supremacist protesters were morally equivalent to counterprotesters that stood against racism. He also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. All of this seemed like a dog whistle to white supremacists — and many of them took it as one, with white nationalist Richard Spencer praising Trump for “defending the truth.”
  • Throughout 2017, Trump repeatedly attacked NFL players who, by kneeling or otherwise silently protesting during the national anthem, demonstrated against systemic racism in America.
  • Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments.
  • Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly black countries are bad.
  • Trump denied making the “shithole” comments, although some senators present at the meeting said they happened. The White House, meanwhile, suggested that the comments, like Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests, will play well to his base. The only connection between Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests and his “shithole” comments is race.
  • Trump mocked Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, again calling her “Pocahontas” in a tweet before adding, “See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” The capitalized “TRAIL” is seemingly a reference to the Trail of Tears — a horrific act of ethnic cleansing in the 19th century in which Native Americans were forcibly relocated, causing thousands of deaths.
  • Trump tweeted that several black and brown members of Congress — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — are “from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to those countries. It’s a common racist trope to say that black and brown people, particularly immigrants, should go back to their countries of origin. Three of four of the members of Congress whom Trump targeted were born in the US.
shit like that ^^^^^^^^^^ gets his collective slobbering, and humping each others leg.

Lets just start with your first three talking points. #1 He wasnt talking about all Mexicans and you know it. According to Amnesty Intl. up to 80% of females coming from Central America get raped or sexually assaulted in Mexico on the way here.That doesn't mean all Mexicans are doing that of course, but when you have an open border and you don't know who is coming across, its your job as a US official to be more concerned about the welfare of the citizens who elected you than the citizens of your neighboring country. Sorry Siete , thats just the way it is, its the Mexican Governments job to be concerned about the welfare of Mexicans. Thats why they got elected and vice-versa.
So taking Trump out of context on your point #1 is a useful tool for Democrat Lawmakers, we all get that. It's their job to get re-elected at any cost.

Your point #2. He didn't want to ban all muslims. Only muslims from certain countries and for a limited time. Again, all of us could see it was playing politics by Democrat Lawmakers who couldn't stand that Hillary lost and were plucking their own eyes out at the time.

Your point #3. so what kind of duffus would ask anyone if all 1.6 Billion Muslims hate America? unless it was a loaded question to make Trump look bad. His answer, yes a lot of them? of course thats correct. Don't know why you would even question that when they have been intentionally indoctrinated at young ages for generations already to do so. Following video, is of a Palestinian summer camp where they are politically indoctrinated, and then of course you have Iran who calls us Satan, Chants death to the USA and no doubt trains many of their own kids from a young age to hate under government sanctioned policy. It happens because Islam as a religion is extremely Political. It is entwined in their politics and every part of their lives.
Of course a lot of them hate us due to indoctrination. So Trump is wrong for stating the obvious?

Palestinian Children Burn U.S. Flag, Pictures of Trump in PA-Run Summer Camp That Integrates Children with Special Needs

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
until his next rally when he wants his drone collective to get a hard on ..
Hopefully the crowd at the rally will yell "Send her back" since it pisses you liberals off so much.
Trump loves to hate -

  • Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US.
  • As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. His administration eventually implemented a significantly watered-down version of the policy.
  • When asked at a 2016 Republican debate whether all 1.6 billion Muslims hate the US, Trump said, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.”
  • He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”
  • Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign.
  • He tweeted and later deleted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” The tweet had some very obvious anti-Semitic imagery, but Trump insisted that the star was a sheriff’s badge, and said his campaign shouldn’t have deleted it.
  • Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline.
  • At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging.
  • In a pitch to black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”
  • Trump stereotyped a black reporter at a press conference in February 2017. When April Ryan asked him if he plans to meet and work with the Congressional Black Caucus, he repeatedly asked her to set up the meeting — even as she insisted that she’s “just a reporter.”
  • In the week after white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, Trump repeatedly said that “many sides” and “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that ensued — suggesting that the white supremacist protesters were morally equivalent to counterprotesters that stood against racism. He also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. All of this seemed like a dog whistle to white supremacists — and many of them took it as one, with white nationalist Richard Spencer praising Trump for “defending the truth.”
  • Throughout 2017, Trump repeatedly attacked NFL players who, by kneeling or otherwise silently protesting during the national anthem, demonstrated against systemic racism in America.
  • Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments.
  • Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly black countries are bad.
  • Trump denied making the “shithole” comments, although some senators present at the meeting said they happened. The White House, meanwhile, suggested that the comments, like Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests, will play well to his base. The only connection between Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests and his “shithole” comments is race.
  • Trump mocked Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, again calling her “Pocahontas” in a tweet before adding, “See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!” The capitalized “TRAIL” is seemingly a reference to the Trail of Tears — a horrific act of ethnic cleansing in the 19th century in which Native Americans were forcibly relocated, causing thousands of deaths.
  • Trump tweeted that several black and brown members of Congress — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — are “from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to those countries. It’s a common racist trope to say that black and brown people, particularly immigrants, should go back to their countries of origin. Three of four of the members of Congress whom Trump targeted were born in the US.
shit like that ^^^^^^^^^^ gets his collective slobbering, and humping each others leg.
Didn't even get past the first one. Trump didn't call all illegals bad. Quit your lying.

You are full of cow dung..

When you and your snowflakes team mates here brand all these illegals criminals. How many times did I heard that from you and your buddies here?Because you got that from this inept disgusting POTUS.
Tell me, where did ms13 come from?

Are you playing dumb or playing philosophical?
Trump is guilty of telling the truth.

Oh - the jokes grow better - but still I hear no one laugh.

You will never come back from El Paso, dear friend. Farewell.

Von den Weinbergen her, auf dem steinigen Pfad
Ein paar Stufen hinab, zu den Toren der Stadt
Und von dort bis zum Haus ist es nur noch ein Stück
Ich komm' heut' zurück
In der Mittagsglut flimmern die Dächer der Stadt
Und ich glaub', dass die Zeit keinen Einfluss hier hat
Nichts hat sich verändert, so wie es einst war
Bleibt es Jahr für Jahr

Dort der Alte, der bei seiner Drehorgel steht
Unermüdlich, wie damals, sein' Leiergriff dreht
Als bewege er damit die Räder der Zeit
Für die Ewigkeit
Dort im Garten das Gras, von der Sonne verbrannt
Jede Bank, jeden Platz habe ich hier gekannt
Und hier gibt's keinen Baum, der nicht tief eingeprägt
Meinen Namen trägt

Durch die schattige Gasse am Marktplatz entlang
Von verwildertem Wein und von Efeu umrankt
Bis zum Fenster im Giebel, da kenn ich mich aus
Hier war mein Zuhaus'
Mit geschlossenen Augen hab' ich es geseh'n
Und jetzt steh' ich davor, aber was ist gescheh'n?
Meine Hand an der Tür, so steh' ich gelähmt
Als wär' ich hier fremd

Als riefen die Steine, die Häuser mir zu:
„Du warst zu lange fort, nur ein Fremder bist du
Niemand heißt dich willkommen und reicht dir dir Hand
Du bleibst unerkannt“
Zu den Weinbergen hin, zu dem steinigen Pfad
Geh' ich und wende den Rücken der Stadt
Doch die Gedanken vergangener Zeit
Bleiben mein Geleit

Reinhard Mey
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Several years ago Black Lives Matter Marched chanting:

What do we want?
- Dead Cops

'Kill 'em, fry 'em, roll 'em in a blanket'

Obama invited the leader of that group to the WH...imagine if Trump would invite the leader of a white supremacist to the WH...
Has Elizabeth Warren publicly denounced her Satan-worshipping, mass shooting Antifa supporter yet?

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