President Trump the Magnificent puts IRAN on Notice

Yes I realize that you blindly hate not only President Trump, but his entire family and anyone who happens to like them Rastamen.

Alpha male has /nothing/ to do with military service so I'm afraid your rant is unrelated to anything.
Typical conservative response. Hey make sure you tell a military service member "Thank you for their sacarifice". Which you really....It sucks to be you! And thanks for serving so I don't have to!!!!

hmmm this 'accusation' against me slipped under my radar...

Well let's compare notes.

My grandparents fled Nazi Germany, grandpa turned around and went back to fight with the American soldiers. My step-grandfather fought in Japan during WWII. (My maternal Grandfather delivered Air Mail, neat job FYI)

My bio-dad was an electrician in the Army he was stationed in, and I was nearly born in, Germany, but ultimately we ended up in Alaska, where my dad wired up nearly the entire town of Valdez and Seward on their behalf. Mother refused to leave her career with the FAA in Alaska to return to farming when Dad decided to go home to North Dakota to take over the family farm so they divorced when I was 3. My step-father, whom I always call Father, came into my life when I was 5, he served 36 years in the Army National Guard; he retired a 4 star general and commander of the Alaska Army National Guard, 'retired' and went on to serve as a civilian advisor to the Governor, and then as the Commander of the Alaska Military Youth Academy. (He retired from that and now serves on the volunteer police force in Nevada.)

My ex-husband's entire family was Air Force - bunch of pussies so we'll just gloss over that. My current husband is a West Point graduate who fought in... "Central America" (He was 'retired' from the military for adultery while waiting for his divorce to be final - meanwhile Clinton was getting away with porking interns in the oval office. He still hasn't particularly forgiven for that bullshit... We don't talk about it in this house, this past election cycle was hellish for the usual peace and quiet heh)

I wanted to join myself, but they weren't real particular on taking women up here so the recruiters turned me away - I actually followed their advice and became a secretary, which ultimately led me to a job as an Interim Executive (which is basically someone who steps in during corporate emergency position openings, like if someone in upper management fucks up, I also did consultation 'take-overs' when companies were starting out or floundering.) If I had gotten into the military, no doubt I'd be a general bossing all the peons around - they'd hate me because I'm a hard ass thanks to my Father and his stupid fucking white glove light bulb cleaning checks and a million other things I raged at him for when I was a teen. I'm thankful that he came into my life now, deeply thankful. I probably would have been a total fuck up if he hadn't been there to provide a counter-point to my Mother spoiling me and letting me get away with everything...
75 Straight Months of Job Growth! The Obama economy closed out with a low 4.7% unemployment rate. In December, his final full month in office, the U.S. economy added a slightly disappointing 156,000 jobs. It marked the 75th consecutive month of job gains, the best on record.Jan 6, 2017

Suck it

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, FIRST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY to not have a single year with the GDP, the Growth Domestic Product above THREE PERCENT.

Eight years of former President Carter-style malaise.
Because Republicans didn't give him stimulus money they gave to Reagan and bush.

Remember bush had to sent us all money a couple times to keep from falling into an official recession. So many job losses. Good paying jobs too. You Republicans admit it now. It's what led to president trump not jeb
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
Or we could depend on the master deal maker to keep us out of war.
Great point. If the GOP turn a blind eye to oil producers jacking up the price to over $4 a gallon, that will do wonders for the oil companies and those workers. But it will be at the expense of everyone else. If we are putting it in our tank we aren't buying other things. The oil companies hate alternative energy. You'll see Trump roll back regulations and subsodies for green technologies like when Reagan ripped the solar panals off the white house.

Yes, Trump will help the oil companies by allowing them to gouge us. It'll happen gradually but it will happen.

And I now have a job 7 minutes from home. Used to work 1 hour away. I hope they do jack up the gas prices. I'm no longer part of the labor force I'm now investor class.

There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
Or we could depend on the master deal maker to keep us out of war.

The Iranian government is evil, pure evil. The only deal one can make with evil is to trade it your soul.
EDIT Ooops sorry for the tag, don't know why it stuck the quote in there >.<

So Trump should take out OPEC? I'm all for it frankly. However, the only way to do that is to "take the oil" - a suggestion that was mocked during the campaign as I recall.
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
Or we could depend on the master deal maker to keep us out of war.

The Iranian government is evil, pure evil. The only deal one can make with evil is to trade it your soul.
Well that is what the president does, make deals and that's it.
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
Or we could depend on the master deal maker to keep us out of war.

The Iranian government is evil, pure evil. The only deal one can make with evil is to trade it your soul.
Drama queen alert! Good vs evil? Sounds like you're building a case for war. So much for diplomacy
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
Or we could depend on the master deal maker to keep us out of war.

The Iranian government is evil, pure evil. The only deal one can make with evil is to trade it your soul.
Drama queen alert! Good vs evil? Sounds like you're building a case for war. So much for diplomacy
You know Trump is. Like Bush,Jr. he wants to be a war president.
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
Or we could depend on the master deal maker to keep us out of war.

The Iranian government is evil, pure evil. The only deal one can make with evil is to trade it your soul.
Drama queen alert! Good vs evil? Sounds like you're building a case for war. So much for diplomacy

Yes I am. Watching thousands of civilians die in a nuclear attack isn't something the world needs to witness again.
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
Or we could depend on the master deal maker to keep us out of war.

The Iranian government is evil, pure evil. The only deal one can make with evil is to trade it your soul.
Drama queen alert! Good vs evil? Sounds like you're building a case for war. So much for diplomacy
You know Trump is. Like Bush,Jr. he wants to be a war president.
Of course he does.
How many times has Trump told us he loves a good fight. He always wins. He hates to lose. He's not afraid of a nuclear arms race. Trump sees life as a constant fight.
We are paying for 1953. Those who want a military confrontation now as a result of then have a strange sense of self preservation. They should certainly be the first ot sign up and volunteer for the front lines. The military accepts all genders, now.
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

We could just wait until Iran gets a nuclear bomb and a missile system capable of hitting the U.S. or its allies.
Like we waited for Japan to strike Pearl Harbor. Or like we waited for Bin Laden to strike New York.
The problem with that philosophy is a nuclear strike will kill many thousands and completely destroy a city.

So we could wait or we could allow those in the military to do what they signed up to do. And that's to protect America and its citizens from harm. They know the risk and I'm sure my father (army infantry) and his fellow service men would not fear fighting to save their fellow citizens. They know the risks and they are not afraid!

Freedom isn't free!!
This 'person' to the front of the parachute line.
We are paying for 1953. Those who want a military confrontation now as a result of then have a strange sense of self preservation. They should certainly be the first ot sign up and volunteer for the front lines. The military accepts all genders, now.

Oh the drama

Iran is done for. It will be a great day when they are reduced to rubble

You're a fucking idiot! 99℅ of the people in Iran are good people. It's just their leadership that sucks. Similar to here.

But you wouldn't know that being a retarded right wing brainwashed con tool
Trump and Donald Jr are alpha males, Ivanka is an alpha bitch as well. idk what happened with Eric heh
The Trump males have been in America over 100 years and the Donald Trump's family males have served in the MILITARY!!!! They only serve themselves! There is nothing patriotic about those BASTARDS!!!

Summary of Trump Family 150-Year Military Service

During that same 150 year period, male members of Donald Trump’s family have lived in the United States and fully benefited from the freedom, liberty, economic opportunity, and blessings of our country in every decade but the 1870’s. (Frederick Trump arrived as a military-aged immigrant to the United States in 1885).

The list above shows that at least 19 Trump family males have lived in America during those 140 years. Based on the best information available, one died in infancy, one is seriously disabled, and six are young children under the age of 10 years old. One more has just reached the age for military service. Thus there were 10 mature Trump men who were of military service age over this time period.

The 19 enumerated Trump men have lived in America for a combined total of 654 years, as of 2016 (more than six centuries). For our purposes, we will assume a military service obligation may occur between the ages of 18-45 (in a major national conflict, such as during the draft in World War II). A quick review of the birth dates of the Trump men shows that they have accumulated a total of 255 military service-eligible years during this period (about 40% of all their years living in America).

The military service-eligible years in the Trump family men are distributed as follows: 30 years for Generation 1 (grandfather Friedrich Trump); 54 years for the two members of Generation 2; 105 years for the four members of Generation 3; 66 years for the three members of Generation 4 (excluding young Barron Trump). This is an average of 25 years of military eligibility for each of the 10 Trump men.

The Trump family military history is atypical for an family here in America since the middle of the 19th century, and leaves a lot to be desired with respect to their dedication to the public good. Paying one’s fair share of taxes to support our men and women is one part of the puzzle, but even generous payments do not substitute for being willing to stand going in harm’s way for your fellow citizens.

Donald Trump’s life experience with military matters consists of attending a disciplinary military academy for five years in high school, marching around the parade ground, and playing soldier uniform dress-up. He actively avoided his own opportunity for military experience when he had the chance to serve in a hot war. He rejected the opportunity to serve as a Reservist or member of the National Guard then and later. He has recently attempted to hijack a charitable event for Veterans (January 2016) in order to shine the spotlight on himself, and then ducked payment of his boldly announced and freely offered contribution, until a national news paper hounded him for months and shamed him into honoring his commitment.

How Many Trump Men Have Served in the U.S. Military in 150 Years?*

Based on publicly available records sources and the news searches described above, the plain answer is None. Zero for Ten.

Absent a draft or other legal compulsion, there is, of course, nothing illegal about this record. There can be many reasons why any particular person does not get to serve.

However, over this long a period of time (1.5 centuries), with the number of major military conflicts the U.S. has fought in, and with this number of Trump male family members, it seems unusual that not one of them made the same sacrifice of service as tens of millions of their countrymen.

Trump has no background of family military service to draw on or inform him, that he might appreciate the routine and enormous sacrifices of those who have actually served our country or lost loved ones in wartime.

Trump’s Military Service Family History: A 50-Year Update (July 27, 2016)
You are severely underestimating Trump's years at the New York Military Academy, how formative it was for his outlook towards life, his work ethic, patriotism, and his deep respect for anything military. It was indeed the same lasting effect going to West Point Academy would have. In fact it definitely had more of an impact on Trump than had he actually only served in the military. That is why he has nominated so many generals for his cabinet.
Surely you're not comparing the New York Military Academy, a boarding school for wealthy problem children with West Point.
You missed the point totally asswipe. The military academy straightened Trump out and gave him the patriotism, respect for the military, backbone and discipline you see that he has today. That's what military academies do!
Apparently, it didn't instill enough respect, backbone, and discipline for him to volunteer to fight for his country but rather to seek deferments and watch others do the fighting. While others were dying in the service of their country, Trump was driving around New York in his daddy's Rolls establishing himself as a million dollar playboy.

Choosing to pursue a career as an entrepreneur doesn't make him less of a patriot. At least he didn't do was Hussein Obama did, got busy making friends with anti American anarchist terrorists like Ayers, eh?
Iran is done for. It will be a great day when they are reduced to rubble

You're a fucking idiot! 99℅ of the people in Iran are good people. It's just their leadership that sucks. Similar to here.

But you wouldn't know that being a retarded right wing brainwashed con tool
So perhaps Hussein Obama could have sided with the Iranian people, when they were protesting against the barbaric Mullahs, as opposed to turning his back on them? Hussein Obama did everything to legitimize the Islamist cancer in charge of Iran. Or maybe, G-D willing, Trump has the balls and foresight to help the people of Iran finally overthrow the Islamist regime once and for all?
Apparently, it didn't instill enough respect, backbone, and discipline for him to volunteer to fight for his country but rather to seek deferments and watch others do the fighting. While others were dying in the service of their country, Trump was driving around New York in his daddy's Rolls establishing himself as a million dollar playboy.

I would have thought you hated those who served in Vietnam. Lots of folks, all the hippies, hated me.
Vietnam wan't going to invade nor nuke America. So why did over 58,000 military service members killed?

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