Something is not right about the upcoming election

Something is not right about the upcoming election?​

That's right. The USA has a criminal defendant as the de facto nominee of a major political party. It's disgraceful.

It was the corrupt Dems / Socialists channeling their inner Stalin by using his prototype of the Moscow trials. There’s little difference separating the political Ideology of Stalin vs. the Dems / Socialists.

It was almost comical to watch the literal meltdown of the Dems / Socialists as they queued their token flunkies to retroactively change laws to bring phony charges.
That he didn’t congratulate Biden or say the word “concession”.
LOL So, you don't like the words/form of his concession speech.

Since to appear to have such a passion for this subject, can you cite a single Presidential candidate in the history of the country that used the word "concession" in their concession speech? Take your time.
It does feel strange to have something being propped up by the party of shit, that raped its 11-year old daughter in the shower.... her words, not mine.

Then you remind yourself - that's the cream of the crop.... that's their cleanup hitter. The premise is mind-numbing... and it's the reason we are the fucking laughingstock of the planet. :laughing0301:

best they have cleanup hitter.jpg
It does feel strange to have something being propped up by the party of shit, that raped its 11-year old daughter in the shower.... her words, not mine.

Then you remind yourself - that's the cream of the crop.... that's their cleanup hitter. The premise is mind-numbing... and it's the reason we are the fucking laughingstock of the planet. :laughing0301:

View attachment 951949
And while partisan drones might be able to pretend otherwise, the Republicans are no better. The system is broken and only voters can fix it. Stop falling for it. Don't vote for these shitbags.
LOL So, you don't like the words/form of his concession speech.

Since to appear to have such a passion for this subject, can you cite a single Presidential candidate in the history of the country that used the word "concession" in their concession speech? Take your time.
Its a given when you congratulate the other guy--your blob didn’t even mention Biden by name.
Its a given when you congratulate the other guy--your blob didn’t even mention Biden by name.
I'll ask again, you were bitching that Trump didn't use the word "concession," can you cite a single Presidential candidate in the history of the country that used the word "concession" in their concession speech?
That is the consequence of a democratic election process, not necessarily a problem.
I think it is a problem. When a leader is opposed by a majority of the country, they're not going to get very far.

I'm not "majoritarian" by any stretch, and that's not the point of this observation. I don't think the majority should always get their way. But, especially when it comes to the Presidency, we need leaders who can persuade and unite. Someone that everyone can respect and follow, even if they don't agree with everything they stand for.

This is why many states have gone to runoff elections. So they're not inadvertently awarding their delegates to someone that the majority of the state opposes. And its why we need ranked choice voting, which streamlines that process.
There is something about the upcoming election that doesn't seem right, especially in comparison with 2016 and prior elections. I don't know if it has to do with the legal cases against Trump, demonstrations about Israel/Hamas, or Biden's continuing gaffes, but I expect some sort of "perfect storm" combination of events that will be as disruptive as anything the US has experienced since 1860.

I am not talking about events after the election, but rather the events leading up to it. The idea of Trump being reelected is very threatening to the Democrat Establishment, and I do not see it peacefully conceding defeat any more than Trump did in 2020. Among other things, we will have continuing disputes about who will appear on various state ballots and Presidential debates between candidates who are not even their party's nominees.

In addition, it seems likely that the US will be embroiled in at least two wars during this election. What emergency measures might be taken in that event? Fasten your seat belts and affix your blast shields. The shit is about to hit the fan.
On the Wednesday right after the election Democrats will already be plotting how to get rid of Trump so that he can't take office, even worse than they did in 2016.
i. Something is not right about the upcoming election 240524 {post•82}

Orangecat May’24 Ssinra wrote decisively the 2020 election was not stolen, instead says: “It was rigged against Trump, and many battleground states had highly questionable rules implemented as well as unprecedented overnight spikes in Biden votes. rngct 240524 Ssinra00082

ii. Republicans try but can't change history.211016 {Post •886}. NotfooledbyW 211016 Vrtbcc inserted excerpts from the Eastman Memo defining M.Pence’s role in the J6,2021 plot to overturn the election
1. VP Pence, presiding over the joint session (or Senate Pro Tempore Grassley, if Pence recuses himself), begins to open and count the ballots,….
2. When he gets to Arizona, he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. [FIRST DISRUPTION >> }This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act.
3. At the end, he announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those states. nfbw 211016 Vrtbcc00886

iii. Something is not right about the upcoming election 240621 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vsinra: I see Saint_Orangecat put in writing (para i. above) in post Ssinra00082 on May 24, 2024 that the 2020 election was not stolen from Donald J. Trump.

I have a question for all MAGA diehards and leaners:

(See para ii. above - Eastman Memo) Why was Mike Pence expected to announce on J6,2021 that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those states? nfbw 240621 Vsinra000136
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