President Trump should force the Moderator to repeatedly cut his Microphone off

Free Speech? No one in The so called 100% Democrat ran Debate Commission believes that. No one at Twitter believes in Free Speech, No one at Facebook believes in Free Speech, No one at Google believes in Free Speech. Not a single person in The Democrat Party believes in Free Speech.

Since when in The History of America have we allowed anyone to Censor, Block and Silence an American President? It's disgusting.

Since when do DemNazis try to burn down a Ballot Box and destroy all the ballots inside? Since when do local governments we pay to serve us, throw out ballots, misprint ballots, and lose ballots? This is not a normal election. We are in the midst of a take over rivaling the take over of the Weimar Democratic Republic by the "Democrat Socialists" or Nazis.

Only in Nazi Germany did they silence citizens like this, lock them in their homes and block and censor their opponents.

This is why I call Democrats DemNazis because they have adopted all of their policies. Right down to their labeling and dehumanizing tactics, and separating and dividing of people. It's EVIL.

President Trump needs to make it clear that he is being silenced. He needs to talk about Free Speech, talk about Twitter and Facebook and Mainstream Media doing a cover-up for Joe Biden, and he needs to force The Moderator to cut his microphone off to send a clear message to America and show them what life is like under a tyrannical DemNazi dictatorship.

He needs to confront Joe Biden on his decades of bribery, graft, extortion and personal enrichment, and then have the Moderator try to go in full protect Joe mode so America can see how rigged the debate process has been.

In a normal year, Slow Joe is the laughing stock and a joke, if not propped up by the scamdemic. Once America sees how Quid Pro Joe, China Joe, Russian Joe, Senile Pedophile Joe operates, they will reject him.
Joe is only a laughing stock with the idiots who support Trump. Trump is a laughing stock internationally.

Says the bitch of the International left. The rest of us don't give a shit what international leftists elitists think. Just you do
You are not intelligent enough to listen to what other people think when forming your opinions.
I agree with most everything you said.
However, there do need to be some sort of rules that need to be followed.
I mean you and I cant have a conversation face to face, and hear both sides, if you continually interrupt me.
Keep in mind that Im one of Trumps biggest fans, I voted for him both times, but I do think it would serve him well if he would just chill out, and knock it down a level or two, only during the debate.

I would agree with this except that Trump started interrupting Biden because Biden was making endless, slanderous personal attacks against Trump. Trump isn't big on Biden as a person, but he wasn't doing that in the debate.

Forcing someone to sit there for two minutes of that every question preventing them from responding to endless, deeply personal attacks really isn't reasonable.

I'd be a lot more good with it if the rule was the moderator jumps in when Biden does that and tells him to argue content

Trump interrupted Biden because he wasn't mature enough to be still for 2 minutes.

If you have a rare moment of rationality where your partisan hate doesn't dominate you, rewatch the debate and observe what I said is accurate.

I was sick of the interruptions, but I paid attention and I couldn't blame him for how personal Biden constantly was.

Try an experiment yourself. Write two scripts and have someone read them each to you. The first just disagrees with your views. The second is nothing but vicious, hate filled personal attacks. Which one do you want to respond to immediately and which can you wait until the end?
Trump should answer every debate question "when can we talk about China and the Russians sharing custody of the Bidens?"
Free Speech? No one in The so called 100% Democrat ran Debate Commission believes that. No one at Twitter believes in Free Speech, No one at Facebook believes in Free Speech, No one at Google believes in Free Speech. Not a single person in The Democrat Party believes in Free Speech.

Since when in The History of America have we allowed anyone to Censor, Block and Silence an American President? It's disgusting.

Since when do DemNazis try to burn down a Ballot Box and destroy all the ballots inside? Since when do local governments we pay to serve us, throw out ballots, misprint ballots, and lose ballots? This is not a normal election. We are in the midst of a take over rivaling the take over of the Weimar Democratic Republic by the "Democrat Socialists" or Nazis.

Only in Nazi Germany did they silence citizens like this, lock them in their homes and block and censor their opponents.

This is why I call Democrats DemNazis because they have adopted all of their policies. Right down to their labeling and dehumanizing tactics, and separating and dividing of people. It's EVIL.

President Trump needs to make it clear that he is being silenced. He needs to talk about Free Speech, talk about Twitter and Facebook and Mainstream Media doing a cover-up for Joe Biden, and he needs to force The Moderator to cut his microphone off to send a clear message to America and show them what life is like under a tyrannical DemNazi dictatorship.

He needs to confront Joe Biden on his decades of bribery, graft, extortion and personal enrichment, and then have the Moderator try to go in full protect Joe mode so America can see how rigged the debate process has been.

In a normal year, Slow Joe is the laughing stock and a joke, if not propped up by the scamdemic. Once America sees how Quid Pro Joe, China Joe, Russian Joe, Senile Pedophile Joe operates, they will reject him.
Joe is only a laughing stock with the idiots who support Trump. Trump is a laughing stock internationally.

Says the bitch of the International left. The rest of us don't give a shit what international leftists elitists think. Just you do
You are not intelligent enough to listen to what other people think when forming your opinions.

That's just a stupid bitch post, bro. So you have nothing, huh? Just a two year old tantrum like when your mom took away the spoon you were playing with?
Free Speech? No one in The so called 100% Democrat ran Debate Commission believes that. No one at Twitter believes in Free Speech, No one at Facebook believes in Free Speech, No one at Google believes in Free Speech. Not a single person in The Democrat Party believes in Free Speech.

Since when in The History of America have we allowed anyone to Censor, Block and Silence an American President? It's disgusting.

Since when do DemNazis try to burn down a Ballot Box and destroy all the ballots inside? Since when do local governments we pay to serve us, throw out ballots, misprint ballots, and lose ballots? This is not a normal election. We are in the midst of a take over rivaling the take over of the Weimar Democratic Republic by the "Democrat Socialists" or Nazis.

Only in Nazi Germany did they silence citizens like this, lock them in their homes and block and censor their opponents.

This is why I call Democrats DemNazis because they have adopted all of their policies. Right down to their labeling and dehumanizing tactics, and separating and dividing of people. It's EVIL.

President Trump needs to make it clear that he is being silenced. He needs to talk about Free Speech, talk about Twitter and Facebook and Mainstream Media doing a cover-up for Joe Biden, and he needs to force The Moderator to cut his microphone off to send a clear message to America and show them what life is like under a tyrannical DemNazi dictatorship.

He needs to confront Joe Biden on his decades of bribery, graft, extortion and personal enrichment, and then have the Moderator try to go in full protect Joe mode so America can see how rigged the debate process has been.

In a normal year, Slow Joe is the laughing stock and a joke, if not propped up by the scamdemic. Once America sees how Quid Pro Joe, China Joe, Russian Joe, Senile Pedophile Joe operates, they will reject him.
Joe is only a laughing stock with the idiots who support Trump. Trump is a laughing stock internationally.

Says the bitch of the International left. The rest of us don't give a shit what international leftists elitists think. Just you do
You are not intelligent enough to listen to what other people think when forming your opinions.

That's just a stupid bitch post, bro. So you have nothing, huh? Just a two year old tantrum like when your mom took away the spoon you were playing with?
That is exactly what your reply was. You are the one with no reply. And Ixam not your bro.
Free Speech? No one in The so called 100% Democrat ran Debate Commission believes that. No one at Twitter believes in Free Speech, No one at Facebook believes in Free Speech, No one at Google believes in Free Speech. Not a single person in The Democrat Party believes in Free Speech.

Since when in The History of America have we allowed anyone to Censor, Block and Silence an American President? It's disgusting.

Since when do DemNazis try to burn down a Ballot Box and destroy all the ballots inside? Since when do local governments we pay to serve us, throw out ballots, misprint ballots, and lose ballots? This is not a normal election. We are in the midst of a take over rivaling the take over of the Weimar Democratic Republic by the "Democrat Socialists" or Nazis.

Only in Nazi Germany did they silence citizens like this, lock them in their homes and block and censor their opponents.

This is why I call Democrats DemNazis because they have adopted all of their policies. Right down to their labeling and dehumanizing tactics, and separating and dividing of people. It's EVIL.

President Trump needs to make it clear that he is being silenced. He needs to talk about Free Speech, talk about Twitter and Facebook and Mainstream Media doing a cover-up for Joe Biden, and he needs to force The Moderator to cut his microphone off to send a clear message to America and show them what life is like under a tyrannical DemNazi dictatorship.

He needs to confront Joe Biden on his decades of bribery, graft, extortion and personal enrichment, and then have the Moderator try to go in full protect Joe mode so America can see how rigged the debate process has been.

In a normal year, Slow Joe is the laughing stock and a joke, if not propped up by the scamdemic. Once America sees how Quid Pro Joe, China Joe, Russian Joe, Senile Pedophile Joe operates, they will reject him.
There's no free speech issue. Trump agreed to rules that he wants to break. Ironically, cutting his mike off might be a blessing, since the more he talks the worse he does, and conversely, the strategy should be to give Biden the chance to hang himself, which he has done in the past.

That is the issue with many not realizing Biden is like Trump and the more they speak the more people realize the Voting Base of this country are messed up!
Free Speech? No one in The so called 100% Democrat ran Debate Commission believes that. No one at Twitter believes in Free Speech, No one at Facebook believes in Free Speech, No one at Google believes in Free Speech. Not a single person in The Democrat Party believes in Free Speech.

Since when in The History of America have we allowed anyone to Censor, Block and Silence an American President? It's disgusting.

Since when do DemNazis try to burn down a Ballot Box and destroy all the ballots inside? Since when do local governments we pay to serve us, throw out ballots, misprint ballots, and lose ballots? This is not a normal election. We are in the midst of a take over rivaling the take over of the Weimar Democratic Republic by the "Democrat Socialists" or Nazis.

Only in Nazi Germany did they silence citizens like this, lock them in their homes and block and censor their opponents.

This is why I call Democrats DemNazis because they have adopted all of their policies. Right down to their labeling and dehumanizing tactics, and separating and dividing of people. It's EVIL.

President Trump needs to make it clear that he is being silenced. He needs to talk about Free Speech, talk about Twitter and Facebook and Mainstream Media doing a cover-up for Joe Biden, and he needs to force The Moderator to cut his microphone off to send a clear message to America and show them what life is like under a tyrannical DemNazi dictatorship.

He needs to confront Joe Biden on his decades of bribery, graft, extortion and personal enrichment, and then have the Moderator try to go in full protect Joe mode so America can see how rigged the debate process has been.

In a normal year, Slow Joe is the laughing stock and a joke, if not propped up by the scamdemic. Once America sees how Quid Pro Joe, China Joe, Russian Joe, Senile Pedophile Joe operates, they will reject him.
Joe is only a laughing stock with the idiots who support Trump. Trump is a laughing stock internationally.

Says the bitch of the International left. The rest of us don't give a shit what international leftists elitists think. Just you do
You are not intelligent enough to listen to what other people think when forming your opinions.

That's just a stupid bitch post, bro. So you have nothing, huh? Just a two year old tantrum like when your mom took away the spoon you were playing with?
That is exactly what your reply was. You are the one with no reply. And Ixam not your bro.

Um ... the first post I responded to was your empty claim that all the leftists in the world are for your guy Biden. Sure, he's for sale. But you said nothing. Now suddenly you have a standard?

I don't give a shit what the international leftist community you worship thinks about Biden. All they see is a for sale sign. They're all asking for Hunter to run over and start doing business in their country. They don't object to the Biden corruption, they want to get in on it
Trump won the 2016 election in the third debate by making Crooked Hillary look like an idiot.

It be even more easy for him to make this Biden clown look like an idiot.

Trump knows what he is doing. With everything stacked against him he should ditch the debate but he is planning on humiliating that Biden asshole.

Never underestimate Trump.
Free Speech? No one in The so called 100% Democrat ran Debate Commission believes that. No one at Twitter believes in Free Speech, No one at Facebook believes in Free Speech, No one at Google believes in Free Speech. Not a single person in The Democrat Party believes in Free Speech.

Since when in The History of America have we allowed anyone to Censor, Block and Silence an American President? It's disgusting.

The President is an emotional toddler who refuses to follow the rules that he agreed to. This isn't a "free speech" issue. Nor is Trump being censored. The President is free to say anything he wants, when it's his turn. But he can't talk over, interrupt or prevent the American people from hearing what Joe Biden is saying, like he did last time. The rules protects BOTH parties and ensures BOTH parties get an uninterrupted 2 minutes to answer their questions.

Trump is afraid of the American people hearing the truth so he spent the entire debate last time talking over the Vice-President to prevent his base from hearing from Biden.

Sure, Gladys, sure. It really sucks we're your only neighbor, doesn't it?

Trump won the 2016 election in the third debate by making Crooked Hillary look like an idiot.

It be even more easy for him to make this Biden clown look like an idiot.

Trump knows what he is doing. With everything stacked against him he should ditch the debate but he is planning on humiliating that Biden asshole.

Never underestimate Trump.

I agree, but he needs to debate better. While he was better last time than Biden, he wasn't enough better.

He has to let Biden show what an angry guy he is. He has to get a lot more personal in his attacks, like Biden did to him last time. Biden is an angry guy who's losing his marbles. Why protect him by constantly interrupting him?
NPR describes how the "cut mike" will work.

Each contestant (it's not a debate so I'm using that term) gets 2 minutes to say what they want with the mike off at the beginning of each 15 minute subject segment). So when Topic A comes up, the blob talks for 2 minutes un interrupted, the VP gets to speak for 2 minutes uninterrupted. Then the next 11 minutes is a free for all. Repeat it five more times.
This is nothing but pure Evil. The debate process is tainted and rigged, and the debate commission has repeatedly tried to change the debate rules in the middle of the debate.

When is Hunter and Joe Biden going to be called before Congress to testify?

Never. And, if Biden is in the White House, he appoints Hunter as an advisor and just ignores the Congress for his entire term. Just like your blob.
Maybe Hunter should share his crack pipe with your crack. You seem the type to like meth.

You forgot to put your words in bold. Unhinged rage does that...
You forgot to end your post with "I love DemNazis, same as them Nazis"

Can't hear you with Trump's dick in your mouth.
Free Speech? No one in The so called 100% Democrat ran Debate Commission believes that. No one at Twitter believes in Free Speech, No one at Facebook believes in Free Speech, No one at Google believes in Free Speech. Not a single person in The Democrat Party believes in Free Speech.

Since when in The History of America have we allowed anyone to Censor, Block and Silence an American President? It's disgusting.

Since when do DemNazis try to burn down a Ballot Box and destroy all the ballots inside? Since when do local governments we pay to serve us, throw out ballots, misprint ballots, and lose ballots? This is not a normal election. We are in the midst of a take over rivaling the take over of the Weimar Democratic Republic by the "Democrat Socialists" or Nazis.

Only in Nazi Germany did they silence citizens like this, lock them in their homes and block and censor their opponents.

This is why I call Democrats DemNazis because they have adopted all of their policies. Right down to their labeling and dehumanizing tactics, and separating and dividing of people. It's EVIL.

President Trump needs to make it clear that he is being silenced. He needs to talk about Free Speech, talk about Twitter and Facebook and Mainstream Media doing a cover-up for Joe Biden, and he needs to force The Moderator to cut his microphone off to send a clear message to America and show them what life is like under a tyrannical DemNazi dictatorship.

He needs to confront Joe Biden on his decades of bribery, graft, extortion and personal enrichment, and then have the Moderator try to go in full protect Joe mode so America can see how rigged the debate process has been.

In a normal year, Slow Joe is the laughing stock and a joke, if not propped up by the scamdemic. Once America sees how Quid Pro Joe, China Joe, Russian Joe, Senile Pedophile Joe operates, they will reject him.
Joe is only a laughing stock with the idiots who support Trump. Trump is a laughing stock internationally.

Says the bitch of the International left. The rest of us don't give a shit what international leftists elitists think. Just you do
You are not intelligent enough to listen to what other people think when forming your opinions.

That's just a stupid bitch post, bro. So you have nothing, huh? Just a two year old tantrum like when your mom took away the spoon you were playing with?
That is exactly what your reply was. You are the one with no reply. And Ixam not your bro.

Um ... the first post I responded to was your empty claim that all the leftists in the world are for your guy Biden. Sure, he's for sale. But you said nothing. Now suddenly you have a standard?

I don't give a shit what the international leftist community you worship thinks about Biden. All they see is a for sale sign. They're all asking for Hunter to run over and start doing business in their country. They don't object to the Biden corruption, they want to get in on it
Now you are just making things up. I never said anything about the leftists internationally
The big guy can't verbally spar with Trump without losing his temper and saying something stupid. That is why they want to silence Trump.
Well you might be on to something there.
I know that I would be intimidated if I was debating Trump.
Trump knows how corrupt Biden is, and he wants the voters to know the truth.

The Bubblecultists can't hear any facts.
To hear you tell it, damn near everybody hates Trump. I guess that's why all the polls show him to be losing so badly.
Keep foaming at the mouth over the polls. Maybe they'll get you to throw a victory party for Biden - just like Hillary's in 2016.

View attachment 404309

You're basing all your hopes on the unlikely repeat of a once in a lifetime fluke from four years ago. Let me know how that works out for you.
To hear you tell it, damn near everybody hates Trump. I guess that's why all the polls show him to be losing so badly.
Keep foaming at the mouth over the polls. Maybe they'll get you to throw a victory party for Biden - just like Hillary's in 2016.

View attachment 404309

You're basing all your hopes on the unlikely repeat of a once in a lifetime fluke from four years ago. Let me know how that works out for you.

How was it a fluke?
I agree with most everything you said.
However, there do need to be some sort of rules that need to be followed.
I mean you and I cant have a conversation face to face, and hear both sides, if you continually interrupt me.
Keep in mind that Im one of Trumps biggest fans, I voted for him both times, but I do think it would serve him well if he would just chill out, and knock it down a level or two, only during the debate.

I would agree with this except that Trump started interrupting Biden because Biden was making endless, slanderous personal attacks against Trump. Trump isn't big on Biden as a person, but he wasn't doing that in the debate.

Forcing someone to sit there for two minutes of that every question preventing them from responding to endless, deeply personal attacks really isn't reasonable.

I'd be a lot more good with it if the rule was the moderator jumps in when Biden does that and tells him to argue content

Trump interrupted Biden because he wasn't mature enough to be still for 2 minutes.

If you have a rare moment of rationality where your partisan hate doesn't dominate you, rewatch the debate and observe what I said is accurate.

I was sick of the interruptions, but I paid attention and I couldn't blame him for how personal Biden constantly was.

Try an experiment yourself. Write two scripts and have someone read them each to you. The first just disagrees with your views. The second is nothing but vicious, hate filled personal attacks. Which one do you want to respond to immediately and which can you wait until the end?

Odd, but that's exactly what Biden experienced, and he didn't constantly interrupt like that fat orange child did.

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