President Trump signs executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines

What a waste of paper. There is no Federal Law that stops insurance companies from selling across state lines. In fact a handful of states have already opened up their states to such a thing, and none of the companies too advantage of it.

There are two issue with this. First, different states have different rules and the only way the Fed Govt can have any effect on insurance across state lines is to force them all to be the same. Not a very conservative thing to do.

Secondly, insurance companies have little incentive to do this, as it takes setting up networks of healthcare professionals. And in order to attract people across state lines they would have to be really cheap, which means they are not recouping their expense of starting up.

This is pure theatrics as Trump assumes his followers are too stupid to know the difference.
/---/ small insurance companies looking for market share will jump on this opportunity
Trump preparing executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines

it's called the free market. no one understands that better than Trump!

And you and his base believed him? lol I want to know why he had to sign an EO that was already in play since 2016? This has got to be the funniest bullshit in 8 months.

Insurers not interested in selling ObamaCare across state lines

he GOP’s decade-old talking point has gained momentum since the healthcare law passed six years ago. But Republicans rarely — if ever — acknowledge that the crux of what they want is already allowed under ObamaCare.

For the last 10 months, states have been legally allowed to let insurers sell plans outside their borders.
Despite the idea’s enduring popularity, no states have signaled interest in the policy, insurance experts and regulators say. And the federal government never even finished writing the rules for how it would work.

“Insurers aren’t interested at this point,” Linda Blumberg, a senior fellow on health policy at the Urban Institute, said in an interview. “It’s kind of a lot of effort for no necessary return.”

ObamaCare’s little-known provision that allows insurers to sell plans across state lines was tucked inside the 1,000-page law at the time of its passage, though it didn’t go into effect until January 2016.

Under the law, two or more states can band together into what’s called a “healthcare choice compact.” That means people can buy health coverage from another state that wouldn’t be subjected to the rules of their home state, as long as those states agree.

You'll have to read it, would not let me copy and paste the whole article.

If it ever happens fine with me, but my money is against it happening in the near future.
Right now, the insurance commissioner has to approve any insurance rate hikes insurance companies want, and insurance companies offering insurance in my state have rules they have to agree to....

If any insurance company from another state agrees to meet my state rules, they can sell insurance here....

How does TRUMPs executive order change that?

Next E O he's going to abolish the NAIC. lol
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It is now clear that Republicans are incapable of giving us a free market in health insurance, so it continues to be illegal in America to buy health plans that don't cover shrinks, domestic violence counseling and HIV screening
Right now, the insurance commissioner has to approve any insurance rate hikes insurance companies want, and insurance companies offering insurance in my state have rules they have to agree to....

If any insurance company from another state agrees to meet my state rules, they can sell insurance here....

How does TRUMPs executive order change that?

Actually increases under 10% can be approved at the State level. The real problem is that all plans will still have the minimum basic coverages AND still follow the 80/20 rule. Across state lines means nothing

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