President Trump Is Right - US Markets Up Nearly 50% Since 2016 Election!...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
You go Trump! :dance:

President Trump gave a speech today at Devos to world government, academic and business leaders at the World Economic Forum. He stated in his speech that the US stock markets are up due to his policies and programs where the markets would be down by the opposite amount had Hillary won.

President Trump is right. He stated that US markets are up by nearly 50% since his election. (The Dow is up 44% since the 2016 election as of yesterday.) He also stated that the markets have hit 84 all time highs since the election. He actually understated the correct amount. As of yesterday, with the Dow reaching another all time high, the Dow reached its 98th all time high since the election...


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President Trump is Right – US Markets Up Nearly 50% (44%) Since 2016 Election!
He stated in his speech that the US stock markets are up due to his policies and programs where the markets would be down by the opposite amount had Hillary won.

I think this is the funniest part. Soooooo butthurt, sooooooo constantly trying to pump up his shortfingered insecurities.

Actually the market's been on a steady rise since 2009. Let's not tell him, he'll just throw another tantrum.
He stated in his speech that the US stock markets are up due to his policies and programs where the markets would be down by the opposite amount had Hillary won.

I think this is the funniest part. Soooooo butthurt, sooooooo constantly trying to pump up his shortfingered insecurities.

Actually the market's been on a steady rise since 2009. Let's not tell him, he'll just throw another tantrum.

Butthurt projection. Get a life, kid. :finger3:
When Obama took over, the stock market was at 7,949. When Obama left office, the stock market was at 19,732.

Today, the stock market is at 26,616.

Now, under Obama, the stock market rose 12,217. Under Trump, it has only risen 6884. Trump still has a long way to go to match Obama's gains in the stock market.
Sorry Democrats/Globalists, no 'apology tours' for this President. Those days are over.
When Obama took over, the stock market was at 7,949. When Obama left office, the stock market was at 19,732.

Today, the stock market is at 26,616.

Now, under Obama, the stock market rose 12,217. Under Trump, it has only risen 6884. Trump still has a long way to go to match Obama's gains in the stock market.

It took the Hussein five years just to crawl back to the Bush Era stock market levels.
After that he got maybe 1800 points. After Trump won the election another 1500 was added by the time the Hussein was kicked to the curb.
He stated in his speech that the US stock markets are up due to his policies and programs where the markets would be down by the opposite amount had Hillary won.

I think this is the funniest part. Soooooo butthurt, sooooooo constantly trying to pump up his shortfingered insecurities.

Actually the market's been on a steady rise since 2009. Let's not tell him, he'll just throw another tantrum.
First year GDP growth: 2.3%
When Obama took over, the stock market was at 7,949. When Obama left office, the stock market was at 19,732.

Today, the stock market is at 26,616.

Now, under Obama, the stock market rose 12,217. Under Trump, it has only risen 6884. Trump still has a long way to go to match Obama's gains in the stock market.

It took the Hussein five years just to crawl back to the Bush Era stock market levels.
After that he got maybe 1800 points. After Trump won the election another 1500 was added by the time the Hussein was kicked to the curb.

Obama isn't the one that crashed the economy. Jr. was, or did you miss that little detail?
When Obama took over, the stock market was at 7,949. When Obama left office, the stock market was at 19,732.

Today, the stock market is at 26,616.

Now, under Obama, the stock market rose 12,217. Under Trump, it has only risen 6884. Trump still has a long way to go to match Obama's gains in the stock market.

It took the Hussein five years just to crawl back to the Bush Era stock market levels.
After that he got maybe 1800 points. After Trump won the election another 1500 was added by the time the Hussein was kicked to the curb.

Obama isn't the one that crashed the economy. Jr. was, or did you miss that little detail?

Bush didn’t do much of anything to crash the economy. Bozo Democrats like Carter, BJ Clinton, and the boobs running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who mandated that banks give loans to minorities with no credit caused the economic disaster.
When Obama took over, the stock market was at 7,949. When Obama left office, the stock market was at 19,732.

Today, the stock market is at 26,616.

Now, under Obama, the stock market rose 12,217. Under Trump, it has only risen 6884. Trump still has a long way to go to match Obama's gains in the stock market.

It took the Hussein five years just to crawl back to the Bush Era stock market levels.
After that he got maybe 1800 points. After Trump won the election another 1500 was added by the time the Hussein was kicked to the curb.

Obama isn't the one that crashed the economy. Jr. was, or did you miss that little detail?

Bush didn’t do much of anything to crash the economy. Bozo Democrats like Carter, BJ Clinton, and the boobs running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who mandated that banks give loans to minorities with no credit caused the economic disaster.


"When your guy is in office it's your guy's fault; when my guy is in office it's your guys' fault".
Double Standard's still funny after all these years.

U.S. stocks fell sharply Monday, extending a steep sell-off from the previous session, as investors rushed for the exits in the wake of rising interest rates. For the S&P 500, it was the worst day in six years.

The Dow Jones industrial average shed 1,175.21 points to 24,345.75 and briefly declined more than 1,500 points. The 30-stock index also briefly traded flat earlier in the session, before the selling returned. The Dow also broke below 25,000 and erased its 2018 gains. It also dipped into correction territory.

"Breaking the early lows of the day means the correction could go on for longer," said Art Cashin, UBS director of floor operations at the New York Stock Exchange.

Dow plunges 1,175 points in wild trading session, S&P 500 goes negative for 2018

this must be obama's fault

I told people in another thread that today was going to be interesting, and guess what? One of the largest drops in the stock market in HISTORY!

Guess everything is huuuuuge under Trump.

I bet the stocks continue to drop this week.

U.S. stocks fell sharply Monday, extending a steep sell-off from the previous session, as investors rushed for the exits in the wake of rising interest rates. For the S&P 500, it was the worst day in six years.

The Dow Jones industrial average shed 1,175.21 points to 24,345.75 and briefly declined more than 1,500 points. The 30-stock index also briefly traded flat earlier in the session, before the selling returned. The Dow also broke below 25,000 and erased its 2018 gains. It also dipped into correction territory.

"Breaking the early lows of the day means the correction could go on for longer," said Art Cashin, UBS director of floor operations at the New York Stock Exchange.

Dow plunges 1,175 points in wild trading session, S&P 500 goes negative for 2018

this must be obama's fault


And it's dropped about 2300 points total since the OP started this thread, starting the next trading day.

I bet the OP is an O'bama sock.
Funny he seems to have abandoned thread. Again.
The DOW has been going up since 2010.

Thanks Obama.

Wanna bet Democrats with stocks are close to double Republicans with stocks?
On his Fox News radio show on Monday, Hannity said the market drop ― which at its worst saw the Dow industrials plunge by nearly 1,600 points and closing down 1,175 points for the day ― wasn’t the fault of President Donald Trump.

It’s his predecessor that’s to blame.

“Because the Obama economy was so weak all of these years, we had just artificially cheap money,” Hannity said, referring to a Fox News analysis he had seen on the cable network.
Yup. Sean Hannity Found A Way To Blame Obama For The Stock Market Drop

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