President Trump Honors Rush at State of the Union

I think the Medal of Honor should be reserved for someone who devoted their life to helping all people, not someone who talks on behalf of one segment of the population. That's just me. I think Rush is an important figure in conservative politics, but that is not enough to earn that award.
Rush is an advocate for those AMERICAN principles that benefit the entire country. I'm glad he was honored before death

He is a advocate for Trump not American principles. Trump's values overwhelmingly favor the rich and powerful. The Medal of Freedom has been soiled like everything Trump touches.
A racist giving a racist the medal. Of course. Such a deal.
President Trump is not a racist.
Neither is Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you, Tuipsycatlover. I don't use radio and television as information sources since the MSM took political orders rather than neutral stands. Ergo, I did not know very much about Rush Limbaugh for the last 10 years, until I started selecting my own topics from Youtube as an occasional political information source, and wikipedia as a last choice for politics, but a one choice for science and the USGS, NASA, and the CDC for scientific verifications when I want to know the absolute study that tells about medical issues and homeopathic panaceas.I like bing search engine, too.

Thank you for assuring me that Rush is not a racist, because I was pretty sure he wasn't but not a 100% certainty since I seldom hear him speak. Occasionally I hear him out, but for some reason, his show does not come up every day on Rush's airing when I'm researching a topic to decide whether it's true or not. If I can't determine it's true, I do not repeat it. When I kept seeing Schiff saying lies using it as a metaphor, which is unclear to simple people, It got to irking me such that I now associate Schiff with hard-core and false narratives to create a schism between leftists who want feel-good stuff thrown their way rather than how the universe actually is. The bad thing about it is he's painting President Trump with the majority of his shameful lies.

Thanks again for the thumbs up on Rush. I thought he likely was not racist, but you confirmed it. :thup:
You must have a listening disability, or a complete mental block:

"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head'

.Rush Limbaugh’s Most Racist Quotes: A Timeline Of Destructive Commentary
Barack The Magic Negro was written and performed by Bo Snerdley who is black himself. Shitstain obama is an evil embarrassment to this country who devoted himself to the failed attempt to get Limbaugh off the air by attacking his advertisers.

I do hope you aren't holding that degenerate ex con, Nelson Mandela up as any kind of icon of human decency. Does the term Mandela necklace mean anything to you? Limbaugh was unbelievably kind toward the cold blooded killer who should never have gotten out of prison.

Likewise, Limbaugh was far more gracious toward degenerate Martin Luther King Jr. than that low life deserved. I'm older than Limbaugh so I have my own memory of King's legendary booze and hooker parties. I remember the stories of funding those parties with money embezzled from the Ebenezer church. Oh yes, his famous I have a dream speech was plagiarized from a speech given by Archibald Carey. The man was a fraud from the beginning.

Simply by not hitting these subjects the way they should have been hit showed that Limbaugh was far from being a racist.
I think the Medal of Honor should be reserved for someone who devoted their life to helping all people, not someone who talks on behalf of one segment of the population. That's just me. I think Rush is an important figure in conservative politics, but that is not enough to earn that award.
Rush is an advocate for those AMERICAN principles that benefit the entire country. I'm glad he was honored before death

He is a advocate for Trump not American principles. Trump's values overwhelmingly favor the rich and powerful. The Medal of Freedom has been soiled like everything Trump touches.
The Medal of Freedom was soiled ever since it was given to Barbra Streisand for nothing and Ellen deGenerese for being a lesbian.
'How they hate him. His announcement was met by determination and faith from his friends and vile delight by his enemies on the left. Did you see a single major Democrat take to social media to wish him well? Keep that in mind when they invite you to disarm.

Remember, they hate Rush not for anything he did, but simply for articulating American freedom effectively and without equivocation. They want him to die, literally, because they disagree with what he thinks, so how do you think they feel about you? Again, consider that the next time a Democrat tells you to give up your guns."
Billie, at least the Democrats here don't wish him ill. Try reading Kat's thread (now closed) in Announcements. No, left wingers that are honest aren't going to miss that asshole's voice on the radiowaves, but no one wants to see him suffer.
A racist giving a racist the medal. Of course. Such a deal.
President Trump is not a racist.
Neither is Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you, Tuipsycatlover. I don't use radio and television as information sources since the MSM took political orders rather than neutral stands. Ergo, I did not know very much about Rush Limbaugh for the last 10 years, until I started selecting my own topics from Youtube as an occasional political information source, and wikipedia as a last choice for politics, but a one choice for science and the USGS, NASA, and the CDC for scientific verifications when I want to know the absolute study that tells about medical issues and homeopathic panaceas.I like bing search engine, too.

Thank you for assuring me that Rush is not a racist, because I was pretty sure he wasn't but not a 100% certainty since I seldom hear him speak. Occasionally I hear him out, but for some reason, his show does not come up every day on Rush's airing when I'm researching a topic to decide whether it's true or not. If I can't determine it's true, I do not repeat it. When I kept seeing Schiff saying lies using it as a metaphor, which is unclear to simple people, It got to irking me such that I now associate Schiff with hard-core and false narratives to create a schism between leftists who want feel-good stuff thrown their way rather than how the universe actually is. The bad thing about it is he's painting President Trump with the majority of his shameful lies.

Thanks again for the thumbs up on Rush. I thought he likely was not racist, but you confirmed it. :thup:
You must have a listening disability, or a complete mental block:

"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head'

.Rush Limbaugh’s Most Racist Quotes: A Timeline Of Destructive Commentary
Barack The Magic Negro was written and performed by Bo Snerdley who is black himself. Shitstain obama is an evil embarrassment to this country who devoted himself to the failed attempt to get Limbaugh off the air by attacking his advertisers.

I do hope you aren't holding that degenerate ex con, Nelson Mandela up as any kind of icon of human decency. Does the term Mandela necklace mean anything to you? Limbaugh was unbelievably kind toward the cold blooded killer who should never have gotten out of prison.

Likewise, Limbaugh was far more gracious toward degenerate Martin Luther King Jr. than that low life deserved. I'm older than Limbaugh so I have my own memory of King's legendary booze and hooker parties. I remember the stories of funding those parties with money embezzled from the Ebenezer church. Oh yes, his famous I have a dream speech was plagiarized from a speech given by Archibald Carey. The man was a fraud from the beginning.

Simply by not hitting these subjects the way they should have been hit showed that Limbaugh was far from being a racist.
I think the Medal of Honor should be reserved for someone who devoted their life to helping all people, not someone who talks on behalf of one segment of the population. That's just me. I think Rush is an important figure in conservative politics, but that is not enough to earn that award.
Rush is an advocate for those AMERICAN principles that benefit the entire country. I'm glad he was honored before death

He is a advocate for Trump not American principles. Trump's values overwhelmingly favor the rich and powerful. The Medal of Freedom has been soiled like everything Trump touches.
Tell that to the millions of blacks and Hispanics who bought the Democrat lies but found employment under President Trump
"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American
I never heard that, but is is accurate. Would you prefer mulatto?

BTW, do you still believe Trump said "bigly" when he clearly said big league?
I heard his dimwitt son say "bigly" yesterday. Go figure.
Geeze Louise, okfine. Death Angel has been around here a long time, and she's good at debating and quite scholarly when called upon. When you've been around a few years you'll catch on that you don't have to rag on people who disagree with your POV. And you're mistaken about President Trump's son. I have it on good information that Barron is around 160 iq, and his other adult children have no lower iqs than 150. President Trump if you've noticed is always prepared and has his speeches memorized and flawlessly so most of the time. To rag on him is a waste of time and computer space. Furthermore, his Holland roots account for his preparedness and excellence in sizing up stuff automatically. The Trumps have the resources to start trends if they've a mind to, so you might check out words they use in the modern urban dictionaries that grace the internet. Just sayin'. It's a little unseemly to call genuises "dimwits".

And FYI: Urban Dictionary: bigly ~ enjoy. ;)
Last edited:
President Trump is not a racist.
Neither is Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you, Tuipsycatlover. I don't use radio and television as information sources since the MSM took political orders rather than neutral stands. Ergo, I did not know very much about Rush Limbaugh for the last 10 years, until I started selecting my own topics from Youtube as an occasional political information source, and wikipedia as a last choice for politics, but a one choice for science and the USGS, NASA, and the CDC for scientific verifications when I want to know the absolute study that tells about medical issues and homeopathic panaceas.I like bing search engine, too.

Thank you for assuring me that Rush is not a racist, because I was pretty sure he wasn't but not a 100% certainty since I seldom hear him speak. Occasionally I hear him out, but for some reason, his show does not come up every day on Rush's airing when I'm researching a topic to decide whether it's true or not. If I can't determine it's true, I do not repeat it. When I kept seeing Schiff saying lies using it as a metaphor, which is unclear to simple people, It got to irking me such that I now associate Schiff with hard-core and false narratives to create a schism between leftists who want feel-good stuff thrown their way rather than how the universe actually is. The bad thing about it is he's painting President Trump with the majority of his shameful lies.

Thanks again for the thumbs up on Rush. I thought he likely was not racist, but you confirmed it. :thup:
You must have a listening disability, or a complete mental block:

"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head'

.Rush Limbaugh’s Most Racist Quotes: A Timeline Of Destructive Commentary
Barack The Magic Negro was written and performed by Bo Snerdley who is black himself. Shitstain obama is an evil embarrassment to this country who devoted himself to the failed attempt to get Limbaugh off the air by attacking his advertisers.

I do hope you aren't holding that degenerate ex con, Nelson Mandela up as any kind of icon of human decency. Does the term Mandela necklace mean anything to you? Limbaugh was unbelievably kind toward the cold blooded killer who should never have gotten out of prison.

Likewise, Limbaugh was far more gracious toward degenerate Martin Luther King Jr. than that low life deserved. I'm older than Limbaugh so I have my own memory of King's legendary booze and hooker parties. I remember the stories of funding those parties with money embezzled from the Ebenezer church. Oh yes, his famous I have a dream speech was plagiarized from a speech given by Archibald Carey. The man was a fraud from the beginning.

Simply by not hitting these subjects the way they should have been hit showed that Limbaugh was far from being a racist.
Rush does use colorful language as I recollect, but he never breaks the law when using his terminology, and no, he does it in a joking way that falls way short of racism. And occasionally, one needs to mention skin color so the cops don't shoot the wrong person. <giggle> (joke, get it?)
"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American
I never heard that, but is is accurate. Would you prefer mulatto?

BTW, do you still believe Trump said "bigly" when he clearly said big league?
I heard his dimwitt son say "bigly" yesterday. Go figure.
Geeze Louise, okfine. Death Angel has been around here a long time, and she's good at debating and quite scholarly when called upon. When you've been around a few years you'll catch on that you don't have to rag on people who disagree with your POV. And your mistaken about President Trump's son. I have it on good information that Barron is around 160 iq, and his other adult children have no lower iqs than 150. President Trump if you've noticed is always prepared and has his speeches memorized and flawlessly so most of the time. To rag on him is a waste of time and computer space. Furthermore, his Holland roots account for his preparedness and excellence in sizing up stuff automatically. The Trumps have the resources to start trends if they've a mind to, so you might check out words they use in the modern urban dictionaries that grace the internet. Just sayin'. It's a little uncomely to call genuises "dimwits".

And FYI: Urban Dictionary: bigly ~ enjoy. ;)
I think the Medal of Honor should be reserved for someone who devoted their life to helping all people, not someone who talks on behalf of one segment of the population. That's just me. I think Rush is an important figure in conservative politics, but that is not enough to earn that award.
Rush is an advocate for those AMERICAN principles that benefit the entire country. I'm glad he was honored before death

He is a advocate for Trump not American principles. Trump's values overwhelmingly favor the rich and powerful. The Medal of Freedom has been soiled like everything Trump touches.
Tell that to the millions of blacks and Hispanics who bought the Democrat lies but found employment under President Trump
Some pretty accurate predictors of elections are saying President Trump is likely to get a 20% increase in black voters due to his job program come November.
"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American
I never heard that, but is is accurate. Would you prefer mulatto?

BTW, do you still believe Trump said "bigly" when he clearly said big league?
I heard his dimwitt son say "bigly" yesterday. Go figure.
Geeze Louise, okfine. Death Angel has been around here a long time, and she's good at debating and quite scholarly when called upon. When you've been around a few years you'll catch on that you don't have to rag on people who disagree with your POV. And your mistaken about President Trump's son. I have it on good information that Barron is around 160 iq, and his other adult children have no lower iqs than 150. President Trump if you've noticed is always prepared and has his speeches memorized and flawlessly so most of the time. To rag on him is a waste of time and computer space. Furthermore, his Holland roots account for his preparedness and excellence in sizing up stuff automatically. The Trumps have the resources to start trends if they've a mind to, so you might check out words they use in the modern urban dictionaries that grace the internet. Just sayin'. It's a little uncomely to call genuises "dimwits".

And FYI: Urban Dictionary: bigly ~ enjoy. ;)
Y'all are such a cute couple.
A racist giving a racist the medal. Of course. Such a deal.
President Trump is not a racist.
Neither is Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you, Tuipsycatlover. I don't use radio and television as information sources since the MSM took political orders rather than neutral stands. Ergo, I did not know very much about Rush Limbaugh for the last 10 years, until I started selecting my own topics from Youtube as an occasional political information source, and wikipedia as a last choice for politics, but a one choice for science and the USGS, NASA, and the CDC for scientific verifications when I want to know the absolute study that tells about medical issues and homeopathic panaceas.I like bing search engine, too.

Thank you for assuring me that Rush is not a racist, because I was pretty sure he wasn't but not a 100% certainty since I seldom hear him speak. Occasionally I hear him out, but for some reason, his show does not come up every day on Rush's airing when I'm researching a topic to decide whether it's true or not. If I can't determine it's true, I do not repeat it. When I kept seeing Schiff saying lies using it as a metaphor, which is unclear to simple people, It got to irking me such that I now associate Schiff with hard-core and false narratives to create a schism between leftists who want feel-good stuff thrown their way rather than how the universe actually is. The bad thing about it is he's painting President Trump with the majority of his shameful lies.

Thanks again for the thumbs up on Rush. I thought he likely was not racist, but you confirmed it. :thup:
You must have a listening disability, or a complete mental block:

"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head'

.Rush Limbaugh’s Most Racist Quotes: A Timeline Of Destructive Commentary
Barack The Magic Negro was written and performed by Bo Snerdley who is black himself. Shitstain obama is an evil embarrassment to this country who devoted himself to the failed attempt to get Limbaugh off the air by attacking his advertisers.

I do hope you aren't holding that degenerate ex con, Nelson Mandela up as any kind of icon of human decency. Does the term Mandela necklace mean anything to you? Limbaugh was unbelievably kind toward the cold blooded killer who should never have gotten out of prison.

Likewise, Limbaugh was far more gracious toward degenerate Martin Luther King Jr. than that low life deserved. I'm older than Limbaugh so I have my own memory of King's legendary booze and hooker parties. I remember the stories of funding those parties with money embezzled from the Ebenezer church. Oh yes, his famous I have a dream speech was plagiarized from a speech given by Archibald Carey. The man was a fraud from the beginning.

Simply by not hitting these subjects the way they should have been hit showed that Limbaugh was far from being a racist.
Well, MLK paid the ultimate price for his shortcomings, but his hero charactization has made a lot of young black kids become successes without attitude that is acceptable to all in society. Thanks, though, I'd read rumors about what you just said, but figured the image that you plant in young minds of goodness may have a beneficent effect overall. In education, I think they call it age-appropriate information. /philosophy

PLZ Forgive me if I ride with the tide and go with the flow ~~ :D
I think the Medal of Honor should be reserved for someone who devoted their life to helping all people, not someone who talks on behalf of one segment of the population. That's just me. I think Rush is an important figure in conservative politics, but that is not enough to earn that award.
Rush is an advocate for those AMERICAN principles that benefit the entire country. I'm glad he was honored before death

He is a advocate for Trump not American principles. Trump's values overwhelmingly favor the rich and powerful. The Medal of Freedom has been soiled like everything Trump touches.
The Medal of Freedom was soiled ever since it was given to Barbra Streisand for nothing and Ellen deGenerese for being a lesbian.
Tipsycatlover, you ever listened to a Barbra Streisand disc? She's a musical genius, which isn't easy for most gals. Her politics may suck, but her music is like taking a magic carpet ride. She's one of the best singers who ever lived, considering that she wrote a lot of her greatest hits, and she touched a cord in everyone's heart before she destroyed her aura with politics. *sigh*
Some people fall in love when she sings this one:
Any time Democrats can be triggered is a good day. Trump can do it every day.
He made it pretty clear this morning at the prayer meeting that forgiveness is good, but justice comes first, or something to the effect he would be irresponsible to let the lies go without correcting the situation that brought them into the House to hang around like attic bats.
I think the Medal of Honor should be reserved for someone who devoted their life to helping all people, not someone who talks on behalf of one segment of the population. That's just me. I think Rush is an important figure in conservative politics, but that is not enough to earn that award.
Rush is an advocate for those AMERICAN principles that benefit the entire country. I'm glad he was honored before death

He is a advocate for Trump not American principles. Trump's values overwhelmingly favor the rich and powerful. The Medal of Freedom has been soiled like everything Trump touches.
The Medal of Freedom was soiled ever since it was given to Barbra Streisand for nothing and Ellen deGenerese for being a lesbian.
Tipsycatlover, you ever listened to a Barbra Streisand disc? She's a musical genius, which isn't easy for most gals. Her politics may suck, but her music is like taking a magic carpet ride. She's one of the best singers who ever lived, considering that she wrote a lot of her greatest hits, and she touched a cord in everyone's heart before she destroyed her aura with politics. *sigh*
Some people fall in love when she sings this one:

So what. She's a singer. That's it.
Any time Democrats can be triggered is a good day. Trump can do it every day.
He made it pretty clear this morning at the prayer meeting that forgiveness is good, but justice comes first, or something to the effect he would be irresponsible to let the lies go without correcting the situation that brought them into the House to hang around like attic bats.
I always remember an article from a religious magazine years ago titled, "No State Right to Forgive." Meaning the State must enforce JUSTICE. A penalty must be paid for crime.
Seeing leftists being triggered by Rush getting Presidential Medal of Freedom, makes me happy.

Trump needs to give the Medal of Freedom to Tucker Carlson next... that will really pop their blood vessels.
I think the Medal of Honor should be reserved for someone who devoted their life to helping all people, not someone who talks on behalf of one segment of the population. That's just me. I think Rush is an important figure in conservative politics, but that is not enough to earn that award.
Rush is an advocate for those AMERICAN principles that benefit the entire country. I'm glad he was honored before death

He is a advocate for Trump not American principles. Trump's values overwhelmingly favor the rich and powerful. The Medal of Freedom has been soiled like everything Trump touches.
The Medal of Freedom was soiled ever since it was given to Barbra Streisand for nothing and Ellen deGenerese for being a lesbian.
Tipsycatlover, you ever listened to a Barbra Streisand disc? She's a musical genius, which isn't easy for most gals. Her politics may suck, but her music is like taking a magic carpet ride. She's one of the best singers who ever lived, considering that she wrote a lot of her greatest hits, and she touched a cord in everyone's heart before she destroyed her aura with politics. *sigh*
Some people fall in love when she sings this one:

So what. She's a singer. That's it.

You need a cookie, TCL. :D
Ame®icano said:
Give one example of Rush being racist.
She Can't
She Only Heard What She Is Told To Think
What not being in the military has to do anything with the "presidential medal of freedom"?
Maybe Her Mind Can't Process It's A CIVILIAN Honor

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