President Trump: Hate has no place in our country

Gonna be interesting to see what happens when Trump tries to visit El Paso and Dayton. There have already been several politicians, both local and state, who have said that they don't want him there. Mainly because of his hateful comments about brown and black people.
Gonna be interesting to see what happens when Trump tries to visit El Paso and Dayton. There have already been several politicians, both local and state, who have said that they don't want him there. Mainly because of his hateful comments about brown and black people.

There were no hateful comments about "brown and black people".

If we live in a society, where whites are not allowed to criticize any black or brown people, even from other countries,

we cannot have a civil society of any sort, let along an unified government.
Gonna be interesting to see what happens when Trump tries to visit El Paso and Dayton. There have already been several politicians, both local and state, who have said that they don't want him there. Mainly because of his hateful comments about brown and black people.

Oh look, another racist lefty who can only think of people as colors.
Gonna be interesting to see what happens when Trump tries to visit El Paso and Dayton. There have already been several politicians, both local and state, who have said that they don't want him there. Mainly because of his hateful comments about brown and black people.

There were no hateful comments about "brown and black people".

If we live in a society, where whites are not allowed to criticize any black or brown people, even from other countries,

we cannot have a civil society of any sort, let along an unified government.

Telling people who aren't white, but yet were born here to "go back to the country they came from" is hate speech. Always has been. When people didn't like the various groups that were coming here (Italians, Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, Blacks, etc.), one of the first things said to them was for them to go back to their original country.

3 of those women were born here and are natural born US citizens, they have no country to "go back to". And, Omar is the only one that could be sent back somewhere, but that is only if she is charged and convicted of a crime that could cause her to lose her citizenship.
Trump has made no hateful comments about brown or black people. Democrats just believe if they say there were hateful comments often enough it will be believed.
Gonna be interesting to see what happens when Trump tries to visit El Paso and Dayton. There have already been several politicians, both local and state, who have said that they don't want him there. Mainly because of his hateful comments about brown and black people.

There were no hateful comments about "brown and black people".

If we live in a society, where whites are not allowed to criticize any black or brown people, even from other countries,

we cannot have a civil society of any sort, let along an unified government.

Telling people who aren't white, but yet were born here to "go back to the country they came from" is hate speech. Always has been. When people didn't like the various groups that were coming here (Italians, Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, Blacks, etc.), one of the first things said to them was for them to go back to their original country.

3 of those women were born here and are natural born US citizens, they have no country to "go back to". And, Omar is the only one that could be sent back somewhere, but that is only if she is charged and convicted of a crime that could cause her to lose her citizenship.
They can go back to the countries that hold their loyalty. Nothing is keeping Rashida Taliban from going to Palestine.
ME: Well, here we go for the millionth time. Trump condemned white supremacists before, during, and after the election and he has done it a millions times since, and here he is condemning hate again yesterday.
The real question is: When will Democrats condemn THEIR hate, their Antifa, their violence, their people who harass conservatives in restaurants and at their homes: I never see Democrats condemning their hate.
AND GUESS WHAT: The American people notice it too, and that's another reason why the baby-killing Leftists will lose in 2020.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
President Trump speaks to press as he departs Morristown on his way to the White House.

Trump says hate has no place in our country... Gee, does that mean he's going away?
Gonna be interesting to see what happens when Trump tries to visit El Paso and Dayton. There have already been several politicians, both local and state, who have said that they don't want him there. Mainly because of his hateful comments about brown and black people.

There were no hateful comments about "brown and black people".

If we live in a society, where whites are not allowed to criticize any black or brown people, even from other countries,

we cansnot have a civil society of any sort, let along an unified government.

Telling people who aren't white, but yet were born here to "go back to the country they came from" is hate speech. .....

A small group of congressmen, said some shit, and a President gave some push back.

If that can't happen, because of the color of the skins involved, then this country is over.
Gonna be interesting to see what happens when Trump tries to visit El Paso and Dayton. There have already been several politicians, both local and state, who have said that they don't want him there. Mainly because of his hateful comments about brown and black people.

There were no hateful comments about "brown and black people".

If we live in a society, where whites are not allowed to criticize any black or brown people, even from other countries,

we cannot have a civil society of any sort, let along an unified government.

Telling people who aren't white, but yet were born here to "go back to the country they came from" is hate speech. Always has been. When people didn't like the various groups that were coming here (Italians, Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, Blacks, etc.), one of the first things said to them was for them to go back to their original country.

3 of those women were born here and are natural born US citizens, they have no country to "go back to". And, Omar is the only one that could be sent back somewhere, but that is only if she is charged and convicted of a crime that could cause her to lose her citizenship.
They can go back to the countries that hold their loyalty. Nothing is keeping Rashida Taliban from going to Palestine.

If Trump wanted to tell them to go someplace else that holds their loyalty, he should have said "if you don't like it here, you can leave". Matter of fact, when people bitch a lot about this country, I tell them that if they are unhappy here, there are lots of other places in the world they might be happier.

I have never told someone to go back to the country they came from. That not only is hateful, but it is racist in my opinion. Trump wouldn't have near as much problem now if he had said leave if you don't like it, instead of go back to the country you came from.;
The rhetoric directed at Donald Trump is a thousand times more hateful than what Mr. Trump gives back. There is no question that the hateful rhetoric is now fueled by a hateful press and media. That’s who is driving this train.

i'm gonna make this train pull over and get on the TRUMP TRAIN instead!

ME: Well, here we go for the millionth time. Trump condemned white supremacists before, during, and after the election and he has done it a millions times since, and here he is condemning hate again yesterday.
The real question is: When will Democrats condemn THEIR hate, their Antifa, their violence, their people who harass conservatives in restaurants and at their homes: I never see Democrats condemning their hate.
AND GUESS WHAT: The American people notice it too, and that's another reason why the baby-killing Leftists will lose in 2020.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
President Trump speaks to press as he departs Morristown on his way to the White House.

Trump says hate has no place in our country... Gee, does that mean he's going away?

Oh no! Keep him in your country. Better to save the life of another million refugees from Syria again and to have all the trouble again afterwards than to have a Donald Trump in our country.

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ME: Well, here we go for the millionth time. Trump condemned white supremacists before, during, and after the election and he has done it a millions times since, and here he is condemning hate again yesterday.
The real question is: When will Democrats condemn THEIR hate, their Antifa, their violence, their people who harass conservatives in restaurants and at their homes: I never see Democrats condemning their hate.
AND GUESS WHAT: The American people notice it too, and that's another reason why the baby-killing Leftists will lose in 2020.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
President Trump speaks to press as he departs Morristown on his way to the White House.

I'm seeing a lot of far right posters here and elsewhere very PO'd at him for rejecting them.
racism has a name: TRUMP. his rhetoric brought this violence to El Paso

there's an epidemic of white male rage in america, which our hateful President Trump stokes. its growing. its everywhere. communities of color are under attack
The rhetoric directed at Donald Trump is a thousand times more hateful than what Mr. Trump gives back........

You are absolutely correct.

African American faith leaders defend Trump after White House meeting: 'He's not a racist'
VIDEO: African American faith leaders defend Trump after White House meeting: 'He's not a racist'

President Trump met with 20 African American faith leaders on Monday as he was coming under fire for his criticism of Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., Baltimore and Al Sharpton.
Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., who was among the faith leaders from the African American community that met with the president at the White House, called the meeting sincere and productive.
"The president spent a long time with us and the meeting was not a photo-op," King told "Fox & Friends" Tuesday morning. "He's not a racist. Absolutely is not, and the programs he has moved forward, the higher job market is helping African Americans, the criminal justice reform is helping African Americans."
ME: Well, here we go for the millionth time. Trump condemned white supremacists before, during, and after the election and he has done it a millions times since, and here he is condemning hate again yesterday.
The real question is: When will Democrats condemn THEIR hate, their Antifa, their violence, their people who harass conservatives in restaurants and at their homes: I never see Democrats condemning their hate.
AND GUESS WHAT: The American people notice it too, and that's another reason why the baby-killing Leftists will lose in 2020.

President Trump: Hate has no place in our country
President Trump speaks to press as he departs Morristown on his way to the White House.

Speaking of hate:


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