President Trump Honors Rush at State of the Union

Someday the blob may not be a total embarrassment to the nation. Today wasn’t that day. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either.
You're opinion is irrelevant now
Someday the blob may not be a total embarrassment to the nation. Today wasn’t that day. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either.
You're opinion is irrelevant now

As has been the case with your existence since birth
Well earned at this time. Notice Piglosi. Every day I realize why I despise liberals.

I say the medal has been rendered worthless with this ridiculous award. Fuck wingers.

What did Ellen do to earn her Presidential Medal of Freedom?

"The Presidential Medal of Freedom is ... a tribute to the idea that all of us, no matter where we come from, have the opportunity to change this country for the better. From scientists, philanthropists, and public servants to activists, athletes, and artists, these 21 individuals have helped push America forward, inspiring millions of people around the world along the way," President Obama stated.
Ellen DeGeneres to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom
the medal of freedom means crap since Rush got it.
Tramp did over and above just to piss the Democrats off.
It was a like a partisan rally of tramps.

Did you see the "No Boolie's" broad smiling while putting the medal on a bully? So much for her anthem.
Someday the blob may not be a total embarrassment to the nation. Today wasn’t that day. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either.
You're opinion is irrelevant now
Someday the blob may not be a total embarrassment to the nation. Today wasn’t that day. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either.
You're opinion is irrelevant now

As has been the case with your existence since birth
As long as I annoy some my work is complete
Well earned at this time. Notice Piglosi. Every day I realize why I despise liberals.

Giving the Medal of Freedom to a guy who made a good living insulting most of his fellow Americans. Is this contributing to American life and culture? This prostitution of the meaning of the medal illustrates succinctly why I will never cast my vote for a republican

The truth is a warning, not an insult, lysis.
Well earned at this time. Notice Piglosi. Every day I realize why I despise liberals.

Giving the Medal of Freedom to a guy who made a good living insulting most of his fellow Americans. Is this contributing to American life and culture? This prostitution of the meaning of the medal illustrates succinctly why I will never cast my vote for a republican

“It’s disappointing President Trump presented Rush Limbaugh, someone who has dedicated their life to dividing this country, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom and not Brigadier General and Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee,” tweeted Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), referencing a veteran of the African American fighter pilot unit who was also a guest at the address."

Actually, it's way more than disappointing. Both Fat Donnie and Limpboy are extremely disgusting individuals.

Rush Limbaugh told the truth. The divisiveness comes from ambitious, arrogant cheaters like Hillary Clinton who demanded the FBI give her secrets they had so she could intimidate people with information on their private affairs. She gave them back after she had placed them into her computer files, which she kept hidden until she needed to scare someone into meeting her demands or she'd show evidence of their "mistakes." Breaking up somebody else's marriage or destroying a family's business were nothing to this person's sense of dirtying others to attain a goal.
A racist giving a racist the medal. Of course. Such a deal.
President Trump is not a racist.
Neither is Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you, Tuipsycatlover. I don't use radio and television as information sources since the MSM took political orders rather than neutral stands. Ergo, I did not know very much about Rush Limbaugh for the last 10 years, until I started selecting my own topics from Youtube as an occasional political information source, and wikipedia as a last choice for politics, but a one choice for science and the USGS, NASA, and the CDC for scientific verifications when I want to know the absolute study that tells about medical issues and homeopathic panaceas.I like bing search engine, too.

Thank you for assuring me that Rush is not a racist, because I was pretty sure he wasn't but not a 100% certainty since I seldom hear him speak. Occasionally I hear him out, but for some reason, his show does not come up every day on Rush's airing when I'm researching a topic to decide whether it's true or not. If I can't determine it's true, I do not repeat it. When I kept seeing Schiff saying lies using it as a metaphor, which is unclear to simple people, It got to irking me such that I now associate Schiff with hard-core and false narratives to create a schism between leftists who want feel-good stuff thrown their way rather than how the universe actually is. The bad thing about it is he's painting President Trump with the majority of his shameful lies.

Thanks again for the thumbs up on Rush. I thought he likely was not racist, but you confirmed it. :thup:
A racist giving a racist the medal. Of course. Such a deal.
President Trump is not a racist.
Neither is Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you, Tuipsycatlover. I don't use radio and television as information sources since the MSM took political orders rather than neutral stands. Ergo, I did not know very much about Rush Limbaugh for the last 10 years, until I started selecting my own topics from Youtube as an occasional political information source, and wikipedia as a last choice for politics, but a one choice for science and the USGS, NASA, and the CDC for scientific verifications when I want to know the absolute study that tells about medical issues and homeopathic panaceas.I like bing search engine, too.

Thank you for assuring me that Rush is not a racist, because I was pretty sure he wasn't but not a 100% certainty since I seldom hear him speak. Occasionally I hear him out, but for some reason, his show does not come up every day on Rush's airing when I'm researching a topic to decide whether it's true or not. If I can't determine it's true, I do not repeat it. When I kept seeing Schiff saying lies using it as a metaphor, which is unclear to simple people, It got to irking me such that I now associate Schiff with hard-core and false narratives to create a schism between leftists who want feel-good stuff thrown their way rather than how the universe actually is. The bad thing about it is he's painting President Trump with the majority of his shameful lies.

Thanks again for the thumbs up on Rush. I thought he likely was not racist, but you confirmed it. :thup:
You must have a listening disability, or a complete mental block:

"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head'

.Rush Limbaugh’s Most Racist Quotes: A Timeline Of Destructive Commentary
A racist giving a racist the medal. Of course. Such a deal.
President Trump is not a racist.
Neither is Rush Limbaugh.
Thank you, Tuipsycatlover. I don't use radio and television as information sources since the MSM took political orders rather than neutral stands. Ergo, I did not know very much about Rush Limbaugh for the last 10 years, until I started selecting my own topics from Youtube as an occasional political information source, and wikipedia as a last choice for politics, but a one choice for science and the USGS, NASA, and the CDC for scientific verifications when I want to know the absolute study that tells about medical issues and homeopathic panaceas.I like bing search engine, too.

Thank you for assuring me that Rush is not a racist, because I was pretty sure he wasn't but not a 100% certainty since I seldom hear him speak. Occasionally I hear him out, but for some reason, his show does not come up every day on Rush's airing when I'm researching a topic to decide whether it's true or not. If I can't determine it's true, I do not repeat it. When I kept seeing Schiff saying lies using it as a metaphor, which is unclear to simple people, It got to irking me such that I now associate Schiff with hard-core and false narratives to create a schism between leftists who want feel-good stuff thrown their way rather than how the universe actually is. The bad thing about it is he's painting President Trump with the majority of his shameful lies.

Thanks again for the thumbs up on Rush. I thought he likely was not racist, but you confirmed it. :thup:
You must have a listening disability, or a complete mental block:

"Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head'

.Rush Limbaugh’s Most Racist Quotes: A Timeline Of Destructive Commentary
The United States Constitution allows people to say what they think, dear okfine. A lot of people believe that the overwritten birth certificate of Obama's birth in Hawaii is false. His African grandmother says she helped birth Obama, in Kenya where his mother came with his father to live for a few months. Obama's wife, Michelle, is on video describing her husband as "Kenyan born."

I don't know what the truth is. But Obama's first year in college listed him as being on foreign aid that is reserved for people born in foreign countries. I believe it was Occidental in California. I don't know about Harvard, only rumors, but to their credit, Harvard does not ever give student information.

Rush may have resources I never saw. He is well respected, however, for having sources regular people like me have no way of finding.

What I do know is once these rumors started, the sources online disappeared or were taken down on purpose to protect Obama politically. I believe it's called MSM scrubbing, and information I read about Hillary and pictures I saw of her toting an AK-47 (? I think that's the model #) at Princeton the year students took over the school's administration at the behest of a radical professor. All her records were scrubbed, too, confusing people trying to write her biography on their websites. By that time, Hillary was telling the Grand Jury "I forget" every time they asked her a question to determine a fair outcome for seniors who were swindled out of their life's savings in an investment Hillary made a fortune in--Whitewater or some such, I think was the name of the investment. It's been a long time since all that information was also scrubbed off the internet. And who knows? Likely it was removed at the behest of the FBI Hillary's husband was in charge of as POTUS.

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