President Trump holds meeting with Sheriffs 2/7/2017


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Thank you President Trump for calling this fantastic meeting, and for passing on the respect and thanks that we the American people feel for the important job that our officers do for us, and especially for giving them a real voice on their issues and needs from the administration.

I have to admit, prior to watching General Kelly speak in the video I posted earlier, and now listening to this, I had no idea how bad the drug situation was in the lower 48 (heroin and such.) I suppose I may need to reconsider my 'legalize it all' opinion given what I've heard - for sure I feel need to look into it a bit more than I have in the past. I also didn't know that asset forfeiture was canceled (where they like confiscate drugs and drug money for funding police needs (also perhaps we need to work out some legislation or code to kind of discourage abuses by police in that area to assuage public concerns, which wasn't discussed but I will be suggesting to President Trump's staff.)

I'm so happy to hear that their moral is improving because it was getting very bad because of partisan bullshit and political games. I love this idea and I hope the President and General Kelly keeps up this kind of communication with our boys in blue.


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