President Trump on Andrew McCabe: "He really looks to me like a poor man’s J. Edgar Hoover"

If McCabe was Hoover, Trump would be blowing him right now to keep the lid on
McCabe is an ultra-liar in the same vein as Cohen.

Trump appointed McCabe, and Cohen was Trump's lawyer for years. Trump only hires the best people, right?

McCabe was acting director for less than 3 months until Wray got appointed.
If you want to sell that as being Trump certified, then by all means continue posting your delusions.
McCabe is an ultra-liar in the same vein as Cohen.
Ya know what he "lied" about?

As Deputy Director of the FBI he has the authority to leak to the press.

What he LEAKED...was that he had been pressuring Mueller to charge Hillary or at least continue the investigation.

Apparently when the IG asked him about that he was "less than candid".


You dolts
McCabe is an ultra-liar in the same vein as Cohen.

Trump appointed McCabe, and Cohen was Trump's lawyer for years. Trump only hires the best people, right?

McCabe was next in line wasn't he? What's the bitch? Its not like he put Jared or Eric Trump there like Jack Kennedy did with Bobby Kennedy.
McCabe is an ultra-liar in the same vein as Cohen.

Trump appointed McCabe, and Cohen was Trump's lawyer for years. Trump only hires the best people, right?

McCabe was acting director for less than 3 months until Wray got appointed.
If you want to sell that as being Trump certified, then by all means continue posting your delusions.

Trump appointed McCabe and then dumped him when he wouldn't do Trump's bidding.
IG's report found that McCabe's arguments to "stand down" on the Clinton Foundations investigation were unpersuasive.
He's trash...good that he's out of office.
McCabe is an ultra-liar in the same vein as Cohen.
How about trump, would you consider him a liar too?

All politicians lie.
True. Now would you also consider him an ultra liar?

Nope. He has kept more campaign promises in two years than any other modern day President!
That alone disqualifies him as an ultra-liar!!
The piece of shit does nothing but lie from the time he gets up til the time he goes back to sleep.
McCabe is an ultra-liar in the same vein as Cohen.
How about trump, would you consider him a liar too?

All politicians lie.
True. Now would you also consider him an ultra liar?

Nope. He has kept more campaign promises in two years than any other modern day President!
That alone disqualifies him as an ultra-liar!!
The piece of shit does nothing but lie from the time he gets up til the time he goes back to sleep.

You just didn't like the promises that he kept.
But that's okay, cause he has the power; and power begets power.
Trump-Promises Made, Promises Kept!

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